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           The final project for my graphic design course was to create a magazine cover and spreadsheets that go with the magazine. The magazine I chose to do was a somewhat revival of a pulp fiction magazine in which was a magazine that had a lot of short stories that were written by some of the most famous authors of all time. There were different genres of pulp magazines such as action, westerns, detective stories, and dramas. But for my magazine, I chose to do science fiction magazine as it is my favourite subject to read and watch.
           The first thing I did was draw some sketches for what the cover should look like and the other was to draw some wired frame sketches for the spreads for the magazine. I knew from the beginning that the magazine was going to be very illustrator heavy to create some of the science fiction characters and backgrounds. These illustrations were the most time-consuming part of the project as it seemed that it would never get done and each time I made something I would delete and try again. This was perhaps the most frustrating part of the whole project as I was never satisfied with what I made. Another challenging task I had was that everything had to be original in the magazine and since this was a magazine that had short stories. This led me to spend a few hours in writing some small short stories that centred around themes of science fiction. Which was difficult as I didn’t think at first what I should write about but luckily I had a couple of ideas floating around in my head.
           The first critique we had primarily focused on our cover sketches and while I am no artist my any stretch of the imagination this critique went over fine. I could get a few chuckles from my horrible hand drawn artwork but this did help me continue my idea because it gave me the idea that it could stand out from everyone else project. The next critique was an examination of both our finished covers and the wireframe spreadsheets we made. This was also very positive with how my cover turned out and even though my sketches were bare it seemed to go well. They did give me some ideas on how to set up my spreadsheets by perhaps giving them more of a defined look to the sketches. The final critique made me feel very satisfied with my work as it seemed that people somewhat enjoyed it. I did receive some ideas on how to improve it such as giving it a different background color other than white which I think was a clever idea as I can understand why people might not like the color.
           Overall I am satisfied with the outcome I think for the time I was given I did the best I could. I am still unsatisfied with my artwork as it seems very dull and uninteresting and each time I compare it to the artist that worked on the magazines in the forties and fifties they seem more like a disgrace than an homage. I wished I could have spent more time on the illustrations but somewhat know that wouldn’t have improved that much as even though I should be good at graphic design since I was in various graphic arts classes in high school I feel as though my skills regressed. It also doesn’t help that I can’t draw or do any other art really as I don’t have much skill.
           The difficulties I had during this project came primarily from the illustrations I had to create the project. Another issue that came about when making these illustrations was that I place a lot of items in illustrator which made the program slow down significantly which led to some frustration to the program. The other issue I had was trying to create the proper setup for my spreads in InDesign as it seemed like to me that had to keep adjusting the artwork and the stories I had written which made it difficult for me to figure out how much space I will need to complete the project. Another issue I had dealt with more of my poor planning as I thought maybe including an ad which I pushed off until one of the last class days we had to work on it and seems a bit cheap and uninteresting. The final issue I had comes from me misreading the assignment as I did four spread pages not realising that I could have done three instead knowing this earlier could have lowered the burden of the project.
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           The final project for this semester was to redesign a menu from a restaurant. The menu I chose was from a Chinese restaurant named China King. The ideas I had for this menu was to make it stand out when next to other Chinese food menus as many of them have the same basic design structure and use the same format with the same colors. The idea that came to mind was to add illustrations make it more appealing and make people want to pick it up and take it home with them.
           The timeline for this project started about a week before it was assigned to us. I made some wireframe sketches to get the basic layout for the menu. I also used the wireframe sketches to plan where to put the illustrations I would like to include for this project. After completing my sketches, I moved on to illustrating the pictures that I will include in the image. The reason why I wanted to include illustrations in this project was to give the menu a pop of color. The illustrating lasted a couple of class days which was bad as I didn’t really start adding menu items to my menu until the day before our first critique.
