dr-engel · 4 years
The voice catches him as Mccoy slowly turns around to give his attention towards the stranger. A rather first time someone ever called him as a ‘Herr Docktor’. “Y’mean Doctor, right?” He gave her a smile, trying to be polite, after all, he learns better than to not answer a lady. “I am ‘n y’must be part of the crew?” Slowly walking over towards her to face them, extending his hand out for the other to take. To learn more about the colleges around him would be the first in socializing. 
“It’s fine. Just wasn’t used t’someone callin’ me Doktor. It’s a pleasure to meet y’Ms. Angela Ziegler, y’can call me Mccoy. Leonard Mccoy. I hope y’are settlin’ in the hospital??? T’be honest, I find the stuff t’be a bit dark ages, but once gettin’ use t’th’ supplies it was a simple learnin’.” Curiosity getting the better of him and wondering where this person came from; what time period?? Seeing how a lot of folks in this city was either far from advance or close to his time line.
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❝...Err, yes! Yes I did.❞ Angela chuckles, more at her own expense than Mr. Mccoy’s. This wasn’t Switzerland, this wasn’t Switzerland. How many times would she have to say it for it to sink in? It’s too bad that this city wasn’t teaching her mother tongue at that new school of theirs. If she wasn’t a doctor, she’d might as well be doing that - considering that Reinhardt is the probably the only one who can maintain a full conversation with her in German.  
 ❝Herr - I mean, Mr. Mccoy, it’s a pleasure to be meeting you.❞ She really had to stop doing this. Correcting herself, she adds on:  ❝I hope I didn’t offend you with the “Doktor” business!❞ Doctor and Doktor sounded basically the same to her, but this was Angela. Not everyone was Ms. Zielger.
Ah, well. None of that was important. Culture shock aside, Angela made up her mind that Mccoy was someone she could be friendly with. He seemed amicable enough Maybe this was the start of a professional friendship...
 ...The man’s question surprises her. He was already asking about she was doing? That’s really nice of him.  ❝And yes, I’m settling in quite well, thank you! I... MAY have gotten lost on my first day, but you know how it goes! New hospital, new layout.❞ 
Okay, sure, maybe the tech here was a LITTLE BIT outdated, but she had saved people’s lives in worse conditions.  She had field-medic experience, for goodness’ sakes. If anyone could make this work, it was her. Doctor Angela “Mercy” Zieger was a angel on the battlefield and she should certainly be one here. 
...Hopefully.  ❝Ah, I was just noticing that. Still, I think it’s good enough for now, don’t you? I come from a future where applied nanobiology has been put into place and is used for healing people with chronic pain or illness. I was the one who pioneered it. It would be funny if I could pioneer my same technology here.❞
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dr-engel · 4 years
Reblog if I'm allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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dr-engel · 4 years
Having met the head of the urgent care well before the building itself was established, Susie’s a bit more familiar with the layout, though she’s still getting used to the place.
Given her size, she’s sadly no stranger to being run into, close calls or otherwise: one of the downsides from working and living in a city populated by humans.
Susie adjusts her miniature lab coat and looks up at the taller woman. Hmm. Well, she seems nice enough to make up for her earlier gaffe.
“A pleasure to meet you, Dr. Zielger. I’m Susie, the head of the mechanical department.” She extends a floating hand to shake if Angela is so inclined.
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“You’re looking for the ER, yes? I think I can direct you there.” She begins to guide her down the hall. “And you’re a combat medic too?”
Angela sighs in relief, a breath she hadn’t even realized she had been holding was released through parted lips. A potential situation was avoided! The Swiss doctor is surprised to see a floating hand, but she figures - she might as well shake it. Politeness and all. Angela gives the hand a firm shake, perfected by all the times she shook hands with her commanders. After she released the floating hand, Angela listens to Susie, eyes cast down to maintain direct eye contact.
Head of mechanics, huh? Sounded interesting. Angela is no stranger to machinery, but she used it differently that Susie might. She managed to save Herr Shimida with applied nanobiology - at the cost of replacing severely damaged limbs and organs with high-powered tech to sustain his life. He had been made into a “weapon” and he had been angry and spiteful with most everyone. She hoped he was okay, wherever he was. 
Angela shakes herself out of her musings and returns to the present. Susie apparently knows where the ER is. Ah, that’s good. Hopefully Susie knew where the ER AND her office was located.
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❝Oh, you know where it is? Super! I’ve been in many a hospital and clinic. Every time, the hospital has a different layout. This is my first day on the job, too. I apologize if I’m a bit slow.❞ Angela lets silence fall before she answer Susie’s question.
