dreamgirlpoems · 25 days
Snake Charming
gently kissing up my palms,
threatening to pull us into the depths below.
a prison 
that our souls already know ;
an enchanted well,
 a swirling mattress,
of fire and ice and delight.
cuts like a prism into your ocean eyes.
i iced you, hurt you,
turned away as you turned blue;
exhaled smug smoke 
while you fought 
for one last gasp 
at a life, anew.
grasping stretch,
haggard wretch.
tired and worn,
old friend.
the part of you who hates me
there, is locked inside a dark room.
in the corner, 
that little boy rocking back and forth;
you are him, only older.
i’m sorry
i only added to his pain.
i’m sorry I couldn’t protect you 
from the way my smokeless name
curls around your solid frame
after the lights go down 
on heaven’s ground;
a sweet - sounding, venomous snake
serenely summoning a man 
to whisk her away.
I have vices, too, inscribed into my name.
they float just around my neck ;
a necklace of pain, penance, purity.
a predetermined fate. 
i hope you lose me - 
shake me off like a bad dream;
inspire me with your tears 
to wash away the years of
exotic, poisonous perfume
that i douse myself in, 
with which I drown you,
and from those scars on your arms
a bow and arrow, drawn,
shot straight to the heart 
to tranquillize,
and break
for shame -
i hope you see what heresy exists in me,
and for once, see the goodness in you.
and I hope I’ll one day come to resist, desist,
snake - charming you. 
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dreamgirlpoems · 25 days
This Body
this body
has rolling hills and winding roads.
this body
sometimes comes to a standstill,
knowing not where to go.
this body
has felt the thundershock of fear,
when haunting memories float near.
this body
has healed like a flower blooming,
safe enough to be seen swooning.
this body is my rowboat, my home;
this body, I did not make on my own,
but this body I’ll water
as long as the sun goes round -
i’m grateful for this body
and I’ll love her,
whether she’s up or down.
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dreamgirlpoems · 8 months
The Campfire Moment
I haven’t dreamt of you in a long time.
I’m laying down on the cave floor, my hair sprawled out behind me like a dark fan. The walls flicker in licks of orange and red from the large crackling fire. It’s dark outside, nightfall. We’re camping outdoors, but we take shelter just inside this cave, two of your fellow men talking jovially beside us. We’ve had a fun evening with them, and now we’re in our own little world. Easy 1920s jazz plays in the background - where from, I don’t know- a soft choir singing, rising and falling. 
You’re dressed in your old army wear. How long have we been on the road for? I can’t tell.
You’re smoking a cigarette, just like your boys. A regular one, not a cigar. I ask to come closer. You take me in your arms, my head in your lap; your two friends momentarily and gently forgotten. I look up at your face: the sharp, angular lines of your jaw, the fair symmetry from left to right. I touch your left cheek with my hand. You’re smiling down at me, and your mouth and your eyes turn together. That’s how I knew your heart and mind were one.
Before I know it, you’re kissing me. It tastes of smoke and I feel the scratch of stubble. Funny, because I never felt that when we were together. Or did I? It’s been long enough now, that small details slip away from me, the finest ones falling through my fingers like sand, like grains of sugar : sweet, seedless and implantable, their legacies lost. 
You say all you’d really like is to go outdoors adventuring, camping, just the two of us. You laugh because you know all I want is to be indoors and cosy, comforted and cuddled. 
I protest. 
‘No, I want that too, Rob, of course I do!’ 
I can camp, sure. I did many things with you I never dreamed I would. We’re laughing and your blue green eyes are holding me. Each time you kiss me a sigh escapes me,
breathily, softly.
Towards the end of the dream, my lips end on your high cheekbone. Your right one. It’s all I ever wanted, it’s all I needed to be happy - one moment with my lips pressed on your smooth skin. Because, even laying on that hard ground, with no home and only the clothes on our backs, I was the happiest I’ve ever been. I open my eyes and see the curve where your indented eye rises again to meets your cheek, see the fine lines around your eyes carved into the smooth skin, like tracks on desert sand, or like signposts on a trail. The beauty. My fingers run through your ashy hair with my other hand - your hair is long, like it was in the beginning. Your hand supports the small of my back. Stillness. And then -
Something shifts. Though we don’t move,  a new feeling breaks through the surface. A feeling like a gentle drizzle of rain - just enough to let me know my world is not perfect - rises silently within me.
I’m still holding your face, my lips on your cheek. But I’ve realised. The pain begins to build inside me, though the moment is still sweet. My eyes closed, I say it before I know what it means.
“I’m going to lose you.”
It’s not a prediction, it’s a remembrance. 