           When it came time for our first critique my menu was bare as I only really had the menu items on the menu. In no real order or structure to it, I really kind of slapped it on without really thinking about it. The progress critique did help me out to realise that perhaps I should include a background image when receiving feedback from my classmates. I decided to go to google and look at Chinese dragons and architecture. I chose to go with architecture as it caught my interest and thought it might stand out more than the stereotypically used dragon. The building I traced was The Temple of Heaven which is in Beijing, China. The reason why I chose this building was due to the architecture and thought it would be interesting to make.
           After finishing the tracing, I re-examined the menu again and borrowed an idea that I found interesting that the previous menu used. The idea was to use peppers to distinguish which menu items were spicy I like the idea as it seemed like a way for me to add more illustrations to my menu. Before class when we had the final critique, I got to the Fine Arts Building earlier to include my new background and add the illustrations I made to the menu. When it finally came to critique it was a quick examination and process the group seemed to like or pretend to like the redesign. I was given few criticisms such in this critique. The criticisms came from minor and easily fixable things such as fix my text so that it lines up properly, check my spelling, lower the opacity on the background image, and make the wording in the menu more consistent.
           Overall I believe this project was a success even though it still looks somewhat generic. I am proud of what I made with the brief time I was given during this project. In my eyes, I believe this redesign is superior to the original as it is more eye catching and will probably draw more people in to pick up the menu compared to most other Chinese restaurant menus. Overall I am proud of this project though I wish perhaps I could change the layout more so it doesn’t look like other Chinese restaurant menus but with a number of items I had to include on the menu, it would be difficult which could explain why Chinese restaurant menus look the way they do. The only real challenge I had was just the pure amount of menu items from the original menu and unfortunately, I did cut out two section due to time and the sections being so small I forgot about them.
           This semester was a vast experience as I found that I learned quite a bit and re-learned a lot of things this semester. This helped me focus more on typography then on images which what I used to use a lot more in the past. This course also helped me get back into my graphics roots a little bit and this course kept me interested all the way through. Overall I accomplished my goal to get myself back into graphic design and had some fun along the way.
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Design Rationale:
The infographic I created does advocate for the end of Capital Punishment due to the extreme costs. The information on the infographic is legible and the graphics work well with the infographic as it helps people understand the information that is on the infographic. The images and type are unified especially for the overall idea for the infographic as it is supposed to resemble a receipt. This was done by looking up the typography used in printed receipts. If a person would walk by my infographic I believe due to the images on my infographic would cause a person to slow down and read the information on the infographic. This project was difficult for me to try to use as little text as possible and only for the most part use images to communicate our topic. Though I believe I somewhat failed that aspect of the project as the vast majority of the infographic I created is more text then imagery. But I think that though I could have used less text in the infographic I believe the topic I chose also played a key factor as it would be very difficult to show the information I collected. In the end I kind of feel not proud of this project as it seems to look overall lazy as their no detail and nothing really to capture someone attention for more than a few seconds and something no one will go back to if they see this infographic again. Yes, the critique did give me a lot of feedback to work and improve the infographic as a whole. The critique made me put in more text to improve the message I was trying to convey with my infographic.
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Cover sketches for my Magazine Project.
