joe-h-elle · 3 years
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
I have a question what personal items would Arrow Season 4 Sara keep in her bedroom? I'd be happy to hear your suggestions. I really appreciate the help. I'm at work and drawing a blank...
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
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I just wanna wake up everyday here in this bed Never leave ‘I love you’ left unsaid
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
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@kevsryans make me choose ★ founders day or the harvest festival
let’s raise our glasses… to cyrus lavinius jeremiah jones. to all the citizens of bluebell, happy founder’s day!
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: ↪ 3.14 “Bad Girls”
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
Okay, so this is strange... and sort of funny I guess... my Arrow Season Five Rant Part Three which is a lowkey Canarrow rant with anti-Olicity untertones has just been reblogged by Olicity fans one of which posted the link to an Olicity fanfiction... huh? Do I need to understand this? Am I missing something?
I find it both hilarious and a little upsetting... but guess it is what it is... lol.
I guess that just shows that in the end everyone agrees that Season Five was bad... like very bad at least the first half... it's nice to know that we all at least agree on something.
And just to have it mentioned for anyone who hasn't figured it out yet. I love Canarrow. Oliver and Sara were the perfect couple and it was the only healthy relationship either one of them has had in both shows. That's a fact and I'm going down with that ship. Oliver Queen and Sara Lance were meant to be and should've been endgame. Period.
I'd post a pic but I'm mobile and don't have any on here...
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
Stop hating Oliver because of Sara
I never understand how people love Sara yet hate on Oliver. They are so similar in character that it makes you wonder... plus there is no one on either show that shows Sara more love or respect than Oliver does. He understands her on a level no one else does. Oliver has always accepted her the way she was and only wanted the best for her. Out of all the women he's been with Sara was the only one he actually respected and looked at as an equal. Oliver has done nothing but support Sara from the moment they found each other again on the Freighter.
I agree the way Sara was treated by the writers is atrocious but that has nothing to do with Oliver as a character. Sara's death had little to do with Oliver's character or his journey. Thea was the reason he went after Ra's al Ghul and there was no reason to kill Sara for that storyline. They could’ve simply had Ra’s find out that Thea is Malcolm’s daughter and that would’ve put her in the same amount of danger and therefore Oliver would’ve gone to confront Ra’s in order to protect his baby sister. Sara being alive would’ve made a lot more sense in the Season 3 story arc and her helping Oliver navigate the League and understand how the League works would’ve done a lot more in having him grow as a character. She could’ve made him see that the League wasn’t all evil and that would’ve furthered his journey far more than her death, that was just pushed aside where Oliver was concerned after like 3-5 episodes. Not giving him the airtime to grieve one of his oldest friends, a woman he loved was a huge disservice to his character. 
Make no mistakes Sara was killed to turn Laurel into the Black Canary. And making sure the viewer had to accept Laurel as the real, true Black Canary. Which was stupid and obviously backfired. Sara was the original, the true Canary on Arrow and nothing can change that. Least of all her unnecessary murder and Laurel's unrealistic journey to become her sister.
Sara was murdered so that Felicity could be forced into the role of Oliver's one true love. Something that made no sense at all. They had nothing in common and didn't understand each other. Which led to one of the most toxic and mentally abusive relationships I have ever seen on TV. And just to clarify that statement since not a lot of people actually get it; Oliver was NOT the abuser.
So, in conclusion. Sara was killed to make Laurel Black Canary and Felicity Oliver's wife. Both roles that were and should've stayed Sara's. And of course for shock value like so many things on Arrow that completely ruined the show.
Sara's death had little to do to further Oliver's story. So stop hating him for it.
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
Arrow Season Five Rant Part Three
I’ve reached Invasion, so yay, I’m 8 episodes in now and playing sudoku while watching it because there are so many filler scenes (recruits hello) and other bad things (Felicity and her treatment of Oliver, Dig and his ‘killing used to be your first approach and not last resort’ BS,…) I really hope the second half does get better as everyone is saying. And what’s with all the vigilantes? We already have four for Team Arrow why do we need another rogue vigilante as a protagonist that actually sort of does what Oliver used to do? I get what they’re trying to do but having Prometheus with his old arrowheads and the anagrams and Vigilante at the same time is overkill. Plus the Recruits and Team Arrow slamming Oliver for killing people while praising Vigilante? WTF? We get it writers, you hate Oliver.
Are they seriously trying to tell me that Oliver and Thea and Felicity all forgot JJ’s second birthday and they needed Rene, the new guy to come up with a plan to make sure Dig could spend his son’s birthday with him? I mean it wasn’t like one of Oliver’s main reasons for breaking Dig out against his will was so he could be in his son’s life. It’s not like Oliver has missed everything in his own son’s life and still is that he wouldn’t make sure his 'brother’ wouldn’t have to go through the same pain. WTF Arrow writers! I swear things like that piss me off so much!
And right, Thea wouldn’t tell Oliver about Quentin’s alcohol problems for that long and Oliver wouldn’t contact Sara and let her know as soon as Thea had told him and Sara wouldn’t come home to make sure her dad 'I never forgot your voice dad’ was okay and getting the help he needed.
This is so bad! Everyone is so out of character. It makes no sense.
Episode 9 was so bad! The flashback? Oliver just killing everyone in his way to Claybourne? WTF?!? That is not true to who he is. It’s not what the Hood did. God, the character assassination of Oliver just keeps on getting worse.
