doomxdriven · 15 days
" You look like a complete mess, captain Amagai. "
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Snapped from his unplanned slumber, eyes popping open at the sound of a familiar, though less-than-pleased sounding voice, Amagai takes a moment to gather himself. Laying there on the floor of his office, a rather disheveled looking Amagai stares up at Toshiro, wondering how this all must look to them.
There Amagai is after all, laying on the floor where he clearly had been sleeping for who knows how long, with a number of work-related documents scattered around his person (those of which had spilled from the overflowing stacks on his desk a few feet away).
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Toshiro was right, Amagai must have looked like a complete mess, the most complete mess to ever stand (or in this case lay) in the 3rd Division Barracks....
There's a very slight pang of embarrassment that runs through Amagai just then, but there's no time to dwell on that! Amagai had to spring into action, and try to minimize how bad this all really looked.
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"Ahem, Captain Hitsugaya!" Amagai says as his whole expression changes, a wide, mirthful smile washing over his face while he springs up from the ground and straightens out his uniform, "I wasn't expecting a visit from you today!"
With one deft, fluid motion of his right leg, Amagai somehow manages to scoot all of those loose documents right under the desk behind him, out of sight, as if that would erase the existence of them from Toshiro's mind (not to speak of the piles that were still ON his desk).
"Don't mind the mess though, it's nothing important-- I was up late finishing some paperwork. Since Lieutenant Kira and my 3rd Seats have been on vacation, I've been trying my best to pick up all the slack...! Easier said than done, you know?"
It would have been easy, actually, if Amagai had ever bothered to do HIS OWN paperwork instead of letting his 3rd Seats handle it, but.... Toshiro wouldn't know that. Hopefully.
Maybe Amagai could move the subject along, though, get off the topic of himself and his very painfully complete mess here.
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"Did you maybe stop by to talk about the cross Division training exercises I suggested during the last Captain's meeting? I did think ours would be a good example to get the others on board!" // @ryusxnka
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doomxdriven · 15 days
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"For Bount, time stopped from the beginning. We can fix the gears, but the hands of time will never move for us." [by Rujakk]
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doomxdriven · 16 days
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doomxdriven · 16 days
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"Shocking," Jin says in a teasing manner, still grinning, "you're not far off the mark; that's a name that truly encapsulates what they were."
Jin might not have sounded it, but he was actually a little surprised that Gabriella so quickly picked up on what she was seeing here, or on who she was seeing here. Jin honestly should have expected it from Gabriella in light of all he had seen of her tonight, but regardless, he thought that this would bode well for the rest of this presentation, if Gabriella could be so deeply in tuned with what she was seeing.
"This great figure stepped out of the darkness and ushered in an era unlike no other."
The pallid giant remains immobile, but the wide expanse of white that surrounded them, Jin, and Gabriella, would begin to populate with alternating images of ancient peoples, animals, wildlife, nature, the cosmos-- as if all of existence up until that point flashed before their very eyes.
At one point, the space around Jin, Gabriella, and the giant would even split into four, one area resembling the world of Humans, another Hueco Mundo, the third resembling the Soul Society, and the fourth being a place of fire and brimstone.
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"They even took upon themselves great sacrifice," Jin continued, as he began pacing around the figure, "binding themselves so that this new existence they had created could endure for eternity, while five chosen Souls reigned in their stead."
The pallid giant begins to tense up now, a strange emblem appearing over their body, a large crystal-like barrier forming over their whole being, locking them in place.
"The salvation this great figure offered, the sacrifices they made, it was not enough to enlighten the hearts of men, however. Their chosen had decided they wanted more power, more control over this new existence, and to ensure nothing stood in their way, they turned to their great savior one last time."
The expanse around Jin, Gabriella, and the giant returns to a blank whiteness once again, with the exception of five large silhouettes that loom over the giant. One of the silhouetted figures can be seen drawing a blade, holding it over the crystalized giant.
"In return for everything this great figure had done, for the salvation they had wrought and the sacrifice endured, they were rewarded with betrayal."
The giant, from within the crystalized structure, is torn apart, each of their organs and limbs being ejected up into the air, and then disappearing. The five silhouettes from before would then vanish too, along with the rest of the giant.
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"With their new power in tow, and their status above all others enshrined by their heinous act, those five individuals would go on to birth the 'Cycle of Souls' and the 'Soul Society' we know today."