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Style tile and Moodboard
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The article I chose to create my human rights poster was article five of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Overall the poster does a good job presenting the article I have chosen which is that no person should be subject to tortures or cruel and unusual punishment. The graphics I used for this poster were to recreate a horrible cell that is not clean and has rats in the cell as well. We see in the graphic a person chained to the wall exhausted and is unable to lay down or even sit due to the length of his chains. Another thing that pops up is the food the prisoner was given to eat which from it looks old, moldy, and only accessible if you are a rat. An important aspect of the graphic is light as you can see the sun is only hitting the rat in the poster the reason I did this was that the rat was in a better state compared to the human being chained this was showing how we treat animals better than humans in certain occasions. Another thing I used was color this was primarily done with the cement brick walls for the background of the poster. The cement blocks around the window are a lot lighter than the cement blocks surrounding the prisoner. The reason why I chose to do this was to imitate the feeling people have being locked in these cells showing their despair and that peace and warmth are far from their reach. I used color also for the prisoners clothing the reason why I chose orange was for the most part in the United States specifically orange is the color many prisoners wear the color in prison. The reason I chose orange also was so the prisoner would stand out from the gray cement background I made for the poster so people could easily catch on. The poster works outside of our language and country for the decisions I made when making this poster. Such as including bars to the window which many people see bars and think of prison and with the popularity of films many people will look at the man wearing orange and identify him as a prisoner. Another universal symbol that was used in the poster was chained which usually means prisoner or held captive by someone and also since many first world countries don’t use chains in prisons for holding a prison many people will see this as more of barbaric and used for torture. The creative process for this poster was quite easy to make as I needed to make a person because when people think of torture they think of people being mistreated by other people. The reason why I chose to give the person only the basic human features is so that people can easily project themselves as the prisoner being harmed and mistreated in the poster. Another aspect I thought of when creating this poster was rats because when people see rats they think of filth and the place being unsanitary which gives the human in the poster more sympathy.
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ˑ The average cost for the death penalty is $2.4 million
ˑ Death Penalty Has Cost New Jersey Taxpayers $253 Million
ˑ Death sentences rate keeps dropping
ˑ the cost for the death penalty keeps rising in states who still:  Maryland, an average death penalty case resulting in a death sentence costs approximately $3 million
ˑThe cost of the Death Penalty in Oregon was 274, 209.00 in 1980 then rose to 1,107, 441.00 in the 1990s, and rose again to 1,783,148.00 in the 2000s
ˑ the cost for a capital punishment case in California: $1.94 billion--Pre-Trial and Trial Costs, $925 million--Automatic Appeals and State Habeas Corpus Petitions, $775 million--Federal Habeas Corpus Appeals, $1 billion--Costs of Incarceration
ˑ New York State spent $170 million in 9 years, with no executions
ˑDue to the high cost of the death penalty leaves little resources for important things such as crime prevention, mental health treatment, education and rehabilitation
Design Brief:
The topic I have chosen for my infographic is advocating the end of the death penalty. The primary focus of this infographic is to show the cost of using the death penalty and how it has risen over recent decades to exceedingly high prices. The reason why this is important is that we are one of the few first world countries that still use the death penalty and capital punishment. The second reason why this issue is important is that we are using a lot of taxpayer money to pay for the executions and this money can be used more efficiently in schools and mental health facilities. The way I will be communicating my message is through graphs that are easy to read with the focus on the amount of money used in executions. I will also try to use as little wording as possible so people can quickly read the infographic the reason for doing this is because most infographics are placed in high traffic areas so people are constantly moving so they don’t have enough time to read a full poster. Another way I will be communicating with people is through using big bold words and the use of symbols to get their attention so they can easily see and understand the message on my infographic. The colors I will primary use will be using for the typography will be either black or white and for the graphs, I will use red to let it stand out from the rest of the infographic. I would use symbols that represent the various ways people are executed such as a syringe, an electric chair, and a noose. I will also use symbols to represent where the money will be used more properly such as a chalkboard representing schools, a brain representing mental health, and a crossed prescription bottle to represent drug rehabilitation. In some of my sketches, I will use human figures that portray various aspects of our society and show how they are affected by the cost of executions. The people will represent law enforcement, mental health care, education, state’s budgets and taxpayers.
"Facts about the Death Penalty." Death Penalty Info. Death Penalty Information Center, 15 Mar. 2017. Web. 20 Mar. 2017. < http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/documents/FactSheet.pdf>
Seth. "Death Penalty Statistics." Statistic Brain. Statistic Brain, 08 Sept. 2016. Web. 20 Mar. 2017. < http://www.statisticbrain.com/death-penalty-statistics/>
"Death Penalty Cost." Amnesty International USA. Amnesty International, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2017. < http://www.amnestyusa.org/our-work/issues/death-penalty/us-death-penalty-facts/death-penalty-cost>
"Death Penalty Trends." Amnesty International USA. Amnesty International, 2012. Web. 20 Mar. 2017. < http://www.amnestyusa.org/our-work/issues/death-penalty/us-death-penalty-facts/death-penalty-trends>
"Costs of the Death Penalty." Death Penalty Info. Death Penalty Information Center, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2017. <http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/costs-death-penalty>.
