dreaming-maya · 1 year
Moonlight / Charles Leclerc
Author: this serie is breaking me please make me stop, thankfully this was the last part of it
Summary: [...] And I just wanna know if you're in love yet girl [...]
Warnings: angst, so much angst it breaks my heart
Disclaimer: this fic is part of a ‘trilogy’, if you haven’t done it yet go read ‘friends’ and ‘into it’ first
Part two - Part one
Absolutely not my gif, creds to @landonorriss if u want me to take it down just let me know
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“Are you hungry? We can stop at that gas station if you want.” Daniel asked giving you a quick glance as you played on his phone. You looked up from the screen and spotted the station not so far away from you. You nodded, needing to move a bit to prevent your legs from going numb. The Australian boy soon pulled over, stopping in order to also refuel. As soon as you hopped out of the car you felt blood starting to circulate again in your system. You stretched out your arms, the hoodie slightly rising from your mid thigh. You leaned back in the car to grab some money for a snack and water.
“You need anything?” You asked him still looking at your hands in order to not drop anything. You had been driving for the past three hours non stop and your back was beginning to hurt. Even just standing up was a cure-all. You still had a few hours left but you hoped it was going to be worth it after all.
“Yea, can you grab me those snacks you always have at your place? I never remember the name.” He scratched his head while walking around the car. You nodded again and walked towards the small shop. You were headed to his next race: Monza. Daniel had insisted on going there with his car to spend more time together and you didn’t mind at all. He would usually fly around but airports were full of paparazzi and you didn’t need any more drama. Also you could have been spent some quality time together, which was hard to do alone whenever he had to travel around the world for his job.
“Just these, thanks.” You smiled at the lady behind the cashier as you handed her the food. She scanned it, while you looked outside, seeking the tall, tanned, curly haired man who was still standing next to the car. Another two weeks had passed since that night and it was a lot to unpack. That night you both sat down in his apartment and you slowly told him everything. Every single thing. Daniel was so mad at himself for not connecting the dots any sooner. You were his best friend after all, he should’ve known something wasn’t adding up. But you told him you and Charles had been very good at hiding it all from anyone. It was freeing to finally come to terms with the truth and to finally tell someone. Daniel was very supportive and he understood right away the situation, he never pushed you into any quick conclusions. He knew it wasn’t his place to speak so he just let you sort your feelings out.
“I took the chocolate ones because they didn’t have your favorites.” You explained as you handed him his snack, he sent you a flying kiss while he went back to his seat. The drive was not over yet but you hoped time would pass by as fast as possible. You loved being with Daniel but you also had grown very tired and needed to get some sleep. The race was going to be in a couple days so you had all the time in the world to relax. You postponed thinking about the fact that Charles was going to be there as well. You did not know what to think anymore, or even feel. Was it going to be a disaster? Was he going to ignore you? Did Charlotte know? Did he tell her? You really had no idea.
“I can see you overthinking. Just relax. It’s going to be okay.” Daniel tried to reassure you, stealing a quick glance at you. You sighed and nodded, really trying to not let anxiety or fear overwhelm you. What could be possibly happening? Nothing. You ended things and you were more than okay with the way you were living your life. You looked outside the window, trying to shut those useless thoughts out.
“Wish me good luck.” Daniel had his helmet in his hands as the other mechanics walked around the car. You grinned at his words. He didn’t seem scared or anxious. He was doing what he loved to do. He was just extremely excited. The previous days had been quite rowdy. Paparazzi, interviewers, fans. You got to see the others as well but Charles or Charlotte were nowhere to be seen. It wasn’t like you had actually looked for them but it still was weird that you hadn’t stumbled across them just yet. The last two days you had tried to catch up onto all the lost sleep hours but you often found yourself staring at the ceiling throughout the night. You refused to let your thoughts in, to think about what you needed to think about. As if shutting yourself down was a good idea.
“You don’t need it, champ. Just go and make them bite the dust.” You winked at him, he chuckled playing with the helmet. You looked behind him and saw that the time left was very little. He needed to hurry.
“I know I shouldn’t tell you this but... Charles asked me about you yesterday...— he looked at you, seeking a reaction on your face to see if he should have told you— He doesn’t want to see you...” you gulped vividly, trying not to let his words get to your head. You nodded, a fake smile displayed on your face as you hid your disappointed and hurt face. He didn’t even have the courage to come up to you and tell you himself.
“C’mon, you have a race to win, Dan.” You gave him a weak smile and he places a kiss on your forehead. ‘I’m sorry’ he mumbled against your skin before walking away. You kept it together for as long as possible. Feeling your tears filling your eyes as you watched Daniel’s car leave the box. Nobody was paying attention to you thankfully. Then you walked out of the box, in need for a moment to recollect yourself. What a grown ass man. He was old enough to cheat on his girlfriend but not old enough to come to you and tell you he didn’t want to see you. He was an imbecile and if before you were unsure about what your feelings towards him could have been after that night, you knew you would have had a hard time trying not to chop his head off.
“Ricciardo seems to be determined in chasing Leclerc down. What has gotten into him? Haven’t seen him so aggressive in years.” You turned around. Eyes fixed on the screen as you watched Daniel overtaking Sainz and then going after Charles. They were fighting for the second place at this point. You bit your nail as you watched carefully every single move. You obviously rooted for your best friend but you knew Charles wasn’t going to give up on the position unless it was taken from him. You had been sitting in the back of the box, trying to cool yourself down after Daniel’s words.
