dreamingdistasters · 1 year
Note that the Sniper class is entirely absent from this post because there is not a wholesome bone in their body
-Heavies who throw their sandwiches at hopeless causes, like a burning corpse on the ground or a building with a sapper attached.
-Pyros who thumb you up on the kill-cam (who can be mad at that? They’re thumbing you up!)
-All classes, but especially Soldiers, when the player controlling them shakes the mouse up and down as if trying to nod but it instead moves their entire torso (Soldier’s long and bulky rocket launcher enhances this motion and makes it 10 times more hilarious)
-When you die as Engineer, go to spectate your buildings and find a Pyro with homewrecker spychecking like mad and refusing to leave your nest.
-Medics who thank the Heavies after they throw their sandwiches at them.
-When during pregame, you spam the “Spy!” voice command at a teammate Spy, and the Spy responds with “Yes” every time.
-Non-Engineer classes who crouch near friendly buildings and keep smacking them with their melee weapons
-Pyros who run from the other end of the map chasing after Scouts trying to put their fire out.
-Pyros who run from the other end of the map to where you are just to extinguish you.
-A gibus and pyrovision Engineer who helps you upgrade and maintain your buildings.
-When you and an enemy player can’t connect a single hit so you both end up stopping, crouching, thanking each other and walking away.
-Those new players who wander off into a completely deserted part of the map and just stay there, looking all around them.
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dreamingdistasters · 2 years
I had a pretty bad dream. This blog is meant to be private but it is possible for anyone to find it so huge trigger warning here.
My dream started with my partner and I going to a call in the city of Auburn. It was a difficulty breathing call of a man in his 30s. And he had 2 friends there with him. It was convincing enough for my partner to start a breathing treatment on the couch and I went out to get the stretcher ready. When I came back in my partner was on the floor and the patient was holding the tank and I realized he had whacked Ryan in the head with it and knocked him out cold. I instantly hit my 50 button and all three guys came over and grabbed me and my radio on open mic got the whole struggle. They ripped off my job shirt,uniform shirt, and Tshirt and then I got punched really hard and was kind of dazed and my hands got tied together behind my back with a zip tie. They dragged me out to the stretcher and I started to struggle again and the guy dragging me from behind lifted me up with him behind me and his arms around his chest and slammed me down on the stretcher. It knocked the wind out of me and I blacked out for about 20 seconds and when I was coming back they were loading the stretcher with me on it into the ambulance. Then one guy got up front and started driving and the other 2 ripped off the rest of my clothes and used bandages to tie my thighs to the railings of the stretcher. They had like their own line and the one guy by the back of the ambulance starts like fingering me and the front guy like grabs my jaw and kisses me and bit his bottom lip talk hard and drew blood. He punched me then pulled a knife and threatened me with it if I but his duck then facefucked me and was talking to the guy in front who was just driving. Basically I'm raped and the guy at the face kind of loses interest and I start like cooperating and saying like yeah what other option is there right now. I'm still tied up but I just try to distract myself. I tell the guy that I'm surprised he didn't go for the drugs and he asks about them and I tell them where they are. He breaks into them and asks me about them and I tell him the truth. He starts drawing up the morphine and asks if I want anything. I shake my head but he draws up and gives me a whole vial of ketamine and says like this will probably improve your experience. Then I start being sleepy and hallucinating. I'm vaguely vaguely aware of the ambulance stopping and the other guy coming back. They sit me up so he can rape me from the back and I'm just kind of limp and keep hallucinating my partner and crying. The whole time I just keep thinking that as long as I stay in the ambulance I'll be found because it has tracking but the longer I'm there I lose more hope. So much time had passed that they are done and bored with me. They have a discussion about whether or not to kill me and I begged for my life telling them I'm way too high to remember their faces and I'll probably block out the white memory from PTSD anyway. They say like nice try sweetie and stab me 3 times in my left side. I hardly feel it and just play dead and they leave.
