alterhumansafespace · 3 months
hey! i've been doing some thinking, and have some questions on fictionkin! I'm trying to figure out if I'm fictionkin, specifically for Snowfall (WoF) or if it's something else.
I've been thinking about it for a couple days, and the main thing that put the idea in my head was remembering a dream I had a couple years ago. I woke up (in the dream) as Snowfall. I was in what I envisioned her bedroom to look like, I sat up in bed, and I remember thinking that I had to do something with Lynx (one of her friends). Then I woke up (actually).
I'm also curious how gender works, if that makes sense? I'm transmasc and nonbinary, but Snowfall's a girl, and I'm curious about that.
Sorry if this is rambly or too much/little information /gen! This is a newer idea for me, and all the research I've done has been confusing! Thanks! ^^
You’re completely fine. To start off we’ll talk about gender of a kin/theriotype. No, the gender of the character doesn’t have to match up with what you identify as. I happen to be lucky enough that mine do, but not everyone does. If Snowfall feels like you, there’s a high chance that she is.
I personally don’t have much experience on having a fictionkin that is not almost 100% human. So my best advice is to see if there’s anything else that connects you to Snowfall.
What really kinfirmed my Julian Devorak fictotype was that we shared uncanny similarities. I looked better with a shade of auburn in my hair (I’m a natural blonde). We both have a full blooded sibling that was younger than us. We both have a connection to The Hanged Man tarot card. These are to name a few of several things. What’s important to figuring out if you’re fictionkin to any fictional character is that you identify as that character as you would any other creature/animal for otherkin/therian.
A fun fact about my fictotype as well! I had a dream once about being Julian as well. I never really knew the term fictionkin.
All in all, this is to say that Snowfall being a girl will not affect your identity. She just happens to be a girl in the media she comes from and you’re Transmasc and non-binary. As well as that all you have to make sure is that you do identify as her. Try testing it out, see if it sticks. It doesn’t hurt to see how things work out
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alterhumansafespace · 3 months
An update on my identity as nonhuman: I am currently questioning that I could possibly be Luciferkith/Luciferhearded. There are a few interpretations that I identify with heavily. It is primarily the biblical depiction and the one seen in the Netflix show “Lucifer.”
This is not a major shift determining identity, so it’s a bit harder for me to figure out if I fully am or not. I am leaning more towards the fact I highly could be.
If anyone has any pointers at all, please send me a message. It would be greatly appreciated
- Saiph 🐉
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alterhumansafespace · 3 months
I would like to apologize for my absence. I am busy with some things in my personal life and had to offload Tumblr on my devices. I am working on getting steady income before I get active again like I was
- Saiph
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alterhumansafespace · 3 months
Timothy the spider has invaded your ask box 🕷️
Welcome to my ask box! I may have to get a new ask box now if you’d like to stay in this one
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alterhumansafespace · 4 months
Of course! I do apologize for misinformation caused by this. I have mostly heard it to be non physical, but you do have a great point there
Term of the Week
(Identity Term)
The involuntary experiences of animalistic behavior/instincts/urges/traits on a non-physical level
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alterhumansafespace · 4 months
Term of the Week
(Identity Term)
The involuntary experiences of animalistic behavior/instincts/urges/traits on a non-physical level
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alterhumansafespace · 4 months
This is an ask
Ask about what if I may respond back anon? Unless this is supposed to be a joke- My apologies if I’m confused over a joke
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alterhumansafespace · 4 months
Hello! I have a question, do you think you could explain emotional shifts, astral shifts, aura shifts, bi-locational shifts and spiritual shifts to me? I know about mental shifts, and i can assume what perception shifts are about, but i've never heard about this other types of shifts!
Thank you!
I’ll definitely be posting each separately in their own terms of the week posts, but I’ll give a rundown of each with examples of how I personally experience them.
Shift types:
Emotional- basically they happens to come from a heightened state of emotion, which can be any.
Example: My copingkin has these shifts when I feel rejected, heightening the feeling into betrayal due to the fact that I cope as Fenrir from Norse myth.
Astral- where your alterhuman self leaves your human body. Normally found in meditation and dissociation, and requires a belief in the astral plain.
