dream-ing1121 · 8 years
hello tumblrland, I rarely visit anymore. . . considering returning and blogging about life and my interests. 
Its been a strange day.
Like  i wrote a message to a dead girl strange.
so who knows. . .
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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John Boyega Is Enjoying Being In “Star Wars” So Damn Much
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
Pregnancy rule #243: your baby will kick the crap out of you until you say "oh, the baby's kicking! Here, feel!"
And then suddenly it will stop.
Because your baby wants you to look like a liar in front of your family.
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
The new mommy panic is setting in. My best friend is pregnant now too, shes about eleven weeks, I’m 22. Its great that we have each other to talk to about everything that’s happening in our lives and with out bodies. Of course we have family to talk to as well but somehow having a person to discuss everything with who is also going through it is just better.
Today though it feels like the walls are caving in, I feel so unprepared, and foolish. Everyone keeps asking what we need for the baby, but in all honesty Kody and I only have a vague idea. Everytime we try to look at things all we hear is don’t worry about it t’ll be taken care. But how can we not worry about it? Its my fucking baby what do you mean don’t worry about it? Don’t get me wrong I am so greatfull for all the help we are being offered and given but can I please please have some involvement? Can I decide if we want pink bands for the fucking baby bottles? Yes we are having a baby girl, but that doesn't mean she has to have pink forced on her. No one has asked how I feel about anything for her. Oh you have a bunch of great bottles for her, how do I know they are great? Can you please tell me why they are so great? Are they made of plastic? or Glass? Have you checked to see what type of plastic they are made out of? Because it fucking matters. Is it even a good idea for us to use bottles that have been pre-owned? Like have they become worn down and over use? Have they been in the microwave? Because I’m not comfortable with plastic bottles that have been in the microwave. 
Further more please don’t replace blue bands with only pink ones. I don’t want my child thinking pink means girl and blue means boy, because quite frankfully thats not the way it works dammit! I have a nephew who loved pink when he was about four and the entire family was very careful about not making a big deal about it. Why? Because pink is a fucking color and it didn’t matter! I remember hearing someone say well its not like it means hes going to be gay and if he is oh well. Exactly oh fucking well. Because he is four and likes pink well you know what he spent all his time with his mom whose favorite color was probably pink and guess what his dad played with my little ponies growing up because he had a sister and they were each others primary playmates. Not gay, not scared, not struggling with gender confusion. His life was not ruined by playing with fucking ponies with our big sister and his sons life will not be ruined by liking pink and other “girl” things. Just like my Mia will not be harmed with having other colors surrounding her rather than just pink. 
These are just a few things that she and I have been talking about and we’re damn mad about them. I feel better now I’ve gotten a lot of my anger out, I just want to raise my child a certain way and I damn sure want to have input on the things she has and is surrounded with in her earliest days. 
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
kitty cat looks so proud, like ha just try and wear black around me
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Shedding season is upon us. Prepare.
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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Great Dixter, East Sussex, England by Badger of the Bank
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
Life Updates!
So much has happened over the last few months and tumblr seems to be my favorite place to share, despite the fact that I’m sure nobody reads these. I’m thinking my blog might change up a bit to reflect my life and what I am going through right now! I think I’ve mentioned this a few times before but I am engaged and as of June 6th we are living together. Well we must have celebrated my arrival too much because we conceived right away. I am currently 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Although little one wasn’t exactly planned we are very excited to meet baby bear in March 2016!
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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dream-ing1121 · 9 years
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