#aph denmark x reader
milaisreading · 4 months
Denmark and Yn meet for the first time as kids:
Denmark: Travel the world with me!
Yn: No!
Days later....
Denmark: How about now?
Yn: No.
Weeks later...
Denmark: Tra-
Yn: No.
A month later....
Yn: NO!
2 months later....
Denmark: I am off now. It was nice knowing you.
Yn: For the last time, I am no- Wait! You are... going away?
Denmark: Yes
Yn: And... you are leaving without me?
Denmark: You clearly want to stay with your people, which is understandable since you are their country. And I need to go back to my people. Besides, there are so many parts of the world I want to travel!
Yn: And you are leaving me...alone here?
Denmark: I will visit you one day again. Maybe in 50 years or so. I am unsure for now.
On the day of the departure...
Denmark: Ok then, let's go...
Yn, running after Denmark with a packed bag: Wait! I want to come too! I don't want to be alone again! Wait!
Denmark, grinning as he waits for her to catch up: Looks like her boss was right...
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hetaliaimaginesin2022 · 11 months
hi atlas, i love ur texts !! <3 could u do some imagines for norway, denmark and lithuania falling asleep while the reader was reading them fairy tales? thank uuu, wishin u an amazing day <3
Thank you so much, you're so sweet, I hope your day is just as lovely as you are
Denmark, Lithuania, and Norway Falling Asleep To Their S/O's Reading To Them
Denmark • Matthias Køhler
When you picked up the book and started reading, you were sitting on the couch, Mathias' head resting on your thighs while his attention was on his phone
As you started reading, he didn't immediately notice, too focused on whatever group chat he was in, but at some point in your reading, it caught his attention and he started listening
He placed his phone on his chest and closed his eyes, just intending on listening for a little while, but quite quickly after he did so, he drifted off to sleep, lulled by your voice
Lithuania • Toris Laurinaitis
He loves the sound of your voice, finding it to be calming and deeply soothing, especially when he's struggling with sleeping, as he's prone to do
While he's embarrassed doing so, he'll actually ask you to read something cute while he tries to drift off, so you choosing fairytales is kind of perfect
He enjoys laying in bed next to you while you softly read the short stories, a small smile on his face
It makes him fall asleep better than anything else
Norway • Lukas Bondevik
He's an unabashed lover of fantasy, mythology, magic and the arcana, so he doesn't mind you reading fairytales aloud (this is probably not an uncommon occurrence and he'll occasionally make requests of stories from his country)
He normally doesn't fall asleep when you read them, however, since he had to sit through a particularly long World Conference meeting earlier in the day, he couldn't help it
With him leaning against you, he slowly fell asleep, relaxing to the sound of your voice
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atom-writings · 6 months
Привет! Я здесь впервые. Можно ли запросить какие-нибудь яндере хедканоны для Нидерландов, Швеции и Дании. Заранее спасибо!☆
hetalia netherlands, sweden, and denmark yandere headcanons
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1.0k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: typical yandere tws, violence, unhealthy relationships
a/n: Привет!!!! Спасибо за быдет здесь ! Я буду писать по-английски, потому что мой русский только разговорный, извини ): hopefully soon i will be better lol
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Abel may not be a fatal Yandere, but that doesn’t make him any less dangerous.
It's unlikely that you would know him in the first place. Despite his striking appearance, he's never been the kind of person to socialize, much less make friends. You wouldn't remember how you met him, but he would remember how he met you.
You were walking across the street during a busy day, talking to whoever was on your phone. You blended easily into the crowd. The moment was anything but memorable, much less extraordinary. But it was just that for him.
You wouldn't even realize he had been following you until weeks later. You were returning from work when suddenly you felt large hands grabbing you from behind, and then everything went dark.
Your life after that was simple. Wake up in his countryside estate, do the housework, garden, sew, and cook until he returns. The home had to be completely spotless from top to bottom, or you would be punished.
Every single thing that you do from dawn to dusk must be perfect. Even the smallest speck of dusk, the tiniest malfeasance, was justification for him to drag you to the cellar by your hair.
There you would remain, naked and freezing, until he decided you truly understood the mistake you had made. To earn his respect, not only as a partner but as a person, you must be perfect.
Sometimes it's easy to believe that he doesn't love you.  Which is true, to an extent, as he's very forceful in his shaping of you. But... he does love you. Yes, he chose you because of your potential, but he still loves the things that make you...  you. Even if he never acts on that love.
Your relationship will be rather dry. He is not particularly violent, nor is he particularly attracted or affectionate towards you. Abel wants you to be his partner in life before he wants you to be a romantic partner.
Despite his unreasonably high standards for you, he'd be a pretty placid Yandere. He doesn't have a violent temper, and he does care for you genuinely. His ways of showing that are just... horrible.
Berwald is a... surprising Yandere, to say the least. He's very hard to predict, and understanding him is a task fit for nobody
You two were friends, neither close nor distant, when he fell in love. There would've been no way for you to know this, of course, considering how he barely acted like he liked you in the first place.
The way you found out was no more comforting. You were awoken in the middle of the night to find a handcuff around your wrist, tying you to your bed frame. And when you looked over, you were met with the daunting and unreadable face of Berwald.
Then, he explained what was going to happen. You were going to marry him, and you two would begin living together. No questions, no consideration of your own feelings, only... a statement. Then, he released you.
You tried to go to the police, only to receive absolutely no help. Seems like he had known you'd do that, and had prepared beforehand accordingly. By the time you returned to your home, your things were already gone and shipped to his home.
But once you accept your fate, Berwald is not very controlling. Yes, he expects you to love him and live with him, but whatever you want to do outside of that is totally fine with him. He's not overly paranoid, and can't seem to get upset with you over anything.
You're a free person, as long as you don't try to break up with him. Then, he may begin locking you in the house more often.
He's not very affectionate, but he loves spending time with you. Your voice is like music to his ears, and he can't get enough of hearing you talk. He loves every single part of you. He loves you so much that sometimes you worry you're the one manipulating him!
But when you bring up that concern, he won't dissuade you. It's better for him to be the victim in your eyes anyway. Maybe then you won't even think of another man, wracked with guilt over your actions... yes, that'd be perfect.