“Leclerc is having a hard time keeping up with Ricciardo. Will he give up the second place?” You knew he’d rather take bigger risks than give in like this. You slightly pulled your hair as the tension risen within the room was unbearable at this point. You gulped when Daniel’s car almost touched the back of Charles’. You hissed when the two cars almost touched again. You doubted that was going to end well. Was he acting like that because of what he had told him? You hoped not because it was most certainly not worth it.
“Leclerc is losing so much power. Ricciardo is not going to slow down.” You looked up at the screen, biting your bottom lip as you all waited for something to happen. There were ten laps to go before the race ended and Daniel had been behind Charles for the last three ones. Maybe it was just about getting on the podium because there way either of them could chase down Lewis that was currently six seconds ahead of Charles. The pressure, the tension, the waiting, the uneven breathing, the anxiety. That was why people loved to watch these races, for moments like this.
“And Lewis Hamilton is the winner of the Spanish Grand Prix!” The commentators screamed as Lewis crossed the finish line. Charles and Daniel feet away from him as they still fought for the position, one of them was going to have to give up on it before anything bad happened but they both seemed to be very determined. But then it happened: Daniel let go, Charles kept pushing and arrived as second. You let out a big sigh you were unaware of holding as you heard everyone celebrating. You smiled clapping as thoughts ran through your mind. Daniel was going to be very pissed about it but he did a very good job no matter the outcome.
“Charles Leclerc positions himself as second in the Spanish Grand Prix! What a race for the young Ferrari driver!” You waited for all the cars to return to their garages before stepping out and looking for your best friend. You stumbled across a very sweaty Lewis, paparazzi trying to interview him. You congratulated him while you still looked for the tanned Australian boy among these people. You spotted almost all the drivers: Lance, Lando, Yuki, Pierre, Carlos, Kimi, Sebastian, Charles... The monegasque man was drying his sweat with a towel while sipping on his drink, a few feet away from Lewis. You stood still for a couple of minutes as you stared at him. You had always told him he looked divine in his red suit, especially after races when his cheeks would be a bright shade of pink due to sweat and adrenaline and his eyes would be an even prettier shade of green mixed with spots of blue. Before you knew your lips were curved into a small smile as memories ran through your mind. That was until two arms were tightly wrapped around his neck and a pair of lips pressed a loving kiss onto his cheek. Charlotte.
“Y/n? What you doing out here?” You were caught off guard by the voice of your best friend which made you turn around to face him. He looked tired and annoyed in his orange McLaren suit. You tilted your head to the side before opening your arms in order to hug him. Daniel didn’t look very approachable whenever he was angry, but you knew him better than everyone else and you knew he just needed reassurance and love in times like this. The brunette’s facial features relaxed as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around you. You sighed as you let go in his embrace. Little did you know a pair of eyes was staring at the loving scene...
“You did an amazing job, don’t be so harsh on yourself, Dan.” You reassured him as you walked towards the McLaren garage. He sighed nodding, not very convinced by your words. He knew third place was not bad at all, especially for someone who had joined a new team so he needed to be calm and relaxed if he wanted to improve himself throughout his time in McLaren. The mechanics and engineers congratulated him as you stood back, very proud of him and his results. You knew it was time for the worst part of the day: the press conference.
“Well this is a very exciting podium. McLaren once again here but this time with Ferrari. Charles, how do you feel about this second place? Do you think there was more that could be done?” The interviewer asked him. You stood in the back of the room, trying to cover yourself behind all those people. Daniel sipped on his drink as the monegasque spoke. You could cut the tension between them with a knife. Luckily Lewis sat in between to prevent them from being too close. Not that Lewis knew anything about what had gone down among you three but the universe had decided to play in your team for once.
“Glad I could bring the team back on the podium this season. Erm.. Definitely I could’ve done more but I think it’s important to celebrate and then push even harder next time.” He answered calmly. Daniel played with the bracelet around his wrist as he tried not to let his emotions get the best of him. You could only imagine what was actually going through his mind. Not only did Charles fuck you over but he also got ahead of him on the podium. Things couldn’t get worse at this point.
“Daniel, we saw you fighting for that second place like your life deepened on it. What was that about?” The interviewer teased him. The Australian man chuckled and tried to find a good excuse. Charles didn’t even dare to look at him while he drank from his water bottle. You sighed, why did they have to tease him so much?
“Well I guess it was just about getting that second place.” He replied with a slight smirk on his face. Charles raised his brows, knowing very well it was not just about racing but neither of them dared to bring that up. The interview continued for a good amount of time. You were quite scared they were going to snap at some point but thankfully they didn’t. You could cut the tension between them with a knife and you knew they’d be at each other’s throat if it weren’t a public event.
“Lewis, what do you think about Max's accident? Do you think it was linket to the tyres or to something else? Would have he been able, in your opinion, to overtake you in the last ten laps?" These questions were clearly made to annoy them as much as they could, knowing they couldn't simply burst out of anger, if they wanted their careers to continue. Lewis faked a chuckle as he thought of a good answer. You stopped listening to the interview mid way through it and stood up, leaving the room. It was too much to handle for you in that moment. You didn’t even know what the point was in staying there and letting them be at each other’s throats. You hated to be the reason they couldn’t stand each other. You knew Daniel would’ve never admitted it but you knew he was acting like that because of all the things that had happened between you and Charles. You knew the risk was high. You both knew it would have caused you problems to start all of this but you still chose to do it. Call it stupidity, call it naivety, call it frivolity, call it love. Whatever it was, it had ruined everything else.
