harunokijournal · 18 days
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harunokijournal · 1 month
Sadaharu juga suka hydrangea, tapi menurut dia menanamnya ribet, jadi dia cuman ngeliatin bunga2 hydrangea yang tumbuh di pinggir2 jalan. Dia paling suka kalo hydrangea warnanya biru keunguan—gaada alasan khusus, cuman suka soalnya cantik.
Sadaharu mungkin suka bunga2an—dia lumayan paham hanakotoba, tapi di rumahnya (lebih spesifiknya, kamar sendiri) dia nanem kaktus doang. Tapi kadang dia juga metik hydrangea dari pinggir jalan sih, terus ditaroh di pot bening di atas meja belajar kamarnya.
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harunokijournal · 1 month
Tiba2 ngebayangin Sadaharu suka nanem kaktus di kamarnya. Kamarnya luas, ada balkonnya juga, jadilah dia bisa leluasa nanem kaktus di balkon kamarnya. Kaktus yang ditanamnya macam-macam, konon juga jumlahnya suka tiba2 nambah sendiri—alias Sadaharu suka ga bilang2 kalo beli bibit baru. Sadaharu suka kaktus karena baginya, kaktus itu lucu.
Kadang Sadaharu suka selfie sama kaktusnya. Ada satu kaktus kesayangan dia, dalem pot kecil, ditaroh di meja belajar dia. Foto selfie Sadaharu yang ada kaktusnya kebanyakan pake kaktus itu.
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harunokijournal · 1 month
SetsuKana apocalypse!AU, ended up having just each other months after the outbreak started.
One day, after running away from a group of zombies who suddenly find them at a gas station, Kana found herself got bitten by one of them. She told Setsuna to either kill her by her gun or leave her, but Setsuna immediately refused—she chose to die rather than leave Kana alone.
Kana, who loves her sister so much, then ran away after hearing it. She didn't want to hurt Setsuna so while she still had her consciousness, she chose to go.
Setsuna chased her, but then lost the track. Night will come in a moment, and the zombies' sensitivity will increase. But she can't really hide before she finds her sister, so she chose to keep searching.
Then, she found her.
But it's not Kana anymore—her sister has already become a zombie. For a moment, still, she can't kill Kana—she, also, loves her that much. But she can't stand to see her sister become this kind of monster, or be killed by another person who found her.
So she chose to grant her last wish.
With her gun, she killed Kana. She says many sorry while doing it and even cried, but she knows she didn't have another choice. After assuring that she's really dead, Setsuna hugs her.
Then, before the other zombies come because hearing the gun's sound, she decides to shoot herself—she already gives up. For her, Kana is her everything. If Kana died, then she chose to die rather than fight for her life in this chaotic world alone.
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harunokijournal · 1 month
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harunokijournal · 1 month
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harunokijournal · 1 month
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My children <3
[ picrew ]
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harunokijournal · 2 months
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harunokijournal · 2 months
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Ga yume2 amat tapi membayangkan di mhyk!AU Kana nanya ginian ke Setsuna ....
Kana: "Would you kill for me one day?"
Setsuna: "Why wouldn't I? :D"
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harunokijournal · 2 months
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Akira, Setsuna, Tsukioka
Also sebenernya Haruko juga ... Demn genetika keluarga Enomoto emang ga main2 (anaknya RaiHaru tiga dan nyaris semuanya fisiknya mirip Haruko)
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harunokijournal · 2 months
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Lowkey ngeship Hiruga-Akari (trope childhood friends to lovers my beloved) 😔☝
Sama ngeship Reza-Asa (forbidden love karena beda server hiks)
Kalo yg canon ada:
Akira/Mai (happy ending—they finally married then had two children)
Furuya/Kana (sad ending remarksnya mati satu zannen na *dipukul*)
Tsukioka/Setsuna (happy ending remarksnya dulu rival tau2 pas gede ketemu lagi langsung nikah) wwwww
[ tweet ]
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harunokijournal · 2 months
Akari terlahir dengan kondisi langka yang serius, yaitu ngga bisa merasakan sakit (in medical terms, called as Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhydrosis (CIPA) ). Karena kondisi ini dia ngga bisa ngerasain rasa sakit sama rasa panas/dingin berlebih (bakal terasa b aja di dia, apapun yang terjadi), makanya sebenernya anaknya harus diperhatiin bener2 soalnya kalo dia kenapa2 dia ga bisa ngenotis sendiri.
Gladly her adoptive father take a good care to her! Akari diperhatikan baik-baik, kalo semisal habis masak atau pulang sekolah pasti blio ngambil waktu bentar buat mastiin Akari ga kenapa2 (karena meski Akari sadar sama kondisi dia dan selalu berhati2, tetep aja takut ada yg kelewat).
Hiruga gatau apa2 tentang ini anw, tapi dia tau dulu waktu kecil, somehow Akari gampang terluka tapi ngga pernah nangis (juga jarang sadar kalo dianya sendiri kenapa2, dan ga pernah nanya lebih lanjut tho).
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harunokijournal · 2 months
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I took these photos on my birthday (last week, April 8). Didn't post this on time since I got sick after back from this place www—but I've recovered now!
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harunokijournal · 2 months
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「 0 」
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harunokijournal · 2 months
Tbh oriverse maunya fokus ke Raizael kyoudai aja sih.... Sama relasi mereka ke outsider tipis2 tpi ngga sedalem dulu hhhhhhh
Gue balik fokus only to Raizael kyoudai
Ngga apa2 kan ya.......
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harunokijournal · 2 months
Gue balik fokus only to Raizael kyoudai
Ngga apa2 kan ya.......
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harunokijournal · 2 months
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Pada sebuah semesta alternatif di mana Raizael kyoudai hanya bertiga;
Dibeliin Paman Akihito tapi rumahnya udah atas nama Akira.
Setsuna, digangguin waktu lagi nugas malem2 berdua Kana dan Kananya ke belakang bentar buat ambil minum.
Kana, ngeliat dan denger suara aneh dari satu ruangan paling pojok yang kekunci tapi gaada kuncinya.
Osya, ngejual rumahnya setelah keponakan yang dulu tinggal bareng dia terbunuh dalam perampokan.
Saya, arwah penasaran yg sebenernya mau tau kenapa Osya pergi :( kadang ngerasa dirinya masih hidup.
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