doped-on-galaxies · 1 year
Different couples. Same energy
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
"Nobody puts Baby in the corner"
Except it's Drew and May
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
May: Hey Drew, can you like my post on PokeTok? It’s a new trend and I want mine to go viral.
Drew: Not a single word you just said is real.
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
May Please, for me?
Drew: Don’t do that.
May: What?
Drew: You think whenever you say ‘please, for me’ that I’ll just do whatever you want.
Drew: Not this time.
May: Please, for me?
Drew: Okay.
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
Can anyone tell me any contestshipping scenes/ hints in japanese? Preferably advanced seasons?
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
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How is it 2022 and I never knew Drew was called the Prince of LaRousse City before May was called the Princess of Hoenn? thank you writers for feeding us
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
Yall when did they become best friends omfg my heart I've waited so long for this moment.
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
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sunrise / sunset
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
Pokeani characters at ur moms house
Brock: Take a wild fucking guess.
Misty and Max: Physically restraining Brock; trying to get him to stop hitting on your mom.
Ash and Dawn: Keep picking up all the photos and knick-knacks on the shelves and going "ooh pretty!!"
Cilan: Side-eyeing Ash and Dawn, trying to subtly beg them to cut it out. It's not working.
Gary: Saying something under his breath about how "my milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard."
Lillie: Scolds Gary for being sexist and gross.
Lana: Congratulates Gary on his milkshakes.
Goh and Chloe: Sitting on the couch in introverted silence, ready to go home now.
May: Raided the pantry for snacks without asking permission.
Paul: Was hiding in the pantry until May got there. Annoyed at the prospect of having to exist in the same space as other people. Plops himself in between Chloe and Goh but says nothing.
Iris: In ur mom's bed (having an age-appropriate pillow fight with Bonnie).
Conway: On a ladder, peeking through the bedroom window, clearly up to no good. Apparently not dissuaded by the sight of Bonnie and Iris's pillow fight.
Bonnie: Notices Conway and opens the window to give him a shove. He's now at the hospital with several fractures (deserved).
Serena, Kiawe and Mallow: Actually making friendly conversation with ur mom, genuinely interested in what she has to say.
Clemont and Sophocles: Messing with the settings on the smart TV, downloading apps that no one who actually lives there will ever use.
Drew: Examining the flower vases to see if there are any roses he can steal. For reasons.
Dawn: Finds a vase with a rose in it and goes to bring it to Drew, but trips over someone's foot and drops it. There's now broken glass and dirt all over the floor.
Tracey: Already found the broom and dustpan and has his hair slicked back. He's on the case, ready to remedy the situation in a timely manner.
Brock: Attempts to sweep everything up with his hands in a bid to impress ur mom. Now has cuts all over his fingers.
Misty: Helps Brock bandage his fingers, all while saying something about "sweet sweet karma."
Harley: Amidst the chaos, is swapping the family photos with replicas where he photoshopped his face over ur mom's. Just for shits and giggles.
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
I love that in most fanon, May, Drew and Solidad are like “Harley? Yeah, he’s a problem but he’s our problem”
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
I love how the episode where May and Drew start to be friends is so off the walls. Like it could have been a contest where they realized their rivalry was shifting into friendship but instead the writers were like “or we could throw them off of a waterfall”
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
Contestshipping Hint
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So something I completely overlooked when I was younger was this scene.
Drew isn't looking at the screen to see if he made it to the next round, he's looking to see if May did! Let's be real, he made it to 3rd place. He really wasn't concerned about what he did, he knew he made it. It was May he was worried about
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doped-on-galaxies · 2 years
Hoping if Drew ever comes back they redo his outfit 🙃
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