"Thank you." you smiled up at the waitress who put down your coffee on the table. Your eyes went straight back to the screen of your laptop as you continued to work unbothered. You had realised that working your ass off was the only way to keep your thoughts at bay, it helped you logging off from the reality and that was what you only needed. It was a sunny day in Monza, you were just enjoying the soft rays coming from the sun setting. The café was not even crowded and you couldn't love the moment more. It felt as everything had shut down and it was just you. You sent the hundrendth email of the day and sipped on your drink, taking in a deep sigh.
"Y/n?" you looked up from the bright screen to meet a pair of clear eyes. Your teeth let go of your bottom lip as your lips curved into a smile adìnd you stood up to hug the person in front of you. Pierre wrapped his arms around your frame with no hesitation. "I didn't know you had come to Monza as well." he murmured still hugging you. You slowly let go of each other. The french blondie took place in front of you sitting down in the booth, the waitress came to take his order as well. Your laptop was soon shut down in order to fully focus on the blonde man in front of you. Your smile was still fully displayed on your lips.
"How are you? I haven't heard from you since... I think Spain? What's up?" he smiled while looking straight into your eyes. You and Pierre had become close friends throughout the years, it was mainly because of Charles. You used to hang out a lot. The three of you. Then Pierre started to drift away after getting a girlfriend. You didn't think it was on purpose, starting to date someone took some time away from your friends and you never really blamed it on him. After a few weeks Pierre had stopped hanging out with you as much as he used to, you and Charles grew closer and closer until everything collided only to fall apart months later.
"I'm good, I've been busy with work but I had promised Dan to come to the last race of the year. How about you? How's everything going?" you asked as well. You had never told Pierre about what had happened between you and Charles. You weren't entirely sure the moneguasque man hadn't told him about it. At the end of the day Charles and Pierre were really close friends, just like you and Daniel, so it wouldn't have surprised you to find out he was aware of the latest news.
"All good, very excited for this last race. Honestly can't wait. We should go out celebrating like the old times: you, me and Charles." he suggested, a soft smile on his lips. You gulped, trying not to let any emotion shine through your facial expressions. Did he really not know? You were even more surprised. Before you knew it you were nodding your head in agreement. In all sincerity you hadn't reached out to Charles since two weeks before. He had drunkely called you on a saturday night, three weeks after the Spanish Grand Prix. You were asleep, having worked until midnight. When you read his name off your phone you didn't even hesitate and immediately picked it up.
"Charles? Charles, are you okay?" your worried tone was audible throught the phone as you bit on the skin of your thumb, anxiously waiting for him to speak up. He hadn't even dared to speak to you the last time you had seen him, he had even asked Daniel to keep you away from him and now he was calling you?
"Y/n... I- I-... Fuck..." a few loud noises came from the other line. You furrowed your brows even more confused as to what was going on. You walked around the hotel room, trying to see if you could hear him better in another position.
"Y/n? Are you there?" he asked worried.
"Yes, I'm here, Charles. What's wrong?" you kept asking, hoping he wasn't injured or anything like that. You could tell by the way he slurred his words that he was drunk.
"You should be here..." silence upon the two of you. You were left speechless. He let out a strangled whine. "-Here with me... Why aren't you here with me, baby?" the sweetness and melancholy in his voice had your guts twisted. Your mouth was dry and you couldn't find the strenght to speak up, suddenly unable to say something. The pet name caused your heart to skip a beat.
"Y/n, are you there?" he asked again, even more worried you had hung up.
"Yes, I'm here, Charles... Is Charlotte there? Do you want me to call her for you?" that was the only thing that you could say after his confession. You heard a loud sigh escaping his lips and then silence again.
"No. I want you here with me... Why couldn't you just love me back, baby? What's wrong with me?" his voice cracked through the phone and you knew if he had just started crying you wouldn't have resisted any longer. You bit down your bottom lip in agony. Why was he doing this to you?
"Charles, it's late and you're drunk... We can talk about this another time when you have sobered up..." you tried to calm him down but he whined loudly, a grunt leaving his mouth. You heard shuffle from the other line, assuming he had started walking around the place.
"No! I know I love you, y/n, I have told you before and I am telling you now. I just- I just-... I just need you to say it back, baby... Please..." your felt your heart break in that moment as he begged you. You licked your lips, looking around your room trying to find an answer that only lied within you.
"Charles... You're drunk, go to sleep, please..."
"Say it, fuck- say it, please..." he sobbed. You left yourself drop on the bed, sitting on the verge of it. You tortured your bottom lip with your teeth. You could hear him breath through the phone.
"Goodnight, Charles."
"You both have girlfriends now, I'm sure they'll desire to celebrate with you after the race." you attempted to find a solid excuse. Pierre smiled and looked outside as the sun slowly left its place. You fidgeted with your fingers under the table, finding it harder and harder to keep lying straight to his face. Even if you two had slowly drifted apart, not having the material time to spend together, you still hated to lie to him.
"I just want a night out with my best friends. I think they'll both understand, honey." he added before the subject was dropped and you moved onto the next one. Pierre asked you a good amount of questions about your life and your work, looking quite interested in what you were saying. You spent the following two hours catching up, findind out about all the news you had missed in the last months. It felt like home speaking to Pierre. No need to lie, to apologize, to pretend. No judgement came from him. You lost the track of time in the meanwhile. It was always like this with him. The entire world stopped spinning as you laughed and enjoyed each other's company.
