drarrygirl27 · 11 months
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Love these so much! 💖 Thank you so much, @theprideful !!! Your flag graphics/art is gorgeous!!!
💖💜💙🖤 🦄 <- It's my own emoji combination for my pride flags.
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drarrygirl27 · 11 months
I haven't been on here in so long, it's insane! I am still a school custodian, but I now work at an early college for the same school district and Doug is now a plumber. Things have gotten better and easier for the both of us. We're both in good places when it comes to co-workers and bosses now.
We also have a new furrier addition to our family now. I'm so in love with her, my Goddess! So... Doug and I rescued a domestic black short-hair kitten a little more than 2 weeks ago now from a storm drain. It's quite a story. LOL! 😆 She's 7 weeks old and according to the vet and the other vet peeps, she's pretty healthy overall which Doug and I are really happy to know. She might have hookworms because she has vomited about 3-4 times out of a total of 2 weeks since we've had her, but she hasn't since the last time which was I believe the earlier part of last week so maybe she just ate too fast or too much at once and played too hard which caused her to get sick. We gave her a bath the day after we went to her first check-up and we used some medicine that was prescribed to her to help with fleas. Her next appointment is on July 10th at 7 pm to have a feline distemper done. It is so freakin' awesome that this vet is so close to us for one and for two, they're open late on two days out of a week which works really well for us right now because right now my work shifts are Mon-Thurs: 6:00 am-4:30 pm meanwhile Doug's work shifts are Mon-Fri: 7:00 am-3:30 pm because of it being the summer.
Unfortunately, I couldn't get her to give us a stool sample to check for those kinds of things before we went to the appointment that evening after Doug and I got off of work at 3:30 pm for him and 4:30 pm for me so they gave us a stool sample container so we can get it whenever we can so they can test for hookworms and the like.
Y'all, she is a beautiful, little kitty girl and I don't think I could have picked out a better name for her.
Without further ado, here is Nezuko!
I named her after one of the main characters in "Demon Slayer" which is one of my favorite Japanese animes right now.
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drarrygirl27 · 1 year
"Why can't the freaks on AO3 just go and make a site for all the gross stuff and leave AO3 alone."
Because AO3 is that site. Because AO3 was that site long before you decided AO3 was better than the sites you bullied us off of before, and I can promise you if someone somehow comes up with a fanfic site you like better specifically for the 'gross stuff' you'll try to bully us off that too so you can benefit from it.
AO3's specific core purpose is to preserve fanfiction, yes, but it was also instigated as a host site for the fanfiction that kept getting yeeted off other platforms like Wattpad. Its designed to preserve all fanfiction, not just the fanfiction you, personally, think is 'allowed' to be written.
AO3 is the site for all the gross stuff the freaks make. We've been there just as long as you. We've been funding it just as long as you have. AO3 has specifically said you have a place here. The timeline was literally:
Wattpad/FF.net/LiveJournal purge fanfics > AO3 is born > The people who's fics got purged moved over to AO3 > AO3 gains popularity as the best functioning site > The people who pushed for the fics to be purged off Wattpad move to AO3 > The same people try to push for AO3 to purge fics.
AO3's source coding is open-access. You go make a polished, strict, rigid site where nothing 'icky' is allowed. You go make a site where you can control what is hosted. We already have our space.
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drarrygirl27 · 1 year
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drarrygirl27 · 1 year
This user supports AO3
This user is anti-censorship
This user believes in “don’t like, don’t read”
This user believes in “ship and let ship”
This user believes that fiction tastes and preferences do not dictate moral character
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drarrygirl27 · 1 year
Twistedboxy's Holiday Cards
Getting a head start on cards! All are welcome! US and International!
Please let me know if there are issues trying to access the link.
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drarrygirl27 · 1 year
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For the ones who don’t know, I am engaged now!!!  
It happened on Oct. 29th, 2022. I saw it coming, but I didn’t at the same time. Doug being the clever bastard he is pretended to drop a pamphlet for a performance that him, Debbie (Doug’s sister.), and I were about to see at one of the Junior Highs that we’ve been helping to clean and such. The performance was amazing!!! It was very hilarious and all of the kids did a fantastic job! 
Anyway, interestingly enough, I saw the ring before he proposed to me which apparently he was banking on happening. He knew that I would say yes to Debbie coming with us to getting our ring sizes at the mall and to seeing the performance with us. 
From what he told me, he chose the jewelry store and the ring a week before he proposed to me. He knew that I would love the ring because he knows me which he was right about. I love the hell out of this ring!!! It was the hardest thing to take it off my finger. LOL! It just felt so right on me and if I do say so myself, it looks damn good on me too. 
