donuthair-blog · 12 years
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You're like some sort of super computer I swear! I'll never understand how you're able to memorize so much stuff. My attention span isn't even that good...
I think I even forgot what I had for breakfast this morning. Wow...I really suck eheh..
Kind of inferior to my database though!
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[He tapped the side of his head with his finger.]  Everything I need is in there! External memories are a no no for me. I won’t forget.
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
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[ Pulls out a book from her bag. ] You see this? I keep all information on my senpai in this here book. Anything that there is to know is in here and a whole lot more. 
All you do is stalk her like a creeper anyway.
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Oh, aaaaaaand you would be interested if I said I have pictures of her butt, wouldn’t ya? Also I know her bra size, but I guess you wouldn’t care~
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
[ Furrows her eyebrows down at the mention of him being a better fan. ] I hope you're kidding by saying that Hei.
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You know how much I love Touko! I love her so much I keep a poster of her hung in my room downloaded from the net. It's not even funny. Who cares about a dumb piece of paper anyways..I get to hug her and hang out with her all the time. You don't do anything.
Mayyyyyyyyyybe. It tastes like regular pasta, really.  [He whistled.]
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Oh, Touko? I met her the other day! We took a picture together, it was awesome. Wanna see? I am toooooootally a better fan than you.
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
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No, no, Mie. Mie is a kind of pasta. It’s one of those silly trivia things I memorized. So what are you up to!
A pasta? is it good? We might have to go and try it one of these days since it's similar to my name! [ She giggles. ]
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Hm...uhm well nothing really since it's kind of slow today..nothing to do really! I think I might just go bug Touko-senpai or something to go hang out with me in Castelia City or maybe even Aspertia since I haven't been back there in awhile..what about you?
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
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" Aw well if you say so~ " She slung an arm around the girl's shoulder and pulled her close. " Sometimes it seems like you're ignorin' me though because sometimes you don't answer. Sometimes I even get the ' this x transceiver has been disconnected ' message so I'm just wondering. "
   After hearing a well known voice to her ears by now, she turned to the twin tailed bun head, “I will be if you keep worrying so much— I’m fine, really!”
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  “You know you don’t have to worry about me all the time— just call me on my Xtransceiver next time and I’ll be sure to answer you anytime.”
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
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" Me? Oh yeah, I'm a traveling trainer. It's pretty fun and all that...what about you Ein? You kind of dress funny so I know you're probably not a trainer. "
“Ah… hello, Mei.  My name is Ein; it’s nice to meet you as well.  Are you a trainer?”
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
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Woah so I got a lot of followers lately! New faces just poppin' up and what not. Well I'm Mei if you don't know me by now I'm sure my senpai talks about me but it's nice to meet ya!
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
Oh hey...Hei! Hehe, it sounds weird saying that. I haven't talked with you in awhile have you talked to my senpai? Oh and why are you saying pasta? Reference to my hair much? At least it doesn't look like a palm tree.
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
" Hey! I'm Me-- " A small squeak escaped her as the seemingly older girl placed her hands on top of her buns. She was used to it of course but still..it was so bold of her to even think of touching her buns when they hadn't even introduced themselves properly.
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" W-why are you touching my buns...!?! I-- "
donuthair started following you.
Hikari was starting to feel like she was being stalked. She didn’t like that, not at all. She had no clue where these people were coming from, and it was slightly intimidating. Maybe they knew about her…Er, other personality. The thought scared her, because she would probably end up in jail sooner or later if that was the case. “E-err, hello the-” Hikari stopped mid-sentence, staring at the girl’s hair. Slowly, a smirk formed on her face and she launched herself forward, gripping the girl’s buns. “They’re so…So squishy!”
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
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pinkuiro started following you
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" Oh hey Senpai. I didn't know that you were hangin' around here. I hadn't seen you for awhile so I got really worried! Are you okay? Do you need anything? ARE YOU SICK?? "
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
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sensually-sadistic started following you
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championspring started following you
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scrumptious--melody started following you
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eingenious started following you
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" Heeeeey! Where'd you bunch of people come from eh? Well..doesn't matter...anyways! My name's Mei but you can call me Ivory or even Ivie if you like! It's nice to meet all of you. "
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
" The beach! It's really fun you know..swimming and stuff, plus I'm always ready since I wear my bathing suit under my clothing. "
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donuthair-blog · 12 years
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