doodlespheresys · 4 days
Is that pfp a commission by Thaltro 。⁠◕⁠-◕⁠。
No 💔
Still please don't use it💔 its a drawing of an alter xoxo
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doodlespheresys · 4 days
When your fandom so small the only art of it is from the creator 💔
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doodlespheresys · 4 days
I wanna draw so bad but shit is so rough trying to find motivation to even click ibis paint is so hard.. someone free me
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doodlespheresys · 4 days
Clarifying bc the wording of the ask was so utterly wrong; I did not call everyone the n word?? its what i meant... There is a difference between saying the n slur and CALLING someone it. I am not about to give yall a grammar lesson just bc yall are desperate to cancel me again, please get out of my notes with dumb shit
Wait aren't u the owner of the doodlesphere and called everyone the n-word 😭💀
????? I did not do that
Either way I'm black???
This is actually so baffling I am literally BLACK so what does it matter
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doodlespheresys · 4 days
Turning off anon posts bc if you niggas want to bother me about dumb shit you can do it with your main accounts. In a very light-hearted way it is very annoying as a black person to even have to try and defend me using a word im ALLOWED to say by all means and have used all my life... I am very much black please stop trying to treat me like im some white influencer who just said the n slur LMFAO
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doodlespheresys · 4 days
you did call people the n word in your server tho...💀. Even if you can reclaim the word it can still hurt & upset others. I mean, theres a reason why servers will prohibit slur usage (like your server.)
I dont want to accuse you of anything bad but this just feels extremely hypocritical that you would make a rule against slurs, break said rule, then lie about it afterwards.
The way you are wording this is as if I CALLED THEM IT CALLED THEM IT. I USED IT GENERALLY? LIKE HOW OTHER BLACK PEOPLE DO??? That wasn't even the main conflict nor was it used in the way you're trying to play it out to be. Im so confused as to how it hurt you nigga bffr 😭
If you go up to ANY black person there is a good chance they will just say the slur as its own word The way we use it is almost like a replacement for dude/man I just did it. Please stop trying to get mad at me and police what I can and cannot say. I accidentally have it slip from time to time and I was also literally being ATTACKED so (if you were there) you would be able to see i was visibly upset with my wording?? It its not even the first time ive said it there on accident when i was upset.. NOBODY said anything then? BFFR
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doodlespheresys · 7 days
Wait aren't u the owner of the doodlesphere and called everyone the n-word 😭💀
????? I did not do that
Either way I'm black???
This is actually so baffling I am literally BLACK so what does it matter
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doodlespheresys · 8 days
I know y'all hate our non-ut art but..
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doodlespheresys · 8 days
this ask is a free pass to talk abt did/osdd as much as you want 👍
I love these free passes..thank you..please give me more 🫶🏽
Spending my pass on a rant about the online perception of DID/OSDD
One thing I find interesting is the concept of fake claiming and how that’s affected the community. In 2020 there was a large increase in mental health “awareness” online- mass vague posting of common symptoms and connecting it to larger disorders. This eventually lead to a lot of people misdiagnosing themselves with DID/OSDD. And Contrary to popular belief, I actually think most misdiagnosing was in good faith- younger teens for the first time connecting to disassociation, maladaptive day dreaming, emotional swings, PTSD, and derealization- and genuinely believing they had it. It’s more likely they had more common disorders like maybe Bpd, DDD, depression, psychosis- because there is a huge overlap in symptoms. (It’s also important to note it was also a huge awakening for actual systems too- because I’m definitely not saying everyone who had did/osdd in 2020 was misdiagnosed, in a lot of cases people were right!)
The internets reaction to this wasn’t with reeducation or kindness or even respectful criticism- it created a whole list of “faking signs”. I personally think the people who misdiagnosed themselves harmed the community much less then the people pushing for constant fakeclaiming. And now these arbitrary concepts plague actual systems pushing them into a deeper denial and opening them up to waves of unwanted harassment. Like ok, here’s some common misconceptions you’ll see (all the ones I’m listing are just bullshit and are contradicted with actual medical research)
-Systems can’t have fictives
-Systems can’t unmask
-Systems can’t have littles
-Systems can’t have factives
-Systems can’t have internal relationships
-Systems can’t have high amnesia
-Systems can’t have rapid switches
-Systems can’t have faceclaims or go by different genders/sexualities
ALL OF THIS IS BULLSHIT! None of these actually are backed up with medical research! And the worst part is I see groups of people just harass normal systems who show these normal symptoms and constantly fakeclaim them. I see cringe compilations, r/fake disorder cringe, tik toks, and video essays just spewing this nonsensical shit and it genuinely hurts. (It’s SO ANNOYING when they say shit like “people who do this hurt actual systems” YOUR HURTING ACTUAL SYSTEMS SHUT UP 😭) but Yes I do think there are people out their who do fake this disorder and use it to hurt and manipulate people. But I don’t think that’s the majority of misdiagnosed people. Even if someone was wrong I think it’s safer to just ignore them then to spread misinformation about DID/OSDD and encourage the possible harm onto genuine systems. (Also being wrong and admitting you are wrong is fine)
But yeah I’ll end my rant by saying If you support this weird online fakeclaiming witch hunts then I don’t want to associate with you. And to the self diagnosed systems or suspecting systems, it’s incredibly hard being in that position- harassment is almost guaranteed online and that sucks. Self diagnosis is valid especially if you can’t afford DID specialists- however with that statement If you do self diagnosis its necessary to do research. Don’t look at plural pedia or random websites- I recommend reading the DSM and The haunted self (it explains the fundamentals of structural dissociation)
PDF for the actual book ^^ (it’s also good for self diagnosed systems because it can help you weed out any other possible disorder overlap with BPD and PTSD)
But yeah 🙁 sorry for the rant I’m just really frustrated with the current climate of the internet especially for systems.
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doodlespheresys · 10 days
Heyyyy uhhhhhhhh as for your post on the whiteboard stuffs...do you have a link to it? I found it once but then forgot it😭
Link to what whitebooard stuffs..... If you want a link to the whiteboaRd NO!
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doodlespheresys · 24 days
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Divorced man coded
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doodlespheresys · 24 days
One single note in an hour im never posting regretevator again
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doodlespheresys · 24 days
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doodlespheresys · 24 days
Can we use your art as pfps?
With credit yes
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doodlespheresys · 26 days
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 5000 likes!
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doodlespheresys · 27 days
is anyone else starting to worry that some ofthe gaza asks are bots because i reposted one and all of a sudden i got about 5 back-to-back one of the people sent the ask about 3 times as well so??? im a little suspicious
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doodlespheresys · 28 days
do you have any drawing tips? I'm new to digital art and would love to know some tips!
Stressing over little details is not fun
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