It was all according to his plan though. After we left the jewelry store, he told the both of us that he had to use the bathroom and suggested we go into Hot Topic which of course he knew we would do because that is one of our favorite stores. While his sister and I were hanging out in Hot Topic, he was getting my engagement ring. 
The reason why I said that I saw it coming, but I didn’t is because a thought popped in my head while I was window shopping so to speak in Hot Topic, but then I dismissed it because it would be way too terribly cliche, but then I remembered that Doug lives for cliches and the like. Another reason why my mind went back and forth on, did he or didn’t he go back to buy the ring that I fell in love with at first sight is because our anniversary is this coming January. What better time especially after requesting two days off so we would have a four day weekend together would there have been to propose to me, but during that time, I thought no because he knows that I would suspect that so in a nutshell not only was my gut kind of sort of right, but so was my way of thinking too. 
All I can really say to conclude all of this is that this is going to be one hell of a proposal story to tell our future children. 
Oh! Interesting tidbit about the ring, it is a part of the Marilyn Monroe collection no wonder I loved it so much when I first laid my eyes on it other than the fact that it looks like one of my favorite things, a snowflake. 
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drarrygirl27 · 2 years
This is a freakin’ masterpiece! 
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I really said no good Shassie shirts?? fine I’ll do it myself smh
Anyway this is my first time working with vinyl and making a shirt! What do you guys think?
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drarrygirl27 · 2 years
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Masha The Hero
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drarrygirl27 · 2 years
I agree with this 100%!!!
I’m not everything I want to be but I’m more than I was, and I’m still learning
- Charlotte Erikkson
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drarrygirl27 · 2 years
Hey my Peeps!
Donate if you can to this good cause and spread it around as much as you can on as many social medias that you are able to and can. Please & Thank You.
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drarrygirl27 · 2 years
Oh wow! 
He is making something more recent instead of centuries old. Interesting... 
I love him so much! He is such a cutie patootie as they say and is very freakin’ hilarious too! 
"It is now"
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drarrygirl27 · 2 years
I don't know about that. LOL!
I've been called cute more than hott, if we're considering my whole lifetime thus far.
However, I have received compliments by a good bit of people on here and outside of it too or was told about compliments by people from other people so maybe it isn't as far off actually.
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1. FIRST, create a picrew using this maker, and then 2. SECOND take this quiz on how fandom would see you if you were a fictional character.  3 (THIRD) POST YOUR PIC AND YOUR DESCRIPTION IN THE REBLOG!
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Bastard (Good)
You’re a bastard. A wet cat, if you will. And we love you for it. You’re a little shit, but in the good way. You are the baddest babygirl. You killed a man, but you looked good doing it. You flirted with the hero and the enemy. All of Tumblr is madly in love with you. Congrats, I guess?
Tagging EVERYONE but especially @magicaltear, @the-beeses-kneeses, @wafflesrisa, @mykingdomforapen, @marbat, @scientistsinistral, @halberdierminister​!
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drarrygirl27 · 2 years
Just a reminder that this person loves you and hopes you are doing okay. ♥️ feel free to send to others!
Aw... Thank you Sam!!! I love you too Hun and yeah I'm ok. Doug and I are going to be getting back to work on the 28th which is going to be kind of weird since we had about a 13 day vacation. Our work made us do it because they wanted their employees to have a vacation before August since that is when the school district is going to be up and running again. I'm kind of nervous, but a little bit excited because I'll be cleaning in an office building that is owned by the school district instead of an elementary school like before. As far as I know the youngest people I'll be cleaning up after are going to be the high school kids that are going to college credit courses. It is going to be pretty interesting and it shouldn't be as messy, at least not on a constant almost daily basis like at the school campuses. Another thing that is going to be changing other than a bit of a pay raise because I've been working for the school district for a year and the pay per hour for the custodians has been raised a little because of our department director. Oh and Doug says hi!
Anyway, another thing that has changed is Doug's position. He is no longer a Lead Custodian at the elementary school he went to when he was a kid. He is now a Floor Tech so he'll be getting paid the same as a Lead Custodian, but it is still a step up though and his pay per hour is also going to be raised a bit too since he has been with the school district for 2 years now. This pay raise will be in effect in August. My position is changing a little bit in a sense. Instead of being a 215 Custodian. I'm going to be a 226 Custodian because the office I'll be cleaning in wants the Custodians to be 226 and that's it which I am ok with because I was considering putting in a request to change to a 226 Custodian since I work like one anyway.
