dragoonette · 1 year
im gonna try and see if i can set up joshua today. no promises tho i still feel Icky
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dragoonette · 1 year
i want to write but ive been so goddamn tored lately. sorry for the absence and thank u all for putting up w me lately
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dragoonette · 1 year
ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚     redone + updated from my (now deleted) old rp meme blog. as always, some triggering content may be present! change any pronouns to better suit your muse(s) needs!     ˚ ◦ ○ ˚   ୧   . ˚ ₓ
that’s it, come on. we’re done. let’s go.
one day, when you’re older, they’re going to need you to do anything for them.
we ain’t them. we’re not them.
that doesn’t mean that everything that follows is going to break your heart.
what the hell, man?
you gonna help us figure this out?
it ain’t just about getting by here, it’s about getting it all.
that fire would have destroyed your land.
hey, i ain’t starting now.
it was you first.
they would’ve wanted me to look after you.
why don’t you say what’s really on your mind?
shut up, she’s leading the mission.
you gonna tell me where this is coming from?
you were thinking about someone else.
ya’ll don’t think you’re being stupid right now?
they didn’t owe us nothing.
what would your mom do if she crossed some of our people? would she kill them?
if anyone deserves to be happy it’s you.
never found a body. ever.
you lost your hand ‘cause you’re a simple-minded piece of shit!
thing is, you changed them.
smells good.
how’d it go?
i’ll get her to talk.
i’m trying.
let him go.
do what you fսcking gotta do.
he pulls a gun—sticks it right here. he says, “i’m gonna kill you, bitch.”
i know what killing him means for her.
i’d die for you.
i went back for you. you weren’t there.
you need to stay away from my camp.
i was playing out with the kids in the neighborhood.
you haven’t heard all the stories.
they’ve got a point.
go home. tell the others we found the horde.
you asked for it.
i got nothing to prove.
why are you here?
i may be the one walking away, but you’re the one that’s leaving.
i know who it was, didn’t matter. not one bit.
i met a lot of bad people out here doing a lot of bad shit, they weren’t afraid of nothing.
she liked to smoke in bed. virginia slims.
could be anything: a raccoon, a possum…
it’s over, all right?
i hope that hurts.
i ain’t nobody’s bitch.
they’ve done all right by me.
i’m gonna keep trying.
we’re gonna leave at dawn if we can get out.
some days, i don’t know what the hell to think.
who left who then?
i’m never gonna hate you.
i don’t like not seeing you, though.
like i said, you earned it.
we ain’t ashes.
just made it seem like it wasn’t real, you know?
they were scared, man.
you don’t have to ever say sorry. not to me.
why’d your people kill my people?
they’ll never go for it.
some people ain’t meant to be parents.
got bit. fever hit. world gone to shit. might as well quit.
you take that stupid hat and go back to “on golden pond.”
i believe this one bloomed for your little girl.
they got out before us, there’s got to be another way in.
i thought i was dead.
dumbass didn’t know enough to shoot himself in the head.
for what it’s worth, you see mistakes.
i’m gonna take a group out—best not waste any more time.
look at him, hanging up there like a big piñata.
what do you want?
you must want us to be like you.
what is it?
we ain’t scared of that prick.
that small group we had back in the beginning, could do anything.
one day we were over at his house watching tv—wasn’t even noon yet and we were all wasted.
it’s a cherokee rose.
i radioed your mom.
i was just going to say good luck.
hey kid, what’d you do before all this?
you get what you wanted?
you’re a tough son of a bitch.
your bitch went window shopping. you want him? go fetch him yourself.
my mom, she liked her wine.
look, i know you still think i’m looking for him.
good. we’ll kill him first.
that was the hard part.
i already checked there.
what? no pictures?
they had bikes, i didn’t.
you got that guy sitting in a cell like a damn symbol!
it didn’t happen.
and people in hell want slurpees.
you got some balls.
i didn’t do anything they wouldn’t have done.
you still got me.
she was just gone. erased. nothing left of her.
you’re chasing something that ain’t meant to be.