Oliver killing Billy was so stupid. So unnecessary. Why?!? What where they thinking? What was the point of that? Not that I or anyone actually cared about Billy at that point in time… never got the chance to. Too many new characters that are being shoved down our throats. Well, Billy was actually one of the few I actually liked and could’ve come to really like… had they not killed him right away for unnecessary drama….
Oliver ending up at the journalists place (see I can’t even remember her name there are too many new people to keep up with (I’m usually good with remembering character’s names), she reminds me of Samantha from the way she looks) and confiding in her just like that? WTF?! Huh? That makes no sense at all. Oliver wouldn’t do that.
And again, I never cared about Evelyn, so her turning evil… who cares? Big shocker…! Not.
And E2 Laurel at the end… honestly, did anyone actually believe it was her? I mean everyone who watched Legends knows that Sara wouldn’t bring her back. And why didn’t Oliver just you know, call Sara real quick to make sure? Why Arrow? Why? They once again took a Sara/ Oliver line and used it for another Oliver pairing! Stop taking shit away from Canarrow! “I watched you die” is specifically Oliver to Sara. That is so them. That is part of their story that is what makes them special. It’s Oliver and Sara. Just like “Don’t talk to me like I’m other people.” Is Sara and Oliver and only fits them because they know each other better than anyone else ever could! Just to slide in a little Canarrow rant in my overall Arrow rant, because I can, and haven’t ranted specifically about them in a while… lol.
How did those people get their jobs as writers? How did they keep their jobs as writers?
This season is all over the place and there are too many freaking plots! Focus on two, maybe three but pick them and go deep.
Oliver as the Mayor, that should be a major plot line. Period.
Then there’s the Recruits, you decided to force them on me now give me a reason to actually care about them (they should’ve just picked one maybe two additional people and be done with it. It would’ve given them the room to let us get to know them first. We already had Curtis, so keeping him made sense, sort of, give me Rory who has an interesting backstory and let’s be done with it.)
Then obviously there is Prometheus, stay focused on him, he is the big bad after all.
Skip Vigilante, he’s unnecessary.
Skip E2 Laurel, that is unnecessary, you chose to kill Laurel, let her rest in peace.
Skip any leftover unnecessary Olicity drama, you chose to break them up in the most moronic and horrible way ever, now let that dead horse rest. They moved on (at least Felicity did.) Let them be adults about it.
If you decide to do Quentin relapsing, give him airtime and focus on him and the struggles and the repercussion that comes from it. Go in deep and show us the ugliness of it. Otherwise just let him be a recovering alcoholic.
But most importantly keep your focus on your main character which is Oliver! I want it to be about him. His struggles, his life, his relationships, his trauma, his PTSD,…
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
Arrow Season Five Rant Part Two
Okay so I’m forcing myself to watch Arrow season five and I’m just constantly screaming internally… the recruits are so bad on so many levels… they get so much screen time so fast but none of that leads us to care about them… I’m like constantly thinking ‘why are you taking up so much story time? Why are you here?’ It’s so bad!
And then there’s Felicity undermining and pushing Oliver around in her constant need to control him. So she gets to date and not tell him about it for ages and when he just considers maybe asking someone out she gives him shit about it? WTF? It is even worse then the recruits and it’s very surprising that that’s even possible…!
And then there’s Dig claiming killing was the Hood’s first resort not last and that is such bullshit and worst of all Oliver buys it.
And then there are like 2-3 scenes an episode that just get me going “call Sara! Like with Quentin and his alcoholism, Oliver needing help in the field, Mayor Queen needing protection from Church,… I swear Season 5 would’ve been like a million times better had they just brought the Canary back and have the stupid need for a team issue solved.
This is so bad… this is so bad… I’m going to hide in my own little universe soon… this is why I’ve started writing "What’s wrong with us when Happy Hurts” I swear.
The one bright side so far is Anatoly, I love him so much. Wish they’d have a scene between Oliver and Anatoly where they talked about Sara and what happened to her but that would be too much to ask for from the Arrow writers… never mind that Anatoly liked Sara very much and respected the hell out of her. He would’ve wanted to know what had happened to her and why she wasn’t with Oliver.
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
Arrow Season Five Rant Part One
Okay, so I still haven’t watched past the first couple of episodes of season 5 of Arrow. I have serious issues with so much of its storyline… Everything with the recruits and how fast Oliver revealed his identity to them was just bullshit and so out of character for him that I’m pretty sure flashpoint did something to his mind or maybe changed him with an Oliver from a different earth… maybe he’s a clone? And real Oliver is hanging out with Sara in a cabin in the woods somewhere just enjoying life in the quiet nature… sorry for the rant got carried away. But it’s just so out of character for him and that makes it so unbelievable and stupid.
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joe-h-elle · 3 years
This is such a powerful song
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joe-h-elle · 4 years
Yay, new chapter's up, I hope you guys enjoy it.
He couldn’t leave Star City again, at least not without Speedy. And he knew she wouldn’t leave now.
But he couldn’t step away from being the Green Arrow as long as he lived here, and people were suffering. And he couldn’t do it alone either.
So what were his option?
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joe-h-elle · 4 years
Yay, I posted a new chapter! Go me! I'm finally getting my groove back!
Go check it out and let me know what you think!
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joe-h-elle · 4 years
Just a reminder. Please be a little kinder to someone today, reach out if you see someone struggling, you may be the difference they need.
Kindness really does matter.
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