doowlssleep · 2 days
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There's an anatomical error on this page. Can you notice it?
Chapter one
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Me on Tapas
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doowlssleep · 2 days
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this was supposed to be a chill song meme, but i just couldnt stop myself from adding the last part and ruining my own attempt at fluff
the song is Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John
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doowlssleep · 7 days
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some witch girls
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doowlssleep · 10 days
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They fly now? Everything ends in confusion.
Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 are out on Ao3 :3
prev, damn the next post will already be the last one. og post
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doowlssleep · 10 days
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I'm big fan of her "scared cat" expression %)
Chapter one
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Me on Tapas
Bonus part with no filters on these two
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doowlssleep · 11 days
The Guardians 🔮
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doowlssleep · 14 days
W.I.T.C.H ✨
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doowlssleep · 15 days
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@pseudomelancholic thanks a lot <3
dgm worldbuilding is a pretty scary and oh my how delicious can the story get
unfortutanely i don't have an actual story for this, what i have is a couple of random thoughts abt how w.i.t.c.h. plot can work in this au? more like an expansion for previous pics?
hope its ok) i enjoyed finally writing it down)
Hay Lin never actually saw her grandmother Yan Lin in person, only heard stories from her dad (very few stories, to be honest, but they were really sweet, okay!), and she wanted to meet her so badly! But her dad kept saying it's impossible and never elaborated. Until one day he just came back home all sad and told his mother had passed away. There were just three of them at the funeral - Hay Lin and her parents. The evening after the ceremony Hay Lin lingered at the cemetery, mourning a person she wished she knew... this was then he showed up. The Noah. Eeringly pretty young man with long silky hair and compassionate smile. "My friend Millenium Earl," he said, "grows magical roses, that can bring back those taken by your cruel God. Take this little seed, and it will grow into a new body for your grandmother. Just call upon her soul - and she will come back for you. Isn't it wonderful?"
And then very real very alive Yan Lin interrupts this sales speech.
Yan Lin has been an exorcist since she was a teen and made herself a reputation for finding and recruiting new exorcists for the Black Order. To be honest, now she is one of the last two people who actually take and train pupils (most marshalls are already dead, and Kadma... well, while still remaining the part of the Order and looking for new exorcists, she haven't shown up in the Headquarters for like four years straight). Being that valuable as a marshall, she wasn't actually allowed to keep in touch with her family - not only because The Council (and the infamous inspector of the Central Agency Luba known for being the most harsh and rigid of them all) would get mad, it's just too dangerous for her family. So she left her son wiht her husband and only visited them from time to time, in secret... and now, right after fending off very suspicious flock of rhino looking lvl 2 akuma, she came to oversee her own fake funeral - her latest and most desperate attempt to divert her enemies attention from her family.
And look - some Noah kid is trying to sell an akuma seed to her grandchild! What a scam!
Of course it's going to be Cedric who does all the actual job of hanging akuma\whisperers seeds to people.
The Earl of Millenium gave him a portion of his powers for this, as Earl himself is quiet asocial and isn't going to do this until his life literally depends on it. He doesn't even like being the Earl - collecting the family, leading them and such, he is not even that happy about ending the world. Mostly because he doesn't like the idea of following the fate layed out for him by previous reincarnations (but the part about punching god in the face is still alluring). He likes his akumas though, so he spends most of the time in the garden, letting Cedric run around as his mouthpiese while supervising him through akumas eyes.
It's also Cedric who holds annual family dinners (the Earl rarely attends, almost never) and looks after family members - there are not much of them, he still needs to find the others. He has to! He can't deal with Ludmoor alone anymore, and Frost is usually away at field job killing somebody.
Phobos is not a good Lord Millenium. Not because he neglects his job and delegates most of it to Cedric and other Noah, it's fine really as long as it is still done. He feels like he is incomplete. Like he lacks some of the power he supposed to have. Like the Earls suite is too big for him alone. Sometimes he dreams looking in a mirror - the reflection shows him a shade, much smaller than him, a black shade of a girl with a sinister white smile. Sometimes she has a crown. The Earl hates the girl, but it seems like he needs her to be whole again.
Running away after that humiliating failed deal with Yan Lins girl - as an afterthought, it should be pretty obvious that Frost couldn't kill a marshall yet, but his confidence was kind of contagious - Cedric finally met a girl he was looking for. He couldn't miss the familial resemblance between her and the Earl, same eye shape, same hair, same skin color... but she was reeking of Innocence - she was not a Noah, was she? For now Cedric had to run, Yan Lin might change her mind and chase him, no, thank you, but maybe - just maybe he could spare couple of minutes to say hello. The Earl surely wouldn't be angry enough for electrocution if Cedric could get him at least some good news, eh?
yes, Earl knows one of his akumas got stolen by the Black Order. He was informed that their science department managed to reprogramme it, so now it doesn't follow Earls ordres and doesn't want to kill people. It even chose a name for itself. Earl doesn't really care. It was a faul flower from the start, why bother. And he can always destroy it whenether he feels like it. Let exorcists think they won this time.