Scenes of Quincy, Bount, Arrancar, denizens of Rukongai, and even some Humans, being hunted down and killed by assailants in Shinigami garb flash around the expanse surrounding Gabriella.
"This began a long series of betrayals that would plague the Soul Society and their ilk's history, all for the sake of maintaining their status quo, their grip on power, to the detriment of everyone and everything else."
Jin eventually appears at the side of the seated Gabriella, one hand carefully planted on her shoulder and the other (still clasping that glowing golden object) outstretched toward the unfolding scenes.
"I want justice for my people, or revenge, yes, call it what you wish, but what I want beyond that is anything but petty; after all, when the Soul Society's operators are gone, a new order will have to take the reigns."
Jin, calmly and smoothly as the scenes around them begin to fall away, adds, "you could be a part of that, Gabriella, you could have a hand in reshaping this reality of ours in whichever way your heart desires, all you have to do is...."
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Jin brings the golden object closer to Gabriella, its glow dimming, and her reflection becoming clearer within its arcane construction, "... desire it."
Gabriella's heart pounded in her chest as Jin's words echoed in the empty void around them. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she gazed into his eyes, trying to decipher the true meaning behind his cryptic words and actions. Hazel hues widened with a mixture of awe and apprehension as Jin's words unfolded, his power manifesting before her like a surreal dance of light and darkness. She watched, captivated, as the world around them dissolved into nothingness, leaving only their table suspended in the void. Even as Jin walked away, his confident stride cutting through the emptiness, she couldn't tear her gaze away from the unfolding spectacle.
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The witch couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. She had always been drawn to danger, but there was something about Jin's aura that set her on edge. Yet, despite her apprehension, she couldn't deny the allure of the unknown that surrounded him. Her hand trembled slightly as she reached for her glass, the motion seemingly small amidst the grandeur of Jin's display. She took a slow sip, trying to steady her nerves as she absorbed the gravity of his words. Monsters, a beginning shrouded in darkness, and now this enigmatic figure looming over them, casting its inscrutable gaze upon her.
Gabriella's senses were heightened as she observed the swirling darkness, feeling a mixture of excitement and fear coursing through her veins. Her mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments of information Jin had offered. She had always been drawn to the mysteries of the past, but this… this was something else entirely. What secrets lay hidden in the depths of history? And what role did she play in this unfolding tale?
The emergence of the towering figure sent a chill down the witch's spine. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the enigmatic being, sensing an ancient power emanating from its very core. It was as if the essence of the universe itself had taken form before her eyes. As Jin turned to her with his sharp-toothed grin, Gabriella's breath caught in her throat. She pondered his question carefully, trying to piece together the fragments of information he had provided.
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"The Primordial One," she finally whispered, her voice barely audible in the vast emptiness that surrounded them. Her heart raced with uncertainty, unsure of what consequences her answer might bring. But deep down, she knew that this was only the beginning of a journey into the unknown, where every step would lead her closer to the truth.
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doomxdriven · 30 days
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//i apologize i've kinda been out of it for a minute here, a lot longer than usual anyway. as you can guess work has kept me p. busy but also
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im sure you all understand
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doomxdriven · 1 month
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— "No, I'm quite sane. The world has gone crazy, that's all." (by hypopengu)
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doomxdriven · 2 months
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———————— Those eyes, what a repulsive glare.
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doomxdriven · 2 months
We all know what happens when a Bount devours the Soul's of Humans or other beings, but what happens when a Bount devours their own kind?
Referred to as 'Diabolerei' among the Bount (more widely known as Diablerie in other circles), it's a more involved process than the consumption of Souls from other beings. When the Soul of a Bount is devoured by another of their kind, they do not go on existing within the 'diabolrist' (the devourer), their power is absorbed but their essence is erased completely-- this marked the act of Diabolerei as a grave taboo among Bount for much of their history, with it being seen not only as cannibalism but as a cruelty that no Bount should inflict on one another.
Bount who engage in Diabolerei do not gain access or 'vampirize' the Dolls of their 'diabolerized' brethren, but they will see their own grow in ways they never would have otherwise. Depending on how powerful the diabolerized Bount was, their devourer could see their own power grow by leaps and bounds as well, compared to the boost they would otherwise see from the Souls of Humans.
