doug-dimmadumb · 6 hours
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From Gaza, Palestine 🇵🇸, my daughter Sarah sends greetings to all the free people around the world.✌️
Link : gofund.me/b6443f56
To all the honorable individuals supporting the freedom of Palestine and standing against the genocide and war on Gaza.
Sarah is agirl from Gaza...
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doug-dimmadumb · 6 hours
Happy Pride, everyone! I've been on this hellsite (affectionate) for about 12-13 years now, and for a majority of that time I was a pretransition trans masc in a toxic, abusive household with seemingly no way out or to become myself. But last year, not only did I get out of my parents house, I also met my amazing partner and started testosterone! And in just 15 days, I'm finally going to have the surgery I've wanted since I was 17. So many people have helped me get to this spot, I just need a little bit more help to reach my goal! If you could donate even just 1 dollar, or share this, it would be so, so appreciated!!!
Thank you for reading, and thank you for helping me on my journey!
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doug-dimmadumb · 6 hours
"we need weirder queers" you guys couldnt even handle asexual people in 2016 (and probably still cant handle them)
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doug-dimmadumb · 6 hours
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doug-dimmadumb · 6 hours
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chimera love for pride 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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doug-dimmadumb · 6 hours
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☠️ punk butch / teddy bear butch 🧸
happy pride month! this is also me testing glaze for the first time lol
(as usual, posted early on ptrn)
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doug-dimmadumb · 6 hours
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Staff have done their best to hide this post, OP's blog has been deleted to hide it. Spread this post as much as you can (ideally through screenshots to avoid it being nuked)
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doug-dimmadumb · 1 day
As a heads up, the Western propaganda machine is going to be much worse. Now that there's confirmation that South Africa are preparing to take Britain and the United States to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for complicity in the State of Israel’s war crimes and genocide on Gaza- we think that it's important to note that it's almost like clockwork that the propaganda machine will skyrocket with new anti-Palestinian resistance defamation and unfounded allegations levied to further hostility within our already divided communities.
Read more on South Africa's proposal here:
News sourced from Anadolu Ajansı.
It’s a no-brainer that we’ll see a sharp rise in pro-Israel propaganda, and it’s highly likely that there’ll be a crackdown on pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist rallying. You see, the Capitalist hegemony is almost ridiculously predictable once you figure out how it functions and operates; the historical cycle of committing atrocities and subsequently excusing themselves with absurd lies of brainwashing propaganda. The United States and United Kingdom will certainly not take kindly to South Africa's intention to charge them in this international lawsuit- thus they will need a retaliation that gains more favour for them from the general public.
Expect more confounded accusations of antisemitism and Jew-hatred imposed on celebrities, organisations, journalists, even nations. Expect more fascist laws passed to silence Palestinian resistance support, and more Islamophobic fear-mongering.
Propaganda is not always easy to spot and deconstruct, so be sure to stay vigilant and think critically in context of current events. However the Imperial core are growing weaker, with such incredible numbers, millions of people, showing support to Palestine internationally- we are no longer easily fooled by their usual tactics. In the putrid face of propaganda, the Palestinian resistance persists.
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doug-dimmadumb · 1 day
Literally. Israel is using people. Nuance exists. Use it.
"you shouldn't be antisemetic because you're legitimising Israel when you do" no you shouldn't be antisemetic because it hurts Jews who deserve to not be hurt, like any other human being. you should care about not being antisemetic because it hurts people, and that should be enough for you. why isn't it enough for you?
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doug-dimmadumb · 1 day
So, I recently learned about the “say their names to save their lives” campaign on social media that has helped Iranians sentenced to die by the regime in the past.
I am now asking you guys for help with that again.
There is an Iranian Jew named Arvin Netanel ben Siona, whose execution date is set for this Saturday. The Iranian Jewish community have tried endlessly to pursue his release, but to no avail.
Please spread his name.
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doug-dimmadumb · 1 day
i just pointed out in my judaism class that it’s interesting to me that when asked God’s name, God did respond with the ineffable name (the tetragrammaton) but put a much greater emphasis on who they are the God OF (I’m the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, etc.).
and my teacher said she feels a kinship with that because she remembers the joy that came with the first time she was called “(son’s name)’s mom”, and how beautiful it feels be named for who you love. and i almost burst into tears
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doug-dimmadumb · 1 day
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doug-dimmadumb · 1 day
if you put on a man's kippah for him you must give him a gentle forehead kiss after you do it i dont make the rules
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doug-dimmadumb · 1 day
Help me save my little angel. She doesn't deserve the fear and terror she's living through. Please, help me provide safety for her. Please, help us survive. Death is approaching us every day. 💔
Please help me for her sake. 🙏 She's suffering from malnutrition. She was so beautiful before the war, but the war robbed her of her childhood. 💔
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doug-dimmadumb · 1 day
Help Evacuate My Family from Gaza to Safety
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doug-dimmadumb · 1 day
Queer Jews Project Day 2 - Magnus Hirschfeld
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A pioneering sexologist, doctor and activist for queer rights in Germany during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Magnus Hirschfeld founded the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute of Sexual Research), pioneered trans-affirming care, and had two boyfriends: Karl Giese and Li Shiu Tong. Sadly the Nazis burned down his life’s work and he died heartbroken in exile.
Read more about Magnus Hirschfeld here.
Queer Jews Project
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doug-dimmadumb · 1 day
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I could really use some help signal boosting my shop right now. I'm a disabled artist with no other income, and I'm in a bit of a situation because I haven't had a sale in nearly a month. I'm almost completely out of money, my phone broke last week so I can't update my shop or share WIP pics until I replace it, and I'm running low on some necessary meds. I've had to ask my parents for help paying for my storage unit for the second month in a row. There are projects I really want to be working on and sharing with y'all -- like a tapestry loom I'm making but am still short a few small parts for store -- but I can't do so until I get some sales or commissions! Reblogging this, or any of my other sales posts, would really help me out
My current inventory -- which includes shawls, hats, doilies, jewelry, kippot, bookmarks, and more -- is all available in my ko-fi shop, as are several customizable options for commissions. I am also happy to take commissions and custom orders aside from those options though! Just message me if you're interested!
I currently only offer shipping within USA in the shop, but if you need something shipped elsewhere, feel free to message me and we can get that sorted out.
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