doodlevys · 4 years
I know I'm usually posting drawings... but I tried my hand at writing for once. Just a one shot I wrote for WhiteRose week! I only got to do one day, but it was the only prompt I could think of something for.
It's an AU. Timeline is different from the original show, so there are some differences. There's also mention of some character deaths and some angst!
Hope y'all enjoy it! 😁
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doodlevys · 5 years
Awww! So cute! I love bratty Blake.
Inktober - Freeze
Again, all my Inktober pieces are part of the same verse and I hope to piece them together in a cohesive manner after I am finished, but for now enjoy the confusing time skips.
Holding the door she let Blake enter first. As always, Yang received a grateful smile in return for her chivalry. As Blake brushed passed Yang hurriedly followed intent to remain close. They’d been separated for far too long in her mind and she yearned to make up for lost time. 
“You find a table and I’ll get our order?” Yang asked rocking back and forth, heel to toe. Why the hell was she nervous?
“Sounds good to me.” Blake scanned the establishment for an empty table and Yang watched on knowing she’d be looking for one out of the way of most patrons. When Blake’s eyes returned to find Yang’s feet still cemented to the floor she chuckled. At least she found her antsy behaviour more endearing than annoying. “You going to actually place the order or should I do that too?”
“Oh, right.” Yang quickly stepped past her. “No. No, I’ll get our order. You just continue scrutinizing every table. Hopefully you find a suitable one by the time I get back.”
“That’s rude.” Blake deadpanned. 
Yang spun on her heel, surprised at Blake’s affronted appearance. It was a joke. She hadn’t meant it in a negative light. She actually thought Blake’s over analyzation on certain things adorable. 
“I’m s-”
The corner of Blake’s mouth twitched catching Yang’s attention. It was only then that she noticed the sparkle in her amber eyes. Blake was toying with her!
“You’re so easy!” Blake broke character seeing the realization take over Yang’s features. “You are totally off your game Xiao Long.”
“You will pay for this,” she said with narrowed eyes.
Rolling her eyes, Blake moved to step around her heading for a table that must have checked the majority of her personal requirements. Yang’s arm shot out to block her way.
Her brow raised as she turned her perplexed gaze on Yang. She couldn’t help herself anymore. Blake had been very sly and playful since Yang picked her up. She might play up her exasperation whenever Bratty Blake showed herself but honestly she fell even more in love with Blake in these moments.  Who else could keep her on her toes like this.  It amazed her how in the first few months of their acquaintance she had pegged Blake as a quiet, shy bookworm. The reality was quite the opposite. Actually, that was a lie.  Blake could be shy. She could be quiet. She was most definitely a bookworm, but those things were just a small portion of who she was.  It astonished her with how much she knew about Blake that the other was still able to surprise her. Blake was still able to throw curveballs at her.
And maybe that’s why that magnetism never went away. Yang was happy to find that the pull she’d felt in the beginning of their friendship never once faded. 
Her patience wore down as Yang continued to stare at her unmoving. When her mouth opened to form a question Yang made her move.  She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Blake’s right cheek, barely skimming the corner of her mouth. 
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doodlevys · 5 years
volume 7, here we come 🌹
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Weiss dressed up as a vampire for Halloween! I just love seeing her wear red, though I’m still not too sold on her wearing black. Still, I think it turned out cute.
I’m just missing all of her belts, I’m sorry.
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Made a friend a Halloween avi! It’s Zwei dressed as Rio Ranger from YTTD, because both characters sum her up. I’m not too great at drawing puppies, but I’m pretty happy with how it came out!
Inktober? What? What’s that? 😭
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Tia Safalin
Drawn and colored during a friend’s stream of YTTD. I love her and her design! And I can’t to find out more about her in future chapters...
Also, I quite missed using color pencils to color!
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Day 16 - Wild (Hair)
Been obsessed with this game recently, especially as I watch my friends play it. I love both Nao and Reko! And I can see them remaining pretty good friends.
And yes. Their hair drives me freakin insane. Particularly Reko’s. How does her hair make any sense?!
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Day 15 - Legend (of Zelda)
Just a quick head sketch of little Zelda! Nothing too fancy.
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Day 13 - Ash(e)
I totally didn’t skip over 11 and 12. *sweats*
My precious boy Ashe in Fire Emblems! He’s absolutely one of the main reasons I chose to do Blue Lions on my first run, and I adore that team and this precious baby.
I would say I protect with my life, but let’s be real, he’ll probably crit the enemy himself 100% of the time.
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Day 10 - Pattern
This took me a LONG time, but I’m super happy with how it came out. I was actually also tempted to color in rainbows and other pride colors, but the bright colors was burning my eyes. Still, maybe I’ll go back in and finish with actual colors one day, since that was the original intent.
Still, I adore her.
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Day 9 - Swing
I honestly had no clue what to do about this prompt, and I didn’t really care too much for my sketch. So I decided to do some traditional art as oppose to digital. (Please don’t mind the fact that I colored into the white part of her jacket, sob).
Still, I always loved Fuka’s design. She’s a prinny for goodness sake, how could I not?!
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Day 8 - Frail
It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do for this prompt. I just knew I wanted to draw long hair. So yah, this came about!
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Weiss as a Pokémon trainer!
I love the idea that Ruby gave her Feebas and Weiss is just like “wtf why. It’s hideous.” Of course she secretly calls the Feebas Ruby Jr and cares for her deeply... and she’s going to be so wonderfully surprised when Feebas turns into Milotic after all that love and care.
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Day 7 - Enchanted 
So far my favorite. I love Neo’s design, and I can totally see her play the part as a witch perfectly! 
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Day 6 - Husky 
Ruby bought a “husky” hoodie. Now her and Blake both have ears! 
Testing out cross hatching. What do you think? 
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Day 5 - Build
So it’s suppose to be Ren and Nora trying to build something, but Nora deciding to help out by picking Ren up. (She gotta protect her man!)
I got too lazy to color it though. Feel free to! Just link me to it please, I would love to see. :D
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doodlevys · 5 years
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Day 4 - Freeze 
At this point, I’m just using these challenges as an excuse to do some fan drawings. Though it’s weird not seeing Bubblegum’s hair as pink... 
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