The act of Diabolerei is also said to inspire nigh-unexplainable feelings of excitement and euphoria in those who commit it, to an almost intoxicating degree, with some accounts stating it is more alluring than any earthly or supernatural pleasure.
There is a reason Diabolerei was seldom practiced among Bount, however, and it wasn't really because of it being 'taboo' (that played a part sure but there's always more), no, it was because of how deeply it can also change one's own identity.
Bount who engage in Diabolerei have been known to take on aspects or mannerisms that once belonged to their victims (anything and everything from personality quirks, habits, convictions, and morals), and these can often be unwanted changes. A Bount who is sufficiently powerful before engaging in Diabolerei could likely resist or nullify the aforementioned caveats, but the risk is still there, and this is why, despite all the evil Jin has ever committed and will continue to commit, he's unlikely to ever devour the Souls of the Bount who follow him.
Even if it would be very enjoyable in the short term and potentially beneficial in the long term.
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doomxdriven · 2 months
"That's not a terrible point. Maybe preserving your family's legacy isn't a worthwhile endeavor, maybe instead you could establish something new with the power they left behind; that's what I would do, if nothing else."
Maybe Jin was hoping to plant a certain idea in Kaede's head, an idea that would see them build up the power of their clan, to the point where they could one day be an ally of great importance… but it didn't seem like they were taking to it. Jin couldn't fault Kaede of course, he could see why they might want as little to do with the Shikibane legacy as possible, but he also thought such thinking was a little… limiting, and wasteful.
An ally could still be made of Kaede though, Jin figured; a whole clan of allies would be far more useful, but Kaede could still be of great use themselves in the future.
Regardless, Jin was more than satisfied that Kaede seemed open to the idea of helping him attain Mourning Star, even if they were being more inquisitive about the ordeal than he preferred.
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"For shame, Mister Shikibane, suggesting I lie as easy as I draw breath, " Jin glibly replies at first, before letting out a sigh and adding, "though in truth, it wouldn't hurt to tell you a little more."
Jin had no intentions of spilling his guts as it were, but he supposed that Kaede did deserve a greater degree of insight into what he was doing here, and why he was bothering with a centuries old treaty to reclaim a Cursed Tool the likes of Mourning Star.
"There was someone here in this beautiful country of yours I was supposed to meet last month, let's call them Y. The two of us were meant to discuss something they learned regarding another Cursed Tool, but sadly they were killed before I arrived, taking their revelations with them to the grave."
Jin, taking another drag from and then ashing his cigarette, leans his back against the railing there on the balcony, smugly looking back at Kaede, his crimson eyes projecting a rather piercing gaze.
"In most situations that would be the end of such a tale, but with Mourning Star, 'the grave' is not a barrier. I anticipate Y. will be a bit distraught with the whole ordeal, but Mourning Star should keep them in line."
If Mourning Star's power truly lived up to the legends he had heard about it all those years ago, that is, there would definitely be no issues insofar as the 'conversation' Jin hoped to have with his departed underling. Though even if push came to shove, and Jin's underling did turn out to be quite 'vengeful', as Kaede had put it, he was prepared to return that sentiment in kind.
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"All in all, I suppose I'm on a 'scavenger hunt' of sorts, if you're familiar with the term; collecting many smaller items-- like Mourning Star-- that will eventually lead me to a grand prize, you could say."
Jin goes on to toss his cigarette off the ledge of the balcony, and shortly after, a chilling breeze would invade the room Kaede sat within, carrying with it a foreboding aura as it flipped books open, rattled objects on the walls, and flowed through Kaede's long hair.
As Jin stood there on Kaede's balcony, staring back at them with that piercing gaze, something else would happen, too; Jin would speak to Kaede through their mind, where, in his voice, the words 'the grandest prize of all, retribution, and a world re-imagined' were beamed directly into their head.
Shortly following Jin's telepathic exchange, a car can be heard blaring its horn from down below.
At this, Jin lets out a chuckle, and says out loud, "that would be the ride I arranged, it seems they arrived early."
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Jin, stepping back into Kaede's room as the shoji closed behind him, makes his way toward the exit, and as he passes by the chair they sat in, he says, "i'll go out and see to them, meet me down below when you're ready, won't you?"