❝Ach, ja. I really did it all. Medical research, surgery, combat medicine.  I’m also well versed in nanobiology. I think I was at the point where I had nurses working under me at Overwatch, haha! But here? It’s a different story. I’m a little bit apprehensive.... You know, first day nervousness. I’ll be okay.❞
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dr-engel · 4 years
@leftaremybcnes​ liked.
❝Are you one of my new colleges, Herr Doktor?❞   
Oops, she’s kinda calling EVERYONE she runs into who seems to a doctor Herr or Frau Doktor. Force of habit. Angela realizes this as soon as the words leave her mouth. She doesn’t want to assume but the likelihood of him being understand German? That’s what happens when you grow up in the German-speaking parts of Switzerland.  
And the funny thing? She wasn’t even speaking Swiss German. She was speaking German, the standard, there. Imagine if she had spoken Swiss German to the other. If German is hard to understand...
Eh, nevermind. Angela shakes her head, clearing her thoughts. The blonde woman gives the other doctor a smile that reaches up to her eye. When wasn’t this woman smiling, to be honest? It seemed to be her natural state.
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❝...ah, I apologize for my mother tongue. Force of habit on my part, really. My name is Doctor Angela Ziegler. And you are?❞
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dr-engel · 4 years
@notyourpocket​ liked!
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❝Oh, Herr Doktor! Are you going to be working here too?❞
Ah, it was Doctor Ludwig! It really was a small world, huh? Did he apply here as well? Angela honestly was not surprised by that in the slightest. She sounded surprised, but that’s because he was suddenly there - like he had materialized out of thin air. It seemed that these two were gonna be running into each other more often, yes? Angela didn’t mind that. Doctor Ludwig was a pleasant person to talk to.
And hey, maybe they could help each other with a patient. She didn’t know what Ludwig did for the care center, but he was a doctor, a medical one at that. Surely he did some kind of healing. Angela was curious - was he in the ER like she? Or did he decide to lend the hospital his practices out of intensive care?
Who knows. Regardless, she’s happy to see him again. They had a pleasant conversation the last time they talked.
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dr-engel · 4 years
@venandii​ liked.
❝ Good day. May I ask the reason for your visit? Have you been feeling ill or have you gotten injured?❞
Clipboard in hand, the doctor looks from the patient to her clipboard. Was... was the information here seriously right? A she-fox? She was seeing someone human-like with nine fox tails?  Professional smiles hide her surprise. She always smiled at patients - Ahri no exception, but most patients she had didn’t have fox tails. She hoped she wasn’t being rude, the last thing Angela wanted to do was judge a patient. That was unmoral and went against everything she stood for. And yet, Angela honestly didn’t know what to make of it. She had been stunned, when a superior had handed her the patient file. She figured she shouldn’t be surprised, considering the nature of the city and it’s residents, but she was unsure if she was trained in dealing with humans that have animal body parts. Omnics, cyborgs, humans, she’s pretty good at healing them.
Fox people? Not so much. How was Angela supposed to help her? 
Well, the Swiss doctor will just try her best. As a doctor, she strived for the absolute best for her patients. Ahri was no different. Angela wasn’t going to let culture shock stop her. She was a doctor, probably one of the best in her world - and if she wasn’t bragging too much, one of the kindest.
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She finally takes her eyes away from the clipboard, making direct eye contact with the fox-lady. That same, professional smile remains. Her bright, blue eyes shine with sincere doctorly ( is that a word in English? ) concern.   ❝Do you have any immediate symptoms that you’d wish to address with me, Miss Ahri? Let me know if there’s anything in particular you want to tell me. I’m all ears.❞
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dr-engel · 4 years
@glidewing-bard​ liked!
Angela... liked her office space. It was simple. Angela didn’t really need much in her office. A desk, a computer, some space, and a place to set her cup of coffee down.There was desk-space for all the paperwork she knew she was going to have to fill out. The only bad part of her job, she laughs to herself. There may be more paperwork involved with a patient’s care than actually seeing the patient themselves. And yes, she could write. Honestly, she understood common stereotype that doctors have bad handwriting. She really did. It just didn’t apply to her in particular. 
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Settling into her chair, pencil in hand, she starts the endless cycle of filling out critical patient details, signing her name, etc.
...And then she hears a knock on the door. Were patients coming to see her already? A nurse? Someone from administration?   ❝Yes? How can I help you?❞
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dr-engel · 4 years
@charmingsecretary​ liked.
Oh finally, the doctor can practice medicine again. It was about time. Angela had been seriously worried about this town NOT having any kind of treatment plans for anyone. HOW did they get care?! Were doctors seriously freelancing in the apartments or something? Standing in front of the building with her application accepted, the Swiss gazes upwards for a moment, reading the sign. Has this been here building long? Why had she only been informed of it, now? It’s funny how it’s just outside of the Red Light district. Angela didn’t have too much information on the Red Light district here, but she assumed the placing was intentional? Just in case.
