doulacynthia · 5 years
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How do you write the Jaws theme music? #grandkidsarethebest #ilovemygrandkids (at Swedish Social Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0eE42vARQ5/?igshid=tckqrfxys34a
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Little mermaid girl. #mermaid #granddaughter #ilovemygrandkids #swimming (at Swedish Social Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0eEobsgiJ4/?igshid=1g3xgkn5phyz8
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Hanging with the fam today. #hazelfrancis #selfietime #grandkidsarethebest #ilovemygrandkids (at Swedish Social Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0eEQszAZXf/?igshid=dtlj9mslouid
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Peter Peter is through security and ready to fly to San Francisco to march in Pride for Foreskin Pride! Peter Peter the Anteater made his debut in San Francisco Pride in 2014 and he’s very excited to return! #anteaterpride #foreskinpride #loganairport #boston #sanfrancisco #i2 (at Boston Logan International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzP9_Itg3df/?igshid=yqmkabxv14fl
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Only two days until Boston Pride/Foreskin Pride! Join us as we march for the sexual freedom of boys and men! Meet up in front of Lord and Taylor on Boylson Street at 12:30 and help educate about the benefits of foreskin and the intact penis!! #bostonpride #prideboston #foreskinpride #foreskinprideboston #hisbodyhisrights #hisbodyhischoice #i2 (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByXwgORALkh/?igshid=btu0cknu9h2z
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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March with us for FORESKIN PRIDE in this year’s BOSTON PRIDE PARADE! Mass Bay Intact, representing Intaction NYC will be meeting up THIS SATURDAY, June 8,2019, in front of Lord and Taylor on Boylston St in Boston at 12:30 sharp! We will be across the street from Verizon and positioned between Bristol Meyers and Sanofi- this is a high visibility spot! If you are an intactivist in the New England area please join us! Let’s make some noise! @massbayintact @intaction #pride #foreskinpride #foreskinprideboston #intaction #massbayintact #i2 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByU7mmTguee/?igshid=4ajd0r4x5p2y
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Peter Peter the Anteater is spending the morning getting ready for Pride Boston! Mass Bay Intactivists is teaming up with Intaction NYC for the fourth year in a row to march for FORESKIN PRIDE! The new condoms have arrived in record time and we have two t-shirts available for two lucky marchers! The time and location of our lineup will be announced this Wednesday so check back here for details! #massbayintact #prideboston #foreskinprideboston #foreskinpride #pride #boston #sayitwithacondom #endthewaronforeskin #i2 #bethere #bethereorbesquare https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLJWA8ASBC/?igshid=16nc7yfamfl1
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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End the war on foreskin!! Foreskin is healthy, functional, valuable and EROTIC! Join us one week from tomorrow to march for FORESKIN PRIDE in Boston’s Pride Parade! The exact lineup will be announced here and on the Mass Bay Intactivist page on Facebook! #endthewaronforeskin #marchforgenitalintegrity #foreskinpride #foreskinprideboston #prideboston #pride2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByJGwzIgMYv/?igshid=10vg45d2wma92
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doulacynthia · 5 years
Cutting Infant Genitals is a Sex Crime
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Intaction’s new t-shirts have been unveiled just in time for this years Pride parade! Get yours today and join us on June 8th for our fourth annual Foreskin Pride! https://intaction.org/product/foreskin-is-fun-skin-tshirt/. #boston #foreskinpride #foreskinprideboston #bostonpride #bostonpride2019 #intaction #endthewaronforeskin https://www.instagram.com/p/BxvQt3qA5AC/?igshid=ljfqi4df5wo8
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Patrick Smyth
Men Do Complain 
Bloodstained Men
Patrick Smyth is an intactivist from the U.K. He began actively street protesting against male genital mutilation in 2011.  Patrick has traveled to the US for the Genital Autonomy Symposium, and to Washington DC for Genital Integrity Awareness Week.  
Patrick recalls his early days of the bloodstain:
“Brother K invited me to travel to the US to attend the GIAW protest in March 2013. My first of several street protests as an intactivist in the UK was in June 2011, and he had spotted that I was clearly willing to protest in public. However, this was going to be my first appearance in the bloodstained overalls! I booked my flight to Washington DC and eagerly made my way to Heathrow airport on the due departure date. When I got to the United check in desk I was informed that US immigration wanted to interview me before I could board the flight, despite the fact that I had previously obtained my visa waiver authorisation from the US Embassy. After a 30 minute grilling by a particularly abrupt female immigration official in the departure terminal I was told in no uncertain terms that I would not be boarding a flight to the US anytime soon. Ouch! “Welcome to America!” I shouted to her as she strutted off.”
“My first appearance in the bloodstained overalls would subsequently take place in London in May 2013 outside the German Embassy on the anniversary of the Cologne court decision that ritual circumcision of male minors is a criminal assault. This picture was taken a few weeks later in June during a protest at the British Medical Association Annual Representatives Meeting in Edinburgh. Hundreds of doctors from around the UK gather each year for this important conference. Richard Duncker, Geoff Coates and myself donned the bloodstained suits for the protest and made quite an impression on many of the delegates. Regrettably, they yet again voted against debating a motion that was proposed by Dr Antony Lempert to review the BMA policy guidelines in respect of circumcision of male minors, and have continued to avoid debating the issue ever since. We battle on.”