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As Jin spoke, Kaede eyed him carefully, intuitively knowing something was amiss - that there was more to the story than he was readily admitting to. Suspicion burned at the back of his mind, gaze icy yet unwaveringly stolid, watching raptly as smoke wafted from Jin's mouth into the air. Shikabane marriages had frequently been messy affairs over the years, pushing the clan ever further into isolation the worse they became - no one wanted to marry into a clan with a penchant for viciously torturing and slaughtering its own, defying autonomy and the sanctity of the human body, so commonly inviting all manners of filth and danger into its ranks for the express purpose of coveting power. No one. Anyone with even half a brain should've steered well and clear away from his clan - and not a single one of them had any choice when their era of isolation began.
As it were...anyone within the clan should've married out as soon as the opportunity presented itself. If they had, Kaede may not have been born, but at least he wouldn't have to be responsible for them even now. It'd be someone else preparing to dig through the carcass of the Shikabane estate, sitting here, discussing these matters with Jin. Not him.
He leaned back in his chair, attempting to shift gears and properly listen, wracking his memory for any possible instances in which he may have seen the Mourning Star as Jin described it. There were many cursed tools held beneath the estate, some forged of accursed body parts, others carefully honed via cursed energy, and many more strange, hideous objects - none of them matching Jin's description. Granted, it wasn't as if Kaede was ever allowed under the estate except on...particular occasions (another one of the many reasons no one should've ever given the Shikabane clan the time of day). Beyond the cells they kept was a network of storage rooms, but one of them had been sealed under a web of talismans and foul, long-standing cursed energies. If the Mourning Star was, indeed, in the Shikabane vaults, that's where it ought to be.
He heaved a sigh and, for a moment, his hardened expression softened considerably, more plain and indifferent than the irritation and confusion it bore before.
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"...As I said before, I have no use for this Mourning Star. If I can avoid speaking to any of my dead clanmates, I'd like to do so. There's nothing of value they could offer me, and I couldn't care less about their legacy - it's stained in blood and rot anyway," he said, hints of exceptional bitterness filtering into raspy tones. "Would you want to preserve the legacy of a clan that spent the better part of its existence viciously eating itself and you? I think not."
Hooking an arm over the back of the chair, he pictured the field of crimson spider lilies marking the beginnings of the estate grounds - and all the bodies he'd buried beneath it. What it would mean to return once all was said and done, how dirty his hands and feet would become the very moment he crossed the borderline. But he was nothing if not diligent, proper, and still capable of honor. Annoying; He wanted this all squarely behind him, far, far behind him, where it could never again catch up to him.
"It doesn't surprise me that my clan would do everything it could to keep the Mourning Star under wraps. Death-obsessed idiots... Nothing good ever comes of manipulating the dead; They're far more vengeful than the living could ever be." A brief pause. "What do you want with it anyway? Really. I think you owe me a little more than you've given me. What are your true intentions? I'll help you willingly, if you can tell me that - without lying through your teeth, please."
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doomxdriven · 2 months
                             If the World chooses to become my Enemy,                                                    I will FIGHT like I always have
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doomxdriven · 2 months
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—— the unrequited dream, a song that no one sings, the unattainable.
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doomxdriven · 2 months
//hello there would you like something from jin?? Like this.
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doomxdriven · 2 months
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jin is interesting because he's basically the result of that whole 'live long enough to see yourself become the villain' shit. like as i portray jin, its been a long time since he's been 'good', hundreds and hundreds of years at that, probably longer, but there was still a time where he was something of a hero, seen as the 'hope' of his people, their 'chosen one' as it was, until the harsh reality of the world and other outside forces gradually ground his heart down.
those past experiences make it very amusing for jin when he encounters 'heroic' types though, especially those carrying burden's similar to those he did long ago (prime example being ich.igo, who's regarded by those around them as a hero, a savior, who selflessly takes on those mantles and the burdens that come with them), because he feels like he knows the fate they are headed toward. this also adds to his sense of superiority when dealing with those types, too, because he's been there, done that, and ''knows'' what colossal idiots they are for carrying on like they do-- he see's it as, if those individuals don't wind up dead beforehand, they are going to become him eventually, in some shape or form, whether they know it or not.
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doomxdriven · 2 months
fuck being a creature of habit. i’m a creature of havoc, bitch.