Forestieri, Kevin. "El Camino Hospital to build new $50 million mental health facility." Mountain View Online. N.p., 25 Apr. 2014. Web. 20 Mar. 2017.< http://www.mv-voice.com/news/2014/04/25/el-camino-hospital-to-build-new-50-million-mental-health-facility>
"How Much Does High School Cost? - CostHelper.com." CostHelper. Cost Helper Education, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2017. <http://education.costhelper.com/high-school.html>.
Edited by Editorial Staff. "Financing Recovery to Get Help Now and Pay Over Time." Recovery.org. Recovery.org, 19 Jan. 2016. Web. 20 Mar. 2017. <http://www.recovery.org/topics/financing-recovery-to-get-help-now-and-pay-over-time/>.
"School Costs: Did You Know..." School Planning & Management. N.p., July 2015. Web. 20 Mar. 2017. <https://webspm.com/Articles/2015/07/01/School-Costs.aspx>.
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I like the overall design of the postcard as it goes with the theme I chose for the project which was a printing press. The hierarchy works well for the piece as you can see the back left of the postcard is easy to read and follow. I am really proud of the printing block background I made as it gives the piece a distinguished look and breaks up the facts about John Baskerville well in the bottom left of the piece. That overall the postcards looks well put together with all the pieces flowing and connecting to one another especially the printing press and the printing blocks. The only thing I dislike about the postcard is the printing press as it doesn’t look good and looks flimsy and very minimalist. The program didn’t hinder my design capability. I do feel like I grew as a designer during this project.
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Sketches for my human rights poster project.
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Progress Report on Postcard.
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The first GIF represents me when I first started to go to college. I decided to take a nap because I had a three-hour break between classes. But when I finally woke up I realized I was twenty minutes late and had to dash to class. So this can be seen as a recreation of that moment in my college career.
The second gif is a representation of a stressful day in college in which a you just want to go to bed and do nothing else for the night.
The third GIF is pretty obvious by showing the overpriced textbooks the college sells at the bookstore but unfortunately you need them for your courses. Then finding out that the size of the book is so small that you wonder why you’re paying so much.
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I did find this project challenging as it was very difficult to recreate some aspects of the magazine cover. The first problem I ran into was the photo as I do not know how Mr. Carson created the photo. The next thing I had difficulty with was trying to recreate the text and background of the original cover. The reason why I had trouble with those two aspects was that I didn’t know what font he used and I didn’t know how he created this background as it seemed like a mishmash of different colors. The difference between my reproduction and the original cover is that overall my cover seems to have a cleaner look compared to Mr. Carson’s magazine cover this can be seen in the typography I used in this project. Another difference was the photograph as I used more of a digital media, in my opinion, Mr. Carson used physical materials then digital. I enjoyed the whole chaotic look of the cover but it still looked very professional. The one thing I wished to have done better would be the photo and typography. But overall I think I did ok trying to recreate the image I just wish I had more information on the piece.
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The construction process was quite simple which was break glass next paint glass then glue painted glass back onto the backboard of the frame. The broken glass on the ground represents the lost pieces of memory you had and the place I chose to take a picture of my object was to give people an easily recognizable place and a place people can relate to with the picture leaning against the wall. It was really hard to create an aesthetic tone for this piece as I was working with glass which is not the easiest to work with the material. But seeing that my idea was about broken memories it can be said that the material I used was appropriate for the message I was trying to give. Though it was difficult to work with broken pieces of glass due to the sharp edges I came out of this project unscathed. The project, in my opinion, is a good one to have as it makes people go through the creative process from idea to sketches to the final piece. Overall I enjoyed the project even though it was a bit odd doing something like this in a computer course.