where you going?
you used to be somebody’s, huh? now you’re just yours.
i ain’t so worried about some dumb dead bastard.
all this time you’ve taken off: you earned it.
we wouldn’t be here without you.
you got a whole lot of family.
what did she say?
you’re either with us or you ain’t.
i’m counting on it.
the other geeks came and ate all the flesh off his legs.
he did the same to you, that’s why you left first.
i’m gonna get shit-faced drunk.
waste of an arrow…
no, that’s a baby.
people said it was better that way.
you want company?
you hear that?
you okay?
back where i belong.
your mom, where is she?
that way she can find us.
i don’t know what’s gonna happen. there ain’t no one that can tell you they do.
i can’t lie to you.
shoot me again? you best pray i’m dead.
what, like when we were kids, huh?
is that supposed to make me like you?
there’s a whole bunch of people back there that would do anything for you.
after a while, it just got easier to stay out.
you look ridiculous.
i ran after them, but i couldn’t keep up.
what’s it gonna take?
those douchebags in the vines took themselves out, holding hands, kumbaya-style.
i’m just tired of losing people.
you take one sip before those meds get in our people, i will beat your ass into the ground, you hear me?
call that payback for laughing about my itchy ass.
i’m sorry about yours.
we brought dinner.
you choosing this piece of shit?
you’re sitting over there, talking outside both sides of your mouth.
nothing can take the place of someone you love being gone.
peanut butter and jelly, diet soda, and pig’s feet. that’s a white trash brunch right there.
the longer they’re out there, the more they become what they really are.
i get why you did it, why you took it.
there ain’t no us.
it’s a waste of time all this hoping and praying.
sorry, brother.
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dragoonette · 1 year
lays on the dash. let terence and niah mourn dion together :)
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dragoonette · 1 year
good morning i gotta go clock in to work soon 🙃 it’s gonna be busy so i won’t be around much until potentially after work if i’m not dead. as always mutuals can ask for my discodd but i probably won’t be able to reply to messages right away !!
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dragoonette · 1 year
𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐋𝐘𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐒  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒     —     a collection of one - liners taken from various songs on one of my ships’ playlists.   slightly edited for clarity.   change pronouns as necessary.
❛  to  tell  you  is  too  scary ,   so  i’ll  just  say  something  else .  ❜ ❛  what  the  hell  do  i  have  to  lose ?  ❜ ❛  i  wanna  get  stuck  in  your  head .  ❜ ❛  i  think  that  i  should  probably  tell  you  this  in  case  there  is  an  accident  and  i  never  see  you  again .  ❜ ❛  maybe  i  won’t  ever  say  what’s  in  my  head .  ❜ ❛  am  i  pretty  now ?  ❜ ❛  am  i  pretty  enough  to  lie  to ?  ❜ ❛  say  my  name  like  a  slur ,   but  i’ve  been  called  worse .  ❜ ❛  am  i  pretty  enough  to  love  back ?  ❜ ❛  maybe  i’m  in  love .  ❜ ❛  oh  my  god ,  if  i  tell  him ,   he’ll  tell  her ,   and  then  she  will  know  i  like  her .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  think  that  i  can  take  this  heartbreak  any  longer .   ❜ ❛  i  will  not  hold  it  in .  ❜ ❛  you  never  even  knew  about  the  heartache  i  was  going  through .  ❜ ❛  we  could  be  happy ,   can’t  you  see ?  ❜ ❛   you’re  not  a  monster ,   just  a  human .  ❜ ❛   you’re  not  gruesome ,  just  human ,  and  you  made  a  few  mistakes .   ❜ ❛  i  am  broken  down  in  shame .  ❜ ❛  i  believe  that  you  will  see  a  better  day .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  wanna  know  i’m  not  capable  of  coming  out  alive .  ❜ ❛  i  mean  every  word  i  say .  ❜ ❛  you  love  me ,   but  you  don’t  know  it  yet .  ❜ ❛  everything  is  just  an  accident .  ❜ ❛  if  i  never  laid  eyes  on  you ,   would  i  feel  something  missing ?   ❜ ❛  if  you  never  laid  eyes  on  me ,   would  you  know  something’s  gone ?  ❜ ❛  let’s  just  live  in  the  afterglow .  ❜ ❛  ever  think ,   what  if  we  never  met ?  ❜ ❛  i  was  always  alone  until  you  came  along .  ❜ ❛  i  think  i  like  you  maybe  more  than  i  should .  ❜ ❛  with  you ,   i  just  can’t  shut  up .  ❜ ❛  you  are  my  favorite  drug .  ❜ ❛  you’re  perfect  in  the  way  that  you  are .  ❜ ❛  compassion  always  set  you  apart .  ❜ ❛  you  are  worth  the  trouble  to  keep .  ❜ ❛  you  and  i  will  always  belong .  ❜ ❛  she  doesn’t  get  your  humor  like  i  do .   ❜ ❛  she’ll  never  know  your  story  like  i  do .  ❜ ❛  what  you’re  looking  for  has  been  here  the  whole  time .  ❜ ❛  you  belong  with  me .  ❜ ❛  i  can’t  help  thinking  this  is  how  it  ought  to  be .  ❜ ❛  you’ve  got  a  smile  that  can  light  up  this  whole  town .  ❜ ❛  have  you  ever  thought  just  maybe ,   you  belong  with  me ?  ❜ ❛  do  you  feel  like  me ?  ❜ ❛  how  are  your  lungs ?     are  they  in  pain ?  ❜ ❛  would  you  be  so  kind  as  to  fall  in  love  with  me ?  ❜ ❛  i  know  you  know  that  i  like  you .  ❜ ❛  i  like  you ,   but  that’s  not  enough .  ❜ ❛  let’s  swap  chests  today .   ❜ ❛  please  fall  in  love  with  me .  ❜ ❛  will  i  ever  learn ?  ❜ ❛  how  can  i  resist  ya ?  ❜ ❛  why  did  i  ever  let  you  go ?  ❜ ❛  you  know  that  i’m  not  that  strong .  ❜ ❛  goodbye  doesn’t  mean  forever .  ❜ ❛  i  like  you  but  not  that  way .  ❜ ❛  i  just  think  that  you’re  cute .  ❜ ❛  on  you ,   i  have  been  sold .  ❜ ❛  you  made  my  life  happy  once  again .  ❜ ❛  it’s  you  i  wanna  be  around .  ❜ ❛  i’ve  been  waiting  for  a pretty  face  to  walk  right  through  the  door ,   but  now  i’ve  found :   you  came  in  through  the  window .   ❜ ❛  you’re  the  person  that  i  love  to  see .  ❜ ❛  it’s  always  sunny  with  you .  ❜ ❛  i’ve  been  waiting  for  a  girl  like  you  for  a  while .  ❜ ❛  you’re  the  only  thing  that’s  making  me  smile .  ❜ ❛  i  know  that  he  loves  me .  ❜ ❛  he’s  no  romeo .  ❜ ❛  pull  yourself  together .  ❜ ❛  after  you  leave ,   i’ll  be  so  alright  it’s  true .   ❜ ❛  how  could  i  ever  be  so  dumb  to  believe  i’d  be  the  one  you  would  adore ?  ❜ ❛  i  wanna  be  with  you .  ❜ ❛  i  wanna  be  with  you  all  the  time .  ❜ ❛  i  wanna  be  loved  by  you  every  night .  ❜ ❛  i  guess  god  wants  us  apart  for  heaven’s  sake .  ❜ ❛   show  me  all  the  dark  parts  of  your  mind .  ❜
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dragoonette · 1 year
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dragoonette · 1 year
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dragoonette · 1 year
i believe in bisexual niah supremacy (she is my own character and this is canon)
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dragoonette · 1 year
sits on the dash. ship w me.
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dragoonette · 1 year
left at london lyric starters
tw: death / suicide mention, self-harm mention, blood mention, threats of violence.