Mathias is a deceptive Yandere.
When you two are originally friends, you wonder if he could ever hurt anyone on purpose. But when he drags you kicking and screaming home after your latest escape attempt, you wonder if he could ever truly love anyone.
He's methodical about his Yandere tendencies. He isn't impatient or harsh, he makes you love him before he finally takes you home. By the time you're chained up in one of his spare rooms, he's made sure absolutely nobody would ever wonder where you went.
Your relationship is nothing more than a game to him. Yes, he loves you, but not as a boyfriend should. He loves your desperation, your weakness... there's nothing more fun to him than forcing you into more and more pathetic states.
He loves building you up just to tear you down. Somedays, he wakes you up with a kiss on your forehead and breakfast in bed. Other days, you're woken up by him picking you up out of bed and throwing you to the floor.
Mathias has quite a temper too. It doesn't come out quite often, but when it does, you're the target of all of his pent-up anger.
It's hard to tell if he's aware of his horrible thoughts. Sometimes, he acts like he doesn't realize he's hurting you. But other times, he's clearly torturing you on purpose.
Either way, you'll quickly learn it's better to just not cross him. Even when he's smiling, you never know when that facade could drop. Especially in front of his family, you've learned how to pretend everything's alright.
And if you truly escaped... you have no idea what he would do. That's almost a scarier thought than the reality of staying with Mathias.
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alfredosauce50 · 1 month
One More Night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 12 (draft)
Wordcount: 519
It wasn’t something he’d associate with a trip to Sin City because you either spent copious amounts of money or sold your soul, neither of which, he was willing to do.
The draft is on my Patreon ❤️
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merbear25 · 3 months
Hello! I'd love to request Italy, Denmark and Germany watching their girlfriend crochet or seeing the finished product. I just finished making my first piece of clothing, overalls, for my almost 1 yr old nephew. 🥰🥰 please and thank you!
Hey, hey! This is so wholesome! I'm sure it'll look super cute on him 💜 Hope you like it 🥰
CW: SFW, fem!reader, fluff
Italy: He'd been checking in on you periodically, mostly to chit chat, but he always commented on how cute it looked. During one of his many rambles about everything and anything, his attention drifted to how maticulous crocheting was. He'd wonder how you can do the same motions for as long as you'd been. That being said, he was looking forward to the finished result.
Once you were reaching the end of it, he'd keep popping in to ask if you were done yet and how much longer it'd be. This may be mildly irritating, but it would be his way of showing his interest and excitement in your hobby.
When you finally revealed the completed project to him, he'd fawn over how much talent you had asking if you could ever make something for him. Please make him something. He'd wear it till it fell apart. He'd share your enthusiasm in your accomplishment by offering to grab your favorite ice cream.
Denmark: Similar to Italy, he'd be drifting in and out of the room you were in, floating around you, watching the process unfold into a well-crafted item. Once knowing what you were making, he'd shoot a ton of compliments about how it looked just like it (even if it still looked like nothing). He'd start going on about how he can see your vision and how awesome it'd look upon completion.
He'd come in asking if you needed anything to drink or a snack. If you wanted something, he'd happily bring it to you, but you may notice some crums on his cheeks or a slight mustache of whatever the drink you'd requested was. He'd tell you it was just a quality check.
Seeing you light up from accomplishing your item, he'd beam at you not only out of the completion of it, but also from the joy in your eyes. He'd be so proud of you for sticking to it and would slide in a request of his own, which if you accepted it, he'd wear as much as possible.
Germany: Would enjoy sitting in whichever room you're in and doing something quietly along side you (mostly reading). He wouldn't want to disturb you while you were concentrating. If it were particularly cold that day, he'd offer you blankets. If it were a bit warm, he'd offer to open some of the windows. You should feel comfortable and relaxed after all.
He'd observe your creative process and enjoy seeing your concentrated expression on the item you were crocheting. Smiling to himself, he'd try to figure out what it was exactly you were going for. When you'd made enough progress with it, he'd be genuinely impressed. It wasn't that he doubted your abilities―you were still new to the hobby, so to see you make such quick progress was admirable.
The big reveal was the best part because he got to properly compliment your hard work. You were pleased with yourself, as you should be, and seeing you take pride in it brought a slight smile to his face. He'd really want you to make something for him but would feel rather uncomfortable asking you for it.
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Hello! I was hoping if you would be willing to do the 2p Nordics with a very short s/o? NSFW if possible!
Of course! I hope you enjoy this :D fair warning tho I'm tall so I naturally don't have a lot of experience with being short ^^;;;
2p Denmark/Markell Køhler
He likes it a little too much in the wrong way (cough pervert cough)
He thinks that you being tinier than him is cute, and he will make you wear cute stuff and then fuck you in it, the size difference turns him on
2p Finland/Thurston Väinämöinen
He's already short enough as it is and he hates it, thinks it makes him look weak. That also applies to a possible SO, you would ideally be tall and lean so you can defend yourself and fight of course
He likes it in the bedroom kinda, he prefers having power over you, but that's about it, he'd still fuck you regardless of height, he just finds taller people to be better mates
2p Iceland/Erikur Steillson
Also prefers an SO who is shorter than him, so you're in luck, because he definitely enjoys the power trip of having a shorter SO both inside and outside the bedroom
It also makes it much easier to kidnap you and tie you to the bed until you agree to be his. His communication skills are shit, blame Loki for that one. Actually none of them really taught him any of that
2p Norway/Loki Thomassen
He doesn't have a preference for height other than it being close to his own. You can be as short as you like and he'll still kidnap you, force a love potion on you and then treat you like his most precious play thing
A short SO definitely also gets the short end of the stick, as he overpowers them more easily that way, size matters in this case
2p Sweden/Bernard Oxenstierna
His preferences lean towards a shorter SO but it's not really as outspoken as some of the others preferences. Mostly he likes picking up a short SO and swinging you around like in a dance and also because it's easier to move you around during sex if you're small
His yandere tendencies also have him leaning towards shorter people, they are easier to control physically. It's gonna be fun that day a short person absolutely wrecks him because he thinks them a weakling
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lilac-amethyst-skies · 9 months
I saw your requests were open and almost fainted from joy, would you be willing to add denmark to your “dating them would include” series 🥺🥺
Being in a relationship with Denmark would include...