"This is your room? Mine is that one on the right. What a coincidence." he grinned stopping in front of the wooden door. You pulled out your keys. You had decided to walk back to your hotel to spend more time together, without taking a cab or a uber. It was good and refreshing to hang out with an old friend like Pierre, someone who got you so quickly and well. The blondie's hands slipped inside his pockets. "Well see you tomorrow then. I owe you a coffee." you joked and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He nodded but stood there in silence instead of walking away. You frowned in confusion. He hesitated for a second, debating whether or not it was his place to speak up.
"I don't know what has happened between you two, y/n, and I'm not interested in knowing, but don't let it take such a wonderful thing away from you. Whether it was a friendship or something more, it’s worth it." His words got stuck in your head for the following hours which led obviously to a sleepless night. You watched Pierre walking away towards his room, your thoughts blowing up your mind. You had so many questions and no answer to any of them. You wondered if he knew because Charles had told him or if it was that obvious. That night you turned around in the sheets multiple times, trying to find the best position to fall asleep but nothing seemed to be working. It was impossible for you to let go of all the thoughts driving you insane.
‘Whether it was a friendship or something more, it’s worth it.’
Your memories shared with Charles flashed through your mind. The hook up's, the kisses, the sneaking around's, the secretive glances, the suppressed laughters. It was not just about sex but you made sure it was. You didn't want to let yourself believe it could be more, you tried to stem the problem but you should have known better than to think feelings were easy to control. You should've known either of you would have fallen for the other, if not both. When that happened, when you both began to fall, instead of embracing it, instead of taking the risk, instead of living your life with no regrets, you chose to hide, to run away, to let it go. You thought it was the best decision but was it? Months had gone by and neither of you had actually moved on from each other. What was the point of drowning your feelings?
Before you even acknowledged it, you had stood up and left your room, walking down the hallway. You looked at the numbers on the rooms cautiously. Everyone was probably asleep since it were around three in the morning but you had never been this awoken. You stopped in front of the room 399. You were in a state of trance where you didn’t have any control over your actions. You vividly remembered walking down the hallway with Daniel by your side and seeing Charles getting out of his room, Carlos waiting for him just outisde the door. That piece of information was fundemental in that moment. Your knuckles touched the wooden door before you allowed yourself to think all of this through. You waited and waited. It was quite late in the night.
"Y/n?" you looked up from your nails to the boy standing in front of you. Charles struggled to keep his eyes open and you could tell you had just woken him up by his messy hair and pajamas. You gulped, suddenly not sure as to what you were supposed to tell him. He looked at you, no emotion on his face which didn't help your case.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have woken you up..." you tried to apologize and leave him alone, fully aware you were just waisting your and his time. What was the point of this anyway? Charles frowned still half asleep and fully confused. He took a step forward to stop you from walking away. He was tired of seeing you walking away from him, it felt as if the chase never ended and he hated it. Every and each time he thought he had you, you slipped away.
"Come inside." he stepped aside to let you walk in his room. You hesitated for a second but his clear eyes fooled you again, you nodded and followed him. The room was almost completely dark, except for the rays of the moon entering the place through the curtains. There wasn't a lot of space and most of it was occupied by his bed. You were surprised to not see Charlotte with him. Didn't you see her walk though the paddock the day before? Then why didn't they share the same hotel room? Charles stood in front of you again, a few feet separating the two of you.
"Do you want something to drink?" he politely asked as he poured himself a glass of water. You nodded and he did the same for you, handing the cup over to you. You sipped on the cold water, hoping it would have helped you calm down. Your eyes darted around the dim lightened room, trying to find the courage to start talking. Meanwhile Charles stared at you with a confused yet interested look on his face. He didn't expect you to talk to him, not even after that little drunk exchange you had had a few weeks prior. He unfortunately remembered all of it and although he wantedd to call you about that, he also wasn't sure it would have helped anything.
"Daniel and I aren't dating." you blurted out of nowhere. Charles' eyebrows furrowed and he slowly nodded, not sure as to what his reaction should have been. You gulped and took in a breath. "We've never dated." you continued hoping he'd get the hint. Why were you telling him that now? It had been months. Why just now? Charles was at loss of words. You fixated your gaze on him, feeling extremely drawn to him.
"Okay..." he commented emotionless. You couldn't expect much more from him after all he had done for you, it was your time to expose yourself a bit more. You put down your glass on the table, stepping a bit closer to him. Charles didn't back away but he felt the hairs on his body stand and his breath hitch in his throat. You stared right inside his greenish eyes, a bit red since he had just woken up and you felt bad for being the cause of his awake.
"I didn't want to hurt you. I never intended to, Charles."
"But you did anyway, y/n." he spat back, you couldn't tell if he was angry, upset, sad or hurt. Maybe a bit of all of them. You wetted your lips and his eyes got stuck on that little movement of yours. You still had a big effect on him. It was like you had casted a spell on him and he couldn't get you out of his head. No matter what.
"I didn't know what to do. I wasn't ready for anything serious. I didn't expect you to come and tell me you...” words died in your throat because it felt like a forbidden action to say it out loud. Charles tilted his head to the side, you could tell by his composure he was getting more and more angry. A chuckle erupted from his lips, a bittersweet laughter to be honest.
“You can say it... I told you I loved you. It’s not that hard, is it?” His tone had drastically changed and he was fully awoken now. He sighed and started walking around the room, trying to find a solution to the problem. It was clear that time hadn’t fixed anything, it only had made it worse. There was no use in continuing to lie to each other.