Example 1: I get this a lot with my dragonself. I’m a very spiritual person by nature.
Example 2: You could think of wolf walkers if you’ve seen the movie/clips of the movie on TikTok for this type of shift as well.
Aura- This one requires a belief in auras, but it’s where you feel the form of your life energy turn/as your alterhuman identity.
Example: I feel these a lot actually as I sometimes intertwine some of my phantom shifts as my dragonself.
Fun Fact: This is how I actually was able to figure out my dragonself’s appearance and size, as well as my Fenrir copinglink. My aura’s size changed drastically.
Bi-locational- It’s you feeling your alterhuman self in their natural habitat in a different location. This can be felt through double sensory input or vivid daydreaming.
Example: I get these a lot with my dragonself, especially when I am looking out a car window or in a plane. This also happens when I’m up late at night.
Spiritual- These are undefined shifts that require you to believe that your alterhuman identity(ies) are to some level spiritual, like astral and aura shifts
Example: I do believe in past lives and reincarnation, but none of my identities are past lives. My best example is my otherkin identity. I believe it’s a connection of myself from somewhere else.
I do believe all of my identities are in some capacity both psychological and spiritual. My dragonkin identity just happens to be the best example of spiritual shifts.
As an added note, perception shifts are shifts in your perception of the outside world or self-image through your alterhuman identity. The Fenrir ones encompasses both outside world and self image.
There are other sorts of shifts as well that I don’t personally experience, like dream shifts due to the fact that I never remember my dreams.
Hopefully that helps you with a basic understanding of what these shifts are!
>Saiph 🐉
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alterhumansafespace · 4 months
Term of the Week
Alterhuman is also spelled as Alter-human
(Identity term)
The umbrella term for people who identify as/with anything that doesn’t fall under the typical understanding of “human”, either instead of or added to their human identity.
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alterhumansafespace · 4 months
Exactly, due to my Fenrir copingkin specifically only originating from the Norse stories I tend to only reference them when talking about this identity, and why it’s so destructive.
The closest connection to the killing of the gods is me severing all ties to my bio family (my grandmother is an exception, but I believe that’s more related to my fictionkin).
The profound sadness may come from, as you stated, being Loki. Since Loki is considered a parent to Fenrir, it could be considered a divine rage/sense of sadness. I’m not too sure, this is just my more analytical mind kicking in.
I’ll partake in the virtual feast with you, 🍎🍞🍻🥩🍖🍉🍇🍑
Skaal (cheers) to you and your journey. I hope the best happens for you in life my friend
>Saiph 🐉
A fenrir kin! Nice to meet you. How did you discover that?
Asking because you are primarily a dragon (?) and it's quite hard for me to understand individuals who have more than 1 kintype unless they're related somewhat. To be honest it used to be I didn't understand at all but now I discovered I was a kelpie so...
It's directly related to being an incarnation of Loki for me. If it's not related I definitely have a hard time understanding so if you want to share I'd love to hear.
It’s a pleasure to meet you as well! Glad to talk to someone who’s an incarnation of Loki.
Being Fenrirkin is specifically a Copingkin I never really asked to have. Yes, I do love Norse mythology, but being a copingkin of Fenrir can be… well- a bit self destructive for me.
I had been reading a lot into the binding of Fenrir and other information on him. Parts of the story correlate uncannily. When I experience Fenrir shifts, the room felt too small and the intense desire to bite at my right hand was always prominent. I get a constant feeling of being suspicious of authority, sometimes this includes questioning and thinking I know better. But the hardest thing is the intense feeling of betrayal that comes during Fenrir shifts, especially of the ones who were treating you right.
The betrayal part comes from traumas I dealt with. The multitude of gods equating to my family always saying that each other are liars, and others who constantly betrayed my trust. Tyr can be substituted for three different people. My mother, my father or my ex. I tend to associate Tyr more with my ex due to closer similarities.
I wasn’t the best after the breakup and I did lash out viciously. The sword that is stated to hold Fenrir’s jaws open correlate to my need to scream or a need to explain to my ex how his betrayal hurt me, for how sorry I am for hurting him. The bindings are a creation of anger/rage and extreme guilt.
