I'm Sorry
I regret to tell you guys that this blog is officially dead. With school and worrying about getting into college I've completely neglected this blog and unfortunately slipped out of the fandom. Now, I still love the Nordics with all my heart but I don't feel at all qualified anymore to keep this blog going. I'll keep it up so anyone can still scroll through my headcanons, but I will no longer be writing any new ones for this fandom. I’m most likely going to start new projects in the near future, but they won’t be relating to Hetalia. Anyways, it’s been fun guys. I’m really glad I had you to take this journey with me and encourage me to improve. I love you all ♡ -Amelia
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a denmark x reader scenario wherein denmark confesses in school in public? ;v; thank youuu. your blog is golden btw xoxo 💕
Sorry this took so long, but thanks dear!!
Today wasn’t the best day for you. First, you completely bombed a test that you forgot to study for in history. Then you proceeded to accidentally call the teacher ‘mom’. And to top it all off, your skirt to your uniform flew up in the middle of class when you made the mistake of walking in front of a fan. Now you were standing at your locker, wanting to die of embarrassment. Letting out a sigh, you grabbed your books and slammed the door shut.
As you turned to go to your next class, you were met with the familiar face of your best friend, Matthias. He picked the perfect time to show up at your locker; he always seemed to brighten your day, no matter what.
“Hey, what’s up (y/n)?” He asked, giving you a bright grin and ruffling your hair. Brushing off his hand, you noticed something was a bit off about him. He usually called you some stupid nickname, like (nickname) or ‘boo’. He rarely called you by your actual name for the many years you’ve been friends. You decided not to put much thought into it, maybe he just decided to change things up?
You leaned against your locker, rolling your eyes, “I’ve had the worst day today; I accidentally flashed my fourth hour! My skirt flew up and the whole class saw my underwear. I’m mortified.”
His cheeks flushed a bit, though he hid it with a laugh, “really!? Wow, you have terrible luck.”
“Shut up. I don’t wanna show my face in this school ever again.” You exaggerated, covering your face with your hands.
“What? You’re way too pretty to never show your face again.” He said, before letting out a small gasp.
You lifted your head to see him clasping a hand over his mouth, his eyes wide at what had slipped out. You felt your cheeks warm up, “you… you really think I’m pretty?”
He bashfully scratched the back of his head, giving you a weak smile, “well of course, you’re beautiful, actually. Though, in a different way. You just have something about you that always draws me in. Maybe it’s your laugh, or your smile, or the way you always tell me to fight you. There’s just something about you that I can’t get enough of.”
“Matthias… was that a confession?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, (nickname),” just then, the bell rang throughout the halls, warning the students to get to their class. You were about to say goodbye to Matthias, when he placed his hand on the lockers beside you, preventing you from moving. Quickly, he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours, “see you in sixth hour.”
Just like that, he left, leaving you rooted to the spot out of shock. Your whole face was a bright red as you pulled your books closer to your chest, and large grin stuck on your face.
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You okay? Need a hug or anything (Have one anyways)? You've been kinda quiet and I'm worried about you. *hug* ~Le Worried Anon~
Omfg yeah I’m sorry, something happened a few weeks back but I’m totally fine now, I’ve just been super busy lately. I’m sorry for worrying you though!!!! *hugs back*
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Ask Box: Closed
I’ll open it back up when I finish all the headcanons I’ve gotten!!
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In fact these headcanons are the dopest. You do a wonderful job with them :D
Thank youuu!!!! You guys are so sweet to me omfg.
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Hey! First off, I love you! *hugs* Second, how do you think the Nordics would react to finding out their s/o is also a country that they kinda just forgot had a personification?
Thank you!!!! *hugs back* Sorry this is so late btw. I’ve been very lazyy.
Would be so fucking stoked when he found out. He would also be super relieved that he wouldn’t have to outlive you. He will literally pick you up and spin you around.
Instantly wants to do a bunch of stupid shit because you both can’t die.
This would be one of the rare moments that you see him smile. He wonders how he forgot about your country, though he doesn’t dwell on it too much.
Literally dips you, kissing you deeply.
Surprised at first, though it turns to pure joy. He also feels kinda stupid that he forgot your country had a personification.He hides his joy though, but he’s a pretty bad liar.
He ends up hugging you tightly, all the while insisting that he wasn’t that happy.
Like Lukas, it would be one of the rare moments that you actually see him smile. He doesn’t say anything, but his grin says enough.