I'm kind of sure I have told you the difference between 215, 226, and 240 Custodial positions, but just in case I haven't I'll tell you here. The only differences between these positions is how many days they work and number of days they're off which effects how many checks they get a year which is a good thing in mine and Doug's case especially since Doug is a 240. We're also looking into apartments in the city where our work place is so we won't have to spend so much on gas anymore. At the moment, we're on a 6 month lease with our apartment complex right now. Hopefully, we can find a good place that isn't too much as far as price goes and we're also specifically looking into a 2 bedroom for reasons that I won't say here. I'll tell you in DM on here.
Anywho, we're both doing all right. It's just going to be weird for a little bit when we're both back at work on the 28th.
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drarrygirl27 · 2 years
Even if I am being dramatic as all hell, it is still me period. I am as real as I have ever been. I don't have the time nor the energy to be fake anymore.
Been there, Done that as they say. I wore a mask to try to fool people into thinking I was ok and that everything was just all good in the neighborhood even if my metaphorical house was burning down in an inferno of Hell.
What's funny is that from some conversations from some family members including my dad (Continue to R.I.P. Daddi-o) a good bit of time before he passed away, they never thought I was really ok. They just didn't know what to do or say when I got to the point of being so upset that I just shut off my emotions or at least attempted to not show how upset and or angry something made me. I was conditioned to do that. Thank God, I can no longer do that. That kind of life, the life I technically lived for 20+ if not even 29 years out of 33 years of living total was so miserable and my soul just felt anguished every day.
I would get into these phases of life I guess you could call it where I just felt like it was just me against the world at the end of the day. The world meaning practically everybody, but myself. Now imagine for just a moment where you not only feel like that, but you absolutely and positively hate yourself and you mentally and emotionally abuse yourself so you know you're not in even a good and or healthy mindset and so you decide that you need to do all you can do to isolate yourself from practically everybody that you like and love. You absolutely need to because there is a literal monster that lives inside you. You know that you can handle her beyond hurtful and harsh words. I mean you should be able to right? You've lived with her for a really, really, long time since the monster is you and unfortunately she is a big part of you so you can't just escape since at the end of the day of everyday you're stuck with you. Everyone else can be pushed away from you by you for what you ultimately see is for their own good because you don't want to hurt others even with your words. You would much rather continue hurting yourself than to even hurt one person that you really like and or love. You've never believed that words can't hurt people even if they technically can't break bones. Words can absolutely and positively can be detrimental to one's mental and emotional health if not to someone's overall health period. You know that fact all too well so you don't want to cause pain to others ever if you can help it. They can walk out the door never to see you again, but you can't walk away from yourself. The only permanent solution of getting away from my own damnation inside my own head was if I decided to risk actual damnation through suicide. Thank God, it never came to that and that I am still a little terrified of death itself and what actually happens when we leave this mortal plane.
Who knows where this literal self-hatred came from and whose fault it is for being there in the first place? Is it your fault? Is it someone else's fault? Is it more than one person's fault that you have a monster who lives inside of you? After reflecting on these questions for as long as I have even now being in a much better state of mind even just 5 years ago when that damn mask finally slipped off and or I just couldn't hold onto it anymore, my conclusion is all of the above. That all consuming and poisoning hate wasn't just born from me. It had to start somewhere to get as bad as it did by the time I was a pre-teen. It was born from some remarks and actions by others whether they meant for it to hurt me as much as it did or not. I now know that that is what fueled the monster inside of me and made it more dominant in my mind than anything else. Were the words and actions that some people did towards me meant to hurt me or did it seem like it and feel like it through my own warped point of view? That I am not 100% sure of to be honest. Some probably meant to hurt me on purpose while others did not. At least, that is what I hope anyway.
Gracious me! When I start freakin' writing, I write y'all. LOL!
Anyway, I am in a much better state of mind then I once was. Hell! I can actually look in the mirror and know that I am a beautiful human being and woman inside and out with flaws and all who deserves love and all that other good stuffedge especially from herself. It took me a long, long ass time to get there, but you know what they say, right? Better late than never.
how much of ur online presence is performative and how much is it u being u
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drarrygirl27 · 2 years
Mmm... Such lovely work here! 💖
Shassie FTW!!!
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Ooo... I really love this!!!
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drarrygirl27 · 2 years
Woo!!! Yeah!!! I love all of these, by the way. Mmm... They're all so damn good!
Friends to Lovers is: Thinking up futures together
Enemies to lovers is: Catching yourself staring at their mouth and immediately hating yourself for it cause damn they look beautiful 
Childhood friends to lovers is: I cannot remember a time when I did not love you
Rivals to Lovers is: Are we flirting or arguing??? neither of us can tell, fuck u but also fuck me
Idiots to lovers is: Kissing the wrong guy, telling them that maybe you liked their stupid face, flirting with them to see how they react Blushing, lots of blushing and not realising your in love until everyone else has
Fake Dating is: Realising this is the relationship ship you always wanted    don’t forget the domestication 
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