veronicaspuffy · 6 years
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veronicaspuffy · 6 years
Finally I can breathe ... and my spuffy heart can keep beating, metaphorically speaking
@gite63 thanks immensely for the spoiler, of course I still have to read the issue but I had a crazy anxiety ... among other things I have not slept (it's almost 10 am in Italy)  I hoped for the best but I expected the worst to be prepared and not delude myself .. it's better than what I expected 
BtVS S12 - Ship Spoilers
Spuffy may be a thing now or in the future; ❤
Bangel is officially dead - Angellyria will survive time and separation. 😊
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veronicaspuffy · 7 years
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Here we have Buffy and Spike potentially breaking up in Issue #28 of Season 10 in the top image. Spike is in dark red and Buffy in a light blue. They aren’t looking at each other, Buffy is closed off with her arms folded, and Spike emoting with his hands as he talks - reaching out at and touching nothing. Both are frowning and they are standing far apart from each other - there is no body contact at all. On the bottom, we have the image of Buffy and Spike staying together and being emotionally closer (Buffy just told Spike, “I love you too.”). This time the colors are switched - Buffy is in dark red and Spike is in blue (a darker shade of blue than Buffy wore in the top image). Their colors are more in-sync. They are seated right next to each other, in chairs that are outside (in a open and public space, as opposed to the indoor setting of the potential break up scene). 
This time around, Buffy’s body language isn’t closed off at all - it is very open (her hand on Spike’s chest, her body turned to him, a smile on her face, and etc.) Spike isn’t saying anything in this scene, he is silent, but his smile does the talking and his hand is reaching out and touching Buffy’s cheek and chin. Given the situations being presented in each image, Buffy and Spike’s facial features and reactions are fitting and expected, however, the swamp in clothing color between the two of them really ties these two scenes together. Spike wearing blue doesn’t happen very often. Usually when he is wearing blue, Spike is being “not himself” in some way:
In Season 4, when he messes up the laundry we have him donning a pair of blue jeans. This is to help show us just how out of his element Spike is living in Xander’s basement and being “de-fanged.” In Season 5, Crush we have Spike wearing a very light blue button up shirt. He is wearing it to try and imitate Riley and try to make himself more appealing to Buffy. In Season 7, Spike wears a too tight blue long sleeve shirt. An outfit that Spike deliberately says in the church scene was nothing more than a costume. Something to help him cope and a costume of what he thought he needed to look like now. The last time we see him wear blue on Buffy is in Get It Done. He is wearing a blue button up shirt, very similar in color to the blue shirt he is wearing in the bottom image. He wore it in an episode that started with him locking away his violent-warrior side (refusing to attack and/or kill the demon that attacked him and Anya). He stops wearing it after he goes to retrieve his duster and re-associates himself with the violent and warrior-like aspect of his nature and character.
But, by Season 11 Spike is far more comfortable with himself and who he is (I would say still not as completely as Buffy, but he is getting there). He doesn’t need to “pretend” to be anyone or anything anymore. He is more accepting and at agreements with the soul and the demon within him, so he doesn’t need to hide any part of himself away anymore. He also no longer needs to try and sway or appeal to Buffy like in Season 5. This time the blue is all him and it shows how much Buffy and Spike have grown together as a couple.
In Season 10, Buffy and Spike are still very much so two separate people in a relationship. When issues come about in this season, both Buffy and Spike approach them individually, and this often leads to them being a bit at odds with each other and needing to talk things out. Buffy acknowledges that they are going to have issues and problems, but that she is okay with working through all that, and Spike states that he wants to be with the ‘real’ Buffy.
Season 10, Issue #30 then shows Buffy and Spike wearing white and black outfits. The outfits are not identical matches, but they match well enough to each other. They are shown being on the same wavelength and in Season 11 this continues. The issues in Season 10 were all very internal in nature, so Buffy and Spike had to do a lot of wrestling and arguing and healing within themselves first and foremost. By the end of Season 10 that is no longer an issue. Instead we see Season 11 focus on external issues for them, and they approach those problems and issues as a couple and a unit. They are both still individuals, so they tend to disagree here and there on things, but the lines of communication are always kept open and they tackle the issues together. By the end of Season 11, we see Buffy fully accepting and comfortable in her role as The Slayer and Spike is starting to accept, be comfortable with, and blend the souled and demonic aspects going on inside of him more and more as the seasons pass. In Season 10, when they nearly broke up, they were both still very invested in the “I” in their relationship, rather than the “we” or “us.” This is reflected in their outfits, facial expressions, and body language. By the end of Season 11, they have taken bits and pieces - aspects of each other - and have blended those parts into themselves. We see this through the switch in their clothing colors and even in their overall demeanor: Spike has less of a hard edge to him, something which was already fading over the years, but which he often tried to keep alive through his dark clothing preferences but which he does far less now in the comics - often wearing white shirts instead of black. Meanwhile Buffy has her unintentional, punk-ish hairdo. 
So the transformation of Buffy and Spike as two people in a relationship to an actual couples unit is really illustrated quite simply and easily in these two images above.
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veronicaspuffy · 7 years
Reblog if you’re over 20 and still read/write fan fiction.
I’m curious!