The bear hug he gives you after a few moments of silence is well worth the quiet.
So many hugs and kisses. He’s super happy that he never has to lose you. At that moment, everything he was stressing about leaves his mind. Nothing would be able to bring him down for a while.
Won’t let go of you. He’s like a koala, just clinging to you for a few hours.
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Not an ask I just wanted to congratulate you on the followers thing, and ILY, like you don't even know how awesome you are -HUGS FOR DAYS-
Thank you so much dear!!!! -HUGS BACK FOR DAYS-
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Oh my god thank you so much sweetheart!!!!! (I’m posting this because it’s super sweet and I want to be able to look back on it later on!)
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So I’ve been pretty busy all day *cough* being lazy *cough* so I didn’t get to finishing up any headcanons, but I did end up realizing how close school is for me. I go back on the 6th and I’m about to start my sophomore year. Thinking about that made me realize that I probably have some followers who are just starting high school, so I decided to give you guys some advice you’ve probably heard before, but oh well.
Pay attention during class, and don’t use your phone.
Help out the student council. It’s actually pretty fun helping them out, especially with homecoming and spirit week, and they most likely need all the help they can get.
Join clubs or sports. They’re actually super fun and if you don’t like them, you don’t have to stay in them. It’s also a great way to make friends.
Talk to teachers and get on their good side. Joke around with them too if they’re chill. A couple of my friends and I called my favorite teacher “Shrek” for the whole year (to his face) and because he had a sense of humor, he thought it was funny. Doing stuff like that will make it easy for them to remember you, and can be super helpful if you need letters of recommendations from teachers for college or pre-college programs sometime down the road.
Don’t be a dick though. Don’t talk back to them and be disruptive. You’ll just make the teacher and the rest of your class hate you.
Do. Your. Homework. I cannot stress this enough; I never did my homework in eighth grade and failed math. Thankfully, that gave me a slap in the face and helped me realize that you need to do your fucking work.
Put your mental health over your grades though. Like if you’re about to have a breakdown over stress, take some time to relax.
Learn to study. I used to never have to in elementary and middle school, but finals fuck with you man. I still don’t know how to study, but I’m going to try my best this year.
If you have lunches separated like I do (it depends on your 4th hour, not your grade. So basically people from every grade get mixed into one lunch), don’t stress if you don’t have any friends in it with you. You’ll most likely have acquaintances, so don’t be afraid to sit with them. It actually helps you get closer to those you don’t know very well, and who knows, by the end of the trimester, semester, year, etc, you’ll most likely have some new close friends.
You won't keep the same friends all throughout high school, and that’s okay. People drift apart, friends fight, you realize some people are toxic, and that’s totally normal.
Don't worry about dating or anything, and don’t get worked up because no one will ask you out. In the end, it doesn’t really matter that much. High school relationships usually don’t last anyways. And also, don’t date seniors if you’re a freshman.
Cherish every good memory you have in high school.
Be yourself, because it’s super straining to put up an act for four years straight.
Get help if you need it. For homework, tests, or basically anything.
Get enough sleep damn it. I know, it’s tempting when you just found a 500,000 word fanfic of your favorite pairing at 2 am, but you have to sleep. Your health is the more important than anything else.
Be a nice person. Like, you may think acting like an ass is cool or whatever, but honestly being mean gets you nowhere. Unless the person you’re being mean to is a sack of shit. Then tear them the fuck apart.
No one notices if you’re not wearing makeup, if you aren’t dressed nicely, or if you’re breaking out.
That’s all I can think of at the moment, but I hope this helps!!
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hey can you do some headcanons where the Nordics s/o is asexual please? Thanks =)
Wouldn’t actually know what it meant until you explained it to him. When he understood, he would get a bit pouty, but would respect you.
Continues to pout every once in awhile, but in a joking sense. He never actually tries to pressure you.
He would be the most upset out of everyone, but would eventually grow to accept it.
Wouldn’t try to pressure you into anything, but would occasionally try to tease you, though it would have no effect. In the end, he would respect your wishes and boundaries.
The most okay with it out of all of the Nordics. I personally headcanon him as being asexual, so it would be perfect for him.
Matthias would probably try and tease the two of you a bit about sexual topics, trying to make you embarrassed, but you and Emil would just give each other a look saying, “should we tell him?”
It wouldn’t matter at all to Berwald, he isn’t really one to care much about sex. He just loves you for you, and your orientation doesn’t change that.