"If you really loved me then why did you get with Charlotte?" those words came out of your mouth more harshly than you had planned them to be. Charles looked up from the floor to you, a surprised look on his face. He could not believe his own ears. How could you say something like that?
"Because you didn't love me, y/n. What did you expect me to do? Keep waiting for something that was never going to happen? Why can't you just leave me alone? I did so much for you and all you did was keep breaking my heart, what is the point anymore? You said you'd never loved me and never will, why would I desire to hurt myself even more?" he stated angrily and he had all the right to be. After all the things you had put him through, he was the only one, out of you two, to be honest, to risk it all for you. He had let you use him, fool him, hurt him. You had a control over him that no one else had, not even Charlotte. Even now, with his heart broken so many times, he would have done anything for you and that realization only hurt him more.
"But I do love you!" you bursted out. He immediately went silent, processing your words. You silenced yourself as well, not believing you had just admitted that to him. Charles looked like he had just seen a ghost and who could blame him? After months of trying to move on from you, to digest your honest yet hurtful words, you had the audacity to tell him that you had been lying all this time.
"You're lying..." he mumbled in disbelief. You shook your head, taking a step forward. He didn't even try and step back, too much shocked by this sudden revelation. He was feeling mixed emotions. Anger, joy, disppointment, happiness. You looked straight into his clear eyes and stretched your hand out to touch his cheek.
"I'm sorry... I love you." you mumbled again, feeling a weight coming off your chest. His eyes filled with tears and he wasn't sure if it was for happiness or sadness, he didn't know why he was tearing up and neither did you. He gulped and leaned in your touch, he hated how bad he needed you. He looked for you everywhere, in any place, song, book, race, flight. He looked for your essence. And it hurt him. It hurt him deeply but it felt like he could breath again.
"You can't do this to me... You can't..." he whined, you cupped both his cheeks sweetly. Your eyes began to tear up as well as you noticed how badly you had hurt the man in front of you. You wondered how he could still look at you after all the things you had done to him. You were taking advantage of him, of his love for you, of his weakness.
"I should have told you so long ago... I've loved you since the first moment. I thought pushing those feelings aside would have prevented this from happening but it didn't. I was wrong and I hurt you. I hurt the only person I should've never hurt. You never deserved to be treated like that, Charles, and I'm so sorry..." you said while tears rolled down his cheeks. He wanted to act tought, to be strong, to fake his confidence. But he couldn't. He felt lost and the way you held him tasted like family to him. He just wanted you to hold him like that for the rest of his life, for eternity. He was loudly sobbing, his heart ached like it had never done before, it felt like it was going to rip into two halves.
"I know I'm selfish, but I'd rather be that than stupid to let you go. My heart is yours, Charles and you have the right to keep it or break it. I just needed you to know that I have loved you since always..." your thumbs swiped some of his tears away, your sight just as blurry as his. He didn't know what to say. His emotions and feelings were a mess. He knew he had never stopped loving you but was following his heart the right decision? He loved you but the trust he had left in you was little. Who could assure him you weren't going to leave him heartbroken again? You stayed in silence for awhile, letting him process his emotions. It wasn't right of you to say all of that and expect him to let you back in his life but it was the only thing he wanted to do. You were the only thing he wanted in his life and he wished he could feel guilty about Charlotte but he genuinely didn't care, not when it came to you. He would have done anything to get you back even if it meant breaking his own heart again.
"I can leave if you want me to..." you suggested. Maybe he could use some time to think about your words but as you retracted your hand from his face he quickly grabbed it with need. You frowned but didn't step away.
"No please... Don't leave me again, please." he mumbled, puffy and red eyes staring right back at you. You nodded and wrapped your arms around him, engulfing him in a tight hug. You wanted to know what his thoughts were but you also knew you weren't in the position to make demands, so you simply held him tight against your body. He allowed you to hug him, the person you had hurt the most. As he sobbed on your shoulder you sweetly petted his hair. Your heart suffered knowing it was your fault but mainly knowing he was hurting. You were being selfish and he hated that he loved it. He loved that you were being selfish because it gave his heart peace and war. He was tormented by you but he couldn't stop himself from falling back into your arms over and over again. Was it right? No. But did he care? No as well. You slightly pulled away to take a look at his state but soon his lips were pressed on yours in a needy and heated kiss.
"Charles..." you both had little to no control and having each other so close wasn't helping, especially after all those months of distance.
"Nono... Please..." his puppy eyes left you no other option as he stared at you with need. You connected your lips again, not being able to say no to him after having deprived yourselves of one another. Charles was the only thing on your mind. You couldn't think of anything else when he was all over you, needing you. You couldn't deny him of that. Neither did you want to. The memories of that saturday night forever printed on your skin and lips for the rest of your lives like an irremovable tattoo.
"So tell us, how did you guys end up together? The news shocked us all in all honesty." the interviewer asked ready to listen to every and each word coming out of your mouths. Journalists were so ready for any news and wanted to have the hottest tea. You looked over to your boyfriend, a little smirk displayed on your lips as you found the whole situation quite funny. He chuckled and looked down before speaking up.
"It was quite sudden to be honest. We've known each other for awhile after Daniel started bringing her around and one day everything changed, right mon ange? She was there for me when me and my ex girlfriend broke up and she really helped me get through it." he smiled at you, one of his arms wrapped around your waist as you nodded, agreeing with him. The interviewer continued to ask questions about your relationship and it wasn't as annoying as it usually could be. Nothing too invasive.
"And how long have you been dating now?"
