dramaloverr · 14 days
School started again, woohoo..
I've already skipped a few days
I literally cant do this, everyone wants me to go, i want to go.
But i cant bring myself to do it, every single morning
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dramaloverr · 3 months
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dramaloverr · 3 months
Scratched my arm with a suitcase too👍
Why is this happening today?
I just told myself I deserve it, the pain
I will get hurt directly or undirectly, on purpose or by accident
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dramaloverr · 3 months
I feel weird, I want to say empty but I know it isn't that
My head hurts, spilled boiling water on my wrist this morning as well ._.
Nice day today
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dramaloverr · 4 months
4th day of tracking calories
It was going well, but then I had a burger and some fries. I'll try to search the menu up but I doubt the calories are on there..
Soo.. how am I supposed to count themmm
On the good side, I burned almost 500 kcal from walking around, my heels ARE DYING
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dramaloverr · 5 months
I've been tracking my calories for 2 days now😌
It's going well? Both days I've been slightly over my calorie limit, but I burn those off with exercise.
Yeah, I don't have a scale, unfortunately. Buttt I should lose 0,5kg a week if I keep going like this.
Hope it works, because I've neber actually tracked my calories succesfully, and consistently before.
Wish I had a scale rn :/
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dramaloverr · 6 months
Seeing my aunts and uncles feels strange lately.
They're getting older and my mind just has these moments where I suddenly see similarities between them and their parents (my grandparents)
So I go see my aunt, and then I just see how similar she is to my grandma.
Same with my uncle, the way he acts and talks is so similar to my grandpa.
Just makes me think about how we're all getting older🫤
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dramaloverr · 6 months
This is fun : D
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dramaloverr · 1 year
I have to attend a wedding this week..
Because I failed to lose weight in allllll these months, I'll at least try to eat less this week to look decent in a dress. I tried a dress on this week and my stomach was HUGE and very noticeable. I did NOT like it. But it's completely my fault.
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dramaloverr · 2 years
I have to read a book of 170 pages by tomorrow, guess when I started reading...
2 hours ago 😬, i'm at page 70 but my head feels FULL.
The book is good but it just takes so longgg, I should've started earlier..
2 hours later (including my 1 hour break😌) i' at page 110!!!!!
61 more to go😭
A looooooong break later I still have 30pgs to go? I could've just kept reading and then sleep instead of taking a break. It's soooooo late now literally almost morning
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dramaloverr · 2 years
Today I tried counting calories on my phone, and I am in shock. I struggle with portion sizes, so every meal was so high in calories.
I am literally over my calorie limit by eating 2 MEALS and a littttle piece of chocolate.
What I also found difficult was just logging in the food in my app, because I didn't make most of those meals. So, I don't know how much of all the ingredients are in the food.
My goal was around 1450 kcal, I am short but overweight. So I think this should be an ok limit ,right?
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dramaloverr · 2 years
I feel so happyyy
I just started reading again and I love ittt
But I have tests I need to study for :/
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dramaloverr · 2 years
I had 7 things to do for school by/for monday...
I managed to only finish 3...
I am going to fail everything this is not okay
I'm on my phone the whole day and dont have time for school. If I just did my schoolwork first and then look on my phone my grades would be so much higher and I would get so much more sleep.
I'm literally the only one thats holding me back
I'm sabotaging myself
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dramaloverr · 2 years
I'm doing so bad right now
I hit a new hw, I'm on my phone for 7 to 10 hours every day, I keep eating throughout the day, I'm literally obsessed with food, I'm not studying for my tests or making my homework.
I'm literally not doing anything in my life, right now it's as if I just exist to eat and be on my phone all day long.
I have no motivation to do anything and I don't want to go to school anymore I just can't do any of the homework or working in groups, etc
My hair is so oily and I'm behind on alllll my lessons.
I just want to enjoy my life without any school or consequences but that's just not possible
I'm just so sick of everything and I'm so lazy which gives me stress and then I don't put any effort in school and have to do everything last minute. And what's the end result? No work is done, bad grades, more stress, more laziness,...
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dramaloverr · 2 years
I literally can't do this.
I am feeling so stressed right now so I go on my phone and play games to forget those feelings.
But that only gives me mroe stressed because now I have to do the same amount of work in a shorter time because I wasted it doing useless things.
I ALWAYS do this I'm tired of doing this , it only gives me more stress which gives me worse results.
If I truly did my best at school I'd have way better grades but I just can't bring myself to start ahead of time with my schoolwork.
I have an exam in 12,5 hours and I still haven't done ANYTHING.
I hate the feeling of just staring at my tests/exams regretting not studying and I still make the same mistakes over and over again.
I need to prepare for my speaking exam which is in 2 parts (speaking and then interaction exam). I have a writing exam and then I have my normal exam (I just need to know the tenses, vocabulary,...)
I am so tired of school not because of all the effort I put in but because I just can't keep up with al the work
Thank you for reading if you did
I just needed to write my worries down
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dramaloverr · 2 years
Does anyone have tips on studying better?
I could study for hours and then just forget all of it when I do some practice questions.
And I also get distracted by games on my phone so easily.
I really need some tips my finals are almost there.
I also haven't really found a study technique that works for me so I literally don't know HOW to study.
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dramaloverr · 2 years
This is literally horrible I'm short AND fat
I look extra big..
I hate thissss
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