Once they're gone I move my hands tied together under my but and then under my legs. I use the point end of the so you're that like popular through and sticks out to pierce the gauze and then rip it then get the shears from the cabinet and cut the tie then I baggage up the stand they're all only about 3 inches deep and around my left lower quadrant. Not too dangerous. I tie a sheet around my waist tight to hold pressure then from the stretcher set myself up an albuterol breathing treatment in a mask neb. Then I set out everything id need to be treated with, prepping an iv lockset and spiking a bag then decide to wait for someone to track the location on the ambulance. I fall asleep and wake up when the main 02 runs out and starts making sounds. I realize no one is coming for me and I set up a nonrebreather mask and a portable tank. Tie 2 blankets around me and get out. I realize I'm in the middle of a corn field and there's a path of flattened çorn from the ambulance driving in. It's also dark as fuck so i grab a flare and light it and hold it far from the o2 and start walking ion the flattened corn. My sounds start bleeding and strong down my leg as it works through the sheet and I'm getting woozy. As i walk the flare drops hot embers in the corn and it starts slowly burning without me noticing. I get to the road and it's one of those tiny middle of nowhere roads and start walking along it until I collapse and am unconscious.
Then it cuts to Ryan who signed out ama from the ER and is calling a million people trying to find me and the ambulance. They find out the gps has been broken in that rug for a while and no one cared to fix it so he's listening to the radio and driving around just looking for the ambulance. The cornfield gets set fully ablaze and the ambulance eventually explodes causing a big response from the county. Ryan recognizes that an explosion could be the ambulance and goes to the scene in his car. Fire and the cops find me and I'm in some other companies ambulance just starting to get checked out when Ryan bursts in and takes over from them. I'm of course completely unresponsive hypotensive and hypoxic. He starts treating the wounds gives oxygen and is transporting when i arrest in vfib. He shocks once and I'm back and he intubates and she's an io and a whole work up and we get to the hospital. I vaguely remember sitting up in the hospital in recovery and being pissed about the company nearly getting me killed by not having the rigs tracking operational. I'm talking to a lawyer and hearing all the recorded evidence from my 50 and the drive can going off from that guy driving but have no memory of anything at all outside of my nightmares. And just having Ryan with me while I recover and process what I can even process. And that's where it ends.
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dreamingdistasters · 2 years
So I also had a dream about Ryan and Taylor. It took place in like a video game works basically like the Fortnite island. Ryan owned like a chunk of it and also a boat and Taylor was living there and for some reason was bed bound for her pregnancy. I was basically like camping out on the part Ryan owned because no one else could go there so it was safe. But Taylor ended up talking Ryan into staying with her and trying again and he agreed and then she said he needed to kick me out then. I left and was like doing everyday shit but they had a huge fight over it that could be heard across like the whole island. Then we were playing a match and these teammates were like telling me I was fucked up and in the wrong fit not doing the right thing and just leaving even if no one forced me to. And then like the final ring of the storm was on the part of the island they owned so of course I go there and Taylor from the doorway is like screaming at me that I'm a horrible person and to get away from her family and she can't believe I'd even come here and those teammates are agreeing with her like yeah you know this is fucked up of you and its like what do you mean? My only other option is the storm where I'll die... That seems unreasonable... But they kept yelling at me that I was a terrible person until I woke up.
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dreamingdistasters · 2 years
So I just woke up from this dream... My partner and I had a stupid call for active labor. Basically the idiot dad had read online that masterbation could trigger labor... So he began masterbating and when he was getting close to finishing he called 911 and said my wife should be having the baby any second... So we respond there and we get there in time for his finish and are like are you freaking kidding me? But he gets hard again right away... And he's like an older guy with a younger wife and he isn't in great shape. So we're like wait a minute... What did you take... And he had taken multiple Viagra's... And then we were like what's your medical history... And he had the whole gamit... Cardiac history, HLD, HTN, TIA and was on blood thinners and metoprolol and a bunch of stuff so we brought him in as a possible overdose interfering with his medications.
For some reason we went right up to a floor and got him on the bed and then my partner left to use the restroom after our transfer of care. I stayed behind and was making the stretcher. Several nurses and aides were like riding about the patients prominent erection... And some burnt out looking middle aged doctor named Stark got annoyed and went over... Without looking at the chart or anything... Very nonchalantly did a cavernous aspiration, essentially pricking the dorsal vein on the guy to let out the blood and relieve the erection. I watched baffled next to someone typing behind a desk and I was like does he know the guy is on blood thinners? And the person just shrugged. Then I was like he has a cardiac history too... What if that puts him into svt or something. The patient was not yet hooked up to anything.
