draikhor-blog · 8 years
shit i kno i just came back but i’m gonna make a new blog after all so imma archive this one later and make a new blog yeet
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
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i’ll fix everything on here (tags/icons/etc.) later because i’m a lazy ass and a busy voice actor student okay
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
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d’aw i love you big brother
am i still ur little sister
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kamui that has literally never changed my love is eternal
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
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   when i’m not working,           i enjoy the simple pleasure of doing nothing.
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
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when u finally have a son
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
He gazed at her beautiful face as she got lost in sight of scattered stars in the autumn night sky. Slowly, the stars began to fall, one after another. That was when he began to wonder if he too, had fallen the way the stars did, all for her.
Lukas W. // The whole sky is falling for you (via somepiecesofmyheartandsoul)
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
     She flinches, but she endures the sting of her wounds. The battle was WON, but she is on her knees, panting. Yato-no-Kami, planted on the ground, helped her stay put. The princess closes her eyes, as a HEAVY exhale from her lips alone explaining how tired she was. ( She is battle-worn, EXHAUSTED from taking down numerous enemy lines. )
     It was then, a gentle breeze blew by. She felt her wounds closing and her bruises disappearing— a FAMILIAR feeling, but the aura of the staff felt different. She opens her eyes, gazing to see her son before her, HEALING his mother. There was a smile on her lips, one full of pride. ( He was as talented of a HEALER as his father. ) When she is healthy enough to speak, she chooses to thank her boy—- like how she always thanked his father.
         ❝Thank you for healing me, Deere.❞
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         ❝I'm truly blessed to have a son like you.❞
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
"It's dangerous for a Royal to be walking around alone."
royalty prompts. // accepting!
         ❝That may be true, but a little fresh air doesn't hurt every now and then.❞
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     She stretches her arms, before her lips are blessed with one of the most delightful of smiles. The birds tweeted in GLEE, the skies were clear. It was the perfect day to take a quick look at the nearby town. ( She found joy in the SMALLEST of methods. ) Though it was an opportunity for leisure, it was worth the look for the possibility of supplies. Weaponry, armor, food, materials— she always had their ALLIES in mind. She always did what she could for their sake. ( Truly, was she born from the rays of the sun? )
     The butler's concern was endearing: the way he looked after her every move. ( Where would she be without him? ) He was the one caring for her, assessing every situation for her: he may have been too WARY at times, but she understood him. They understood one another BETTER than anyone. Though different, they complimented one another. ( Sun&Moon, Gold&Silver, Light&Shadow! They made up for what the other lacked. ) She couldn't ask for a better butler.
     She takes his hand in hers, her eyes framing her sunlit smile.
         ❝Besides,❞ a chuckle. ❝aren't you here with me? With you around, I'm never alone.❞
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
Lazward. 』
         ‘  AH,  princess kamui !!  you’re looking for a sparring partner ?  ’
          HE PAUSES  for a quick moment, thinking over his plans for the afternoon. while a majority of it was taken up by either his lord or socializing, there was always time for a small time taken off for practice  ( and plus, he felt that he was becoming a tad rusty ).
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           ‘  of course !  i suppose your older brother is extremely busy as usual ?  no matter the reason, i’ll join you, lady kamui.  ’
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         ❝Well, I can't blame him. He is crown prince, after all.❞ A nod. ❝Thank you very much!❞
     She hands him the other practice blade, then going off with him to the field. Upon distancing herself from him by a few paces, she grips tightly onto the sword in her hand. There was a GRIN on her lips, one confident that—- perhaps, this would be a fun spar. ( She knew not to underestimate him: how else would he earn his POSITION by her big brother's side? ) It was time to put both their abilities to the test.
         ❝Ready, Lazward?❞
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
2-word sentence starters
"Watch out!"
"Shut up."
"Go away."
"Please stay."
"Come here."
"Don't go."
"Leave me."
"Please help?"
"Help me."
"You suck."
"I'm hurt."
"You're mine."
"I'm yours."
"You're bleeding."
"I'm here."
"I'm leaving."
"Buy it."
