dracofuego · 1 year
A Strange Thing Called Love pt. 3
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem! Reader
Genre: Slowburn, Angst, a bit of Fluff
Word Count: 2.0k
A/N: So sorry for the delay! For this chapter I also added a tiny portion of Draco's thoughts. This is something I am experimenting and am debating whether I want to incorporate this in the future chapters. I still hope you all enjoy reading!
Parts:01 | 02
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Chapter 3: Linger
A storm of dread drenched you for the past two weeks. Since that night at the Astronomy Tower, Draco has been avoiding you. That very next day in potions, he sat near the back of the classroom.  Whenever you tried to catch his gaze he would intentionally avert your direction.
It was preposterous the amount of times you tried to get his attention for him to simply turn a blind eye. Concern and confusion were only the few things that were crossing your mind as you tried to make sense of him. Nonetheless, if he wasn’t acknowledging your presence now then it was simply foolish to believe otherwise.
The night at the Astronomy Tower was the first time you believed you saw the genuine side of Draco, and it only made your feelings for him grow stronger. You have never seen him be so gentle with anyone, and you felt lucky that you were able to experience seeing that.  Feeling despaired, you thought maybe you scared him off with your conversation about the constellations, particularly the one where you mentioned that one of your favorites is Draco. Thinking back, it was absolutely ludicrous. If only you could go back to that night and prevent the words from coming out of your mouth. 
But this is reality and to your dismay, the situation is more complicated than that. Grabbing the soft fabric that was hanging on your feet, you pull it over your body as your back lays flat against the stiff mattress. You stare at the nothingness of the dark ceiling until you fall into a dreamless sleep. 
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
The rays of sunlight fell against the parchment paper of your notebook that laid on top of your lap, the light bouncing back up to the leaves of the towering tree above your head as it reflected off each red, yellow and orange mellow sweetness. The light breeze brushed along the edges of the leaves, letting them dance happily. Waft of earthy musk reaches your olfactory senses as your eyes catch sight of the scenery in front of you. The placid water stretches for miles ahead while flakes of gold reflect on its smooth surface. Setting your notebook to the side, you take off your shoes and deftly avoid stepping on the loamy soils and rough pebbles hidden beneath the grass, each step bringing you closer to the lake. 
Goosebumps crawl all over you as the icy water wraps around both your ankles. Lifting up your robe a bit higher, you walk further into the water. Your feet adjust to its temperature, and you merely admire the beauty gifted by mother nature. Inhaling a deep breath, you feel your diaphragm contract, as the fresh air flows to your lungs and enters your bloodstream before breathing out.
Looking back down at the water, you see your reflection staring back at you. You stay there for a moment observing it. There is a solemn expression; a hint of absence present on the once filled brightly eyed orbs. Unable to watch any longer, your hand reaches into the water and pushes it away. The image is immediately disrupted, and all you see are the vibrational movements of the water. 
Going back to your spot you slump back down against the tree, placing the dark soft fabric on your wet feet along with your black shoes. Wanting to try and distract your pessimistic thoughts, you close your eyes and try to place your mind somewhere peaceful. A huge landscape appears, the vibrant green grass covering most of the ground as you lay down in a white, elegant dress. Your hands reach up to the soft fluffy clouds, all while a bright morpho butterfly lands at the tip of your index finger, its beautiful iridescent blue wings flapping against each other. A loud crunch scares the butterfly, propelling away from your finger to the clear air. Your eyes linger to the magnificent creature with its figure appearing smaller the farther it goes.
The calmness was interrupted by the sound of a certain voice, one you didn’t expect to hear so soon. 
“Why is it that whenever I want to have a moment for myself I run into you?”
You opened your eyes and turned your head to the direction of the sound, his hands were placed in his pockets as he leaned against the side of the tree. The question caught you off guard, and to be honest you weren’t exactly sure how to respond to him. Instead of thinking of an answer, you grab your notebook and place it back inside your satchel. He notices this and stares, seeing that you were getting up from your sitting position and adjusting your robe, walking away from him.
“Running off now?” 
Looking back, his hands still in his pockets with his steely eyes observing you. You slowly bring your hands to the ends of your hair, playing with them nervously. “I don’t mean to. I just don’t want to be in your way anymore. Sorry.” Right when you tried to walk away again he continues,
“Let’s just sit down for a bit.”
Your mind was shouting at you to ignore him and leave, but the beating of your heart was louder than that. Your legs made the decision as you slowly walked back to the tree you just left a few moments ago, now accompanied by the boy who continues to make you so jittery.