"Three months next week." he replied. Luckily the questions about you two ended and the man proceeded to ask about his racing career and skills. You zoned out, looking around the paddock. You spotted Carlos giving an interview just a few feet away from you, Lewis just across from you two. The british man noticed you staring and smiled at you sweetly, you reciprocated the smile. Your attention was drawn eventually towards something else or someone else. Charles was talking to one of his engineerd and by the look on his face it seemed to be something serious. You tilted your head to the side, suddenly curious to find out what the problem was. The monegasque felt your gaze on him and his eyes met yours before you could look away. His green gems looked at you and no words were needed to describe what both of you were thinking. A glance was more than enough. Your lips curved into a side smile and his as well.
"Well then thank you for your time, have a great race, Pierre!" He smiled at the interviewer and walked away with you under his arm. The french boy started talking to you about something related to the questions he had just been asked but your attention was somewhere else, your eyes still looking at the monegasque man that had stolen your heart a long time ago. But not every love story is destined to have a happily ever after...
We're running in the moonlight We're dancing in the open waves You're hangin' for a good time Something that'll make you stay And girl, you fall down again You tell me you're all out again We're running in the moonlight Could you show me the way again? Oh, no, no
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dreaming-maya · 1 year
naughty little girl
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I had my headphones on when suddenly Charles's hand grabbed me.
"What are you listening to?" he asked and sat down next to me. I got scared and put my can on my chest.
"Nothing" I said quickly and my pupils widened.
"Show me" his hand moved to my breast and grabbed my cell phone. I sat as if frozen.
"Why are you listening to a man moaning?" I felt adrenaline in my blood. His hand moved to my cheek.
"Why are you listening to this? You don't like my voice or? " His hand moved to my shirt, which he pulled me closer to him.
"You are so naughty girl" He whispered with a grin and rested his forehead against mine.
"Get on your knees" He looked into my eyes and licked his lips. I stood up and knelt right in front of him. He put his hand behind my head and moved me closer to him.
"You know what to do," he winked at me. I knew what he meant and it wasn't a problem for me to make him feel good because I really wanted his dick. I moved my hands to his knees and started to move closer. I unlocked one station wagon, then the second, the third, and at the end I pulled his pants down. I grabbed his boxers and pulled them down as well. I took his dick in my hands and licked his tip.Only a sigh came out of Charles's mouth, which caressed my ears and immortalized my pupils. I stuffed his entire dick in my mouth.
"Hmm Such a good girl" he tilted his head and gasped again. I started to speed up and enjoyed his sigh. It was like music to my ears.
"Stand up and lie down" as he said I did. Suddenly I found myself under him, his hands were tearing all the clothes from my body. And in the end I ended up naked. His hand began to move lower from my stomach to my inner thigh. I felt his fingers forming inside me. I sighed and pulled him closer. I left my hands on his neck. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and started speeding up. He grabbed his dick in his hands and pushed it into me. I grabbed his hair in my hands. He grabbed my hands and put them over my head. He slowly moved his hips.
"Are you enjoying it? Huh? I know you enjoy it. I drive you crazy when I sigh in your ear and I like it" He says.
Not mine gift
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dreaming-maya · 1 year
naughty little girl
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I had my headphones on when suddenly Charles's hand grabbed me.
"What are you listening to?" he asked and sat down next to me. I got scared and put my can on my chest.
"Nothing" I said quickly and my pupils widened.
"Show me" his hand moved to my breast and grabbed my cell phone. I sat as if frozen.
"Why are you listening to a man moaning?" I felt adrenaline in my blood. His hand moved to my cheek.
"Why are you listening to this? You don't like my voice or? " His hand moved to my shirt, which he pulled me closer to him.
"You are so naughty girl" He whispered with a grin and rested his forehead against mine.
"Get on your knees" He looked into my eyes and licked his lips. I stood up and knelt right in front of him. He put his hand behind my head and moved me closer to him.
"You know what to do," he winked at me. I knew what he meant and it wasn't a problem for me to make him feel good because I really wanted his dick. I moved my hands to his knees and started to move closer. I unlocked one station wagon, then the second, the third, and at the end I pulled his pants down. I grabbed his boxers and pulled them down as well. I took his dick in my hands and licked his tip.Only a sigh came out of Charles's mouth, which caressed my ears and immortalized my pupils. I stuffed his entire dick in my mouth.
"Hmm Such a good girl" he tilted his head and gasped again. I started to speed up and enjoyed his sigh. It was like music to my ears.
"Stand up and lie down" as he said I did. Suddenly I found myself under him, his hands were tearing all the clothes from my body. And in the end I ended up naked. His hand began to move lower from my stomach to my inner thigh. I felt his fingers forming inside me. I sighed and pulled him closer. I left my hands on his neck. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and started speeding up. He grabbed his dick in his hands and pushed it into me. I grabbed his hair in my hands. He grabbed my hands and put them over my head. He slowly moved his hips.
"Are you enjoying it? Huh? I know you enjoy it. I drive you crazy when I sigh in your ear and I like it" He says.
Not mine gift
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dreaming-maya · 2 years
Whispered words of love in roses
Charles Leclerc x female reader
Author's note: I'm not satisfied with this, I don't like it, but I'll put it here anyway.
