doodledaddy · 7 years
Kringle Hopper 2017
When it comes to getting ready for Christmas the elves are on top of it. There is always one last present left at the back of the factory just before Santa has to take off. The Kringle Hopper 2017 is the elves’ solution to this little problem – a quicker last minute dash. Y’all have fun,    Richard
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doodledaddy · 7 years
Mr. Thobodeaux
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This drawing is for the family of Mr. Thibodeaux. He loved LSU. He worked hard to support his wife and three boys. He sometimes showed his love for them by challenging the boys to a wrestling match. It usually ended with Mr. Thibodeaux sitting on them. I am very proud to call two of those boys very dear friends. In this moment of saddness I hope this drawing makes you smile, and helps you to…
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doodledaddy · 7 years
God's Love
God’s Love
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I am still working out how God wants me to use these artistic gifts for God’s kingdom.
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doodledaddy · 7 years
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Mer-May I just made it under the wire. I wasn't gonna do one of these, but I got the idea for a Pacific Rim robot mer-man bot from #JakeParker. Y'all enjoy!
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doodledaddy · 8 years
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Haven’t you any fish?
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doodledaddy · 8 years
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HS-2 says, “Hi,” to a deer.
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doodledaddy · 8 years
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Not my day. Luke 4:28-30
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doodledaddy · 8 years
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The Messiah Announced!
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doodledaddy · 8 years
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March of Robots
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doodledaddy · 8 years
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Luke 4:28-30
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doodledaddy · 8 years
War Room
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about that movie War Room, and this came out of those musings. Then I had a disturbibg thought comparing Cathy White from Stephen King’s “Carrie” with her prayer closet to the War Room movie. Talk about your odd extremes. Y’all have fun,    Richard
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doodledaddy · 8 years
Gladiator Teddy Bear
This guy is for a character design page on Facebook. I tried different versions, but this one came the most easily.  Y’all enjoy,    Richars
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doodledaddy · 8 years
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Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” (Mark 5:9, Holy Bible, NIV translation) (more…)
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doodledaddy · 8 years
Faith Builds
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This is “Noname.” Noname has been called and gifted with a strong and powerful faith that hits home like a hammer. (more…)
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doodledaddy · 8 years
Comics & Faith
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C.S. Lewis once said, he loved children’s books more as an adult than he did as a child, because as an adult he was able to put more into them, and as a result got more out of them. I love those words. Deep down I am a comic book geek and those words from a theologian I deeply respect have touched me for a long time. (more…)
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doodledaddy · 8 years
Murphy Characters.
I picked up my first comic book in what feels like forever and here is the first doodle to come from it. The penciler is Sean Murphy and I like his style so I am trying my hand at a couple of his characters. There is a red panda and this guy. I think these turned out pretty well.  Y’all have fun,    Richard
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doodledaddy · 8 years
FLIM Proposal Approved!!!
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        I think I’ve explained before I am a Provisional Elder in the United Methodist Church. As per the ordination requirements in Western North Carolina and the United Methodist Book of Discipline I am required to a number of requirements. In year two I am to complete a Foundations of Leadership In Ministry (FLIM) initiative. However, my family and I were recently reappointed which meant I had…
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