Blinding smiles and Matthias’ bright blue eyes
Strange, but endearing humor
Nights of playing silly card games
Going down to the pier and watching all of the boats and people go by
Finding the best bakeries in town,
and if you’ll indulge him, he would love to try and bake something with you!
Him feeling so appreciative when you join him on Nation-related business trips. Matthias looks forward seeing you when he gets back to the hotel—it’s something to look forward to,
and then when he does get back to the hotel, you both can take a look around the city you’re in for anything fun, delightful, or interesting!
Matthias taking care of you when you’re not feeling well—you’re very surprised how well he can play nurse and you don’t think you’ve seen anyone so doting.
Matthias making sure you’re properly bundled for the colder seasons,
Matthias is definitely the type to offer you his coat, his scarf, his gloves, hat, etc….
“Matthias if you offer me anything more, you won’t have any clothes left!!”
You and him taking afternoon naps and then staying up a bit too late in the evening
Matthias doing this little thing where he comes to your height and presses his forehead against yours,
you then get to enjoy the way he nuzzles his nose playfully against your own and presses a kiss to your lips.
Him sneaking up from behind, lifting you off of the ground and spinning you around—this may or may not end in him obnoxiously tickling your sides
Matthias always joining you in the shower, and if you ever hope to get out in a decent amount of time, you’ll really have to convince him
You finding his head in your lap after you’ve both settled down on the couch
Matthias not being able to shut up about you around friends and family
Finding that Matthias can be the ultimate comfort on a horrible day—he’s kind and sweet and warm.
Yes, he is a little loud, but it’s the fullness of his heart and how much he cares about you that’s even louder.
Every tear shed from your eyes is a kiss from him that follows, and when he draws you into an embrace, everything else seems to fade away,
like everything else never even mattered,
because really, when are with him, Matthias is all that does matter.
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appleandsnow · 4 months
Matthias and Movies
Matthias can bench press thrice his weight.
He's seen the horrors of war firsthand.
He's been part of viking conquest.
Some consider his existence a mythical miracle.
And yet, you know that when he screams, he sounds as shrill as a little girl.
You're watching a horror movie with him and waiting for the jumpscare, which, when it arrives causes Matthias to scream, flip a table and huddle in his blankets onto the cold floor.
He wishes the floor would split open and swallow him whole as you laugh mercilessly at his expense.
He'd get you back for this! Just you wait!
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mscyb0rg · 2 months
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Denmark x Scania
Some of my favorite Denmark commissions I ordered♥️
(This artist like disappeared- I'll update if I find her)
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milaisreading · 4 months
Hetalia AU:
Finland: Where were you yesterday?
Iceland: Yeah, it was unusual to not see you around.
Yn: Ah... My boss said to make more friends. To not be just around the same people all the time
Denmark: Well, your boss can suck my d-
Norway starts chocking him while Finland tries to calm them down.
Sweden: And who did you meet up?
Yn: My boss arranged a meeting with Hungary and Taiwan.
Norway after Finland separated him from Denmark: Sounds nice. And, how were they to hang out with?
Yn, remembering all the yaoi art of other countries Hungary and Taiwan showed her: It... It was nice... Uhm... I think I have enough of making friends for this decade.
The rest of the Nordics wonder for the rest of the day what happened, while Yn plays with Hana and Ladonia.
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elithegnome · 2 years
If it doesn’t go against the rules can I have some dating headcanons for Denmark?
I really hope you have a nice day😌
Oh hon there is no rules against our favorite pineapple!
APH Denmark x Reader Headcanons
•Took you to Lego land in Copenhagen for your first anniversary 
•He’s a wild little shit, incredibly childish too, probably runs up behind you while you’re doing something and give you “the cheese touch” (I had the cheese touch for 2 months but that’s another story)
•You think he looks great with his hair down, but he refuses to believe you
•9 times out of 10, if he goes out to a bar with the rest of the Nordics they’ll be BEGGING you to take him home.
•When you come home from work he fucking TACKLES you into a hug 
•Quite the cuddly bastard, he wants his snuggles 🥺
•Kind of gives off the vibes of a person that owns a lizard, hope you like reptiles!
•Takes every chance he can to stuff his face into your chest (Oop-)
•Your first date with him was at a theme park (Tivoli Gardens specifically)
•He either kisses really sweetly or really rough, there’s no real in between 
•Please take care of him, the Nordics are done with his shit (okay that’s not true but please keep an eye on him)
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atom-writings · 1 year
hiii! i loved your "what they would look for in a partner" post so do u think u could do that with the nordic characters?? thank you<3
(Hetalia Nordics x Reader) What they look for in a partner!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N ty!! omg first nordics request! Be warned. I do not know these guys that in depth. So. theres that/. Also noirmally i wouldnt write minors but considering iceland is hundreds of years old and only physically 17 im making an exception
Trigger Warning: None, just Fluff!
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Berwald is a man of few words, so he’d adore a S/O that can ramble on for hours and hours. It’s awkward when it’s quiet… and he’s not going to be the one breaking the silence.
Anyone who doesn’t find him intimidating would make him so happy! Even when he’s being arguably very scary… it’d break his heart to know his S/O was afraid of him.
If you value family as much as he does (which is a LOT,) he’d love that! He spends a lot of time with his family and would like to start one with you, so if you didn’t like family, that’d be a problem.
Weirdly enough, he prefers people that are more plain and average. At least on the outside. He’s quite bland himself (or at least, that’s how he sees himself) so he doesn’t want to have to match your energy.
Someone who’ll indulge him in his fixations. Who won’t ask too many questions when he goes on a week-long chair-making binge, barely coming out of his woodshop.
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Tino is a surprisingly particular man when it comes to dedicating himself to a romantic partner. He’d want someone chill, not too talkative, but not too awkward. Someone whose soft and cuddly, but not afraid to stand up for themself.
He often misspeaks, so if his S/O was not forgiving and understanding of those kinds of things, that would make things difficult.