WARNING: A little bit smut, dominant Charles, "nudes"
Name: Maya - The main female character
Song - Do I wanna know - Artics Monkeys
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the work of a lawyer was very difficult for me, I can't lie. But living off Charles' money was very selfish. But Charles also did not make it easy for me to work as a lawyer. I always did homework in the evenings and an incredible amount of papers and I always thought I would finish it by midnight but instead I ended up naked in Charles's bed with no work done. I just sat for an important job interview. Nervousness boiled in me and did not want to go away.
my boss was talking about something, but I didn't pay attention to him because I saw that I received messages on my mobile from Charles.
Cha <3 : - oh honey, I'm already looking forward to when you come home
Cha <3 : I miss you so much
Cha <3 : - dear, I need to feel your hands between my legs, please
I quickly looked away from my phone. When I saw that he was sending me a photo, I quickly grabbed my phone and put it away from the table,
"I'll be back in a moment, I just have to solve something important" I said and smiled nervously at the boss, who glared at me with an angry look. I ran to the toilet where I locked the door and knelt down. I looked at my phone and opened the messages with Charles.
(Are we pretending it's a nude photo of Charles okay?)
Cha <3 : *sent photo*
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Maya <3 : why are you sending me naked photos? I'm at work!
Cha <3 : so you can see what you're doing to me
Cha <3 : can I come for you?
May <3 :No! I'm at work and I'll be there for a long time.
Cha <3 : why?
May <3 : Because of you! I didn't finish what I was supposed to give to the boss and as a punishment I have to be at this interview!
I waited for a while for him to write me back, I waited and he gave me nothing, only displayed. I picked myself up from the ground and went back. When we finished, I just threw things into my purse.
"I sent you an email with what you have to work on and I hope you've learned your lesson. See you after the weekend" My boss said and left.
I looked at the watch, it showed that it was nine o'clock in the evening. I sighed and got into the elevator. I clicked on the lowest floor. The elevator door opened after a while and my heart skipped a beat. Charles stood before my eyes with a large bouquet of roses.
"Charles, what are you doing here?" I said with surprise and approached him. He put the bouquet in my hands and kissed me. He grabbed me in his arms and carried me to the car.
"I wanted to surprise you," he opened the back door of the car. He put me on the back seats and threw my things in the front.
"but now I want to fuck you Babe" he grinned and connected our lips. He got inside and slowly started to unbutton my shirt. He threw it on the floor and my other clothes with it. Between kisses I took his clothes off too. He put his hands next to my head. He kissed my neck. I felt his breath near my ear. It shook me a little. I moved my hands to his shoulders as I began to feel his hard cock. When he entered me, I just sighed quietly.
"Do you want it rough, beautiful?" He whispered.
"Yes" I connected our lips and felt him start to move quickly inside me.
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dreaming-maya · 2 years
There is not much that I would like to tell you, so don't worry, you won't be reading this for a long time.
To begin with, I would like to say that English is not my first language and I am not even learning French. My English is not very good, even though I have been learning it at school for quite some time, so Google translator also helps me with my writing work, so please take it with a grain of salt.
If the name "Maya" is going to be in any of my stories, it's just the name of the main female character in my stories, nothing more, nothing less, I thought it was better to call her Maya than Y/n okay? For me the main female character is Maya for you Y/n . I would like to quickly add that my name is Pauline. Dreaming Maya is only the stage name of my writing.
I invented all the stories I write myself and was not inspired by anyone. If I get inspiration from someone, the username will be at the end of the story.
Thank you for your attention, that's all
Stories that have been published :
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dreaming-maya · 2 years
piano melody is more than words
Charles Leclerc x female reader
Song: Comptine D'un Autre Été, Làperés Midi - Jonas Kvarnoström
WARNING: Google Translate, cute relationship
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I was lying in a warm bed between the sheets. I listened to the sounds of the storm and the drops hitting the windows. I started looking for Charles' body with my hand. when I couldn't feel him for a long time, I sat down.I looked around the room and realized that I was alone in the room. I carefully got out of bed so as not to trip in the dark. I jerked when I heard a loud flash. I slowly went down the stairs. I heard a faint melody coming from the hall. I carefully went down the stairs. It was terribly dark in the whole apartment. I took slow steps to the hall and saw Charles. He sat at the piano and played. I carefully walked over to him and grabbed his shoulder. He mumbled a little and looked over his shoulder at me. He just smiled and looked away from me. He removed his fingers from the piano keys and drifted off. He turned to me in the chair. I stood directly in front of his spread legs.
,, Why are not you sleeping Mon amour" With one hand he pulled me closer to him by my waist. I sat on him. He grabbed my hips and kissed my neck.
"You know it's hard for me to fall asleep when I'm not in your arms." I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tighter. He just laughed quietly and stroked my hair. He moved to the piano again with me and started playing again.
"I'll play with you to make you fall asleep, then we'll lie in bed together and cuddle all night, what do you think?" After his words, I got goosebumps all over my body. He was so close.
"Yes, that sounds good." I whispered. My eyes became heavy after a while and I preferred to close them. A piano melody played in my ears and caressed me pleasantly. After a while, I got tired and fell asleep. I don't know how many hours passed, but I woke up only to see Charles get up from the chair with me. He moved his hands to my hips and carefully walked with me up the stairs. He carefully opened the door and placed me slowly on the bed. I opened my eyes for a moment and looked at him. He had his back turned to me and started to take off his shirt. When he started to turn towards me, I quickly closed my eyes and waited to see what would happen. He turned me on my side and lay down behind me. He moved his hot hands to my stomach.He pulled me closer and rested his head on my shoulder. When I felt his soft lips on my neck, a swarm of butterflies started flying in my stomach.