The two of you stay quiet for a moment, bringing the same ambience as that night in the Astronomy Tower. The large ball of orange hue lighting up the entire canvas above, resembling your favorite clementine sitting perfectly on an azure plate. There is just something so fascinating about watching the sun, and even its many rays have done justice to illuminating the person next to you, bronzing a bit of his naturally pale skin. 
You hesitated to try and ask him, but you figured if you wanted answers then it was best to do it now. “Why did you leave?”
“What do you mean?” he asks.
Your fingers make their way to the flap of your satchel, carelessly fiddling the leather material. “That night at the Astronomy Tower. You just left without saying anything.”
The silence after the question drags on for a bit as Draco tries to think of a response. Truth to be told, he has no idea why exactly he felt the need to just leave. What he did encounter that night was a slight warmth deep inside his chest. It was very faint, yet it was there and noticeable. The light warmth lingered on until he left. He did not understand it. The hollowness that had followed him for the majority of his existence had slightly disappeared when the warmth crept in. Today the familiar warmth returns, lingering. The rays of light glistening on him were not helping either.
“I just had to leave.”
“Then why did you avoid me whenever I tried to reach out to you?”
Draco sighs, clearly getting frustrated by the question.  “Because we aren’t exactly friends and it shouldn’t matter to you.”
You didn’t want him to know that his response stung your heart, because in a way he is right. The two of you weren’t friends and that night at the Astronomy Tower was purely a coincidence. A coincidence you wished would be the start of something more. 
But then again, why did he bother to stay with you just now?
“Why can’t we be friends?”
Draco looks at you, his eyebrows rising up as if the answer wasn’t already obvious. “We are from completely different worlds. Just because you try to be nice doesn’t give you an obligation to be friends with whoever you please. I consider you an acquaintance, that’s all.”
HIs response dumbfounded you. The words echoing back in your brain. He doesn’t believe that you were worthy enough to be his friend, which in it of itself was another stab wound to your heart. Gripping the shoulder strap of your satchel, you look into his frosty orbs. The golden rays make his eyes appear more glassy, his pupils rather tiny as the light gains entrance to his eyes. 
“Have a good day, Draco. You can keep the quill. I don’t need it anymore.”
The sounds of your soft footsteps faded, leaving behind an ambivalent Draco.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
The unknown is something that always piques the interest of humans, wanting to discover and find the answers of the uncertainty that lies within. The mystery of the unknown had its own set of missions, and this time it had decided to target Draco Malfoy. The darkness would slowly creep up behind his back, its dark claws pressing against his shoulder blade while the small hairs on his back stood up making his heart pace abnormally fast. He had only started to notice the unusual feeling recently. It had been bothering him for a while, not knowing whether it was something that he had to fear. But he knows that he should not fear the unknown, as fear will only show him cowardice. 
Trying to clear his thoughts, he figured a trip to the lake would help heal his mind for a bit. He sees a figure calmly sitting against the trunk of the tree. His feet tramped against the ground, stepping on the branches and twigs hidden from the tall grass. With a closer look, he sees that it was you.
And that same warmth returns.
The mountains of iced walls built in the exterior of his chest had started to melt off. The smallest bit of flame gaining entry into a passageway inside his heart, lighting up the darkness of the frozen land within. This warmth in his heart lingers for a bit as he gazes over your soft features.  This lingering feeling was so foreign. His heart yearned for more of it, and it beat louder and faster, signaling the small flame to continue lighting up the freezing darkness. Only then would the heart finally understand this strange phenomenon. 
Unexpectedly, the small flame in his heart is quickly smothered by a snowstorm. The few parts of the ice walls that were melted off in his chest have regained their structure, now guarded with sharp icicles. The small flame surrenders, knowing that at its size it will not stand a chance in combat. 
The coldness he is familiar with comes back, the feeling bringing him comfort.
He is aware of his callousness amongst others. So when you started questioning him about absolute nonsense, he wasn’t afraid to treat you just like anybody else. You weren’t anyone significant, at least that’s that he thought. When Draco told you that you were just an acquaintance, he didn’t think much of it. It was the truth after all.  A Malfoy shouldn’t be friends with you. The two of you are polar opposites; different houses, personalities, and most importantly, status. 
