dorfuskolchek · 3 years
I wonder if the blue shirt Jason is wearing is blank or if it has a picture or words on it. You can't see it because it is being covered by his vest. I'm curious now. Maybe Salim knows. I'm sure he's seen him without his vest on if you know what I mean 👀
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dorfuskolchek · 3 years
stAWp 😡🥰
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dorfuskolchek · 3 years
Awe I bet Jason's signature looks so cute and bubbly. He probably doesn't have time to practice cursive and/or doesn't think of it as a priority so I'm guessing it looks something like this:
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All slow and steady so he won't mess up a letter 😂❤️
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dorfuskolchek · 3 years
Jason and Joey roasting marshmallows:
Joey: Oh no I burnt mine :(
Jason: Oh no, it's okay I'll eat it. Here. Try another *hands him marshmallow*
Joey: Thanks. *starts roasting*
Jason: *chokes on crispy marshmallow* No- No- above the fire not in the fire. You're toasting it, not roasting it.
Joey: Wait, but isn't this whole activity called "roasting" marshmallows?
Jason: Just...hold it higher. Unless you want it to be black again.
Joey: And what's wrong with it being black?
Jason: What- No I-
Joey: Haha I'm just kidding! I know what you meant. *Proceeds to burn it again on purpose*
Jason: Oh boy...you uh...you burnt it again...
Joey: Well, the more I burn the more you get to eat.
Jason: No no, this time you feed that to the vampires. Now stop wasting marshmallows. *Snatches bag of marshmallows*
Joey: Haha okay okay. *Grabs graham cracker to sandwich marshmallow* *snap* Uhh...
Jason: What?
Joey: I broke my cracker...
Jason: Well that's okay they're suppose to break.
Joey: No I mean... My cracker. It's broken.
Jason: And?
Joey: It's too small to make them sandwich my marshmallow :(
Jason: Just grab another cracker and gimme that one. Watch this. *Grabs tiny chocolate slab and makes chocolate sandwich instead of a s'more* See? Improvising.
Joey: How do you come up with this stuff?
Jason: I just get really hungry. Want to try it?
Joey: Sure! *chomps chocolate sandwich* Wow that's good. You think the vampires will like that?
Jason: No! Don't give them our precious food unless we won't eat it. We aren't feeding them like they are pets.
Joey: Actually I've already named the one we trapped behind that boulder yesterday.
Jason ...and what did you name it?
Joey: I named it Grumpy!
Jason: ...well that's accurate.
Joey: Jason...
Jason: What?
Joey: Your pants are on fire...
Jason: Ah! *stands up and starts frantically waving*
Joey: Haha! Just kidding! I got you!
Jason: *smirks* hmm haha very funny Joey. Next time you pull somethin' like that, I'll make YOU into a smore. *sits back down*
Joey: Ohhh grumpy pants. Hey you should go join Grumpy the vampire. You two would get along very well.
Jason: Okay okay eat your s'more already.
Joey: okayy *bites one side of s'more and marshmallows gushes out the other end falling onto the ground*
Jason: *chuckles* First time eating?
Joey: *with a mouth full of s'more* Can the vampire eat that?
Jason: Unless you want to eat it.
Joey: Let me finish this one real quick. *scarfs down smore and gets up to feed the vampires*
Jason: How you gonna do it?
Joey: Imma chuck it in the air and hope one swoops by.
Jason: Oh boy, this should be interesting. *Leans back in seat and crosses arms to enjoy the show*
Joey: *scoops up fallen marshmallow from ground and walks out further*
Joey: ALRIGHT WHO WANTS SOME FOOD?! *chucks marshmallow high into the air*
Jason: ...
Joey: ...
Jason: ...it hit the tree
Joey: Yeah I can see that.
Jason: *smirks* Nice aim by the way.
Joey: Don't mock me.
Jason: Maybe the birds can eat that one. Vampires'll have to wait.
Joey: *walks back to his seat by the fire*
Joey: Hey why did I get the blue chair and you get the red one?
Jason: I don't know I just picked random ones.
Joey: Can we switch?
Jason: I guess?
*both get up and switch seats*
Jason: *sits down* Ah, there. Better?
Joey: *sits down* Yes :)
Jason: :)
Joey: ...
Jason: ...
Joey: I farted multiple times in that chair.
Jason: Goddammit.
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dorfuskolchek · 3 years
Whenever I hear those hardcore, motivational, badass songs I always think of Jason 🥰
"Feel Invincible" by Skillet.
"Frontline" by Pillar.
"Street Fight" by Adam Jenson.
"Wolves" by Sam Tinnesz, Silverberg.
"Fighter" by Royal Deluxe.
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Dear Jason Kolchek,
Thank you for helping me find my favorite genre of music 😊🥰. Also you're very sexy.
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dorfuskolchek · 3 years
I'm so obsessed with Jason and his backstory like I love him so much and I'm so proud of him for his character development. Also his face is nice too...
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dorfuskolchek · 3 years
Jason in slow motion 🥰
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dorfuskolchek · 3 years
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Doesn't the dirt on his face make it look like he has a double chin? 😂😂
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dorfuskolchek · 3 years
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Just a funny photo of my boy Kolchek 😊
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dorfuskolchek · 3 years
HoA characters playing Minecraft:
Rachel: Down in the caves adventuring for materials for her house while fighting the occasional skeleton.
Eric: Fighting with Nick on who gets to live with Rachel.
Jason: Making a huge sign saying 'J + S' while occasionally leaving flowers in chests and love notes for Salim in his house.
Salim: Minding his own business and building a house for him and Zain.
Clarice: Hiding in the shadows of the cave Rachel is in waiting to scare her.
Nick: Running away from Eric.
Merwin: Breeding animals nonstop and naming all of them 'Yo Mama'.
Joey: Farming and collecting flowers to give to Jason so he can give them to Salim. Joey is Jason's wingman.
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