The doctor walked out of that room like he was hot shit but I looked at the patient and he looked very unwell. Pale, diaphoretic, and alarmed... And then he clutched his chest. I went in the room, checked his carotid pulse and shouted code blue and began compressions. The doctor came back in all mad and flustered and yelled at me asking who I thought I was and I just ignored him. He got the paddles and I stopped and got clear and he shocked the guy and he came back. And I was like kind of hopped up on adrenaline and said you might want to hear the report on the patients condition before doing a procedure next time... I went back to Ryan's short form and wrote down notes on what happened because it was probably gonna have to be documented then suddenly the patient was like coughing up blood. They ran back in, were unable to intubate, and he eventually died. I basically scribed the whole code on my sheet and afterwards that doctor was visibly upset and had tears in his eyes. I saw him reading the chart and my partners pcr and as I walked by with the stretcher he stopped me and apologized. Then he was kind of hitting on me/complimenting me but it was really awkward because it was like "who are you? you're way too smart to just be an EMT." I found it kind of insulting. He was also like 40. Then Ryan came back because I had taken so long he came to find me and I had to tell him everything that happened and like the family showed up because they had driven separately just to find the guy dead... It was very rough but also very very Grey's Anatomy...
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dreamingdistasters · 2 years
So I had a dream that was very strange where I got home from work and it was like with my ex where I'd get home and the dog had to go out and it was a scramble to get him out before he pissed himself because he was so happy to see me and because my good for nothing ex hadn't taken him out. But instead of my ex it was my old paramedic partner who was also horrible. And instead of my ex's dog it was my cat. So as I was scrambling to get my cat ready I lost my balance and fell on her and she seemed fine and we went out for a walk and for some reason it was like my grandparents old house but on my parent's street. Anyways after she finished frantically peeing everywhere she started limping and I picked her up and saw her front leg was broken. So i started walking home to get the carrier and the car to take her to the animal hospital but we had walked farther than i thought. And it was like we were in a hotel but instead of halls and rooms it was streets and houses but all the in-between was like hotel stuff and I realized we were on the wrong floor and some douchebag in a motorized scooter saw me carrying my cat and started yelling at me like no cats because they get up in his scooter but his wife had a little rat dog and I told him off and then had to ask staff how to get back to my house because I was hopelessly lost and I wasn't seeing my street name on any of the maps and guiding plaques and stuff and I must have woke up around then.
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dreamingdistasters · 3 years
So I went to help out some friends who were pure dream people not anyone I actually know. They said they were doing a game show about painting your nails or something. So I go in and the place looks like daycare with everyone sitting around one long table like 4 teen girls and 2 adults. My cousin is one of tbe girls. I have to paint her thumbnail with some decals on it in this very deep dark metallic purple and she hands me the bottle. But the bottle is mostly clear nailpolish with like no purple pigment in it and when I start painting the nail it's humongous with like multiple photograghs and ties of yarn and stuff on it... I have to go over one stroke like 100 times to get any pigmentation. And the brush for somereason is super long and thin with like a plastic cone over the end of the handle where the bristle start like an animal from the vet. I'm only able to do like a tiny section and then it's time but while I'm working I'm chatting and whatever. My cousin leaves and apparently no one else noticed until they passed out papers for the kids to vote... The adults (my friends) said they were sorry that was just supposed to be a normal nail polishing but they went with it... Then they asked where meghan went and i said she said she'd text them and they check their phone and say "dog cakes" and I though they said dog sitting but then my brain caught up to my ears and I asked what a dog cake was and someone showed me an eggroll in one of those plastic containers that cafeterias and stuff put a piece of cake in... Anyways then all the other kids went to leave and the guy friend got all mad and told them they'd find replacements for the show but then a bunch of kids came in from like a school bus and sat around the tables and suddenly I couldn't find my back pack in all the backpacks and they weren't supposed to sit at our occupied tabke but did and were snotty and like I was trying zip a bag shut to get out of the way and this fat kid kept throwing it down off the table until I threatened to shank him with a screwdriver that fell out...