Like Sweden, family is very important to him! He visits with his own a lot, so he would love to do the same with his S/Os! If they have a difficult relationship with their family, he’ll understand, but it’ll still be hard for him to keep it out of his mind.
Someone who is positive! Constant sarcastic comments and debilitating remarks towards others just make him feel sad… 
He doesn’t like doing very exciting things often, so a partner who is very comfortable with nothing more than domesticity would be perfect! What else would you need besides a nice home and a cute garden to tend to with him?
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Lukas… is not a skilled communicator. Whether he likes you or not is often unclear, and it’s difficult for him to think through what he’s going to say. So, all he needs is something that can put up with his anti-social behaviour, basically.
He often is at a loss for how to properly express his true feelings, so his S/O has to be comfortable with him randomly coming up to them and smothering them with physical affection. 
Someone who isn’t uncomfortable speaking up for the both of them. He’d adore an extroverted partner!
He prefers people that don’t require him to adjust himself too much… he has no aversion to changing for you, but he’d prefer a partner who isn’t… abject to his normal behaviour. He’s a thousand years old, you know? It’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks…
Anyone who enjoys impulsive decisions. Be prepared to be unprepared when he wakes you up at 2 am to get pancakes and drive across the country to see his family. But don’t worry, his impulsive decisions are always the more fun ones.
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Emil would love someone who's a lot like him! A little immature, a little hot-headed, sarcastic, and absolutely awkward. He’s a very specific type of person, and he’d like a partner to be that type as well.
Someone whose sensitive and emotional would work well with him too. He finds it cute, plus he can relate. You’re just a little better at actually expressing his emotions, rather than bottling them all up.
Speaking of which, he’d prefer someone who isn’t too afraid to speak their mind. Someone who refuses to talk things through, preferring to just be passive-aggressive and non-confrontational, would just stress him out.
Anyone whose unique! He finds himself quite plain, so he would love getting into your interests. You’re both young, why not do fun impulsive things? He wouldn’t have the courage to do it without you anyway…
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Oh boy. Mathias is not particular in the slightest way when it comes to partners. He would date anything or anything that can consent. Basically, if they haven’t killed anyone and you aren’t a complete asshole, he’ll love them.
Despite that, he still has a few preferences. He’d find someone who’s awkward and needy just absolutely adorable. Like he is absolutely ecstatic to be a “they asked for no pickles” boyfriend.
But getting along with someone super sensitive would also… not be easy. He can accidentally be a bit brash in his humour, so he’d love someone who just laughs along instead of taking it personally. If they’re bothered by his loud, sometimes crude, behaviour, it’d just break his heart!
He’d prefer a partner that trusts his judgment… more than they probably should. He can get stubborn, so if they aren’t also too stuck in their ways, that’d be for the best. 
Most importantly, he’d prefer a S/O that loves his family just as much as he does! They’re gonna have to spend a lot of time around them, after all.
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
One more night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 6
Word count: 2, 905 Rating: MA+ for strong language and adult themes. Some content may be upsetting for readers. Proceed with caution.
One more night - 6
If we have each other
Allen couldn’t fathom it.
Not your tone, expression, or the balling in your fists. Your voice was wrought with poisonous hatred, and the glare in your eyes seared into him like a branding. It was all foreign to him, being loathed by someone who was supposed to love him.
“You left a baby in the car.”
“I’m sorry,” He stumbled out, face red with shame. Seeing your chest heave with the anger you had yet to let out left him panicking. “I’m sorry.”
“What the fuck?”
No amount of apologies could make up for what he did, and yet, here he was, clinging to the slim chance of forgiveness by doing what he always had to.
“It’s the hottest time of the fucking year and you left Bob in the fucking car! How could you?” You cried, pushing him back a few steps. “How could you?”
“I didn’t mean to,” He let out, breath hitching to your strong shoves. “But I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” You gripped his tank. Allen closed his eyes, unable to bear the way you looked at him. Tears were running down your face, contorted by pain and betrayal. “You could’ve killed him!”
Amelia left her room, alerted by the fight outside. Hearing that last sentence was all she needed to know what you were crying about.
Without a word, she marched up to Allen, nostrils flaring and expression tense, and slapped him.
You watched it happen. His cheeks were already swollen from being punched that day, but none of that mattered to Amelia, let alone you.
It hurt, and it wasn’t the harsh stinging that made his eyes water. It was watching you two leave.
He was alone again, torn from the only thing he had left. Only this time, he did that himself.
“It smells,” Amelia mumbled from the backseat. There was a faint stink of vomit left in the car and even fainter traces of it on the booster. Needless to say, Bob wasn’t sitting in it, and found comfort in his mother’s lap. The conditioner was on full blast too.
“I can clean it when we get home,” You answered, stopping at an intersection. The sun was still high, and the warm daylight was as formidable as always.
The neighborhood was quiet between noon and the evening. Rush hour had yet to arrive, but depending on Bob’s hospital visit, there was no saying whether you’d get stuck in it on the way back.
“I still can’t believe it,” Amelia stared out the window.
“Believe what?”
“That Allen could do it again,” She kept staring, but knew what face you were making. This wasn’t just a trip down memory lane. It was a replay of the worst point of your lives. “He never fucking learns. He should be glad that Mathias isn’t pressing charges.”
Hearing the undeniable truth was sobering.
“It’s funny,”
She wore a mirthless smile as she continued.
“The people I trust always fuck up somehow.”
Allen cocooned himself on the couch.
With his headphones on and face buried into the cushion, he made an imaginary bedroom of his own. As much as he wanted to hole himself up, to hide from everyone and everything, there was nowhere to go in the apartment. So he retreated into his mind.
“So, how’s Mathias doing?”
“He says he’s okay,” You sighed, walking with her to the hospital entrance. A few people came and went, walking in and out of the front door. Some with balloons, others with flowers. “But he says that after every boxing match. I don’t think he’s doing too well.”
“Right. Is he getting surgery for anything?”
“He’s getting stitches on his head. He also has a broken rib, which has to heal by itself.”
“Shit,” Amelia frowned. “How is he gonna box?”
“He can’t.”