He watched you become visibly upset, the softness of your voice from earlier dissipated. The tone in your response was stern, your fingers clenched the strap of your satchel as your eyebrows furrowed before turning and walking away.  A strange sensation swelled in his chest. It was a feeling that he didn’t recognize; it wasn’t annoyance or hatred. But it was something that bothered him solely because he has never experienced it before.  He believed that this feeling was enough to asphyxiate him, and for some odd reason his curiosity wanted more of this strange sensation; to understand it.
Now that he was completely alone beside the tree, the unknown darkness greets him as it creeps up again behind his back. One thing Draco realized now is that this unknown feeling would disappear momentarily whenever the small flame lingers in. And if he wanted this to go away and understand the foreign sensations he had experienced today, then he would have to reach the source of the flame. 
Maybe this time the darkness will hide for good once the light shines through. 
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dracofuego · 1 year
A Strange Thing Called Love pt 2.
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem! Reader
Genre: Slowburn, Angst, a bit of Fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Hi this chapter is a bit short I apologize! I still hope you enjoy and I will try and make the third chapter a bit longer! I also post this series on ao3 account belovedcherub if you prefer to read it there. Regardless, I hope you all have a happy reading ^o^ ~
Part: 01
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Chapter 2: Starry Night
The library is one of the places at Hogwarts that you have deemed to cherish. Around every corner, innumerable books were lined up perfectly; the leather bindings of the books ranging from taupe to mahogany to sage. Each row consisted of old hickory wooden chairs, coupled with long, sturdy tables. Choosing a seat near one of the large windows displaying the scenery of the outside, you place your satchel on the table and begin taking out your materials. Being the studious person that you are, you figured a bit of light reading wouldn’t hurt too much, especially if you want to be able to pass your OWL exams. Though the exam is still far away, it would be best to get a head start and keep track of any subjects that you believe need more time working on. 
The History of Magic would be the first textbook you would start to read. It’s a subject that is your least favorite, and you might as well get it out the way instead of having to deal with it later on. Opening up the book, you begin reading and start taking notes on your notebook, noting down anything you thought to be significant. The reading wasn’t too bad and you figured a couple of hours of studying would be doable, that is until a yawn escaped your lips and your eyelids were starting to grow heavy. As you continued staring at the notebook in front of you, the bold letters you had written were getting blurry by the second, and suddenly you felt as if the world around you was slipping away. 
When you raise your head up, you immediately feel groggy and disoriented. A loud yawn escapes your lips again as you stretch your arms above your head. Looking outside the window near you, the warm orange hue of light was slowly fading away below the horizon. This was an indication to you about how much time you have wasted napping in the library. Frustrated, you gather your belongings and head out the library, making your way to your dorm.
Surprisingly, none of your roommates appeared to have arrived yet. You didn’t mind, as you enjoyed the comfort of being alone at times. You take out your wand and use Wingardium Leviosa on random items scattered around the empty dorm room– a habit you tend to do whenever you get bored. 
Looking outside your window, the orange hues were now replaced with midnight blue. Stars scattered across the clear night sky, and as much as you wanted to admire them the view from your window wasn’t the greatest. But that gave you an idea to head up to the Astronomy Tower, since you still had some extra time to kill. Fortunately, you hadn’t hit curfew and as long as you returned to your room on time everything should be fine.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
The Astronomy Tower is the perfect place to admire the lovely starry night. The midnight sky appears stagnant. The beaming bright moon illuminated the swift, magical trees below. Tiny specks of light on the dark canvas accompanied the moon on its adventure, each forming their own images revealing the tales of their journey. With further admiration, you recognize some of their names already; Aquila, Delphinus, Draco. 
Your heart flutters at the image of Draco on the dark canvas. Its perfect illuminated figure smiling right at you, a magnetism drawing you closer,  inviting you on their adventure. Closing your eyes, the alluring constellation remains crystal clear in your mind. You stay like that for a moment, enjoying the sweet warmth of innocence flowing through your veins. Deep in thought, you were unaware of the footsteps approaching up the staircase as you continued to meditate.  It wasn’t until you heard a small mumble next to you that woke you from your trance. 
Your eyes flutter open and you slowly turn your head. The white light reflected off his ice-gray orbs, his alabaster skin and milky white hair complementing the dark canvas and its muses. Your heart roared, the palpitations growing stronger and your breathing sounding louder through your ears. He was only a few feet away from you, his beaming eyes still looking through you. You gulp and start drumming your fingers against your side, breaking eye contact as your attention goes back to the masterpiece above. You felt the heat rising on your cheeks, silently hoping that the moonlight didn’t betray you and exposed your true emotions. 