I have always felt a very close tie and extremely empathize with Fenrir’s story. It’s almost like a deeply rooted spiritual connection that isn’t easy to describe. My mental/perception shifts do not feel like that of a normal human. No, they’re intensified by a different sort of emotion that felt very nonhuman in nature.
As for explaining being a polykin with pretty different kintypes, it’s a bit confusing, but not impossible. My dragonself is much less destructive and almost guide like in how I behave. The pride I get when talking about strength are different levels. For my dragonself strength is something I take pride in, but I don’t feel like it’ll crumble at any moment. For my Fenrir self, if I have it questioned, I want to prove myself. This does end up that if someone I consider close to tells me that I am weak, I will break and will either shut down or lash out. Thankfully the lashing out is only internally, but it is destructive by nature.
There are specific behaviors that happen that do not correlate between my dragonself and Fenrir self. As my Fenrir self is much less shifty and is an involuntary identity that allows me to cope with betrayals.
Being a dragon comes with its own difficulties, but I tend to mentally know the difference between my Fenrir tendencies and my dragon tendencies. It all depends on how high, and how self destructive, my emotions get.
I do apologize if it’s a little incoherent. I tried my best to explain the best I could how I separated shifts and behaviors of my two animalistic kintypes. As well as explaining how I came to the conclusion.
I don’t consider myself as Fenrir Otherkin. Involuntarily identifying as and with Fenrir is purely a way of coping that I never asked for as stated above.
Hopefully this explains it enough for a general understanding
>Saiph 🐉
Edit: if you’d like further explanation or clarification, feel free to DM me or send another ask. I’m a very open person and I get good vibes from you
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alterhumansafespace · 4 months
A fenrir kin! Nice to meet you. How did you discover that?
Asking because you are primarily a dragon (?) and it's quite hard for me to understand individuals who have more than 1 kintype unless they're related somewhat. To be honest it used to be I didn't understand at all but now I discovered I was a kelpie so...
It's directly related to being an incarnation of Loki for me. If it's not related I definitely have a hard time understanding so if you want to share I'd love to hear.
It’s a pleasure to meet you as well! Glad to talk to someone who’s an incarnation of Loki.
Being Fenrirkin is specifically a Copingkin I never really asked to have. Yes, I do love Norse mythology, but being a copingkin of Fenrir can be… well- a bit self destructive for me.
I had been reading a lot into the binding of Fenrir and other information on him. Parts of the story correlate uncannily. When I experience Fenrir shifts, the room felt too small and the intense desire to bite at my right hand was always prominent. I get a constant feeling of being suspicious of authority, sometimes this includes questioning and thinking I know better. But the hardest thing is the intense feeling of betrayal that comes during Fenrir shifts, especially of the ones who were treating you right.
The betrayal part comes from traumas I dealt with. The multitude of gods equating to my family always saying that each other are liars, and others who constantly betrayed my trust. Tyr can be substituted for three different people. My mother, my father or my ex. I tend to associate Tyr more with my ex due to closer similarities.
I wasn’t the best after the breakup and I did lash out viciously. The sword that is stated to hold Fenrir’s jaws open correlate to my need to scream or a need to explain to my ex how his betrayal hurt me, for how sorry I am for hurting him. The bindings are a creation of anger/rage and extreme guilt.
I have always felt a very close tie and extremely empathize with Fenrir’s story. It’s almost like a deeply rooted spiritual connection that isn’t easy to describe. My mental/perception shifts do not feel like that of a normal human. No, they’re intensified by a different sort of emotion that felt very nonhuman in nature.
As for explaining being a polykin with pretty different kintypes, it’s a bit confusing, but not impossible. My dragonself is much less destructive and almost guide like in how I behave. The pride I get when talking about strength are different levels. For my dragonself strength is something I take pride in, but I don’t feel like it’ll crumble at any moment. For my Fenrir self, if I have it questioned, I want to prove myself. This does end up that if someone I consider close to tells me that I am weak, I will break and will either shut down or lash out. Thankfully the lashing out is only internally, but it is destructive by nature.