Lowkey super happy that you trust him enough to tell him.
He would be totally fine with it. He doesn’t care if you have a lot of sexual desires or none, he just want’s you to be happy.
Will cuddle the hell out of you though, so be prepared.
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Nordic's fears headcanons?
Being forgotten
Losing his brother
The dark
Enclosed spaces (claustrophobia)
Being judged
Being underappreciated
Being alone
Public speaking
Social rejection
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Hi! I just have a small question- if you sent in a ship request before they were closed, does it still mean that they'll be... not done?? Sorry, I couldn't think of the right words rip :'')
I actually finished all the ship requests I got before I closed it, so maybe your’s got eaten by tumblr? I closed them about two weeks ago so it’s probable that something like that happened. Sorry dear!
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Oh my god I can’t believe that there’s so many of you guys. I just really want to thank you for following this blog and sending me requests!! I’ll be posting more headcanons on Monday, so stay tuned for that!
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what would the nordics do if their s/o is in college and while they are typing an essay they log onto twitter to talk to them? I SNUCK ON TUMBLR WHILE IM IN SCHOOL OK dont kill me pls
DO YOUR WORK DEAR!!! Jeez, I feel like such a mother right now.
DenmarkHappy to talk to them, no matter the circumstances. He even suggests hanging out to get their mind off of school work, as long as they promise to finish the essay later.
NorwayHe would scold them so much, he wants them to get the best education they can and won’t tolerate them slacking off. Offers to help them out, and ends up getting them a 100%.
IcelandProbably is supposed to be doing an assignment as well, but procrastinates and talks to them. They both agree to have a netflix marathon later on that night, and work in the morning. Not the best plan, but it surprisingly works.
SwedenDoesn’t approve of them slacking off, but understands that they may need a break. End up helping them and proofreading the essay.
FinlandGoes full Mom Mode™, telling them that school work comes before their social life. Acts pretty similar to Lukas, though in the end he caves and talks to them.
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Could you do the nordics' insecurities? Body, behavior, etc. Thanks if you do!! ^_^
DenmarkHis personality. He’s constantly afraid that none of his friends actually like him because he’s loud and a bit childish.
NorwayHis inability to bond with his brother. He didn’t get to take care of Emil much when he was younger (Denmark did that) and he wants to make up for lost times, but beats himself up whenever Emil’s being too stubborn.
IcelandEmil hates his body, being super thin and never being able to gain muscle easily. He feels like he still looks like a kid, so he wears larger sweaters to try and hide how small he is.
SwedenOften, he gets frustrated at how shy he is and how he’s not able to speak much because of it. He also doesn’t like going out, because people seem afraid of him when he does.
FinlandHis height. He always gets flustered when the others tease him about it and is always trying new things to make him seem taller, though they never work.
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Thank you so much!!! And the dog isn’t mine, it’s a submission someone sent in!
Will always randomly surprise his S/O with flowers, chocolate, etc. Also likes to bake little treats for them.
Has chess competitions with his partner, the winner having to do certain chores. He always wins, much to his S/O’s disappointment.
Always steals the fucking blanket at night and refuses to give it back.
Quietly sings while cleaning and doing errands (mostly songs from Disney movies). His voice is actually really nice.
Secretly is terrified of spiders and makes his S/O kill them.
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How do the Nordics behave when they are super drunk? Love your blog sweet cheeks!
Thank you so much lovely! Here you go!!
It takes a lot to get him drunk (Denmark is one of the drinking capitals of the world) but once he is, he gets super emotional.
He’ll start crying to the bar tender until someone has to drag him home.
Pretty decent tolerance, though it’s not too hard to get him drunk. When he is, he’s like a totally different person. Alcohol makes him super giggly and happy.
He’ll hang around Emil, hugging him and asking him to call him big brother. He’ll basically act like a child.
He has the smallest tolerance out of all of them, so after like three drinks he’ll be drunk. Will try to strip. His morals go out the window.
Gets like super provocative like what the hell Emil. Eventually, after trying to give some random chick a lapdance, he has to be brought home by Lukas.
Pretty good with alcohol, but when he’s drunk he gets a lot more talkative.
He’ll most likely be hanging out with Tino, the roles completely switched. Berwald will be taking his ear off, meanwhile Tino will be super quiet.
Best tolerance out of the whole group. He’s rarely seen drunk, even though he does several shots of vodka every time he goes out. When he is drunk though, he gets downright scary.
Like he will start a fight don’t mess with him.
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