That’s when I woke up. The tear was already running down my cheek. It surprised me to remember you in such detail. To watch our story back again like that. But this is no fairytale, and there’s no happily ever after. I kept my eyes tight shut, brow furrowed, trying to squeeze out the truth, to keep hold onto that gem we mined out of life, that one, short golden moment.
But pain came barging in like a pushy salesman, interrupting our love, knocking right at our front door.
Why couldn’t they tell we didn’t want to buy their sad story?
And just before my consciousness was pulled out of the dream, I memorised that mental snapshot, that happy moment around the campfire. You don’t know it yet, nobody knows it, and the vintage music keeps playing, the men keep laughing, and you keep holding me. But I know what’s coming. And everything has changed. 
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
Danger, Ecstasy
I had a dream 
That you were standing before me.
As you often did,
After a close embrace.
Holding my shoulders tight,
Ever a serious, penetrating look:
Blue- green eyes like laser beams
On a perfect, pale face.
But this time
You were running something sharp 
Inside my mouth.
Lovingly, gently:
Unaware of your ability to pain me,
The knife went around and around
My soft, wet insides.
They opened to you…
I had nowhere left to hide.
Like a racecar on a track,
Death around every corner:
My awareness growing,
Yours getting smaller -
Never cutting me -
Yet on the brink of tragedy -
That was how I loved you;
And that was how you loved me.
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
The Lost Haiku
I was written a lovely haiku
By a man in a cowboy hat and World War One boots.
He owns a very charming moustache,
But more charming is the way 
A ticklish memory lights up his mind
When he randomly breaks into a laugh.
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
Pleasant Valley
Pick me up on pleasant valley,
The worst neighbourhood  in the city.
They gave it the name 
To assuage the pain;
The gunshots and sirens exploding,
Like shooting stars, falling,
Night and day.
Drive me to cedar park
Turn up the radio so loud 
We can’t hear our own thoughts.
Hand in mine,
And when we would stop at red lights
I’d cross over your border 
To leave a kiss on your lips.
A quick peck, just to show you 
That if you were ever 
To ride without me,
You’d be missed.
I miss those days
With a deep heartache.
I’d pay some part of my soul
To have it back, that way.
Because as imperfect as it was,
We were free.
And as impossible as we were
For a little while,
We were happy;
The happiest man and woman
In that dog-eared, dusty city.
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
Silver Linings 
but you see,
had my life gone well,
i fear i would not have written
 much poetry.
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
Tumblr media
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
Box Of Darkness
“Someone I loved once gave me
A box full of darkness.”
Mary Oliver
Had just sorrowfully described,
Long before our time,
Our relationship.
In all its beautiful disguise,
And its beautiful demise.
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
My bodymind,
So delicate,
So precious.
One wrong touch 
and I could just


Smarting at the eyes.
Like the bow on a ribbon, 
I thought I’d so tightly tied.
Inexplicably, now, 
Loosening at the sides. 
Like an ill baked pastry,
Clumsily timed; crumbling and dry.
And, this time, it seems,
I’ve run out of tries. 
Fumes of my mistakes escape the oven;
They trumpet my demise. 
The hands on the clock wither away
Any hope I had of an escape
From this circular merry - go - round;
A life of endless ups. and downs.
Do it right.
Come on, do it right!

Always concerned 
With the ways I
Do or do not
Shine my light.
Am I alright
Dear God, 
Am I alright ? 

If I could just get on that flight
And settle into a sunnier place,
I have a feeling I’d be alright;
For infinitum, 
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
Free Of Ice
That my very existence is haram.
Stealing out the pages 
From a storybook,
Owned by a girl permitted 
To live more liberally than I;
No tentacles
To which she is hooked.
Never haunted 
By a guilty conscience,
Never doubting the right 
To show her body
Or her smile,
Even if it is broken.
How does it feel to live
Un-trapped on the inside? 
Open, expansive, joyous and free.
The way I felt for one full year, 
Travelling around the world -
You, sort of, with me.
You made all the difference, honey.
I’ll always be reminded of my limits.
Limits galore;
The only real show
I’ve ever known:
“Come see 
The chained girl , confined!”
Prowling restlessly, like a powerful tiger 
Trapped in her cage
Of thought and time.
Maybe one day
I’ll figure it out,
And glide out,
Like water, 
Breaking free of ice.
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
Neither Does He
The day you said you wanted
To fuck other women
Was the day you lost
Access to me.
That's how it goes;
What did you expect, baby?
No insights into my life,
No updates, no whereabouts.
The end to your clout,
Just the abyss of self- doubt
Left , for you.
I'll run through-
Trust me,
 I can run through
Any number of men,
Here at my feet.
Adoring me,
Bodies pulled together,
I don’t mind it, 
Sweet baby.
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
New Sun
This time last year, I didn’t know you.
And this same time this year,
I no longer know you.