He takes note of your skittishness, the complete opposite of your behavior just seconds before. When he reached the top of the tower he didn’t expect you out of all people to be here at this time of the night. When he walked closer to you he couldn’t help but feel a source of tranquility with how relaxed you looked. With your eyes closed, he was able to further examine your features. The stars doing you a favor as your skin gleamed before him.  Your breathing slow and quiet as the whispering breeze blew around your hair against your face, making him chuckle.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Draco commented, breaking up the ice. 
You look back to him, his hands gripped on the railing as he looks up at the starry night. He looks down at you, waiting for your response. Your eyes beamed with delight, a wide smile forming on your lips, “Yes. Pretty.”
The silence between the two of you grew, but nonetheless you enjoyed the solace of his company. Looking at the dark canvas, the images from earlier that you encountered were still present, and you wondered what he thought about them.
“What do you think about them?” your finger points to the different patterns of light formed in the deep night sky. He observes them carefully. Each of the images had their own uniqueness, but there was one that stood out to him.
“Hmm.. I would say Scorpius is the one I admire the most. What about you?” 
You hesitated for a moment, unsure if your response would be taken lightly. Regardless, it was the truth and hopefully he would misinterpret it as a way of confessing your feelings to him.
“I can’t really choose. There’s a few that I like. Delphinus is one of them. I know it’s supposed to be a dolphin because of the name, and dolphins are cute. But I like Draco too..” Your eyes didn’t bother to look at him as you responded, in fear of his reaction. He was quiet for a moment, the symphony of his laughter then easing the tension of the atmosphere. 
The butterflies in your stomach did a somersault with each harmony escaping his lips. Your brows furrowed, a giant question mark popping out of your head wondering what he thought was so funny.
“For a second I thought you were talking about me.” his tone hinted of arrogance, his cocky smirk making your heart palpitate faster than ever.
“N-no. I just really like how it looks like a dragon and I think dragons are cool...” He laughs again, confusion still written all over your face.
“I know, I just didn’t think you would be that gullible.” 
Your mouth widens and your cheeks flood in heat from embarrassment. “H-hey I’m not that gullible! I’m more perceptive than you may think.”
This time a genuine smile forms on his face. He doesn’t say anything after that, and for a moment you were internally grateful so you wouldn’t have to embarrass yourself anymore. You look at him with adoration in your eyes, a soft smile appearing on your lips. But when he looks at you again, the familiar coldness in his eyes returns. His demeanor suddenly shifts, and he quickly turns around and heads to the staircase. Your train of thought was running on the express line, giving you whiplash. 
His head turns around and gives you one last look. The gloomy expression on his face was evident as the dark contrast of the night covered half of his face, resembling the third quarter of a moon. His right hand was fidgeting with something in his pocket. You wanted to say something and ask him if everything was okay, but before you could do so he was already heading down the stairs, disappearing from your sight.
Standing alone in the Astronomy Tower, melancholy hit you like a tidal wave. Because in that moment you realized that your feelings for Draco will not go away, even if he did not reciprocate. 
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dracofuego · 1 year
Draco Malfoy
A Strange Thing Called Love | Ongoing Series
01 02 03
Hidden Parchments | Collection of Draco x Reader oneshots
(coming soon!)
56 notes · View notes
dracofuego · 1 year
A Strange Thing Called Love pt 1.
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Draco Malfoy meets someone that tries to change his heart. He is conflicted on letting her into his life or suppressing her completely.
Genre: Slowburn, Angst, a bit of Fluff
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: Hi! This is my first Draco series and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I am writing it. This series is inspired by some songs from The Smashing Pumpkins, and the idea came to me while I was listening to them at like 2am lol.
Chapter 1: First Interaction
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The first interaction with him was around third year, when you were trailing behind him in one of the corridors. Lost in a daze, the only sounds echoing were the tapping's of each of your feet against the floor. Each step that you took was then followed by his up ahead, harmonizing the sounds perfectly. Something lands between your two feet, disrupting the sequence of your footsteps. Looking down, you notice a piece of parchment. You pick it up, the rough texture of the material gliding against your fingertips. Without trying to snoop too much, you look at the top of the parchment for any sort of identification; Draco Malfoy. It was then when you bothered to move your head up and look straight ahead.
