dooomkitten · 5 hours
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dooomkitten · 3 days
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dooomkitten · 3 days
*reasonable restrictions are ones you consider fair for your own safety or wellbeing, especially for things like graphic depictions of violence in relation to your age at the time (i.e. "you can read this when you're older")
not sure if books you read were banned? here is a archive of the top 10 most banned/challenged books from 2001-2022, hosted by the American Library Association
as well as the Wikipedia page for the Most Commonly Challenged Books in the United States
Wikipedia page for Books Banned by the Government, organized by region/country
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dooomkitten · 4 days
Mods! Misinterpret her intentional whimsy in bad faith and mistake it for sincere idiocy!
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dooomkitten · 7 days
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making a new post so I don’t derail from the OP’s point on the other one:
I cannot stress enough that no matter your age, if you are an adult, you can (and probably should) grant medical power of attorney to someone in your life who you trust to make decisions for you when you are incapable of making them for yourself!
imagine you are in an accident, unconscious, disabled (long or short term), or otherwise unable to consent to or make decisions about your treatment etc. If you don’t don’t want the power to make decisions about your treatment, long term care, and more to fall randomly into the hands of a parent, sibling, grandparent, a child, or even a spouse, you need to grant someone specific medical power of attorney.
you should also have an advanced directive/living will, very clearly outlining what decisions you would want to be made on your behalf in difficult situations (like whether to take you off of life support, whether to bury or cremate you, etc.) this will not only help back up the POA if a family member challenges it, it will also help the person you granted POA make difficult choices without wondering whether they’re honoring what you would want. 
finally, you should have a will that outlines your inheritance, which will usually supersede next of kin.
Family members and spouses can challenge a POA, but that’s just like any other legal matter.
In my case, I love my default next of kin dearly and would trust anyone of them to do their very best to honor my wishes. But why make them wonder about those wishes or go through the stress of disagreeing with each other if they have differing ideas on how to best advocate for me?
My best friend, unrelated to me by blood, has my POA and a legal folder with my advanced directive/living will. she is my emergency contact at my job and any medical offices I use.
I know plenty of people reading this may feel very young and like this will won’t be an issue for you for a long time, but the unthinkable can happen at any time. Please put control in the hands of someone you trust!
ESPECIALLY if you are queer or otherwise vulnerable to the desires of family members who will not be interested in advocating for what you want.
I was lucky in that a pride festival I attended several years ago had a legal booth where someone walked me through creating all of this, free of charge. I know access to legal counsel and information is a privilege! Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t sort this all out. But you should look into it, and do it if you can!
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dooomkitten · 9 days
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Tardigrade/Water Bear Species: Acutuncus antarcticus
There are approximately 1,300 known species under the phylum Tardigrada. They are found almost anywhere, including mountaintops, tropical rainforests, the deep sea, and the Antarctic. They are extremophiles, capable of surviving a few minutes at both 151°C (304°F) and −272°C (−458°F; 1 K) and a few days at −200°C (−328°F; 73 K).
This particular Antarctic species has been found to be able to survive for 30 years at −20°C (−4°F). (Tsujimoto et al. 2016 Cryobiology)
Photo credit: Megumu Tsujimoto/NIPR
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dooomkitten · 12 days
Oh woah hey there 🐱 I think that was a funny little accident just now. 🐱 You see I was just licking this plate of food left on the counter and you 🐱 pushed my face right out of the way. I think you just did not notice 🐱 my face was there so no worries, I’ll just go back to 🐱 OH you’ve pushed my face away again? Sorry I don’t mean to embarrass 🐱 you but I am in the middle of something here so I will simply just 🐱 You have pushed my face away again?????? 🐱🐱🐱
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dooomkitten · 13 days
sometimes thinking abt all the gaming youre gonna do later is what gets you through the workday and then you get home and do no gaming. not even a little bit of gaming
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dooomkitten · 20 days
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dooomkitten · 21 days
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dooomkitten · 24 days
nothing in the world makes me more evil than just being kind of annoyed
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dooomkitten · 28 days
no i don't want to use your ai assistant. no i don't want your ai search results. no i don't want your ai summary of reviews. no i don't want your ai feature in my social media search bar (???). no i don't want ai to do my work for me in adobe. no i don't want ai to write my paper. no i don't want ai to make my art. no i don't want ai to edit my pictures. no i don't want ai to learn my shopping habits. no i don't want ai to analyze my data. i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i don't fucking want it i am going to go feral and eat my own teeth stop itttt
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dooomkitten · 28 days
Having your main anxiety response be Avoidance is crazy cause you'll think you're chillin and then one day you're like waitttt I've been paralyzed with fear this whole time. Damn
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dooomkitten · 29 days
do genuinely find it fascinating how indeed.com is like the biggest job-hunting website out there and yet manages to be profoundly useless in every possible way
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dooomkitten · 1 month
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dooomkitten · 1 month
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dooomkitten · 1 month
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