dragonsaffron · 11 hours
death world scifi soldiers but they're all incredibly flghty, small, and have a bunch of maladaptive stress responses because they've spent their entire lives in a life-or-death situation
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dragonsaffron · 15 hours
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im so disappointed and proud of this fandom i came across this on Instagram and like 95% of the comments were saying the exact same thing💀💀
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dragonsaffron · 20 hours
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paper mario and the 60 dollar yuri
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dragonsaffron · 20 hours
hi! I dont want you to get overwhelmed by a million followers of mine talking at you, so just so you know I already wrote a response to this situation. https://www.tumblr.com/punkitt-is-here/754187129739935744/sorry-but-if-youre-afab-you-do-not-get-to-call
Cool. The reason why people afab cannot and should not call themselves transfem is that in so doing they are lying about their past. True, trans women can spread misinformation, but there is an expectation that trans women will understand how trans women's bodies and health work, thus granting any information they give a weight that it would not possess if they were honest about their background.
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dragonsaffron · 20 hours
Hey punkitt, do you not remember the incident, like, literally one month ago where there was a whole thing about a detrans woman identifying as "transfem" and positioning herself as an authority on transfem hrt and health and handing out advice to just-hatched trans women? And how that's a perfect example of how what identities one claims can in fact lead to harm?
sorry but if you're afab you do not get to call yourself transfem, that word Means Something
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dragonsaffron · 1 day
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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dragonsaffron · 1 day
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dragonsaffron · 1 day
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art by @giganticbuddha
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dragonsaffron · 1 day
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i am not immune to monster yuri
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dragonsaffron · 2 days
Ate a burger. WHILE having boobs. This is just like in anime
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dragonsaffron · 2 days
other trans women can put it better than me but there's this, tension, between "radical genderpunk you can be whatever you want forever-ness" and "trans woman as politicised identity"
one views any engagement with your assigned gender at birth as like, being trapped in a prison of your own making,? as using the tools of the enemy or whatever. and the other is "yes my assigned gender is a prison, it is a prison the outside world is constantly enforcing on me and i would like to be able to talk about that a little thanks"
so you get this tension, where one side (made up of predominantly people who aren't trans women) says "the ideal world is one in which you can be whatever the fuck you want forever! so call yourself anything you want as long as it makes you happy, you can be an afab trans woman if you want it's all made up :)" and the other side says "hey hi yes i broadly agree with you on the whole ultimate gender liberation front, but we do not live in an ideal world and transfemininity is uniquely demonized even as far as trans identities in general go, so i would appreciate it if maybe you didn't act like our identity and oppression was something made up that you could just put on and take off whenever you like? we sure as fuck can't do that."
and then the other side goes "hey all these trans women are invalidating us! why are they gatekeeping and being so exclusive! assigned gender at birth shouldn't matter so why are you acting like it does!?"
and they say this while we live in a society where your assigned gender at birth very much does matter, and if you're a trans woman it is borderline impossible to escape that.
it's like an is-ought problem where since we're not acting like we already live in a gender utopia where one's relationship with assigned sex and gender is completely arbitrary, we're treated like the enforcers of the gender binary.
this is where you get stupid bullshit like people calling trans women radfems
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dragonsaffron · 3 days
Wait why are we using the Our Blessed X Vs Their Barbarous Y meme tho. The whole point of that meme is that the two things being compared are the same.
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dragonsaffron · 3 days
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dragonsaffron · 3 days
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dragonsaffron · 3 days
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dragonsaffron · 3 days
What about the statistic that the percentage of trans people in the army is three times higher than the percentage in the general population? Is that also a myth?
(Not asking as though that disproves your point, asking because that statistic has stuck with me ever since I heard it the first time)
If you don't know this already, please try and internalize it: the idea that people join the US military primarily because they are young people at a disadvantage in life coerced into believing it is the most accessible path to upward mobility is not true.
if you're parroting this talking point, you are doing propaganda for the US military and you just need to stop saying it. here's an article from the Military Times that breaks the finding of various studies like this one from 2020 and this one from 2018 that analyze motivations for joining the military and popular conceptions of motivations for joining the military. Here's a pretty important excerpt:
Further, they hypothesized that some of this possible misconception about poorer Americans joining the military was a geographical issue. While the Defense Department tracks the zip codes of recruits ― and historically, many of them come from more rural areas in the southeast ― it doesn’t track their incomes or their parents’ incomes, which leads to assumptions that the poorer their communities, the poorer the recruits. [...] Using Bureau of Labor Statistics data from 1997 to 2008, they found that the services have recruited primarily from the middle class, America’s largest socio-economic demographic. “We show that recent recruits tend to have higher than average socioeconomic background: they disproportionally come from the middle of the family income, family wealth, and cognitive skill distributions, with both tails under-represented,” they found.
Here's from the army times:
Surveyed troops said these were the top five reasons for staying in the Army. The percentages indicate how many troops felt the factors were “extremely important” to them:
- Opportunity to serve my country — 53.5% - How well my retirement pay or benefits will meet my future needs — 45.1% - Opportunities to lead or train soldiers — 43.5% - My sense of purpose — 38.1% -How well my pay or benefits meet my present needs — 37%
Also mentioned in other sources but here from the NY times in 2020 as well, army enlistment is becoming increasingly skewed towards being the children of people who have previously served.
The main predictors are not based on class or race. Army data show service spread mostly evenly through middle-class and “downscale” groups. Youth unemployment turns out not to be the prime factor.
'Joining the army to lift yourself out of poverty' is not the reality for military service, it is the narrative used by the military in it's marketing and recruitment. if you go around repeating it i hope for your sake you're at least on their payroll! if you're going to bootlick don't do it for free!
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dragonsaffron · 3 days
Roman Generals problem?
I believe fundamentally that, regardless of precise timelines of technological development, class society could not ever exist on a significantly interplanetary scale, due to the sheer distances involved leading to an instantly-occuring Roman Generals problem. That is to say, should any large interstellar society ever exist, it would necessarily have to be post-class in character. This both provides a neat solution for the Dark Forest problem, as well as a deranged fascination (perhaps, even, obsession) in myself for the notion of communist aliens. Truly, I would like to come to know them. Maybe kiss a little.
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