You wear two faces.
Switch up your masks.
Feigning love, when really you hate me
Although somehow , you love me, don’t you?
Conflicted mind, true heart.
Your betrayal, I could never recover from.
Our death sentence- my anger on you.
Maybe if we were better people -
But then again, if we were healed -
Would we have ever met , 
Blossomed and bloomed? 
Doomed from within.
Doomed from the word 'begin.'
Souls hopelessly pulled toward each other
Souls no good for one other.
I am repulsed by you.
I am sorely disappointed.
But I’m also in love with you,
With the absence of your embrace, 
I am haunted.
I’ll find a new way,
I’ll make a new sun.
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
Red Black
Red -Black
Bars of Hell.
This picture is exactly you.
Exactly you.
You’d show me songs of the 
Inside of your brain
And I just found a picture of it,
The funny thing is,
When I was trapped behind your 
Bars of Hell 
I thought it wasn’t the worst place
To spend a lonely afternoon. 
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
Elitist (The Void)
A picture perfect dream life,
A painting made from all white.
Void of colour. 
All white,
His might.
When there’s no room for self reflection
He can only be right.
Things he loved:
(Unless you are responsible for them)
Running far away from one’s fears
Illicit drugs
Illicit dreams?
Enforced distance
(From where he will once again miss me),
The void
The void
The void.
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
Turn Back Time
I guess I’m just as messed up
As the people I wish to save.
And I guess that’s why
I feel connected to them:
Their pain, my pain .
Guess I’ve never really felt whole.
Never felt loveable
And that’s why I try so hard 
To make myself so.
I mean, look at me.
I’m not it, am I?
Maybe I can just about
Pull it off,
With my best efforts. 
But what am I ,
Stripped down ,
Bare skin and bone?
Creative soul
A healer, really? or a destroyer?
Stuck in my ego
No real sense of self
Oscillating between two extremes
Angel from heaven, 
vixen from hell.
Do I use people?
Why have I never felt ok?
Save for short, glorious moments
Feeling special,
Why does it come at such a high price?
Why do I still see you when I look into my eyes?
How can you love me and hurt me, so? how can you love me and hurt me , so?
Shouldn’t I ask myself the same thing?
Because I don’t really love myself,
Do I?
That’s why I can hurt myself
Pour poisonous elixers for myself to drink
Bubbling black in my intestines, ruining my insides. 
Sometimes I see the point,
And sometimes I don’t.
But most of the time I just wish I
Could feel something lighter
Than this heaviness I know.
Needed you.
To show me that I’m ok
Show me that I’m ok
Because I’ve never ever 
Felt that way. 
Show me that I’m loveable
Someone you’d spend your entire life with.
Would you love the ugliest parts of me?
The parts I try so hard
To make sure no one sees?
Would you push me away
Every time I try to get close?
Would you keep doing it ,
When you know
How much it hurts?
To bring out the worst in me,
The worst in you.
Treated me like the enemy,
When I got to know you.
Made me feel wrong.
I no longer belong. 
Throw those other women in my face some more,
Why don’t you? 
I need to just forget you 
Because you’ll never
Warm my soul, 
That which you are painting, so blue. 
It’s a fallacy
Time is a menace over me
And you’ll  only ever love me
While I pretend I don’t care.
I can’t win that game,
And its a fight that’s not fair.
I still see you when I look into my eyes.
But after everything,
I know I still wouldn’t 
Turn back time.
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dreamgirlpoems · 1 year
The Kites In Bali
i look up 
and see countless black shapes
soaring high up in the skies,
breaking through the clouds.
are they kissing the stars?
a dragon, snaking its way
across blue and white,
cotton- wool skies;
a neon green sign
calling to be free.
calling both you,
and calling me.
and underneath every kite
stands a happy child,
and this thought
warms me up a little,
on empty , embraceless nights
when i remember the ghost children 
that could've been ours.
laughing, playing, holding kites.
here i stand, surrounding by eager faces,
my jewels glittering in the dark.
and yet, your face is the only one in sight;
your eyes, like turquoise stones, 
set into my heart.
and i’m so high up here
that the birds fly with me.
my home is now theirs
 by blossoming orange petals,
leafy green trees. 
am i still your flower?
time makes sad things of us,
it makes sad things of us.
i’ll keep waiting for time to heal.
because when i tried to fly,
i fell,
higher up than i knew,
 Feeling more then i ever believed
 i would feel.
forgetting that,
sitting on your shoulders
was the very reason
 i could see the world so clearly,
see it so real.
my breath of fresh air was 
taken from your lungs,
and we spin , panting,
on a wagon wheel.
those kites in Bali,
I haven't thought about it a while.
but there was no sky ever more blue
than your beautiful eyes.
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