There are specific behaviors that happen that do not correlate between my dragonself and Fenrir self. As my Fenrir self is much less shifty and is an involuntary identity that allows me to cope with betrayals.
Being a dragon comes with its own difficulties, but I tend to mentally know the difference between my Fenrir tendencies and my dragon tendencies. It all depends on how high, and how self destructive, my emotions get.
I do apologize if it’s a little incoherent. I tried my best to explain the best I could how I separated shifts and behaviors of my two animalistic kintypes. As well as explaining how I came to the conclusion.
I don’t consider myself as Fenrir Otherkin. Involuntarily identifying as and with Fenrir is purely a way of coping that I never asked for as stated above.
Hopefully this explains it enough for a general understanding
>Saiph 🐉
Edit: if you’d like further explanation or clarification, feel free to DM me or send another ask. I’m a very open person and I get good vibes from you
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alterhumansafespace · 4 months
hi! sorry i wanted to know what the symbol with the orange one that has paw and the p? I don't think I've seen it before :o
Never apologize for asking a genuine question. Questions like this is why I made the account in the first place. Yeah, it’s not a new thing, but it’s definitely a resource for people.
So, answering your question, the simple answer is that the symbol is specifically for furries. It is called the “Phi Paw.” It’s a discreet way to tell others “Hey, I’m a furry too” without actually saying it.
The symbol was made by more adult members of the fandom. The symbol has changed overtime and it’s not used anymore due to it sadly being more represented in the more… s-xual side of the fandom. Though it’s not only used for that side, it’s just more common for that part of the fandom
I am a furry myself and see it fine. My own personal opinion is that those who’re below 18 shouldn’t be sharing it around, but should know what it is.
You don’t have to be a furry to be therian/otherkin, and vice versa. But there is some overlap.
I enjoyed your ask anon! Thank you for that, and I hope this has cleared some things up with the phi paw in the orange box
> Saiph 🐉
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alterhumansafespace · 4 months
Not sure if it’s considered weird but I haven’t seen too many people with a kin or kith of Fenrir. It’s pretty interesting putting aside my experiences being a Fenrir copingkin
>Saiph 🐉
shoutout to nonhumans with "weird" kintypes ! yall are amazing /gen :]
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alterhumansafespace · 4 months
Hello there! This is the Alterhuman Safe Space account. I’m here to answer whatever questions I can and support those who need a shoulder to cry on. Currently this account is only ran by one person so I may not be able to full understand some experiences, but I won’t turn anyone away because of it.
I hope to post asks, and teach the terminology of the community, teach others about the community, and provide a safe space for those who don’t fit in the social norms. That is the primary goal of this account.
This account will block those who’re unacceptably hateful and rude. This is for main account runner and any potential other runners of the account’s safety and mental health. Hate speech against people of color, the LGBTQ+, alterhumans, furries, and others are considered unacceptable under any circumstances.
This is a 13+ safe blog, though there may be some swearing depending on which runner is speaking.
Rules for Asks:
1. Respect the account and whoever runs it as those who run it are still living beings. If you don’t like something, feel free to block or not interact.
2. Don’t put your name in the ask box. This is to protect yourself. This does mean you can ask anonymously if it feels more comfortable for you.
3. This account will understand constructive criticism and will fix any mistakes on the blog. Either by doing an update post, or by reblogging the new information.
4. If you have a request, feel free to DM this account instead of sending an ask. This can include identities, shift types, or other topics like sexualities. Just remember this is primarily a blog for alterhumans in the end and our primary content will be for those of that demographic.
5. Please don’t flirt with anyone on this account. It’s not cute or funny and will be considered as harassment if it’s continuous. You get a single warning before you’re put on a do not answer list.
6. Don’t be afraid to tell the blog your own experiences and alterhuman identities! We are accepting of pretty much any and all identities (Unless it’s genuinely harmful to others).
7. Please read the account runners’ introductions as they will give you a name, pronouns, and emoji tag to refer to them in asks and pms. It will also let you know what identities are on and off the table to ask about. This does include nonhuman identities, but again, try to stay on the alterhuman topic.