"What's this?"
"Sit down."
"Kiss me."
"Try it."
"Stop that."
"Let's go."
"Trust me."
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
♦: Slow dancing — intimacy. | accepting!
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         ❝It's been forever since we've last danced.❞
     She looks him in the eye, gazing no higher. Dancing was an art, an ability needed by BOTH butler&princess. They started practicing as children, then it carried on to adulthood. Ever since their involvement in the WAR, there was no time for practice. They could only dance on the battlefield. ( They are survivors, VICTORS. ) Now, peace reigned within the sky, earth, and below. They could dance as freely, celebrating their NEW BEGINNING— together.
     His hand holds hers, her hand rests on his shoulder. They gracefully follow the melody of their eldest's piece. ( Deere played just as well as his parents did. ) This was HAPPINESS, this was all she needed. They could finally be free to do anything as they wished— as a FAMILY. Her heart raced, her cheeks were flushing into rose hues. ( Dancing like this, it felt like falling in-love with him again. )
         ❝Now that I think about it, this is our first dance as husband and wife.❞ she chuckles. ❝Thankfully, I'm not stepping on your feet anymore.❞
     WAR taught her feet how to be careful. These feet were bare in battle, running through enemy lines. ( Her FEET were as scarred as she, but they've healed over time. ) After a twirl, she rests her head on his chest, hearing his HEARTBEAT. It was a comforting beat, almost matching that of the music's. Her arms now wrapping around him, she tightens their embrace. They were no longer threatened by the hands of war, them both being alive— it was ENOUGH. Enough to make her happy— the four of them happy.
         ❝I love you. Please, don't forget that.❞
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
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starting from the bottom now we’re here.
like this for a small starter!
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
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I’m going to hell
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
nonsexual acts of intimacy - select from the following for my muse to respond to:
♔ : Finding your muse wearing their clothes
♕: Holding hands
♖: Having their hair washed by your muse
♗: Your muse falling asleep with their head in my muse's lap.
♘: Cuddling in a blanket fort
♙: Sharing a bed
♚: Head scratches
♛: Sharing a dessert
♜: Shoulder rubs
♝: Reading a book together
♞: Caring for each other while ill (specify which party is which)
♟: Patching up a wound
♤: Taking a bath together
♧: Your muse playing with their hair
♡: Accidentally falling asleep together
♢: Forehead or cheek kisses
♠: Your muse adjusting their jewelry/neck tie/ etc.
♣: Back scratches
♥: Your muse crying about something
♦: Slow dancing
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND if i scroll through your blog and admire your writing style ;u;
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you’re too kind! thank you for liking my writing style. it takes me a lot of time and effort to write and i’m glad you’re enjoying it! i don’t mind you going through my blog at all.
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
Joker. ❜
         ❝It’st he least that I can do for you, Lady Kamui.❞
NO GREATER JOY CAN SURFACE FROM A BUTLER than absolute comfort and happiness for his master, her smile a CORONA CRESCENT in the evewhen all things fall dark. Casablanca Lilies beckon Clair de Lunein its LUMINOUS scorn, ‘tis the least he can do for his raisond'être torn between house and home—if only he could do more than stand STALWART at her side! Her gaze, INNOCENT as youth, sings melancholy in breaths too short for anyone to notice, spurned by thegods to watch families tug at her arms to and fro 'til ligaments snap against Poseidon’s back. Fie to politics! Their webs are no haven for such a tender soul INTEMERATE and cygnine, too kindhearted for VIPERS and their gorgon fangs: she is rubecula, caged bird innebulae (hydrogen and helium / her beauty in the shape of PULSARS) sweeter than blossoms during Spring; how he longsto see her in anthesis, flourishing joy in the breadth of silverwings liberated from the aching NIGHTMARES once and for all. No greater joy can surface from his heart, as frail-hearted MAN, to see radiance rise from despair.
