donttemptthewidow · 5 years
How do you feel about actual spiders?
“They’re interesting, but not extremely so,” she says looking at a spider building its web in the corner of her living room. “They don’t bother me that much,” she says walking towards said corner, a broom in hand. “But like all things, if they bother me,” as she speaks she raises the broom and thrust it into the spider, killing it. “I crush them.”
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
What's your favorite animal?
“Hm...” Shivya muses tapping her chin as she thinks. It had never been important in the past so she had never really thought about it. 
“Bears, I think,” She says with a shrug. “I don’t know, but I guess bears will do for now.”
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
why would you do that to Kveto? Oh my god
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“What did you expect? Most men are vulnerable to that sort of approach.”
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“Though I guess Mr. Ekel is either a man of different tastes or was just too high strung given his recent… incarceration.”
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
“Ah, so you were the one who’d been captured,” Shivya says covering her mouth with her hand, her gaze dropping to the floor. She had heard rumors of an agent being captured recently. She had also heard rumors of what had been done to said agent. “I apologize, I didn’t think the front door would be the best option. Especially if I had been wrong,” She says crossing her arms over her chest. 
 “But I understand your reaction,” She says with a sour smile. “Anyone would be on edge with the government bearing down on them again. Especially after what the rumors said you endured.” 
Shivya lets out a sigh, the heavy atmosphere making her uncomfortable. She stands and brushes some dirt from her dark pants. “Lets start over shall we?” She says extending a hand and smiling at the man in front of her. 
 “My name is Shivya Vdova, and its a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” 
supply drop - closed rp
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
“Ah, so you were the one who’d been captured,” Shivya says covering her mouth with her hand her gaze dropping to the floor. She had heard rumors of an agent being captured. She had also heard even worse rumors of what had been done to said agent. “I apologize, I didn’t think the front door would be the best option. Especially if I had been wrong,” She says crossing her arms over her chest.
“But I understand your reaction,” She says with a sour smile, looking up to meet his gaze. “Anyone would be on edge with the government bearing down on them, again. Especially after what the rumors said you endured.”
Shivya lets out a sigh, the heavy atmosphere making her uncomfortable. She stands and brushes some dirt from her dark pants. “Lets start over shall we?” She says extending a hand and smiling at the man in front of her.
“My name is Shivya Vdova, and its a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
supply drop - closed rp
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
"A bit of both actually,” Shivya says as she sits up and removes her mask, revealing her face completely. “I am from The Order, but they did not send me. I came here out of my own curiosity, ” she says smiling at the cautious man standing before her.
She doesn’t stand, staying in a more vulnerable position will probably keep her alive longer. Just to be safe she keeps her hands on her lap, just in case she needed to reach for a knife.
“I am Shivya Vdova, and I believe your roommate is the one who delivered my supplies behind the Vice earlier today. Seeing as you have both arms,” She says locking eyes, or rather eye, with the man.
"Who might you be?“
supply drop - closed rp
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
"Now lets not get too excited here," Shivya says tilting her head innocently, her hood falling and revealing her short, blond locks. "After all, I believe infighting would irritate our mutual employer." She can see the confusion run across his face as he continues to hover over her.
"It wouldn't serve them, only when tyranny ends we will disappear again."
supply drop - closed rp
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
She had been careless and look where it got her. Pinned to the floor beneath a ragged stranger. Still, with her job and skill set this wasn't completely out of the ordinary, just a bit more... rough than she cared for. 
 "I can assure you, I mean you and your family no harm," she says struggling to make out the man straddling her. Its difficult to see most of his features in the darkness, but from what she can tell he wasn't expecting a woman, and most never do anyway. 
"But I must say, you've made quite the impression," she says as she maneuvers a leg to wrap around the strangers hip and pull him closer. "I didn't think our first meeting would take this kind of turn," she says in a teasing voice as she smiles beneath her mask.
supply drop - closed rp
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
Shivya sat perched outside a window to a room for her suppliers apartment. The window had been left ajar and the lights are off. Glancing around the shadowed interior, the room looks deserted. It almost felt too easy. Too easy to find them, too easy to break in, but she had to know. Sometimes it was hard for her to keep so many secrets, and this was one of them.
'Fuck it,' she thinks as she slowly opens the window and climbs inside.
supply drop - closed rp
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
‘This person is an idiot,’ Shivya thinks as she watches the figure continue to walk briskly down the street ahead of her, not once looking over their shoulder. Its obvious to her that this person is very familiar with the area. They seem more relaxed as they continued their journey, still ignorantly unaware of Shivya’s obvious pursuit. 
She keeps her distance, careful not to lose sight of her target. As she continues her pursuit she notices something odd about this persons appearance. Their right arm seemed to move in an... unnatural way. Shivya’s eyes trail down said arm and notices the lack of a hand at the end of the sleeve. ‘They’re missing part of they’re arm? Interesting...’