Patrick can be seen in the following videos:
4/5 October 2015: J4MB and Men Do Complain protest outside the Conservative party conference
Patrick was featured in the ABC’s of Intactivism:
P is for Patrick
Link to read Richard Duncker’s story, (left side of above photo)
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Craig Adams
Bloodstained Men
Craig Adams has traveled to Washington DC for Genital Integrity Awareness Week multiple times and was one of the many intactivists to don the bloodstained suit in the early days.  He has also organized and attended protests in his home state of New Jersey.  Craig is a father of twin girls and is currently busy being an at home dad.  He continues to wear the bloodstain at local events, however these days his girls are keeping his hands full, and keeping him closer to home!
Craig was featured in the following article:
The troubled history of the foreskin
Craig was featured in the 50 States project, representing New Jersey
Read more here:
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Garrett Wolfe
Bloodstained Men
Garrett Wolfe has been an outspoke activist since he was a young man in the 1960s.  He demonstrated for the Civil Rights, he demonstrated for interracial marriage.  He demonstrated for the Women’s Rights.  He has always believed we are one family, and an injustice to one is an injustice to all.
Garrett found out he had been circumcised when he was as a very small child, and he found out in a very disturbing way. (Click the video link below to hear his whole story). He has always spoken out against it, but it wasn’t until the 1980s when he heard Marilyn Milos on the Dean Edell radio show that he became aware of other people who were as disturbed by this as he was.  He spoke with Marilyn on the phone right after the radio show for almost an hour.  The word intactivist had not yet been coined, but that is the moment he became an intactivst.
In Garrett’s own words:
“When the internet happened and facebook happened and I found this giant community, it exploded for me, because that kind of support is just huge.  I also tried to instigate other demonstrations and things, which, when I got into the Bloodstained Men got real easy, because there’s just so much support.” 
“Brother K is my brother, in more ways than one.  Every single one of these men and women that step up and have the courage to not worry about if they’re making a fool of themselves, to not worry what anybody’s thinking and speak the truth because protecting children is more important than spending their days at home.  Every one of them gives me strength to keep fighting and to do more”
“I can’t change what happened to me, but I am so empowered to change what happens to the next kid.  Facing the people who do this, facing the organization that is in such denial- they’re more broken than I- and facing them and learning new skills to get through, to crack that egg, to know when I need to be strong and and angry and to show my pain, and when I need to be gentle and compassionate, to learn those skills, I got a lot of that this week.  For all those babies I may have saved.”
Transcribed from: 
Sexual Abuse of Boys - Circumcision
Video Credit James Loewen
“We" with Garrett Wolfe
Video Credit Brother K
Men do complain. I did not consent to circumcision
It's a cleanup job now. Circumcision is over.
Video Credit: Brother K
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Shelley Estevam
Bloodstained Men
Shelley has long been a powerful force in the genital integrity movement.  As early as 2013 she bravely went out to the boardwalk in Ocean City, MD, with her wagon filled with information, to educate the public of the harms of forced genital cutting and the benefits of the intact penis.  
Shelley’s own words:
“I was online, when the first Bloodstained suit made its presence in America. I was looking at the pictures, videos and dialog of the 2012  AAP protest in New Orleans on social media.”
“I saw Jonathon Conte wear the suit, spread legged and barefoot. I thought, how ironic!!  The same thing happened to him as an infant, and now he’s showing the world. How extraordinary and powerful!  I remember vividly the reactions from the doctors looking at him and their shock to a man speaking up.” 
“I felt I had no choice but to wear the suit. I take male child genital cutting personal because I have two sons with less rights than their sister. To me that makes no sense, especially in the land of the ‘free.’ Equal rights and freedom to choose what happens to our bodies are basic human rights and that’s huge for me. Honestly I have never felt more American than when I wear the bloodstained suit. I am speaking up for my sons and their rights to equal protection under law.” 
“I first wore the bloodstained suit in Washington DC at a yearly protest called GIAW (short for Genital Integrity Awareness Week.) it was in 2012, and the BSM were still a brand new idea in Intactivism. It wasn’t easy. At that time the BSM were not exactly welcomed into our movement. There was a lot of resentment and fear.”
“Resentment that was palpable against fellow activists who wore the suit. We were asked to “move” farther away from other Intactivist camps, and we were shunned. I still vividly remember being accused of “scaring the children” and heated discussions at that time coming from more “peaceful” activists who thought the BSM were over the top. As for me? I believe one shoe does not fit all, so having different angles in protesting styles is an advantage that attracts all types of people.”
“I still believe there is no other means to protest as powerfully as wearing the Bloodstained suit. I’ve actually done experiments on this back at home. I’ve worn regular clothes at my protests and the suit. By far, people are more moved by the suit and can not deny what they’re looking at. I mean, circumcision is a literal bloody mess and the bloodstained suit really evokes people and reminds them of it.”