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doomxdriven · 2 months
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[Eats your Soul]
[Eats your Soul]
[Eats your Soul]
[Believe it or not, eats your Soul]
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doomxdriven · 2 months
"Really now? Another one, all for me?"
There River went again, laying another slap against Jin, leading him to stand there unfazed and roll his eyes at her. Jin thought that after the first time, River would have realized she couldn't hope to harm him-- maybe it would sink in the second time around?
The steeling of River's demeanor was a somewhat welcomed change of pace for Jin, though. Jin could tell that River was still opposed to him and the situation he had thrust upon her, but at least she wasn't panicking anymore, outwardly anyway, from what he could see.
"All this hospitality I show you and I'm met with only strikes and cold glares," Jin flippantly says as the winds continue churning around him and River, the two rising higher and higher into the air, "I hope this doesn't become a running theme for us; we will never become close friends at this rate."
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Starting to churn faster than before, the winds circling Jin and River would now see them soaring in the night sky, the building they were on before (along with all others in the town below) now seeming so small and far away beneath the clouds. Still above the two of them, however, was a large aircraft, one they were quickly approaching.
"Although, I'm sure you will come around. One way or the other, everyone always does."
Jin says that because individuals far more hostile than River had been integrated into the freakish menagerie of followers and allies he had cobbled together so far-- individuals that she might be meeting soon, as a matter of fact.
The roar of a jet engine was soon upon Jin and River, blaring over the winds that spun around them, though they would not have to endure it for long. Jin and River would soon be funneled in through the large open doors at the back of the aircraft, the winds dying down as the bay door closed behind them.
There to greet Jin and River in the cargo bay were a group of people River likely would have never seen before. Most of them stare on quietly, though their reactions to River are.... varied. One orange haired man in particular scoffs at River and mutters something along the lines of 'not another fucking one', while a bespectacled blonde woman stares at River and then rolls her eyes at Jin before walking off. Conversely, a tall, mechanical looking figure nods their head in River's direction, and a ominous individual waves at her ecstatically, a wide grin stretched across their ghastly visage.
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"Ah, look at that," a grinning Jin says as he moves closer to River, standing at her side, his tone smooth and amiable-sounding, "a few of your new friends and family have prepared a warm welcome; go on, say hello, don't be shy."
The question ran through her mind in an endless loop. Body helplessly strung up in the air like a doll by invisible wire. Ginger locks dancing gently about pale, freckled features as she watched her kidnapper with soft, glistening eyes. Kindness replaced with a sense of impending doom, and conflict.
She just wanted to go home. She wanted to crawl into bed, and sleep. Believe this was all a terrible nightmare, and find her way into some sort of reprieve from the horrors she's currently facing. But the longer she was there, the more it was becoming a terrifying reality.
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For a moment -- just a split second in the fear and anguish afflicted upon her by this new situation, River felt a strange sense of peace. Those defeated emotions melted away into something more akin to anger. Cold, and vicious. As soon as he came into range of her, she was trying to slap him again. Lips pinched in tight, and brows narrowed despite the few tears still traveling down her cheeks., "Din jævel!" She spat sharply in Norwegian.
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Whether the hand had made contact or not, River stood her ground. Well. As much as she could considering she was presently floating. What only made this situation worse was the fact they were beginning to ascend. It wasn't so much the heights that frightened her, but the fact she was being stolen away from the people, and places she had known for so long. Biting back insults, and trying to come to grips and make a plan for this abysmal situation.
She refused to rely on him in all this. To show him any level of need in all this. So she would try to balance herself. Her gaze sweeping out across the city the higher up they went before resting; glaring towards Jin.
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doomxdriven · 2 months
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"I was always one to flirt with danger," Jin says in response, eying those curious emerald eyes of Gabriella's at first and then the necklace lower on her figure, conjuring up visions of her Soul in his head all the while, her warnings painting an even more enticing picture to him, "few things have ever proved truly dangerous to me, though; finding such a quality in your Soul, even if I cannot truly taste of it, would be rewarding on its own."
Jin, his glass set down on the table and a hand raised, appears to summon forth a glowing, golden object that appears within the palm of his hand as he watched Gabriella viciously toy with her food.
"But, if it's a history lesson or some grand sales pitch you crave for the price of your participation, then we are going to need more than time tonight, we are going to need a stage."