Mathias was ready to go. When you found him, he was standing next to a vending machine, snacking on a packet of peanuts. Seeing him was like a breath of fresh air in the otherwise suffocating hospital halls.
He turned to your voice, eyes wide to take you in.
“(F/N), hey!” His arms spread on instinct. Before you collided with his chest like always, you stopped, mindful of his injury. He looked at you, confused, and you watched as a lightbulb practically went over his head. “Oh, right--still healing.”
“Of course you’re still healing,” You began, breathless for words. Your arms went around his waist in a loose hug, which he happily returned. “But how are you feeling? What did the doctors say?”
Mathias was thrilled to see you straight out of surgery. The pain was secondary to joy when he became everything you could think about.
“Oh, I feel okay.” He grinned eagerly. “They said I’m lucky I’m a boxer. I can tough it out, you know?”
You didn’t respond. But the skeptical look in your eyes did all the talking. The next thing he knew, his shirt was up, and you were inspecting the bruising on his chest. Seeing the color drain from your face left him scrambling to ease the atmosphere.
“It’s fine. It can heal by itself.” He insisted, lowering the garment. But you didn’t let him.
The purple marks were long and thin, so they came from one thing and one thing only—a baseball bat.
“I swear to God,” You raised a hand to shield your eyes. You never thought this could come from your mouth, but with the growing anguish in your throat, anything could slip out. “I’m gonna kill him.”
Mathias sighed. He wanted to be angry. He really did. He had to forget about boxing until his ribs stopped hurting. He couldn’t go to the gym either.
“Come on,” He squeezed your hand. “Let’s go home.”
That would set him back miles, and yet, he was thinking about something else entirely; you, Allen, and where he fit in in all of it.
How did everything come to this?
“Yeah. Back to mine,” He turned to you with a frown. “Unless you can’t. That’s totally fine.”
“Oh, no. I was actually thinking you’d come to mine.” You pulled him along, watching his face scrunch up.
“What? But what about—”
“Amelia won’t mind. We’ll have a room to ourselves.” You continued. “Allen will just have to deal with it.”
There was no way you were letting Mathias live alone. Not when he kept slapping ‘it’s fine’ on anything and everything. And definitely not when pneumonia was a thing. He needed help getting back on his feet, and that was how the four of you came to live together in a cramped, two-bedroom apartment.
Allen woke up to the door opening, followed by the shuffling of too many feet. Turning to the sound, he glared at the tallest member of the group. They had a duffel bag, which could only mean one thing.
“Great,” He sat up. “He’s sleeping over, now?
“This is my apartment just as much as it is yours,” You led Mathias to your bedroom without sparing him so little as a glance. “You should’ve thought twice before you decided to beat him up.”
“Don’t want our future heavyweight champ risking pneumonia.” Amelia stared at her brother as she trailed behind. Even in silence, she could read him like a book. Allen was tense all over, and he was doing his damndest to hold himself together.
But she’d drive the stake in with this comment.
“Karma’s a bitch.”
Mathias set his things down by your bedside table.
“So, how are we doing sleeping arrangements?”
It was a no-brainer, but he always liked hearing you put everything into words.
“Good question,” You held your hips. It wasn’t so much the limited space that posed a problem. “Because there’s no way we can use my bed tonight.”
“Why not?” He asked. “We’ve used it before.”
“When you didn’t have a broken rib.” You made your way to the closet and searched the shelves for extra blankets. “I didn’t feel bad for sleeping on you, then. But I’m trying to be careful here.”
“Oh.” Mathias made a face. He watched you pull out a folded-up blanket with a slight frown. Without a second thought, he lifted it out of your arms and dropped it on the floor. “It’s okay. I can do it myself.”
“You’re not sleeping on the floor.”
“Yeah, well, you’re not not sleeping on a bed.”
“This is why I wanted you to live here,” You sighed, squeezing his hand. “You don’t know when to stop.”
The Dane opened his mouth to argue, which only proved your point more. Seeing your knowing smile made him look to the side. It was rare to see him so quiet, and when he was quiet, he was shy.
Mathias was irresistible when he was timid for a change. So you pulled him down for a few pecks on the lips. His cheeks flushed pink, and he closed his eyes for more. With your hand on his neck, he craned his head to the side, mouth damp with desire.
Before he could do so little as brush against you, Amelia walked in with Bob in her arms.
“You guys can use my room, by the way.”
You never pulled away so fast. Mathias, on the other hand, never removed his coils from your waist.
“Yeah, since I have the biggest bed and all,” Her expression turned sour at that, and you would soon find out why. “Just don’t fuck on it or anything.”
“We’re not gonna—”
“Yeah, yeah. You two are like rabbits.” Amelia waved you off dismissively. “Remember, we have thin walls.”
Watching you heat up was almost enough to make the suggestion worth it. Almost.
“Ugh,” You hid your face. How Mathias kept a poker face during it was beyond you, but it quickly became apparent he was thinking about something else entirely. “Mat, help me pack up these blankets.”
“Okay,” He murmured, lifting up one side of the blanket to fold it with you. He turned pink again, but the question was gnawing at him too much to not ask it. “Are we not having sex while I’m here?”
“Really not in the mood for this, Mat.”
“Okay, okay. I was just asking.”
Allen never joined in for dinner. Instead, he stood on the balcony next to his plants, watching the street at night. His neighbors were lively as usual. He could hear them downstairs, chatting in Spanish. But they weren’t loud enough to drown out the voices inside.
You, Amelia, and Mathias were gathered around the dining table, eating and laughing.
The scene made him lose his appetite, not that a few cigarettes didn’t already. He still had one between his fingers. You should’ve marched over and tossed it over the balcony, but you weren’t thinking of him.
Allen took a deep inhale of his cigarette. When he breathed out the smoke, a tear fell from his eye.
“So, how many stitches did you get?”
“Six.” Mathias stood up and spun around. “See?”
On the back of his head was a small bald spot, and in that spot, a freshly-healed gash.
“Shit.” Amelia cringed.
You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. It was infuriating to think a bat wasn’t the only weapon used, but your boyfriend’s optimism was infectious.
“It doesn’t really hurt because I took pain meds.”
“You know you’re partially bald, right?” You let out.