,, Good night Beauté" He whispered in my ear and I got goosebumps. For a while, I could only hear the hot air softly breathing on my neck. It was a pleasant feeling
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dreaming-maya · 2 years
𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑚𝑜𝑘𝑒
𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗹𝗲𝗰𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗰 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
WARNING: fingering, smut, dominant Charles, cigarettes
Song: Drama - Jesse®
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"Don't you know where my cell phone is?" I asked when my cell phone wasn't on the table.
"Charles took it," my brother said without any interest.
"Where's Charles?" I began tapping my fingers nervously on the table. My friend was supposed to call me and nothing, and instead my cell phone disappeared.
"probably on the balcony" He just finished and I got up from the table and ran up the stairs. I walked the entire corridor with a quick step. My footsteps approached the last door at the end of the corridor. I carefully opened the door. The room was dark. I closed the door behind me and went into the living room. The balcony door was ajar. I dusted off my dress and pulled them down. I carefully walked over to the balcony door and opened it. Charles was sitting at a small table in the corner of the balcony. His right hand was clutching a cigarette. He was doing something on his cell phone and wasn't paying me any attention, I bet he doesn't even know I'm here. After looking around for a long time, I came to him. My hands landed on the small table which made an unpleasant sound. My palms started to feel cold.
"Where's my cell phone, why did you take it from me at all," I said in an annoying voice. If I changed to solve where my phone is so that I wouldn't talk to Charles. We have nothing to say, even if we didn't try to talk, but it doesn't matter, it just works now This is only about my mobile phone, nothing else.
"Are you coming after me because of yours phone? Dude probably won't give you anything to think about, he's always texting you." He looked up and grinned at me.
"Give me my phone"
"What if I don't give it to you" He stood up and approached me. Cigarette smoke blew into my face .
"Charles I warn you" I backed away from him.
"Something for something" he said and put his hand on my hip and brought me closer to him. A million butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I could feel his muscular chest through his suit.
"What would you like" I whispered and ran my hand over his stomach and left it there. He threw away the cigarette he was holding and put both hands on my hips. One of his hands began to move lower. I gasped as his hand began to run down my inner thigh. His fingers touched my panties. My hand started to squeeze his shirt.
"Do you like it hmm?"
His hand went under my panties. I sighed quietly. I rested my head on his chest.
"Yes" his fingers penetrated me.
"Sit on that table Beauté " As he said, I did, I backed away and sat down on the table. He knelt in front of the house and spread my legs with his hands. He pulled down my panties and smirked at me. "You're so wet" His tongue started to lick my clit. I tried to stifle my sighs. I didn't want anyone to hear me. His tongue entered me and I moved my hands into his hair with a loud sigh.
"I'm so close" I closed my eyes.
"Cum in my mouth babe" He said, thrusting his tongue into me again. With a loud sigh, I made myself into his mouth. "Good girl" I opened my eyes. He just winked at me and stood up. He stretched out my panties.He placed my cell phone next to me. I saw how the light came on in the room and I heard footsteps. Charles kissed my neck and smiled.
"Someone's coming" I blurted out and I pushed Charles away from me.I quickly stood up and pulled my dress down.
"Hello mate. Hi Honey I was looking for you everywhere" I smiled and hugged him, "you didn't say you would come" I kissed his neck. Charles just walked around us one last time, turned to me, winked at me and grinned. My face turned red and I leaned on Liam's shoulder instead. I pulled away and grabbed the mobile phone in the hands.At the same time, Liam was telling me how he was in London without me. I opened my phone and there was a message from Charles.
Charles :) : You taste perfect, we should repeat what you think Chéri
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dreaming-maya · 2 years
𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑦
Charles Leclerc x female reader
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: (This is my first job. I hope you will like it )
𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠: I wanna be yours - Arctic Monkeys
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: : Language, Google translator, romance, toxic relationship, gun
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"I'd rather shoot you," I said in an angry voice.
"Do it," he whispered.
"I'm not kidding you idiot" I pointed at him with my finger.
"I know you're not kidding Beauté Do what you want to do shoot me" he grinned and put his hands in his pants pocket.
I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him. He just grinned and watched me. He came a little closer to me. I put the gun to his head. My hands started shaking. I gripped the gun harder.
"You can't pull the trigger can you" he smiled.
"I can" I hesitated.
"Then do it," he moved his hand to my hip and moved me closer to him.
"You can't do it because you still love me even when I annoy you" he whispered in my ear.
"Charles" I fell in love with his actions and words, which were always as sweet as honey. I released my grip and the weapon fell to the ground. Charles kicked her to the corner of the room. I turned my head in the direction where the gun was lying.
"Don't even think about it," he grabbed my chin. "Tell me what you want me to do Chéri" He whispered to my lips and rested his forehead against mine.
"Kiss me" I said with a shaky voice.
"I'm sorry I didn't hear you say it loud and nice" he grinned.
"Charles fuck kiss me please I will do anything but kiss me please " I grabbed his face.
"As you wish" he whispered and connected our lips to one. He moved his hands to my hips. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He grabbed my bottom and kept kissing me aggressively. I put my hands around his neck. He pulled away from my lips.
"You said you would do anything for me and I want you to be mine now" He said and parted ways to our bedroom.
"I wasn't yours until now?" I asked with a laugh.
"Fuck you always were and you will be the most beautiful, the best woman in my life, you are everything I want and I need. So let me make you mine even more"He said and put me on the bed.
"I only want to be yours" I whispered. The bedroom door was closed and then locked. Only sighs, sweet words, pleas and the creaking of the bed came from the room.
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