The boy continued his strides, unbeknownst that the piece of parchment had completely fallen off between the book he was holding against his side. You run after him, hoping to reach him just in time before he heads off to who knows where. Endurance was never your specialty and you mentally curse for Malfoy to walk so fast.  But you knew that this was something that could be significantly important to him, and you knew in your heart that you would feel guilty if you didn’t do something about it. Your body is now several feet away from him. It was as if he was in his deepest thoughts, as the sounds of your footsteps growing closer and closer did not startle him. The sudden flick of your hands against his shoulder was what caught his attention, and when he turned around, the words that you wanted to say were caught up in your throat.  Time seemed to have stood still, and the boy noticed your freezing pose. His eyebrows arch up, confused as to why this random girl he has never seen in his life had touched his shoulder. 
“What do you want?” The arrogance in his voice was apparent, but that didn’t stop your heart beatings from going faster. His ice gray eyes gaze down to your short stature, then slowly back up to your frail hands, trembling against the brown parchment holding so dearly to your chest. A tint of redness landed on your soft cheeks, like honey crisp apples. 
“Y-you dropped this… I didn’t want you to l-lose it.” You couldn’t help but stutter. Your eyes bore into his, afraid that he would soon catch on to your embarrassment. He took the parchment from your hands, and you briefly felt the coldness of his fingers, a coldness that seemed to have also lingered in his silver irises. He gives one last look at you before he giving a quick nod and turns back, walking further into the corridor.
The next several nights you would stare at the dark ceiling up above, your mind replaying the events that happened earlier that week. You heard things about Draco Malfoy, most of which weren’t great. So why did you keep thinking about him? Even when your eyes, right before you go to sleep, you see his face. His platinum blonde hair styled carefully, with a few of the light strands falling against his forehead. His alabaster skin complemented his pearly silver irises. Like northern constellations, his beauty would illuminate in the darkest of nights. You still recall the way his eyes met yours, along with his fingers, his eyes had a coldness, and it was a coldness so intense it hurt.
You knew you couldn’t help your feelings. You developed a liking on Draco Malfoy. But you barely know him, which is pathetic really. How could you like someone you have never really met? While you both did have a few classes together, you never had the courage to go up to him directly. The thought of doing that only made you panic. Besides, he was always with his Slytherin friends, who are just as bad as what everyone else says about them. You can only admire him from afar, either in the Great Hall or in a class where you had a glimpse of him. There were a few times where he caught on to your gaze, but never bothered with it. 
Fast forward to fifth year and you are starting with your first class, potions. Potions was never your favorite subject. You weren’t exactly bad at the class, but you weren’t the smartest either. It wasn’t the class itself that you disliked, if anything you were mostly intimidated by Professor Snape. He does not have any problem calling out students. He had a sixth sense of knowing which students did or did not study, or if they even bothered listening to him in class. Luckily for you, he has only put you on the spot once within the entire years of having potions with him, and you only hope to keep it that way. He belittled you for forgetting one of the most significant ingredients for one of the potions he taught earlier that week. Feeling humiliated was definitely an understatement. The bickering and giggles of the students behind you had only made you feel worse. Crabbe and Goyle were laughing and calling you a filthy, idiotic mudblood. From the corner of your eye, Pansy Parkinson joined along with them, and to her right you caught a glimpse of Draco with a smirk. It would be a lie to say your heart didn’t feel any pain with the sight of his lips turning upward with the mention of his friends making fun of you. But you weren’t going to let that bring you down. But it was upsetting to have feelings for Draco despite it all.
Being one of the first few students to arrive in the classroom, you had the privilege of choosing the seat you wanted to take. You didn’t like sitting in the front of the class, as that would make you feel too exposed to Professor Snape, and you’d rather not make eye contact with him every single time, let alone try and call on you. As much as you wished to sit in the back of the classroom, you knew that was also another terrible option. That would only make you seem hidden, and thus, giving him more of a chance to put you on the spot in class, especially since it is easier for students to doze off without getting caught. Which leads to the middle, being the safest option for you at least, and you didn’t hesitate to set your satchel on one of the empty middle tables.
You take out your quill, ink, and notebook. Dabbing the quill into the dark ink, you open the first page of your notebook, writing down your name and date on the top left corner. Taking out the textbook for the class you began to re-read the lesson for the day. The classroom starts getting louder as more students begin entering and shuffling around in their seats while taking out their materials. You felt someone sitting next to you, but didn’t bother looking up as you were too busy concentrating on the textbook in front of you. It wasn’t until the sound of Professor Snape’s voice did you look up and close your textbook. 