“you made me believe in hell.” “i don’t trust you/them/him/her anymore.” “i guess that you’re proud of me though.” “i may never trust again.” “i feel like the world got smaller.” “i know we’ll make it out of this one alive.” “i’m yours.” “you go on and on and on and on and on.” “will you be alright?” “god, i wish i could be there for you.” “are you safe?” “i’m usually hella good at feeling very unconcerned.” “i split my ribs open, ain’t nobody even notice.” “look at all this blood.” “i hope you’re doing better now.” “i was in love, you were impatient.” “i don’t even want to be friends.” “i could move on, i never planned to.” “i thought i’d try to be sweet.” “i just want to be told when it ends.” “it felt like i had died.” “i’m not the type to whine, except when i am.” “when you say you wanna die, did you mean to say forever?” “if god were gone for good, would hell be something better?” “these walls remind me of you.” “i wanna deserve you.” “i probably messed up again.” “we could’ve been worth it.” “we could’ve been perfect.” “i’ve been thinking in copious amounts.” “i guess that i’m okay.” “i knew you were love when at your best.” “i got a broken heart but it still works.” “i bet all your friends say, ‘i’m glad that she’s/he’s/they’re gone.’“ “did you love me then?” “i’ll never find another you again.” “what you did was nothing easily forgiven.” “i couldn’t let go.” “i saw you at the bar where we used to drink.” “i wish that i could change the way that i think.” “now i understand what you mean.” “before you say goodbye, did you see how you hurt me?” “i had reasons to worry.” “i’ve been a mess, i’ve been depressed.” “my future looked brighter whenever you’re in it.” “i can’t go back to the mental facility.” “i want to be believed in.” “oftentimes i scare my reflection.” “don’t scream.” “one word and i’ll crash this car.” “i know just who you are.” “maybe i’ll be like this forever.” “i don’t mind the voices much.” “what used to flourish now is turned to gray.” “i’d like to change their/his/her/your mind.” “i love how easy to convince you are.” “i hope that i get to see you again.” “it’s amazing that your love was mine.” “i need you more than you do.” “i’m gonna drag you down.” “i demand some justice just for me.” “you deserve all you got.” “i’m finally gonna sleep.” “i’m growing tired faking that i’m proud.” “it hurts when i’m alone.” “i’m finally gonna leave.” “i think the mirror hurt me more than any words they’d say.” “in the end, i’m still a joke.” “i don’t ever begin to repent for all my sins that i’ve done.” “i’m wretched, insignificant.” “i’m seventeen percent of the things i want to be.” “i’m doing all i can.” “you know i’ll never be happy.” “i’m too tired to stand.” “i’m going to leave you.” “the news is so depressing.” “you tell me when you kiss him/her/them, that you hear the words of angels.” “i wanna be where heaven is.” “did you ever even think of me?” “somebody’s made you empty.” “i will hold you, but only if you would ever want me to.” “i want to rip off my skin.” “god loves everyone ‘cept for me.” “i guess that i deserve it.” “take me home.” “learn how to love yourself.” “i’m in need of a friend.” “if your god taught us all to love, what does the hypocrite say?” “i want to die.” “i want to be somebody else.” “i would love to scream.” “what’s accomplished seems so small.” “why am i different?” “i’m still the same.” “i know why you’re terrified.” “i don’t have much sympathy.” “why do we keep secrets?”
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dragoonette · 1 year
anyways im gonna make joshua after work tomorrow and if i follow u from him u gotta be cool w dark shit
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dragoonette · 1 year
‘final fantasy by joshua rosfield’
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dragoonette · 1 year
so…..that ending huh
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dragoonette · 1 year
Shipping Call - Send me one if you want to plot one or more of these
💚 - friendship 💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond ) 💔 - past relationship 💜 - hateship ( they hate each other but can’t stay away ) 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💟 - friends with benefits ❤ - romantic relationship
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dragoonette · 1 year
i also write on discord if anyone interested in that !! mutuals can ask for it if u want !!
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dragoonette · 1 year
'i have always been proud to call you my shield'
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