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The typographer I was assigned for this project was John Baskerville. John Baskerville was born on January 28, 1706 in Wolverley, Worcestershire. Baskerville later died January 8,1775 in Birmingham, Warwickshire.
 The highlights of John Baskerville’s life came from his career of a printmaker. When he worked as a printmaker he was appointed to be the printer of the University of Cambridge. While at Cambridge he would make his master piece in printmaking this master work being the 1763 edition of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer. While working at Cambridge he also worked on editions of John Milton’s Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. Baskerville was also popular in his printing work overseas as Benjamin Franklin was an admirer of his work and the two even met and exchanged pleasantry.
 The typeface John Baskerville created was the Baskerville typeface. The typeface is classified as a transitional typeface and falls under the of the serif type category. It is a lot larger than other typefaces but design wise it’s not that different from any other type of this time. The difference comes from the strokes the typeface had as everything seems bolder yet very fine. The lower case serifs are more horizontal then other texts and have an emphasis on the stroke widths.
 The type designer was largely forgotten after his death and due to the typeface being highly criticized in England. But the type was popular outside of England especially in countries like France and Italy as many typographers admired Baskerville’s work. But it wasn’t until the 1920s that the Baskerville typography was revived and Baskerville would finally receive his due for creating this typeface. The reason why the Baskerville typography became popular and rose to prominence was due in part to Bruce Rogers the designer of the Centaur typeface. Who saw his type work in a Cambridge bookstore and became interested in it to the point that while he working at Harvard University Press he recommended using the Baskerville typeface which led to its revival. The Baskerville typeface is still popular even today as it is used in the Better Homes and Gardens Magazine, the film American Gangster also used the text for the title of the film, and the typeface is used for the logo of the Canadian government.
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Sketches for Found Objects: mini assignment
The object I  chose for this assignment is a picture frame and the word I chose memory. The reason why I chose these two things is that they come together as a picture frame holds on to photographs that represent important things throughout your or your family life. The same goes for our memory that we remember things that are significant to us but instead of a physical item, it is a mental image. The message I am trying to convey is that even though we would like to remember everything we can’t. The broken picture frame represents a forgotten memory even though many of us would like to remember this memory or fix the picture frame it will never be the same. We are going to miss pieces of information or lose pieces of glass thus making the frame or memory incomplete. The overall goal is to show people that picture frames are easy to break just like how memories are easy to forget. The second part of the message is to appreciate the memories you have now because they may be forgotten later in your life due to the influx of new memories you will have. The way I would like to construct my project is to use old picture frames and break the glass. The glass will be used in two ways one way is to show the glass on the floor representing the missing pieces of the memory. The other glass will be used to write the word memory the glass will be painted a teal or light blue so the word and glass can be more visible. The picture frame would be leaning on a wall with the glass that spelled memory glued onto the back board of the frame with the loose pieces of glass surrounding.
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Part 4: Hierarchy
The reason for the alignment of this card was to use much of the space as possible but still make it easy to flow and follow. The reason why I chose the font was to make it easy to read. The reason for the sizes was to create a hierarchy of the information provided on the card. The information being the logo, the name of the company, my, name, and then the basic contact information. The reason why I chose the colors primarily so the logo can jump out at people and make people want to stop and look what else the card had to say. The arraignment was also used to make it easy for people to read the card in a natural way so they can look at all the information quickly and easily understand it.
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Part 3: Typographic Expression
The reason I presented this word this way was to create the image of a person lounging on the beach. The reason why I assembled theses letters like this was for it to resemble a person on a beach with the person perhaps sitting on his chair looking at the sea or perhaps taking a short nap while at the beach with the letter Y resembling his feet touching the ground gently. The reason I chose this color was a simple one was that I wanted it to resemble the beach more so I chose a color that resembled sand. This part challenged me to create an idea of what something should look like by only using letters.
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