Anyway I finally left and was in like a mall or maybe a college hallway and I went into a bathroom that was packed with people just chilling and I asked if I could use a stall and they said yeah and I went in and was working on carefully getting my pants down so nothing fell out when they all like hoisted up over the side and started watching me with mocking expressions just the girls at first and they said some transphobic stuff and then I sat on the toilet and started a long ass pee. When I didn't react to them watching the men in there joined in too and I pretty much didn't react... Also Jackson Avery was in there from grey's anatomy but I think we were all med students and he was in my class. Then like a dean came in and caught them all and I was like oh good hey all these people are watching me pee and invading my privacy and she took down everyones names and jackson stood up again to comment and I ordered to get the fuck back down because he'd see me too and get in trouble which was like my frist actual reaction. Most of the people disperesed after the dean took their name but one girl was still there clearly trying to get a rise from me... I told jackson i decided not to pursue surgery and then she asked me why and I casually told her. She pointed out it was raining and I said I loved the rain...
Anyway while I was on my phone a guy then hopped over the stall and stood next to me and put his arm around me probably to check if I was like texting 911... I dhrigged off his arm but when I stood to wipe he tried to grab me again and pushed him down and stomped on his neck, pressing down. Then I wiped, flushed, grabbed my bag, walked out of the stall, washed my hands, and left the background all the while standing tall... But when I was a ways away I started crying in the rain and then I woke up
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dreamingdistasters · 3 years
Okay strap in for this one...
So I was batgirl in a universe where marvel and D/C were together. I was teamed up with Black Widow and we were the super spies. Nick Fury gave us a mission warning us that a number of heroes wanted to throw a coup and he gave us a mission to try to find out what we could basically.
So we were laying low and poking around when we were attacked by this hero. Pretty sure he was totally fabricated by my mind but he had 4 arms coming from his back like doc oc but he also had red bumpy skin like a red orange that glowed. When it was like that he could use his powers whivh was to completely hijack and control any technology but he vould only do it once then he had to wait an hour or something to use it again and during that downtime his skin would be normal and the arms retracted and he couldn't use them. This guy also like tried too hard to get everyone to like him and because of that everyone kind of shit on him. He acted like the other, bigger name heroes, were like celebrities and not his coworkers...
So anyway this was one of the guys and he was onto us and we were onto him. He attacked us and turns out his hijacking powers can work on the human nervous system too. But only the peripheral system... The brain is too complex so he basically hijacked both out spinal cords simultaneously which really fucking hurt but I was able yo get one arm down yo my belt and hit the center letting out an EMP that messed with his arm-things and broke contact. Everything went dark from the lights and me and BW blthe collapsed with our hearts not beating. Again some bullshit in my belt/costume (bat-pacemaker?) Revived me and I gave Widow CPR and used some medical stuff from my belt like a F-AID spray from Resident Evil (even tho I know canon those treat cuts and bleeds whatever idk)
When we were back on our feet we reported in and pushed on after the guy. It had been an hour and we gind out he's hooked himelf up to a missle control or something that of course we'd have and have to go stop him. We talk him down tho. We encourage him that the others don't like him because he tries too hard and doesn't treat them like normal people. And we also pointed out that he's way cooler than us because we don't even have powers like him. Yeah he's laid up for an hour after using it but were just normal humans... If we break an arm we're laid up for months... We got nothing on him and he just needs to be himself. So he surrenders and apologizes.
Episode 1 The End.
Then later a severed hand in a white superhero glove is found clinging to the edge of a window, dripping blood. Everyone rushes past it to find the villian but we all find nothing... We have a council and for some reason Carnage(who I guess is a good guy and is fused with some lady - i know from the voice) brings up how people are kinda desensitized to scenes of gore like that from TV. Which had me thinking about the CSI shows I watched as a kid and after the meeting I went to Superman and said maybe we should examine the hand to try and narrow down who the victim was because white gloves isn't enough... So we all rushed back to the hand and on the way Hawkeye asked me how I'd come up with that.