“Are you serious?”
Mathias sucked in a sharp breath and darted off to the bathroom. You and Amelia exchanged knowing glances before mumbling this together.
“He’s not gonna see it.”
When he came back, his shoulders were slumped.
“I couldn’t see it.”
Before you all hit the hay, Amelia suggested a quick game of monopoly. It was a nice distraction from what happened, especially when Bob joined in. He played the thimble, Amelia played the boot, you played the dog, and Mathias played the ship.
“Do you wanna buy Piccadilly for two-hundred and eighty dollars?” The Dane held up a yellow card.
Bob gave him a blank stare from Amelia’s lap.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Here you go!”
“Maybe we should assume he wants every fourth property or something,” You commented mindlessly. “Because he’s racking up a lot of rent.”
“That’s what Bob would’ve wanted,” Mathias said, duckwalking to the bank. “Okay. That’s twenty dollars change. Now, you’ve got the whole set.”
“Amy, it’s your turn.”
“Huh? Oh. I thought I was still in jail.”
After Bob won, the game was packed away.
Amelia collected some of her things before she left. Placing them into Bob’s crib, she moved it to your bedroom like a trolley. Not a moment passed before she ran back for a hug, which you returned tenfold.
“That was good,” You sighed, staring up at the dim ceiling. “Amelia won’t say it, but she missed you.”
Mathias insisted to keep the lamp on. He was laying flat on his side, head rolled to you. It was well past ten, and he could barely keep his eyes open.
“We had fun.”
“That’s good.” He yawned.
“Do you want me to turn the lights off?”
“No.” He frowned, closing his eyes. “I wanna talk.”
“Okay. I guess you can keep listening.” You smiled.
He smiled back, but without opening his eyes.
“I’m sorry about Allen,” You whispered, heart heavy as you uttered the words. “I’m not defending him, but he’s always had a lot against men.”
Mathias never interrupted as you spoke.
“I don’t blame him for that, but I’m blaming him for this. I can’t forgive him for what he did.”
“I’m not mad,” He admitted, finally opening his eyes. His expression was unreadable. When he talked to you like this and looked at you like this, it was impossible to tell if he was only saying these things. The only way to know was to ask.
“I don’t believe that.”
“But it’s true. Kinda.”
“I’m not mad at him,” Mathias sighed, reaching out to hold your shoulder. Not a few seconds passed before you moved his hand down to your waist. He pulled you in and pressed his forehead against yours. “I’m just mad at how everything turned out.”
“But he beat you up,” You breathed out, feeling a light tremble in your voice. He kissed you, but that didn’t stop you from saying what you needed to say. “He hurt you and messed with your boxing career! How is that not something to be mad about?”
“It’s okay. I can heal.”
“I’m mad about it.” You wiped your eyes as the first few tears spilled out. “I’ll never forgive him.”
“You don’t have to,” Mathias wiped your tears away. The effort proved fruitless as more streamed out at what he said next. “But you should know that he did it for you. And I don’t blame him for that.”
It never crossed his mind until this conversation, but he asked about your tests, which, fortunately, were all negative. As much as he liked the idea of starting something new with you, he wanted to do it right.
Allen was in the kitchen when you got there, whipping up some breakfast over the stove.
“You want oatmeal?” He asked, back turned to you.
“I’m okay.” You opened the fridge and took out a few eggs. Cracking them into the pan next to him, you didn’t speak the whole time you cooked. But the face you made did all the talking; it hurt to be around him.
“You guys played monopoly without me?”
“We had four players.”
“A baby doesn’t count as a player.”
You didn’t respond and placed two slices of bread into the toaster. He watched you for a few moments before returning to his pot.
“Are you just not gonna talk to me?” Allen sighed, giving his oatmeal a quick stir. His question was answered almost immediately, causing his chest to tighten. He hated your lack of attention to him, but not so much as the distance.
He couldn’t stand it, and it had only been a day.
“Can you please talk to me?”
He poured his food into a bowl and turned to you.
But you wouldn’t meet his eyes.
“I’m sorry. About Bob, and about Mathias. You don’t have to forgive me, and that’s fine,” He continued. Allen hated forcing his way like this, but standing in front of you was the only way he could get you to stay. “I don’t have any excuses, I know.”
“Can you let me go to my bedroom?”
“Not until you hear me out.” Allen lifted the plates out of your hands and placed them on the counter.
“I’m sorry, okay?”
He held your face as his tone grew desperate.
“But I miss you. And I love you. You know that.”
You wanted to pull away from him, but your body wouldn’t allow it. Seeing him look at you this way was like taking a bat and swinging it at your resolve.
“I—” Your gaze fell to the floor.
Allen was always high-strung about you. Whether it was familial, platonic, or something else, you hated the profound hold that fact held over you. It was impossible to stay upset at him, but you would never forgive yourself if you forgave him.
At least not this easily.
“I love Mat,” You let out. “And I don’t wanna think about anyone else right now.”
Next chapter: Where is my mind?
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merbear25 · 3 months
Thank you for your last response! I'd love to see America, Italy, Denmark, and Spain(if you write for him) finding their soulmate(red string, numbers counting down, first words spoken to each other, whatever works best!). She's shocked that someone like them ends up with her(plus size or just insecure if you don't mind? If not thats ok!) Please and thank you again!
Hello again! I have a 3 character limit, so I'm sorry but I decided to give Spain the chopping block 😭 Hope you like it regardless!
CW: SFW, fem!reader, reader has slight insecurites, fluff
Tethered love
America: Destiny was something he'd always believed should be molded, not something that was set in stone. The freedom to choose your own path was an idea he held very dear. This extended to the idea of soulmates: he was in full control of whoever he chose to date, not leaving something as important as this up to the stars. Despite the front he put up, he held out a bit of hope that such things regarding love existed: red string being his favorite. However, with years turning into decades and decades into centuries, the probability that he was tied to someone felt more and more unlikely.
Cruising down the same interstate he always took to the world meetings, he'd been caught up in belting his heart out to a song on the radio, causing him to miss his exit. Cursing under his breath, he was left no choice but to take the next one, but there was something off in the distance, further down the road, that caught his eye: a car pulled off on the shoulder and what looked like someone darting to the trunk.