And it was as if the universe was finally reading your thoughts, because sitting to your right was Draco Malfoy. A light-hearted rush of adrenaline went through your veins, your heart palpitating at an accelerating rate against your chest. Crimson red was now flowing through your supple cheeks, your fingers nervously tapping against the parchment of your notebook. Looking to your right again, you see his hand reaching the inside of his satchel. His eyebrows were furrowed, almost stressed as his hands continued to search for whatever he was missing. Observing the materials in front of him, he had his notebook and ink out and prepared, but no quill.
Your small delicate hands make way to your brown satchel, reaching inside for an extra quill that you always have just in case. Your body turns towards Malfoy, his silver eyes still searching through the inside of his satchel, the sun reflecting perfectly off his milky white hair.
“I have an extra quill. '' His eyes meet yours, and there again you feel the crimson red of your cheeks deepening much more. “..of course it’s up to you if you want to take it. I’m just offering it to you so you don’t miss out on the lesson today.” you continued. 
He doesn’t say anything at first. His slender finger reaches up for a bit but pauses, almost hesitating your generous offer. You give him a soft smile, easing the awkward tension between the two of you. He takes the quill from your fingers and quickly nods, before turning his body forward and starts writing in his notebook.
Potions seemed to fly by faster than you expected. A part of you is upset the class is over so quickly, as you won’t be sitting next to Malfoy anymore, though the two of you didn’t interact at all during the entire class period. The other part is grateful so you don’t embarrass yourself in front of him already, and you were sure he noticed you blushing earlier today like your first interaction with him. Gathering your materials and placing them in your satchel, you quickly run out of the classroom, unbeknownst of a silver pair of irises watching you. 
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
“You seem delightful today, Y/N.” You were sitting in the Great Hall eating a sandwich with your close friend, Sofia. Her long deep auburn locks flowed carelessly against her tan skin, her ocean-like eyes observing you carefully. 
“How can you read me so well, Fifi?”
“You’re an open-book so tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” 
Taking a sip of pumpkin juice, you debated on telling her the exact truth. It’s not that you didn’t trust her, if anything she is one of your best friends and you know any secret you tell her is safe, but you just didn’t want to go through the embarrassment again. She told you that you could find someone better. 
“Potions went well today.” A half-truth, because technically you did have a good day, you were just avoiding the whole explanation of it.
“Oh, fun!” she gleamed. “So what happened?” 
You sighed, debating how you were going to tell her. Leaning in close, not wanting for anyone else to hear you softly whisper, “Malfoy sat next to me today and I gave him my quill.”
Sofia took notice of how fidgety you were getting, your eyes were looking at everything around the room, searching for a sense of comfort. A big smile forms on her lips, eyes shining bright “Really?! What happened next?”
“..That’s it. That’s all that happened.” You tried not to laugh, it was ridiculous that the two of you didn’t have any interaction whatsoever during the entire class period besides offering him your quill. Not even a simple thank you. The thought of it does kind of sting, but being the person that you are, you shrugged it off, and hoped that deep inside he meant no ill will.  
“Merlin, Y/N it’s been like two years since you’ve liked him and you were given the one opportunity to try and converse with him and you didn’t even do that?” 
Your hands motioned to her to keep quiet, afraid to expose your secret to everyone at Hogwarts. To be fair, almost half of the girls at Hogwarts already had a crush on Malfoy, but you being a muggleborn would be a whole different story.
“Actually, I did offer him my quill and told him he could take it if he wanted to, that it was his choice. But he just took it and didn’t say anything.” huffing, you start playing with your wand against your fingers, avoiding eye contact with Sofia.
She sighs, “Oh, Y/N. Maybe it’s just not meant to be. I don’t want to be a debbie downer but you have a big heart with that pretty little body, and you deserve someone that will see you for what you are. Not some posh kid who thinks he’s better than everyone. Plus, who knows if he will sit next to you again in Potions or whatever other class you might have. I just.. don't want you to get hurt.”
You hated to admit but she is right. Malfoy wasn’t exactly the best person to be around, especially with how superior he feels to everyone, including muggles. And being a muggleborn you knew that you had absolutely no chance. You just had to try and convince yourself to do better. And maybe Cupid’s arrow made a mistake pulling back and shooting his sweetheart’s bow right into your heart that one night in the corridors.
But that all changed once again when you see him later that evening at the Astronomy Tower.
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