Main Account Runner:
My name is Saiph (pronounced as Safe) and I’m 21 years old. I use He/They pronouns.
I’ve been awakened for around a year, but possibly awakened longer than that without knowledge of the therian/otherkin community for about 2-3. I identify primarily as otherkin for simplicity, but I’m also fictionkin, copingkin and trying to figure out if my copinglink is more of a kith/hearttype.
Other things to note are that I have ADHD and autism with my special interests being dnd, dragons, stars, deities, and mythology. My hobbies include drawing, crocheting, reading, writing and music.
I’m one person who will swear on this account.
Any of my non-alterhuman identities are on the table to ask about. But pushing into traumas that may be identified with them are not at all ok to ask about.
You’re free to ask me details about any and all of my alterhuman identities.
My identities not related to alterhumanity:
White, Trans Man, Demiboy, Omniromantic, Demiaroace, Androsexual, Ambiamorous, Furry, beginner witch
My alterhuman Identities specifically being:
Otherkin- I’m dragonkin. I tend to equate it primarily with western dragons despite my kintype also having fur. The scales are dark, but look as if they captured the night sky within them. It’s eyes are a cool silver color with black sclerae the horns capturing nebulae.
Shifts~ Mental shifts, emotional shifts, perception shifts, phantom shifts, astral shifts, aura shifts, bi-locational shifts, spiritual shifts
No currently known shift triggers or grounding methods. I tend to push through the negative shifts with this and remind myself that I am physically a human.
Fictionkin- I am a fictionkin of Julian Devorak from the game “The Arcana A Mystic Romance”. This is my oldest known alterhuman identity.
Shifts~ Emotional shifts, mental shifts, minor phantom shifts (mostly clothing/figure/hair when it’s a good shift. Negative shifts include me looking like his reversed form, or taking on aspects of it)
One shift trigger happens if I let my hair grow out or I dye my hair auburn. Though those cause positive shifts. Negative shift triggers aren’t fully known yet as it’s normally too late when I am trying to figure it out. No known grounding for the negative shifts as my emotions are way too high and may need to sleep the feelings off.
Copingkin- This one was figured out very recently, but I’m a Fenrirkin. This is one of my less shifty alterhuman identities, but when I do they’re not all that pleasant.
Shifts~ Minor phantom shifts, emotional shifts, bi-locational shifts, perception shifts, to be further figured out
Normally the shift triggers happen when I’m in a heightened emotional state, so normally I almost always have an emotional shift up. My perception of reality gets kinda messed up as my coping kin basically embodies the emotions of betrayal and suspicion of authority/humans. I do get minor phantom shifts of chains whenever I wear a choker. The worst of these shifts include me wanting to bite into my hand, primarily the right hand, as hard as I can. There are no known full on grounding methods. I believe talking out my emotions is the only way known right now to ground myself. Either that, or give into the need to bite into my hand as hard as I can.
⚠️This identity for me is primarily a negative experience during shifts. As much as it might sound cool to have a copingkin of Fenrir, for me it’s not exactly sunshine and rainbows most of the time.⚠️
Copinglink- Anatolian Shepherd/Saint Bernard mix is my copinglink. I’m trying to figure out if this is a kith/hearttype as I ado feel a familial bond with the two breeds
Shifts~ Minor phantom shifts, mental shifts, sensory shifts, perception shifts
I originally linked onto and started identifying as a generalized overview of medium and large sized dogs due to a pretty nasty breakup. My loving style is that of a dog and so are my behaviors when I’m hurt but I’m not feeling like turning it on myself. It was an identity to cope with everything going on at the time. As of the current moment it may be copingkith as I don’t identify myself with either breed, but I can feel the connection of what they were bred to do and the overall mannerisms of dogs shift triggers normally happen when I’m feeling like I’m in survival mode. There’s no grounding needed as eventually it goes away and isn’t detrimental to my physical health.
Questioning- Raven and/or crow kith/hearttype
Shifts~ None, I just have a very familial connection with them. So no shift triggers or grounding for shifts of these creatures
Sign of tag> 🐉
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