Innocence as a wearpon, as a power(?) is unforgiving. You let doubt crawl in your heart, you misstep - and it deems you unworthy and turns on you. That's how Nerissa has fallen. Nobody talks of why she had betrayed her friend Cassidy and tried to claim the Cube (if you ask Yan Lin, she'll just say that Nerissa needed answers... and what she got in the end was far beyond what her mind could handle), but everyone knows the result. Their fight destroyed lower levels of the Headquarters, got Cassidy killed and her Innocence shattered. Nerissa didn't even have time to regret it. Her own Innocence turned against her, overtaking her body and creating a Fallen One. Whatever happend next, is still heavily classified. What is also classified, is Nerissas malformed body, kept in stasis for decades now, hidden deep underground, within a giant glass tank for Science division to study, protected from unwanted eyes by metal doors and Inspector Luba herself.
Who knew it would be Lubas own actions what breaks the containment procedures.
(also it is not that clear from lineup but i decided Matt is going to be an undercover Bookman-jr. That's what he gets for season 7 plottwist xD)
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my brain please i made a lineup and posted it can i be free now pretty please
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doowlssleep · 15 days
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I guess I just gave all my eloquence to the fanfictions, now it is just this classics
Btw hey, you, Disney, now that everyone is talkin about Poolverine queercoding, don't be cowards and declare Yarr/Himerish canon!
even behind the scenes if we cannot hope for any actual content, you already did that with cartoon Nerissa/Cassidy so what's the big deal
although of course if you published a wedding special i would not mind either
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doowlssleep · 17 days
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I drew this a few months ago to celebrate the Norwegian re-release of W.i.t.c.h.!
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doowlssleep · 18 days
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We used to joke that comic Phobos and cartoon Cedric would really be a force to recon with if put in a room together. Meanwhile, comic Cedric gets the goth makeover he deserves.
Royal shenanigans in chapter 7 and chapter 8 of the swap are out on Ao3.
og post
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doowlssleep · 18 days
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doowlssleep · 18 days
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additional materials [2]
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my brain please i made a lineup and posted it can i be free now pretty please
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doowlssleep · 18 days
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yeah additional materials
took me some time to translate ^^"
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my brain please i made a lineup and posted it can i be free now pretty please
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doowlssleep · 19 days
Hello .. . ... .. ...
So - I may repeat a bit what I say in the note there.. I felt like the two stories about Yarr and Himerish were rather angsty - especially the latter. And I wanted to lighten up the mood of our and their days
So this is a bunch of drabbles of stupid fun and quite a lot of stupid fluff. It follows my storyline, but it is not entirely a part of it - like it does not work with it really, it has a very different vibe, it is very silly and it is OOC to both original story and my own heh - i feel it stands kind of strangely in between the stupid i do here and the serious i do on AO3? Although some are very much just about the stupid
i even sometimes make fun of my own phrases from the most dramatic moments of the former stories
look, it like - did and did not happen, ok? Something not at all, something a little..
you know what, a sneak peek of the fluffy silly:
“So, what is this? Is it some kind of weapon?”
“No – no – sincerely – it is this earthly machine that just – makes very realistic pictures very quickly, of whatever you direct this lens at.”
“Well, I hope it will work the same here, what if the physics is a bit different..? We shall see… Could you just – stand here, for example, by the tree – and not move for a moment, please?”
“Well, I – uhh – need to take a picture of you. If you would not mind. Ehum.”
“What? Why would you do that?”
“Eh… well… the Guardians… they want to see what you look like.”
“They are just – curious -”
“But – what am I to do – I never encountered this – machine -”
“You just have to stand still for a few seconds -”
“I – oh suns – like – like this?”
“Well, yeah, but you are sort of tense… can you relax a bit?”
“All… right…”
“That is too much…”
“Oh my, this is so difficult -”
“Tell me about it. All right, this could be it, do not move – oh no, I should not have said anything, now you tensed again.”
“I sincerely want to stab that thing with a sword.”
“You cannot, it is not mine. Not to mention, Taranee would burn me to ashes, quite literally.”
(it goes on, with a big damn fluff)
so it should be mainly for good vibes :) if anyone is in need
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doowlssleep · 21 days
Small fandoms are great because I'm convinced if I logged in after the nuclear apocalypse, the same 5 fuckers would still be online, posting their headcanons, now slightly more radiated.
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doowlssleep · 22 days
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my brain please i made a lineup and posted it can i be free now pretty please
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