Pulling up behind the supposedly broken-down vehicle, he went to ask if the driver needed any assistance. Your soft cries were muffling your pleads for any help he could offer. The soft features you had were now flushed from the paniced tears. However, they only added to your charm: the damsel waiting for her knight to come to her aid.
You showed him that one of your tires had popped and you'd forgotten to replace your previous spare. Embarrassement prickled at your nerves when admitting your lack of oversight, but he didn't seem to be bothered by the inconvenience you were troubling him with.
Gratitude could not leave your lips fast enough as you watched him graciously attach his spare to your car. Reassuring you that it wasn't a big deal and that he was happy to help, you still felt like you ought to properly thank him. Your stance shifted as you contimplated how to propose getting coffee with him—fearing the rejection that could follow.
Seeing you sway from side to side in his peripheral, he automatically thought you were about to pass out—why else would you be teetering back and forth? So as not to startle you, his concern was coated in a soothing tone. The redness in your cheeks deepened, only making you appear sweeter to him.
Choking your doubts back, you stumbled over your words asking him out. There was a light that shined behind his eyes—a beckon of hope for what he'd thought wasn't possible. Agreeing to the date was the only way to keep this feeling alive, and perhaps, he was willing to let destiny decide his fate just this once.
Italy: He'd built up the reputation of a fleeting lover. It wasn't intentional; he simply had a lot of love and affection to give and limiting it to one person wasn't something that necessarily came easily. That being said, he was a hopeless romantic at heart, which meant soulmates was something he held in high regards. However, he didn't consider this to be in the cards for him, at least not in the same regards as it was for typical humans: their lives were, of course, much shorter than his. Despite the sliver of doubt he had for his own destined love, he kept his heart open to the idea.
That summer had been a rather hot one, but a cold front had alleviated the sweltering heat a bit. Trying to make the most of the nice weather, he went to one of the many river banks. The shade under a tree was calling his name; he made himself comfortable underneath it, looking out at the water, enjoying the slight breeze before drifting off into a cat nap.
Sounds of a distant cry woke him and looking around in a haze, his drowsy eyes fell on you. Your sun hat had been blown off of you from the sudden gust of wind and you were chasing after it. The breeze carried it in his direction, and without thinking much of it, he reached out to grab it for you.
Offering it to you, he was able to get a better look at you: you were huffing a bit from having to chase it around, but the gratitude for his kindness actually made the out of breath 'thank yous' all the more endearing.
When he got up to properly introduce himself, you tucked your hair behind your ear and bashfully looked to the side; he was, in fact, fairly handsome and being in your current unkempt state made you shy away from the warm smile beaming at you. Wanting to meet your gaze, he leaned to catch your eyes.
You had a unique charm to you—there was no denying it, but why weren't you letting him admire it? The redness in your face was becoming more noticable, leading him to ask if you were feeling well. Spitting out that you felt fine, you finally turned to grant him the eye contact he'd been after.
A tightening in both of your chests was pulling on you; your heart beats quickened their paces the longer you maintained the shared gaze. You let out a soft chuckle at the constant attention. He found your laugh infectious and a grin appeared on his face, giving him the incentive to ask if you were doing anything later.
Denmark: He was fairly strong in his personal beliefs and self-assured in where life was taking him. However, there were aspects of life that held wonder and mystery, one of which being able to find a soulmate. There was a decent amount of uncertainty burdening him, since he'd like to think something as pure as a red string was real but was reluctant to fully invest himself in the theory—not wanting to hold his breath that such a thing existed. There were still moments that made him wonder though: seeing others share joy and the spark of love they held for each other.
Having to stop at the bakery was only one of the errands he needed to run that day. The smell of freshly baked bread always put a smile on his face, since he couldn't wait to eat that first slice. Exiting the shop, he'd gotten a bit distracted by his whetting appetite.
Not noticing the dog sprinting towards him, he hummed at the thought of the jam he was looking forward to spreading on the fresh bread. Your dog hurried up to him, circling around his legs and causing the leash to tangle around him.
Luckily, he was quick enough not to fall flat on his face, but the bread tilted in his arm, causing it to slide out to the packet. Annoyed at the inconvenience, he was sensible enough not to blame it on the dog. Looking around for the overly excited dog's owner, he saw you hurrying towards him.
Any aggrevation he could've had towards the careless owner faded when he saw your sorrowful expression calling out to him. When you finally reached them, your dog was jumping up on him trying its hardest to receive a pat on the head, which he absentmindedly placed on its eager head.
After catching up to your dog, you apologized profusely for your carelessness. Despite being in the midst of pouring your heart out about how you'd buy him more bread and how sorry you were, his tender eyes made you lose your train of thought.
The way you stumbled over your heart-felt apology was endearing to him: you were darling. With your dog licking his hand, you reached down to untangle the leash that was still wrapped around him. Taking you up on your offer to reimburse him, he mentioned that he'd instead like to be repaid with something more formal: a date.
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Hetalia: Nordic Europe Masterlist
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Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below. Also, starting now. I also accept headcanons and scenarios for 2p Hetalia other than just 1p Hetalia.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
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With a Scenekid S/O 🧐
With a S/O who have Phalloplasty and Top surgery scars🥀🍭
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With a S/O who have Phalloplasty and Top surgery scars🥀🍭
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With a S/O who have Phalloplasty and Top surgery scars🥀🍭
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With a Scenekid S/O 🧐
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- Empty -
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lilac-amethyst-skies · 11 months
(If you do multiples or please choose one you like best) Romano, Italy, and Denmark walking in on their gf fast asleep on the couch or bay window having been reading. Stormy night outside, candles or fireplace lit, her book on her lap and glasses slightly askew. Plus size again please? You are truly amazing!! ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍
Romano, Italy, Denmark X Plus-sized!Reader on a stormy night
Romano; Lovino had had a terribly long day. The stresses from work and life seemed to wear him down a little more than usual today. And now, as if to top it all off, it was absolutely pouring rain outside. Not even the weather would give him a break and the moment he got out of the car, Lovino became pelted with the ongoing rainstorm, leaving him soaked to the bone.