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veronicaspuffy · 7 years
I’m looking for a Robsten fanfic in pdf or something, Not Just an Act Anymore 1 & 2 by JennaRay (cause my former PC broke a few months ago and I lost all my data ) thanks in advance  #Twilight #Robsten
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
The major issue that I have with the Bangel Vs Spuffy arguments is that people are forever comparing Souled Angel with Soulless Spike which to be frank, is ridiculous To be fair, from the image we get of Newly Souled Angel in Becoming, he actually seems very similar to Newly Souled Spike (remorseful to the extreeeme) and for all we know Spike may have gone back to his killing ways (or something akin to that) in time, but we don’t get to see that far ahead like we do with Angel What we can do is compare them both as humans (Angel being a man who used his time to get drunk and have his way with women; Spike being a poet who is devoted to his mother and the woman he loves) and as soulless vampires (Angel, taking pleasure in torturing and driving his victims to madness, no interest in humanity aside from his victims/blood; Spike, taking pleasure from the fight, hunting down Slayers and killing them, devoted to the woman he loves, interested in power, appreciates humanity and partakes in it) from what we’re shown in the brief glimpses throughout the series. I’d just like the fandom to take into account the actual evidence we’re given instead of devolving into petty arguments about whose ship is better tbh
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
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Oooohhh My Lord  ... THIS Gif   ♥__♥
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
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My #Spuffy heart is gloating right now  : -)
soooooooo ♥__♥ this is THE Gift ♥
Megan Levens (BtVS Comics’s artist of season 10) via Spuffy Latino
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
Buffy to Angel "When you kiss me I want to die"
Buffy to Spike "you make me feel alive" 
No contest  👍  ❤   ✌
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
Spike ♥ 
The real question is not "why do you love Spike" but "How can you don't  love him" 
hypocritical people don't have the right to reply 
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Oh, come on!
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
Thanks , really , also for tell me your experience, and that which is disgusting, among other things, is that they use a serious argument as an excuse to go against something which they understood nothing, looking for something real in a world that is fiction where there are other dynamics that is useless that I explain to you  what I mean because I'm sure that you know it considering that you are  acquaintance of matter . I would like to say many things and argue better everytime that I read those things and also with you but I have a serious problem of language, it's very difficult for me to express myself , I need a long time to write long and articulated speeches.
Anyway, I take advantage of the situation to write  (I tried to write it in a message  for you yesterday but maybe I did get trouble, not knowing if it was sent or not) I love your blog, everything you write and replies and all your posts
Please continue to give voice to those who, like me, has difficulties to express themselves due to language problems.
Thanks :)
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I’m so still pissed off , about The Nerdist post, about the their comments (the Nerdist)  on fb and about the sick bangels , hypocritical people to the bones, about soulless or soulful speech, that only use to justify their Angel and every time they use the argument: attempted rape, not only because they have no other arguments, but also to accuse the spuffies to condone or even encourage the rape, and from my point of view is even more sickening thing because I am been raped
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
I have to stop reading posts, articles or other where the Bangels are in there , and if sometimes I can be the one that goes to looking for some things (really a few) , many times .. I happen to find myself in the right place but at the wrong time and that is when the item or post in question is not "hot off the press", and so there are various comments. And when I think that those people have reached the lowest level of the evolutionary ladder , talking to the norm ,  those subjects always amaze me giving me  the prove of  how much a soul can be rotten, as being lucky to have a brain ( supplied from birth , by the way ) it is thrown in the toilet because used as the last of the optionals and often not even that way. PEOPLE HYPOCRITICAL, PETTY , IGNORANT AND BAD ... REALLY BAD and if they can throw up what they vomit for things like that .. GOD PROTECT WHO  NEAR TO THEM IN THEIR LIFE OUTSIDE THE WEB.
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
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I'm so still pissed off , about The Nerdist post, about the their comments (the Nerdist)  on fb and about the sick bangels , hypocritical people to the bones, about soulless or soulful speech, that only use to justify their Angel and every time they use the argument: attempted rape, not only because they have no other arguments, but also to accuse the spuffies to condone or even encourage the rape, and from my point of view is even more sickening thing because I am been raped
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
#spuffy  #spike #jamesmarsters fans VOTE  NOW  and spread the word  
Read the author of the post of the same site of the pool  here
"Angel and Buffy OTP “ my ass
e read also here  
“ Team Spike coming out STRONG. Where are our Angel supporters?
We do love a good brooding vampire...  “
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
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about Buffy 10x23
read more (source) 
ohh yeah ... she got the point
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
♥ ♥ ♥
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Buffy & Spike journey.
Made for Seasonal Spuffy on Livejournal :)
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veronicaspuffy · 9 years
some people are in a perpetual sleep, hopeless and live in a world of their own where they are in an eternal delirium in total denial of the facts where the double standard is the ONLY rule  because it is the only thing to which they can cling to justify certain things, transforming the white in black and vice versa, by bending reality to their liking depending on their priorities .. 
all of them  are eternal hypocrites
its great that angel whether soul or soulless is always instantly forgiven for his sins, while the others are constantly bashed with their sins. He goes after buffy’s mom, tortures giles, and the scooby gang as well as his own. He with a soul abuses buffy and then without rapes innocent victims and then has them go after buffy herself although we didn’t see it that was the difference and he created drusilla by destroying her completely and abused spike with and without his soul on some level using family to justify it. its ok that he pouts because he obviously means not to create others pain right? if you think i’m  not being sarcastic well i know why people love angel denial is always key when it comes angel 
my point is i just don’t understand it looks only go so far and then personality sets in you would think it would change guess not the mission is his only reason for doing good after stalking buffy as a young girl and then did he only decide to be good which should be more than that but living in the twilight world it makes sense i’m not bashing twilight but that is what it’s mostly about.
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