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          ❝Your words bring immense joy to this butler’s heart,❞ it’s SUFFOCATING, theway she looks at him: wide-eyed and curious, beautifulas the day he first met her in pitch despair all those years ago. He can feel VIOLIN STRINGS begging to break. ❝Just as you supported me in my time of need, I’ll always be here for you no matter what. Whatever’s on your mind, whatever ails your heart, I’ll do everything in my power to comfort you.❞
HE ALWAYS WATCHES HER, DUTIFUL AS A DOG in seldom company of his master, every inch internalized, afraid that she might slip at a moment’s notice! She is fey-like, Jophiel STARFALLEN from grace wreathed in snowpeas and daisies, 'tis MORTAL grief that he fell in love with his master and GODDESS in disguise. When she looks at him his heartbeat drops. Windchimes ring in his head, the curve of flaxen hair tucked behind an ear orchestrating MAELSTROMS within his chest,a serenepained loving smile beckoning that he confess years worth of harbored ardor and pray that she sends him away for OVERSTEPPING the boundary between servant and master. (this is a broken tale of Lancelot and Guinevere, star-crossed lovers so close yet an eternity’s width out of reach; he’s a FOOL for falling in love) Icarus burned in all his eagle-winged warmth. Will he follow that same fate, daring to lean too close to his benevolent SUN? Parted breath tempted to take her by the hands lose composure at his sides,subtle fidgeting masked by humble bow ASHAMED to look at her in the EYE—afraid that she might witness the flush of his cheeks in cold, pale moonlight.
        ❝Words can’t bear to explain how thankful I am to have you for a master, and I wouldn’t dream of serving any other.❞
         ❝You... really don't have to do all these things for me, Joker.❞
     Yet, she was thankful he hadn't chosen to leave her side. Though, a residing GUILT continued to haunt her: worries of how she wasn't doing enough for his sake as he did far too much for hers. ( Does she truly DESERVE his devotion? ) She can see the loyalty in his eyes, but she couldn't uncover what lies beenath his heart. It was almost painfully OBVIOUS, yet she was blinded by her own feelings— she loves him, but she fears he wouldn't feel the same. She didn't want their present RELATIONSHIP to change for the worse. ( If his heart beats for another, would they go from close friends to distant allies? ) She needed him, MORE than she needed anyone. Without him, the night would stay dark. ( What was the evening sky without the serenity of the moon? What was she without his presence? )
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     His words touched her heart as much as he was touched by hers. The SUN and MOON admired one another. She was radiant, her kindness paled others' in comparison. He was composed, never unwilling to comfort her when she NEEDS him most. She had a golden smile, he had a silver tongue. He supported her, but she wanted to DO MORE for him. They grew up together, watching each other grow. ( He worked hard for her to be happy. ) She felt INDEBTED to him, she wanted to make him smile like he does her. A chuckle escapes her lips as she sees images of him flash in her thoughts: the BOY who was once lonely, the SERVANT trying his best, the COMPANION smiling by her bedside, the PARTNER she'd train with, and soon came the MAN she grew to love.
         ❝From a servant, you became my personal butler, then you were chosen to be my retainer. Now, you even fight by my side in battle.❞ her smiles softens. ❝We've truly come a long way, haven't we?❞
     It was a journey they faced together. They saw one another's PAIN, they knew the other's strengths&weaknesses. Their BOND was far more than but master&servant— deeper than that. They were FRIENDS. Never, never, never did she treat him like anything other than that. She didn't want that to change. She'd never ask for a better butler/retainer/friend. Now, she's realized a GREATER IMPORTANCE in him— one that made her heart race at the thought of. It was a painful faith to hold, but she holds it. ( This feeling was far greater than the ones depicted in the STORYBOOKS they'd read as kids. )
         ❝You've... truly worked hard for my sake and I don't think I've shown enough gratitude for your loyalty.❞
     Her tone is much more humble, as her eyes now gaze towards the grass. She felt the pounding of her chest, it was almost difficult to BREATHE. Her hands ( they were cold ), they sought his fingers alone. She PRAYS he'd pay no mind to her next action, as she takes his hand in hers. Her eyes meet his again, a serene smile on her lips.
         ❝Thank you.❞
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draikhor-blog · 8 years
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