Lovino cursed under his breath.
He was sure this day really couldn’t get any worse.
Trudging up to the entrance of his home, he ripped open the door and slipped inside. Never had he been more thankful for the respite of his house. Lovino hopped a bit clumsily toward the bathroom, attempting to spare the hardwood flooring with little luck. He snatched a towel and did his best to dry himself off but couldn’t find himself trying too hard. His clothes would be coming off to be thrown into the wash anyhow.
With that idea in mind, he set off down the hallway. Lovino made a passing glance at the study on his way and stopped his brisk walk when he caught sight of you. Lovino hardly felt his wet clothes anymore when his eyes drank you in. Stepping further into the room, he found you fast asleep in that little nook in the window. You loved that bay window. To the point that Lovino had bought cushions to make it more comfortable for you to sit in—or, in this case, sleep in.
Your glasses were endearingly askew on your face, and it made Lovino chuckle out a breath. You made it easy for a smile to find his lips, and for that he was so thankful. Here, you looked so gentle and soft and entirely peaceful. So unaware of the world around you as the weather crashed outside.
Lovino found himself right beside you and couldn’t stop the urge to brush a few pieces of hair away from your face.
As cute as this was, he figured you would be terribly sore if you slept like this all night. The window was good for a nap, but not for a full night’s sleep. So, regretfully, Lovino decided to wake you.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, and still leaning over you whispered, “Sweetheart?”
You mumbled a bit in response, and he could only smile.
“You should move to the bed. It’s not good for you to sleep here all night.”
Finally, you opened your eyes to look at him. After fixing your glasses and a deep yawn, you nodded and sleepily found yourself on your feet, swaying a little too much in the process. Lovino was quick to steady you, but his proximity had you accidentally bumping into him. Your brow furrowed in confusion.
“Why are your clothes all wet?”
“Probably because it’s raining outside,” Lovino talked a bit too smartly and nodded toward the bay window to further drive his point. You shot him a look. Typically, you looked more ferocious, but due to you being so tired you were hardly a threat.
Lovino only laughed as you found your way to the bedroom.
Italy; These nights felt so easy. It was entirely too lucky how the storm started on your cozy night in. The wind howled and the rain hit harshly against the paned window, but here, Feliciano’s arms were wrapped around you just right and everything was as warm and comfortable as it could ever be. The two of you had leaned back on the couch. With your head rested on his chest, you could feel the rhythmic beating of his heart stirring. At first, his heartbeat was racing at a rampant pace, but the more you settled into the evening the more it calmed. Comfortable just as you were.
You had to admit, Feliciano providing his body heat was the least he could do, considering he was the one that had woken you up. Sometime earlier Feliciano had found you fast asleep on the living room couch. You’d started the fireplace, and after having wrapped yourself in blankets it seemed as though you couldn’t stay awake any longer.
Even now, Feliciano saw you struggling to hang onto your consciousness. The ambience of flickering candles you’d lit prior was hardly helping either. Your hair was charmingly messy, and your glasses were clumsily hung askew on your face. Feliciano pressed a smile to the back of your head, hugging you a little tighter. He closed his eyes taking in the scent of your hair.
He loved you like this.
Your breaths became slower and slower, and eventually they were steady and easy. You had fallen back asleep. Just as you were before, but this time you both were able to enjoy this rest together.
You nestled your face into his chest, and your glasses would have fallen off if Feliciano hadn’t grabbed them in time. As silently and carefully as possible, he placed them on the nearby end table. He knew you wouldn’t forgive him if he woke you up twice in one day. Though the thought did make him laugh a bit.
Feliciano allowed himself to sink into the cushions. No stress, no work—just the warmth of the fireplace and most importantly, you.
Denmark; Matthias gently closed the front door to your shared home. The warmth of the house kissed his face, and he already felt his chilled skin begin to soothe from the bite of the wintery, wet storm. He began to shed his gloves, his coat, his boots. All the while, Matthias was being uncharacteristically quiet while the wind howled outside. He had noticed the lack of lights the moment he drove in. Though, you had graciously left the lamp on in the entryway so that he would be able see what he was doing.
Odds are, you were already fast asleep. Curled up in the bed—warmly inviting.
Matthias let out a deep, relaxed sigh at the thought. It’d been a long day, and he wanted nothing more than to find his place right next to you. Without further ado, Matthias easily started his way up the stairs. In reaching the second floor, he had intended to make it all the way down the hall to the bedroom, but his eyes were drawn to the flickering light coming from the reading room instead.
It was then that he could also hear soft music playing. The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile.
Maybe you were still awake?
Matthias quickly learned that this assumption was not the case. Leaning against the frame of the doorway, he took you in fondly. The light from the fireplace danced across your skin in a lovely dance as you slept comfortably on the couch. You had even gone so far as to light a few extra candles that left a delightful scent to the room.
After a moment, Matthias left his spot in the doorframe to make his way over to you. Upon further inspection, the book you had been reading was still loosely held in your hands resting against your lap. Your breath was easy and deep, and with the way your head tilted in your slumber, Matthias was impressed that your glasses hadn’t fallen off and onto the floor below.
Matthias held back a laugh as he snuck up beside you at the foot of the couch. Gently crouching down to your level, Matthias rested on his knees. Slowly and carefully, he attempted to readjust your glasses so that they would sit on your face right. Unfortunately, the tickle at your face was undeniable and you drew a quick breath in.
Matthias froze. His hand still hovering by your glasses.
Upon opening your eyes, you jolted a bit, obviously not expecting anyone to be there. You sleepily took in Matthias’ face and his hand right next to your face.
“…What are you doing?”
“Fixing…your glasses?”
You huffed out a laugh in response, sitting up a bit and putting a little distance between you both.
“What time is it?”
You could hear the fondness in his tone. So much so that you leaned in to press a kiss to his lips. Matthias hummed sweetly.
“We should probably get to bed then…” your reasonable tone quickly shifted into childishness as you dramatically stretched out your arms, whining, “Carry me.”
Matthias dramatically rolled his eyes as he all too easily bundled you into his arms and lifted you off the couch. Playful laughter fell out of you as he brought you down the hallway and to the bedroom.
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