“I’ve been right there, supporting the bloodstained suit since its inception. I’ve been in my home state protesting with Brother K, traveled in the early days with the BSM and later even evolved my own “bloodstain.” My protest pants now have in red writing the words, “men’s rights.” To me, nothing quite says FU circumcision like the bloodstained crotch does. Nothing else is so visceral, or undeniable and watching physicians observe BSM protests is most interesting to me. Seeing them forced to reckon with what they’ve done to babies. Standing up to them with more knowledge about the normal intact male body then they ever learned in med school. Physicians have blood on their hands and they and the nurses know it.” 
“Whoever is reading this, I ask you to reconsider the issue if you’re “for” child and baby penis cutting. Male babies and children are in a war. Their bodies show the scar of defeat. People’s genitals should be free of pain and marks from culture, tradition and religion. Scarred, genitals have NO PLACE in a child’s underwear.”
“I have been a public solo protester since 2011 and am known for pulling a wagon with a banner attached to it down the boardwalk of Ocean City, MD. for hundreds of thousands of people to see. I’m also proud to have contributed to the MGM bill for two years, I have wrote letters to Delaware’s (41 representatives and 21 senators.) I’ve traveled to California and marched in pride parades with Bay Area Intactivist’s, and I’m the person who to came up with the frequently used BSM sign slogan, “circumcision removes 16 functions. “  That particular phrase has been more widely used, than any other wording to inform and educate the public of male genital cutting harm.”
Public Protesting 
Shelleys letters to Delaware’s representatives and senators on the proposed MGM bill and their responses. 
Letters to the Medicaid directors in DE, MD and VA and their responses.
Videos of me speaking on the  forced genital cutting of children. 
An interview 
A video at the San Francisco Pride Parade 
In 2013 Shelley traveled to San Francisco to march in Pride with the Bay Area Intactivists.  This is a video of meeting among activists during her stay:
Intactivists Discuss Strategy for Ending the Circumcision Nightmare
Video Credit: Brother K
This is an instructional video that Shelley put together to encourage other activists get out on the street and educate about the harms of forced genital cutting:
Public speaking intactivism
Shelley shared her thoughts on bloodstained suits in this thoughtful video:
Bloodstained Victims of Circumcision
Video Credit James Loewen
Shelley participating in a Bloodstained  Video Exercise 
Circumcision - America's Disgrace!
Video Credit: James Loewen
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Kelley Heitzman​
Kelly fiercely protected her son from genital mutilation, despite his father who wanted to inflict this wound on his body.  Kelly stood with the Bloodstained Men many times.  She has attended Genital Integrity Awareness Week in Washington DC multiple times.  She has demonstrated against the American Academy of Pediatrics, as well as many other events.
Hear Kelly in her own words: I Have To Protect My Son https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD5Ak4KjCY4
#BSMphotoproject #BSMwomen
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Danielle Cruzen 
Bay Area Intactivists
Bloodstained Men
Danielle has attended so many demonstrations for genital autonomy and genital integrity it would be hard to list them all.  She has flown from her home in California all around the country to protest the AAP and ACOG for their unethical violation of infant boys.  She has marched in San Francisco Pride with the Bay Area Intactivists for Foreskin Pride. She has attended Genital Integrity Awareness Week multiple times, and gone to the Genital Autonomy Symposium in 2014 and 2018.
 Her unique twist, and her love for street theatre makes her hard to miss at any event.  Not only has she dressed in the bloodstained suit, but she also brings her lifelike baby dolls and bloodstains them as well.
When Danielle learned of the harm genital mutilation causes baby boys and the men they become she had to speak out.  
In Danielle’s own words:
“After after a traumatic childhood, I know how important it is that we start every human being free from trauma.  Children are our future, we as a society need to protect them from harm.  My Mom always told me to that doing the right thing thing means standing up to injustice.” 
Danielle always wanted to help people,  Her dedication to making the world a better place is a huge part of who she is.  She even helped run a homeless center.  Danielle has a heart of gold.
“I believe we all have a purpose in this world, and it's to help each other, share our experiences.  Kindness and compassion is my religion.”
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doulacynthia · 5 years
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Grant W
Bloodstained Men
AAP Protests -Washington DC 2015
ACOG Protests, New Orleans, 2013
AAP Protest, San Diego, 2014
In Grant’s own words:
“Altering genitals without informed consent is a really big deal. Most humans live their entire lives without needing a life altering surgery that destroys the normal function of their reproductive organs.  Foreskin is not extra skin or a birth defect.  People should recognize in the 21st century that it is a major human rights violation to cut the genitals of children.” 
“People can try to hide behind religion or medical myths but ultimately, the routine circumcision of females and males is a serious injustice.  The tides are turning because we live in the "Information Age." Due to the work of dedicated activists, circumcision rates are dropping and Americans are no longer going to be naive about their own cutting culture.  Hopefully, like slavery, it will soon be nothing more than another shameful chapter in our country's history books.”
Here are some links Grant wants to share with you:
Doctors Opposing Circumcision
American Circumcision
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