Bruh i had like one(two, but the second artist is pretty neat and mostly non-undertale arts) artist who was trashing my page, and they ware popular and now I can't think of anything but "If i was my younger self, would it count as betrayal and end of my career as a writer?"
Because, yes, i started writing when i had Undertale all over amino app and it's truly terrible how much angst I can write. Anyway, Danny Phantom is stuck in my brain and I'm speedrunning 52 series so it would be nicer to write about him and his brain.
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Please, I had this Tumblr account from like 2 years ago and there's just UNDERTALE EVERYWHERE AND I CAN'T GET IT OFF MY PAGE
PS: I do have more ideas for fanfictions, but first: how to get rid of my past mistakes, such as Undertale phase?
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I'm starting to hate Bakudeku and all of the mlm relationships in mha
I thought they were better than my Undertale phase, but they're worse
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So I found this caterpillar on my way to class
We’re bros
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13th of April is on my for you page. It's 15th of April rn.
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Oh My God — Alec Benjamin but it's "Randy was ninja for 4 years now" or Randy got mind wiped by Nomicon, ehe
Looking at the pictures He keeps on his shelf in Nomicon, "It's been so long since I've looked like myself", Randy sighed, looking back at school from pages in the book. It was... Four long years of being a ninja, and now he needs to enter Ultimate lesson and become something he once was: a boring guy with no goals in his life. "Burn another candle down" whispered his best friend, who couldn't enter the book with him, Howard. He thought, there was a ritual where Randy supposed to stay in the circle of candles and tell some mysterious cool crap. Randy chuckled, feeling how sadness boiled inside his big heart he had to tear apart any second; Nomicon patiently waited for him, knowing how sad it is.
"I'm running out of patience" First Ninja wasn't serious, saying those words. He formed a bond with this boy for those 2 years he's been with him in the book, "You're not gonna make it half way to the school" Ninja said, forgetting the boy is now a man. He is now working at the shop nearby that school, and it was his lunch time when Nomicon said "It's time". They would never forget how sad and defeated he looked; was it always that hard to let go?
"But it's too late to turn around?" Randy made a horrible joke, because he was stuck in a book with no other way than Ultimate lesson. Howard was waiting for him with a note, saying who he was, what he's supposed to do and other things he needed after his mind being erased completely.
"It's too late to turn around" Plop-Plop said, appearing from thin air with red eyes so close to the boy. Randy made his life special, even tho he caused so much troubles that way. He placed his hand on his shoulder, trying to look cheerful.
Randy is running out of oxygen, holding his breath this entire time. It was his fate, he thought, looking at everyone's faces. Sad and defeated First Ninja, just like him. Plop-plop with stressed look and anxious habbit of ruffling a piece of his clothes. And Howard. They decided not to mess with his memory and not tell "New Randy" about their adventures. He looked awful, not sleeping this whole night, "I'll never be the same again now," Randy said, now looking forward. Nomicon moved door closer, feeling like ninja would run away to the exit, placed right next to mind wipe, "Now or never" holding his breath, he went through the door, now it was so much easier to open.
"Oh boy!" 'New Randy' jumped, awakening. Howard almost let go of the note into his burger he brought just before his friend went into Nomicon, "I can't remember...Who I was? What have I done? How did I get here? Randy watched as boy sat before him, reading out loud.
"Look in the mirror: You are Randy Cunningham, a worker in this shop. You lost your memory due to an accident with fruits on this shelf. You placed them, but they got wild and pushed you off. Sorry for this in... Incon... Inconvenience. I am your friend, Howard Weinerman, and we are coworkers."
"Maybe I was foolish? Should I leave?"
"I guess you were naive?"
Howard couldn't help but feel angry. He didn't know what he had and he thought he had to leave? "You wish you were homeward bound?" He asked, remembering with a little sad smile how Randy showed him his way home and marked every turn with a marker, specially made for The Ninja by his old enemy. "Yes?" They should search for a signal, then. Howard hold Randy's phone, thinking if he had gone far with his anger; he almost sarcastically said another dumb think to his best friend with amnesia, they agreed to call it that.
"Am I on my own?" Randy hopefully looked at Howard, but he shook his head, "Can't help but I wish I could've stayed a bit longer"
(please listen to the music, it's so good!)
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There are only two of my favourite artists in music: Alec Benjamin and Billie Eilish
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Reblog if you genuinely support asexuals
It terrifies me that there’s so much raging passion in the lgbt+ community that insist on marginalizing asexuals and implying that asexuals don’t deserve to have safe spaces. There’s still so much acephobia so I just wanna know which blogs are genuinely supportive and a safe space for asexuals
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Ehe, hello
Billie Eilish — Party Favor but Howard and Randy
Randy overstep the line being ninja and Howard is now pissed at him. Calling him on the last day before doomsday (his Dad moving away and takes Howard with him, so Howard decided it's best to talk about it now).