A shame, Jin thought, that Gabriella hadn't been tempted enough by his initial offer, no she had to know more it seemed-- but that was fine. Jin knew that at some point Gabriella needed to know more of the history that dogged him anyway, the history that hung over him, his people, and all peoples, really. If Jin was going to tell Gabriella about it all, it may as well have been tonight.
Jin thought this would be a good chance to show off more of the power he wielded, too, the power he would potentially use to grant those wishes he spoke of, if Gabriella wound up caring about them.
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"It's best you see firsthand that 'petty' doesn't fit into any of my goals," Jin goes on to say with a smirk.
Tapping that golden, glowing object on the table, Jin bade the world around him and Gabriella into nothingness. Everything, everyone, from the waiter who was refilling Gabriella's drink, to the other patrons, and every inch of the lounge itself (save the table she and Jin sat at) would fade away right before her very eyes, leaving the two of them in a black, empty void… though it wouldn't stay empty for long.
"Feel free to continue eating in the meantime," Jin calmly says as he rises up from his seat and walks away from his and Gabriella's table with the glowing object in hand, making his way deeper into the void that now surrounded them.
"If we're to start anywhere, we should start here, at the beginning," as Jin spoke, horrid, towering Hollows emerge from the darkness, "and in the beginning, there were monsters."
Those primordial, hellish creatures draw closer to Jin and Gabriella, but are ultimately struck down by an unknown force, bursting into clusters of brilliant light that overtake the darkness of this void, turning it to an endless plain of pure white.
"Monsters and stagnation; existence was a cruel mockery of what we these days would consider 'life', until one being emerged and changed everything."
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Without warning, a towering individual appears from behind Jin, from the now bleached void, a featureless, pallid giant who's strange eyes bore a cryptic gaze down upon Gabriella. A peculiar, almost overbearing energy emanated from the giant, far different from whatever lay within Gabriella, but still similar in that whatever it was, did not originate from this world.
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Turning away from the towering force, Jin too, gazes toward Gabriella, his smirk now a sharp toothed grin, "I don't expect you to know, but care to take a guess on who this is anyway, Gabriella?"
Gabriella did understand somewhat when he wanted justice, witches had always wanted a form of compensation for the past sins. Especially spilled by humans, witchhunts and all the like. She felt as if there was more to be discovered here. After all, she had never truly dealt with a Bount, perhaps vampires a few times but these were completely different creatures. Still, she listened to him as he spoke, watching his body actions after the intial touch. There was sparks of excitement coming from him, moreso as he spoke. Why wouldn't he? She'd be a powerful assest to him but to only offer three wishes? The witch seemed to mull for a moment, even after a display of his power. Pointed ears twitched as her golden curls were moved, her gaze never once leaving his.
"You can try to taste my soul, but not at those conditions." A little chuckle. "A bold request either way." Her glance shifted to the waiter, bringing them their respective orders. Of course, she had quite a bit of a spread. The witch often burnt a lot of calories with her energy alone, but she was sure for him souls were in the same equivalent. "I don't think that it'll go down your palette easy, or maybe you might end up with something that may just…" There was a pause, taking her fork and knife to dig into the steak placed before her. The meat was a soft pink, nearing to a red. Rare as she liked it. A piece was held up as she continued to speak. "Eat you from the inside out." Gabriella put the meat into her mouth with a hum, quite satisfied with the flavor.
"We do have all night to spend together." She continued, after chewing thoughtfully, swallowing. "You give me such a claim for your side but don't really indulge me on the history. With someone living as long, I'm sure you wouldn't mind sparing the details." The witch mused to herself, moving to grab a tempura shrimp off her plate, fangs seeming to dig into everything with ease. Well, despite the feast that remained in front of her (and baffled the waiter coming back for a drink refill), she still remained elegant, in her speech and actions. Gabriella still knew her table manners after all. "I don't think it's too much to ask to try and convince me to your cause, no? Why would I follow you blindly? I think you're smarter than that."
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For a moment, her eyes still remained an eerie emerald, looking over his form. "Tempt me with something I might actually be interested in." A little coo as she stabbed her steak, perhaps a bit harshly. It made her think of flesh, the way she could render it, or worse, but she could behave herself, swallow those dark urges with another bite. "So, Jin-- other than I having a tempting soul and power, you must want something specific from the Soul society than petty revenge, right?"
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