draconic-discourse · 4 years
remember when anti kin use to be fun
yeah, grim too
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
It’s telling how easy it would be for cringy people to ‘infiltrate’ anti-cringe groups, yet anti-cringe folks couldn’t pass as one of us if their life depended on it
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
Looking forward to the day this pendulum trend ends and these unhelpful blogs stop clogging the tage with their misinformation and gigantic faceclaims
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
Dear Othercon staff, participants, and attendees,
After much deliberation, it’s with a heavy heart that Page, Rook, and I, have come to the conclusion that we will not be able to host our panel, “At the Crossroads of Otherkin and other Social Identifiers”, in a way that would live up to our own standards, or the standards of the con.
With the ongoing pandemic and unrest, we’ve found ourselves too preoccupied with just getting by to be able to focus on our panel and create something of a satisfactory quality, and we are thus withdrawing from the con.
We are deeply sorry to back out with such short notice, and would love to participate again, should there be a con next year, preferably with a few more weeks to prepare ourselves.
We nevertheless look forward to seeing other people’s panels and participating in this year’s con to the best of our ability.
Thank you for the opportunity!
Best regards, Poppy, Page, and Rook
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
Attendee registration for Othercon is now available!
If you've already registered as an artist or panelist, then you don't need to register again.
Also, panelist registration has been extended another week! The new deadline it July 26th
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
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Here's the article.
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
We had an amazing trailer made by PinkDolphin, be sure to check it out and show him some love!
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
After posting those last two things, I’ve been getting a bit of backlash, so I just wanna make one thing clear.
In my opinion, if you’re not otherkin or therian, you don’t have a right to tell actual otherkin or therians that we’re “taking things too seriously”.
Most of the people whom I’ve spoken to who’ve tried to laugh off my worries didn’t even know what otherkin was. If you don’t even know what the community’s been through, when who are you to say “it’s not a big deal”?
That’s my two cents on it. You can have your opinions, but if you’re not otherkin, you have no right to stomp on otherkin voices with “jokes are harmless”.
No matter what community, you have no right to appropriate someone else’s terms and tarnish the reputation, and then have the nerve to say “it’s just a joke”. This goes for any community or group. 
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
I am human. I have human DNA and human parents and a human lineage that spans back thousands of generations. I have human hands and a human face.
But with being human comes a complicated human mind. One that can attach itself to things distinctly nonhuman. It can turn a human like me into something a little less human. Completely human yet at the same time on partially so.
I don't know where my alterhumanity came from. Perhaps it's the residue of a recycled soul or a world beyond our own, but my guess is that a mind struggling to perceive the world through its body's eyes has attached itself to other creatures. Perhaps it finds it easier to navigate this life seeing the world through the lens or a cervine or a hound or a fictional vampire.
I can't say for certain why I am any of these things. All I know is that I am both human and nonhuman.
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
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25 years ago an unknown Chinese protester stood in front of a tank in defiance of the government. No one knows the identity of the man but he was given the nick name “Tank Man”. This is one of the most iconic photographs of the century.
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
The official dates for Othercon are now available!
Convention dates: August 14th - 16th
Volunteer Staff registration: June 23rd - July 8th
Panelist & Artist registration: July 8th - July 19th
Attendee registration: July 19th - August 12th
A Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy has also been added to the website.
*Note that the end dates mean it's still open on that date. For example, artist forms can still be sent of July 19th, but not July 20th
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
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“I was a police officer for nearly ten years and I was a bastard. We all were.
“This essay has been kicking around in my head for years now and I’ve never felt confident enough to write it. It’s a time in my life I’m ashamed of. It’s a time that I hurt people and, through inaction, allowed others to be hurt. It’s a time that I acted as a violent agent of capitalism and white supremacy. Under the guise of public safety, I personally ruined people’s lives but in so doing, made the public no safer… so did the family members and close friends of mine who also bore the badge alongside me.
“But enough is enough.
“The reforms aren’t working. Incrementalism isn’t happening. Unarmed Black, indigenous, and people of color are being killed by cops in the streets and the police are savagely attacking the people protesting these murders.
“American policing is a thick blue tumor strangling the life from our communities and if you don’t believe it when the poor and the marginalized say it, if you don’t believe it when you see cops across the country shooting journalists with less-lethal bullets and caustic chemicals, maybe you’ll believe it when you hear it straight from the pig’s mouth.”
Read the full article here.
Via medium.com
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
Virtual otherkin/therian convention, would you attend?
I'm asking around to see if there's enough of an interest for it
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
“not all cops”
I work in a non-restraint facility for special needs kids (21 and under) with extreme behavioral issues. I’m talking real violent stuff. Sixteen and twenty-one year old boys who can (and do) home-run swing desks at your head.
As a non-restraint facility, we are trained to respond to these outbursts in the most non-threatening, non-confrontational way possible, while still protecting both the bystanders and the person currently attacking us.
We are monitored every second of our shift to make sure the safety and dignity of our clients is maintained, especially–and just let me emphasize this–the safety and dignity of the person attempting to hurt us. Their right to be treated fairly and with empathy is not forfeit just because their brain chemistry fucked them up today.
We have to be calm, regardless.
We have to be gentle, regardless.
We can never respond with any kind of force, ever.
Those rules apply to all the staff, all the time, no matter what.
So when I hear bullshit about how somebody “reached for their waistband” or they were “resisting,” when I hear yet another police officer got off because the situation was “scary” or he “feared for his safety” or whatever the fuck, I lose my shit.
You wanna talk about how you were frightened for your safety, walking up to someone in the middle of a psychotic episode? Yeah, well, I’ve been there. Pretty regular–probably twice a week, at least–no gun, no taser, with guidelines that state I cannot even use my fucking thumb because that’s considered “grabbing” and therefore a “restraint.”
And you know what? I’ve walked away from every one of those. I haven’t died. I’ve never even been seriously injured. We defused the situation in ways that didn’t involving riddling the other participant with bullets and at the end of the day, everyone went home. Go fucking figure.
And yet–and fucking yet–I keep hearing “not all cops.”
“Not all cops” are bad. “Not all cops” shoot innocent people .3 seconds after rolling up on the scene. “Not all cops” are racist fuckbags, misusing power for a personal joyride. “Not all cops” rape people at gunpoint (and get off scott-fucking-free).
Yet, at my place of employment, somehow everyone is calm in a crisis. Somehow everyone responds to violence with non-violence. Somehow everyone is always able to act like a goddamn compassionate human-being in the middle of the worst kind of street fight–
but you’re telling me that cops, people paid to protect, can’t all do what I do?
You’re telling me that cops, trained to respond to crises, can’t all respond to the same crises, with the same skill, that I do?
And you’re telling me that cops have to stick together in the face of these “potentially false” accusations. That cops have to support each other, no matter what, because their job is dangerous or whatever. That yeah, some cops, but ~actually, sweetie, not all cops~
Fuck that noise. My job is dangerous, too. But you better believe that if anyone sees a member of our staff breaking regulation, their ass gets reported immediately. That person loses their clearances; they can no longer be hired in the field, anywhere. There’s no moving to another district. There’s no finding another location. We make it stop.
So until every cop is cleaning house, until every cop stops this strategically blind bullshit, until every cop refuses to stand by and watch the rampant abuse and corruption inherent in this system, until all the bad cops are weeded out and unemployable–
Until that moment, then yeah, all cops.
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draconic-discourse · 4 years
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