"Hey, call me back when you get this" Howard reading a note he'd done for this moment, turning on the TV to see his dad and his Boss, (brb-), celebrating their "A Year With Ninja!" idea, "Or when you've get a minute, we really need to talk" but then there's Ninja right next to them, and people can see him smiling underneath the mask, "Wait, you know what? Maybe just forget it!" Howard tore down the note, "cause by the time you get this, your number might be blocked!" The boy knew what he's doing, not letting the note down. The stank was on it's way, he wanted to think it was. But of course he let go of his phone, ending the call before doing so. Getting a new phone because The Ninja sliced his current? Not after getting thousands of pictures through those 8-9 years of being friends with Cunningham. He hates to admit, he would never leave Randy alone if it wasn't for his bullshit and dad's work.
"You just want what you can't have!" Howard remembered those words dearly, now whispering them, seeing the stank getting closer somehow horribly slowly. The note wasn't something it wanted to possess, Howard realized when the stank covered his mouth and nose. He was in a big trouble now.
"No wait, I'll call the cops!" Howard screamed, feeling his mind being stolen away. He didn't want to be Sorcerer's puppet no more. What about The Ninja?! Does his friend needs to kill Howard to save the city?! Just, no! "If you don't stop I'll call The Ninja!"
"And I hate to do this to you on your Birthday..."
His skin started to look like a grape. Rage covered his eyes in red, leaving no place for regret to be in his stolen mind. Ears started to loose every noise in his room.
The Ninja wasn't ready to be crushed by a truck, leaving his eyes closed for one second to laugh at the horrible joke Howard's dad made. Looking up, even though his brain wanted to keep them closed for a little more like it knew something Randy didn't know, he saw Howard. But... Only what stank made of him. A giant purple dinosaur with no mercy in his eyes, "Howard?!" Randy regretted not listening to his brain. He wanted to close his eyes, but the dinosaur made a move and threw another truck at his friend, "I can't fight you?!" He, They were lost. They never wanted this, not today. They wanted to be friends even after they end the school. Randy wanted to think it was true. Howard wanted to think The Ninja wasn't about to kill him.
"Happy Birthday, by the way"
Stanked Howard screeched, running towards Randy. "Who made you like this?!" Ninja dodged his paw, ignoring people scream in fear. "It's not you, It's me and all that other bullshit," Howard's mind, filled with rage, said it and to his surprise, the boy believed it. It was Randy's problem, it was The Ninja's duty, —Ha-ha, "duty", — to protect Howard, "You know that's bullshit!" Right, Randy failed. With those words, Howard let go of his body, letting Sorcerer to deal with The Ninja. Maybe, it was the right move to do.
"Look, now I know we could've done it better," The Ninja said, backing up. He was wrong, he knows it now, "But we can't change the weather!" Randy and Ninja were the same now, leaving no such thing as "keeping the guard up", throwing his weapon on the ground. They needed to talk. Just a little chat, nothing more, no stank, no madness!
"Books don't make sense if you read them backwards" Nomicon said when Randy opened it. They were in the science class, knowing Howard would never go here if not needed, "You'll single out the wrong words" Nomicon added little text right next to it, adding some color on the word "read". It was no time for jokes or missunderstanding. Ninja's weakness was stanked and is dangerous to the city.
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I'm not making my profile pretty, I like strawberries
The name's Arison, Ari or Aree for short.
I'm Pansexual inAssexual spectrum, don't bully me for this-
My pronouns are anything you want, like He/them or even Ze/xem and more.
I'm writer and artist, but I'm not making art that much anymore.
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Wtf is going on with Tumblr?- Like, i've seen this art around 4 times now, give me something new
And no, i dont want to follow strangers in here, they're gonna see what I'm doing
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Tagging stuff means somebody gonna see it, got it, now let me handle my anxiety real fast
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Just tell there's something between them, I need to know
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Also wtf is up with Ao3, where's my wholesome fanfictions about dudes being dudes and eating some tacos? Ao3, that's the most disrespectful thing you had ever done to me /j
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If I had a nickel for every time my sibling and I accidentally got hooked on a show with a teenaged, sword-wielding, mask-wearing ninja with red stripes over their eyes voiced by Ben Schwartz, I’d have two nickels.
Which isn’t a whole lot of nickels, but it’s weird it happened twice. 
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Reposting some shit from 2014 is what I am to be honest
Your mother with your baby pictures.
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my serotonin levels are seriously dipping. *pokes my hyperfixations* fucking do something
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