Stepping through the door, the doctor turns her attention to the front desk. She had been assigned to the ER. Perfect, her natural place of practice. Angela hadn’t been the Head of Surgery at a hospital for nothing. Now - where was the ER? She had worked at quite a few hospitals, clinics and medical bays. Every time was a different experience. Every time the ER was located somewhere else than she was used to. It seemed like the receptionist wasn’t in. She’d have to find her own way.
Turning her body, the doctor walks towards one of the hallways, in her search for the ER corridor. If she was in a Swiss hospital, where would the ER unit be?
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...Oh, she’s almost run directly into someone. Luckily, she was paying attention.  ❝Oh, Entschuldigen Sie bitte. I almost ran into you. That would have been embarrassing.❞ She had managed to stop herself short before she ran into Susie, and she’s glad she did. Imagine a doctor causing one of the first injuries to grace this hospital.  ❝Ahem. Anyways, if you don’t mind me asking, do you know where the ER unit is? I’m stationed there.❞
... ❝Oh, I haven’t even introduced myself. Haha... Silly me! I’m Doctor Angela Zielger, a combat medic, medical researcher and yes, surgeon.❞
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dr-engel · 4 years
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now that angela actually has a job again, how’s about we put that to work? please slam the like button for a isola hosptial related starter. patients are welcome, as well as coworkers.
uncapped unless i get overwhelemed.
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dr-engel · 4 years
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Angela except she’s animal crossing and she’s finally taking a vacation.
Try it yourself!
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dr-engel · 4 years
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anon: good luck with your new job, frau doktor! // unprompted, always accepting
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Angela, with a surprised gasp, feels a grin tug at her lips. The Swiss woman hadn’t expected such a kind person wishing her the best in the ER. Of course, she was an experienced, practicing physician and it was likely that she would do as well as she did in Overwatch here, but the thought was what mattered. Someone took their time to wish her luck.  There were kind people in the world still...!
❝Oh my, I didn’t expect this! Thank you so much for the kind job wishes. I’m going to do my best for my patients! It’s what they deserve, ja?❞
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dr-engel · 4 years
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based on that one text post, you know the one
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dr-engel · 4 years
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❝Hurrah! I got a job! I got a job! Now I can treat patients again!~ Oh, I’m so glad. I was seriously worried about the implications of this town NOT having a major medicinal facility.❞
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dr-engel · 4 years
LAST & FIRST NAME:  Dr. Angela Ziegler
DATE FILLED OUT: 3/16/2020
AGE: 37
(ADDRESS) HOUSING:  Townhouse 208
QUALIFICATIONS: Combat medic, medical researcher for Overwatch as well as a surgeon. Spent over half my life in schooling and I when I graduated, I rose to the head of a prominent Swiss hospital as Head of Surgery and then I pioneered a breakthrough with applied nanobiology, radically bettering the treatment of those with chronic injuries and illnesses, giving better care to those who need it. I’ve seen it all: war, violence, illness. I don’t want those things to be a commonplace, and thus I’ve helped many people, including Herr Shimada Genji, who went on to take down the Shimada crime syndicate family. I’d like to say I have plenty of experience of saving lives!
WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK HERE?: I’m a practicing doctor, and I want to help people. Affecting lives for the better is it’s own reward. I’m not a doctor for the money, I’m in it for the experience and the superior good-feeling of doing good. I want to save those who have been afflicted with serious injuries and illnesses, they SHOULD be able to recover and return to family and friends, who must be worried most terribly about them. The uncertainty during these times is honestly the worst thing. You never know. So, in that case the feeling when you successfully save a person, at least to me, is the most fulfilling thing in the world and that’s why I continue to do it. I really hope this isn’t TOO cheesy, but this is honestly how I feel.
“Consider yourself hired! I hope you get to learn as much as your heart desires and I look forward to saving lives and helping people alongside you!”
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dr-engel · 4 years
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This goes for all of my blogs. I’ve heard from my mom that my state’s governor said that school is out until March 31st. I may experience a large activity jump, so I apologize if I start spamming dashes.
Edit: My school district is out until April 3rd.
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dr-engel · 4 years
ANYWAY, It’s still a work in progress because I’m gonna be using a different THEME but feel free to apply if you’d like!
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dr-engel · 4 years
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❝You could literally change this town’s name to Schadenfreude: The City, and nothing much will change. Actually, I like the sound of that!❞ She’s not going to explain what schadenfreude means. 
❝...Why are you looking at me like that?❞
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