After some time the figure enters a large apartment building, and Shivya follows not too far behind. The figure heads directly for the stairs, and luckily for Shivya ignores the elevator completely. ‘That makes this easier,’ Shivya thinks as she catches the door to the stairwell just before it can close. Silently slipping into the stairwell, Shivya notice the footsteps making quick work of the stairs. Shivya looks up and watches the figure disappear from the platform on the fifth floor.
Quickly rushing up the stairs, Shivya pauses at the door before quietly opening it, just in time to watch her target disappear into a room at the end of the hall. She silently stalks down the hall and stands in front of the door. This is it, she’d found her supplier. She could knock and demand an explanation. But that would be too direct and likely draw some unwanted attention, which is the last thing The Order needs right now. She’d heard through the grape vine of an agents capture, subsequent torture, and their shocking release. More attention on any of their agents is the thing she wanted to avoid the most. 
Shivya makes note of the apartment number and location, before leaving the same way she came. Soon Shivya is back in the streets once more, though not for long. She heads straight for the alley way, knowing most apartment buildings have fire escapes. ‘See you soon,’ Shivya thinks as she ascends the ladders. 
supply drop - closed rp
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
Supply Drop - Closed Rp
Shivya waited on the roof of the Pink Vice, her hood up and her mask pulled up, obscuring her features further. Shivya was curious as to why her delivery was so late. she had to improvise on several of her high profile missions. So safe to say she wanted answers.
After receiving a message from the Order that her deliver would be dropped off in a days time, no other details, no explanation. So here she sat, stating out the drop cite, waiting to see her supplier for the first time.  
‘If The Order wouldn’t give her answers, she’d get them herself,” Shivya thought as she continues to scan for anyone out of place. She sat there for some time before a shifty figure made its way towards the alley.
‘Could you be more obvious?’ she thought as she watched the figure repeatedly glance over they’re shoulder. They pause at the entrance to the alley, glancing around more before walking swiftly towards the dumpster. They glance around the dumper, searching, like they’ve never been here before. Finally after much searching they find the gap behind the dumpster. The pull a small package from they’re jacket and stuff it into the gap. Once the package is tucked safely away for later retrieval, the figure turns and quickly leaves the alley.
‘Lets see where you go,’ Shivya thinks as she drops off the roof and follows not far behind the mysterious figure.
supply drop - closed rp
Alright… it’s just one more block until I can drop this stupid package and head home before someone sees me.
Laz really wasn’t used to taking care of supply drops like this, as he was usually just a messenger and clearly that was different. Delivering messages was much more inconspicuous and frankly, dropping packages always made him feel so nervous. He had no idea how Kveto could do this so nonchalantly all the damn time, but whatever…
As he drew nearer to the drop site he felt more and more on edge, like someone was watching him. One downside of the hood was that his peripheral vision was shit, but he guessed he had to stick to the whole “mysterious stranger” shtick The Order had going on.
It seemed pretty funny to him that the site ended up being an alley near the Pink Vice. As if that place didn’t already have some dubiously legal practices, right? He ducked into the alley after giving a quick scan of his surroundings and tucked the lockbox into a small gap in the brickwork of the building. 
There, that ought to do it. Now to get the hell home.
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
Speaking of cannibism, have you met the Ekel family yet?
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
How do you feel about cannibalism?
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“Cannibalism?” Shivya says reaching up and tugging her mask down to her chin.
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“Disgusting, the sheer idea that someone would resort to eating another is absolutely horrendous, even if done for survival. Anyone who commits such crimes should be put down like the savage animal they are,” Shivya says narrowing her eyes. 
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“But now that you mention it, someone sent Patharus some “people jerky”, as you all called it. It seems one of those nasty creatures is fixated on him. I’ll have to keep a closer eye on him from now on, maybe even go through all his mail,” she says tapping her chin thoughtfully. 
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
Hey Shivya, what did you look like as a baby or child?
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“It took me a while to find but here it is. My mother took this picture when I was 4, she wanted to capture my reaction to the bear she made me. I think I was a bit confused by the camera to focus on the bear, hahahaha.”
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
What's your favorite color?
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“I don’t normally wear much color outside of work, I usually try and keep a low profile. But I’ve always seemed to like purple, regardless of the shade.”
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
ohmygod someone is trying to feed people jerky to your neighbor
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“WHO’S DOING WHAT!?!?” Shivya shouts before bursting out her door and begins to furiously knock on Patharus, hoping the blond answers before its too late. 
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donttemptthewidow · 5 years
What do you think of Patharus? He seems pretty fond of you already.
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“From what little I’ve seen of Patharus he is kind, sweet, and quite honestly a bit naive.”
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“He reminds me a lot of my sister so its hard not to look out for him.” 
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