dpatrick13-blog1 · 4 years
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This is my first big pot that i built at home. This one has to be close to a foot and a half tall. I didn’t think that i could built this huge pot from home but i am glad to be wrong. This one is going to be for my represented anger being bottled up and blowing. I do extend on intentionally blowing up this pot. I think it could be awesome to see this partially destroyed. The weirdest semester is comming to a close, but for this to truely be what i dreamed it to be i may have to finish this series up this comming semester in the fall.
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
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Working from home, this is my next work for this semester. This set of pots is suppose to be me feeling like I am hurting others around me. The pots on the outside are friends that I feel like i am hurting those around me. I am insecure about myself and I no to hurt all of those around me.
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
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My first pot is nearing completion , so i have started on my second one, and this one is going to hit me hard i think. I am someone who is always a friend of what i am doing because i never know what is going to happen. I want this pot to show how i feel when i get scared. I want to drink up and lock my self down. Let’s see how this one works out, i love how my first one turned out, so i am ready for the second
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
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So this semester for my seminar project i am doing ceramics. I wanted to challege myself in how i could execute an idea in a symbolic way. The pot shown above is me, it is not done yet but i want this form to represent who i am, a guy that flows and tries to act pristine, but is really vulnerable to my own inner emotions. I want there to be glaze dripping out of holes in this pot to show my emotions slowly coming out. There will be at least 7 to 8 more pots that will all represent emotions i feel on the inside that i never want to show. I am happy with this form so far, and i think it is a good way to start my semester.
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
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Sneak preview at my work installed for the show. Excited for next week , because that is when we are holding our talk about our work. I am really happy with how this work turned out. I am proud of what i have accomplished in my time this semester.
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
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The set is complete, there is only i thing left to make for this work. I am happy with the development of my work throughout the semester, and how i been growing and learning how to master my skills as i paint on this organza. I have learned how to really manipulate my oils on this thin sheet of fabric, and i could not be happier with the results.
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
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In my work to achieve my goal for my project this semster, i have derided that i will finish up earlier works where i had isolated the deformity. I realized that this method had mad it seem like the point was to only point out what was wrong. However, i think that it looks better as a full painting instead of a partial painting. I think it reads better into that this is a part of someone, instead of just pointing out what is wrong. Now my view is for a viewer to look and find what may be off. Different deformities are harder to spot than others. And when that is found , How dose the viewer feel in the painting as a whole.
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
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For my next piece in my eveolving idea i have seen serval different photos of children who were born without eyes. I wanted to see how i would look if this same effect had happened to me. The one i am basing this painting off of were some children that were born with eye sockets but no eye balls. It dose kind of unsettle me becaue the eyes are the gateway to the soul, and with out them i think it would be harder to read emotions of that individual .
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
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My next painting is done, i think this one turned out well. The eyes being off does throw off my perception of the face. The nostrils of my nose could of been better, but it all came off as residue when i pulled the organza off of the canvas. Overall i am really happy and ready for the next one.
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
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The next disorder on my agenda for this project. I haven’t been able to find the name of this one, but I have found a lot of stories about a little girl who had this disorder where the lips did not form and the chain was serviouly disfigured. It is amazing to see how the human body can mess up during de elopement
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
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For this week I have gotten my first full painting on the wet media acetate. I am pleased with the colors and mixture of color while trying to keep it clear. It is very interesting to look at the brush work that I have been doing for this work. Now for the other works I was testing my layering effect and I am scared to see what will happen when there is more layers of organza/ acetate as I add on more layers of these facial disorders.
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
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This is all my work i has thus far in my travels to get my idea known and tangible. the idea is to individualized portraits of me having these different genetic disorders. with one in front of the other i want to see how far someone can go through each portrait to get to the regular portrait of me. the majority of my paintings are on silk white organza that was wrapped around canvas to paint the image on, and then pulled them back off. One of my paintings was on glass, this was my first test to see how painting on glass would be, and well i hated it, it did not get the effect that i wanted to portray. the last on on wet media assassinate, this test actually turned out pretty well, i am sure with practice i will be able to do more with it. i am getting places in my concept :D.
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dpatrick13-blog1 · 5 years
A New Beginning
This is my first time making a blog devoted to the art that I create. In my quest as an artist I like to find ideas that are close to my vision of the world. This year I was inspired by artist like Francis bacon, and Zdzisław Beksińsi, combined with my depictions of distorting the human body in my project for my senior year of college. I am selecting genetic disorders that can happen to the human body. Then i apply it to myself in a laying process to create an experience, for the viewers to experience. How many layers can a viewer go through to find the person underneath. I will post more picks tomorrow on how i envision my idea.
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