dovesummer · 13 days
It’s Friday the 13th … so here’s your mid month(ish) reminder that #Hannictober is coming up!
Hannictober prompts!
The only real “rule” is have fun. Be creative! Fics, threads, art, media … it’s all welcome. HEU is welcome. Do one prompt, do all of them, do something in between …
Posting starts on Oct 1 where you are, but late starts/entries are welcome!
If you post on ao3 put your work in the Hannictober 2024 collection so we can find you: archiveofourown.org/collections/Ha…
And on Twitter/Tumblr/Blue Sky use the tags #Hannictober and/or #Hannictober2024 so I can find and retweet/reblog!
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dovesummer · 15 days
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A stroll through Will's memory palace
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dovesummer · 22 days
Even if you’re not participating yourself please repost to get the word out! I know October is a busy month for fan related prompts so keep in mind just doing a few is totally fine. I’ll keep qrting this periodically until October!
Hannictober prompts!
The only real “rule” is have fun. Be creative! Fics, threads, art, media … it’s all welcome. HEU is welcome. Do one prompt, do all of them, do something in between …
Posting starts on Oct 1 where you are, but late starts/entries are welcome!
If you post on ao3 put your work in the Hannictober 2024 collection so we can find you: archiveofourown.org/collections/Ha…
And on Twitter/Tumblr/Blue Sky use the tags #Hannictober and/or #Hannictober2024 so I can find and retweet/reblog!
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dovesummer · 22 days
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Mads and Hugh at Fan Expo Boston 2024 [x]
If Will and Hannibal had to choose a last meal, what would it be?
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dovesummer · 22 days
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My one qualm with this show will forever be that they didn’t use this as the post credit scene. It would’ve elevated the already perfect ending.
Will and Hannibal mirroring each other in everything down to the way they’re sitting, their facades finally stripped away. The way it cuts to Hannibal breaking the symmetry to stare contentedly at Will. Will, blanketed by sunlight, eyes closed, with a look of complete tranquility on his face, at peace with himself at last. They are finally one. The viewer doesn’t know if they’re in Hannibal’s mind palace or the actual chapel. It’s perfection.
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dovesummer · 25 days
“You’re the song I hate but I can’t let go …”
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dovesummer · 26 days
It’s almost September- one more month until #Hannictober #Hannictober2024
Hannictober prompts!
The only real “rule” is have fun. Be creative! Fics, threads, art, media … it’s all welcome. HEU is welcome. Do one prompt, do all of them, do something in between …
Posting starts on Oct 1 where you are, but late starts/entries are welcome!
If you post on ao3 put your work in the Hannictober 2024 collection so we can find you: archiveofourown.org/collections/Ha…
And on Twitter/Tumblr/Blue Sky use the tags #Hannictober and/or #Hannictober2024 so I can find and retweet/reblog!
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dovesummer · 2 months
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"I'm not fortune's fool. I'm yours."
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dovesummer · 2 months
I just find this scene so funny because after Will said,
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Hannibal's face was like, "Oh. Didn't know we have a date."
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Bet you he was giggling inside and everything.
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dovesummer · 2 months
Exactly. Will has lots of agency here and by the end of the show, who’s the better manipulator, huh? Don’t tell me he wasn’t secretly preening when Hannibal complimented him on what he did to Chilton.
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Y’all GOTTA stop woobifying Will Graham.
YES Hannibal manipulated him and took advantage of him while he had encephalitis. AND ALSO he WILLINGLY CHOSE to kill Randall Tier and STRETCH HIS CORPSE OVER A FOSSIL!!!!! Not subdue him, not injure him, but KILL him with his BARE HANDS!!! AND DESECRATE THE BODY!!!! He is a grown ass man with agency and he chooses Hannibal. When he denies his feelings for Hannibal he is denying the parts of him that are the same; his darker, true nature. The first two seasons are him waking up to his power as a manipulator, ESPECIALLY of Hannibal but also, crucially, of Alana and Jack. Like for real are y’all watching the same show as me? I KNOW it’s scary watching Will have a stroke in Hannibal’s dining room and seeing the ways Hannibal has forced him to forget periods of time. But I promise you it was just Hannibal shaking Will’s person suit so the monster within could be released. Hannibal recognized himself in the other (Will) and took extreme measures. Not saying it’s morally right, it is FICTION!!!! It is FANTASY!!!! But stop denying Will’s VERY active part in the plot. He CHOSE to match Hannibal’s freak.
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dovesummer · 2 months
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dovesummer · 2 months
I just realized something
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dovesummer · 2 months
The funniest thing ever for me is that when Mads Mikkelsen learned how to do the finger heart he hasn’t moved on since. HE JUST KEEPS DOING THIS GOD DAMN FINGER HEART ON EVERY PHOTO.
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This is a appreciation post btw
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dovesummer · 2 months
Hannictober prompts!
The only real “rule” is have fun. Be creative! Fics, threads, art, media … it’s all welcome. HEU is welcome. Do one prompt, do all of them, do something in between …
Posting starts on Oct 1 where you are, but late starts/entries are welcome!
If you post on ao3 put your work in the Hannictober 2024 collection so we can find you: archiveofourown.org/collections/Ha…
And on Twitter/Tumblr/Blue Sky use the tags #Hannictober and/or #Hannictober2024 so I can find and retweet/reblog!
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dovesummer · 3 months
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—Why is his pain so slutty?
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dovesummer · 3 months
gotta admit i actually like the idea of if hugh AND bryan's takes on how will perceives his feelings for hannibal are BOTH true
like bryan saying will and hannibal are in love with each other PLUS hugh saying will is still coming to terms with some things within himself
put that together and you basically get will being in love with hannibal but in fierce denial of it because being in love with hannibal means being in love with and captivated by the cruel violence that hannibal stands for. being in love with hannibal means abandoning all sense of rational and human morality for a taste of sadistic religion. and definitely, coming to terms with being in love with such things says more about the self than it does about the other person. so of course will has to come to terms with that first—with what it means for him to be captivated and drawn and in love with such things.
i think post-fall is really the time when we could've seen will truly falling in love with hannibal. like, not just the subconscious type. the type where you choose to be in love, every moment, every day. will would have accepted by then the horrific truth that he has strayed too far from the light to ever come back—and that he doesn't want to come back. and that's the perfect time for him to be the courter than the courted. and i can see how a change of roles from s1 would happen in that respect.
so maybe will is in love with hannibal, but had not consciously chosen that truth. maybe it was a truth in the shadows he was still about to accept. and maybe he had never tried to make sense of his relationship with hannibal before because it was easier to bury everything beneath two fingers of whiskey and a letter burning in the fireplace. besides, it seems like will went from a life of seclusion and isolation into one where suddenly, there was a person who not only saw him and understood him, but also wanted him whole. no needing to ""fix"" himself. and that can be a lot. on top everything else he had to deal with.
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dovesummer · 3 months
Can we talk about how when Will says “it’s beautiful”, Hannibal is looking directly at him when he nods, his eyes very obviously appraising his face before going down to Will’s lips.
He doesn’t look at the carnage of the dragon and nod, no, he’s looking directly at Will because in that moment for Hannibal, it’s Will that’s beautiful, it’s Will embracing his true nature that’s beautiful, it’s Will stood in front of him, gripping onto him and smiling that’s beautiful.
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