At the hand we discover that it's fake and made of rubber and when you peel it back there's a message from The Riddler. It sends us to diner filled with little old ladies, young mothers with very young sleeping babies, and women who are in their third trimester. And the Riddler himself is there. The floor is coated with silicone microbeads to make it very slippery and he informs us any loud noise will trigger a bomb to go off. It's up to us to save as many as we can... Then he disappears because he was a hologram. So we start very carefully getting the sleeping babies and bringing them out. Crying will kill us. A fall will kill us. One of the victims sobbing will kill us...
Anyway I woke up before all the babies were out so I don't know what happens next.
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dreamingdistasters · 4 years
Last night I had a pretty cool dream. It was like hollow knight aesthetic and magic except we were all in a school like in Harry Potter. There was a big scary exam coming up that was supposed to either make you or break you. I was training in spells with my teacher who was based on one of my favorite male professors in college, a Dr. McCarthy. I could do the spells but they took a lot of concentration and I didn't think I'd be able to pull any off in a high speed battle. The day came and hundreds if kids would have to go fight one by one in a random order by lottery. They could choose what they fight but the first few kids wouldn't know the options. The first young man and the girl after him fought a big white chinese-style dragon on a snowy flat mountain top. It was terrifying to even watch because the dragon would get very close to you and if you didn't get out of the way you were lunch. The boy fought it kinda normally using all ninja-type void moves and slowly picking away at it's health. I'm not sure what the girl did. She kept using a spell that encased them both in a big white sack summoned from the snow and you vould only see the chaotic movement of the bag and hear her grunting. When she was done the dragon was dead or unconscious but didn't look injured.
I think there was one more fight with a shadowed monster and then we ended for the day. I did more training in spells but was very far from being able to master any and knew I'd never be able to pop them out in a fight. One was a bubble spell ot created a slow moving hollow projectile which on it's own was kind of useless but if you used it on these crystals like dodecahedrons they'd deal damage and weight down an enemy and if you used it on these little gold balls that you also had to summon they would explode on contact and you could leave a minefield of bubble traps if you were very good at making them. But I wasn't strong enough to use a tank style nor fast enough to use a ninja style and a magic style was all that was left.
It was my turn to fight on the second day. I wore a white cloak and wanted to fight in a white area because the all black enemies were hard for me to properly judge their distance with depth perception... When they called my name my heart dropped. It felt like I forgot every spell I'd ever known and desperately whispered to my teacher, how do I do this spell again? And he just kind of looked back horrified like, what do you mean? You just learned it.
My fight was with the dragon. I spent the first while just dodging it as it soared around the fight, unsure what to do with myself. I had an easier time than the last two people there because I was wearing a white cloak and was therefore harder to see against the snow. Finally I decided I had to do something and when the dragon swooped down again I jumped over his head with my cloak pulled off into my hand and covered it's eyes, tying it. But whipping it off had made me lose my nail(sword). For a moment I clung desperately to the back of it's neck before instinct took over. Using soul I made two blades that extended from my arms past my fingertips and sliced the dragons neck. It started diving to land.
There was a thing we'd been learning to summon creatures to help but it was known that for most of us, once you summon a creature in battle it will be the only one that you can summon on instinct during a fight. So I had been practicing some summoning but it hadn't been going good just like all the other spells.
I plunged my hands into the wound and beads of soul were channeled into his body, forming spindly little legs as they went in. The dragon landed, knocking me off but the started to shudder and seize before a giant spider ripped through his core leaving him in pieces. (Like Dvorah's fatality in MK)
I had passed, found my fighting style(some sort of magic and physical fighting hybrid), and most importantly, had lived.
Afterward my friends congratulated me and they and my teacher asked me what it was like and I told them that it had just suddenly clicked. I talked about how they had taught me that soul collects in our body and is held just under the skin in our shells. So i merely used my mind to concentrate the flow to my arms, allow it to stay im one concrete piece but extend past my body and become a weapon. I essentially had close range mastery of soul in it's purest form.
The fight had lasted 53 minutes.
After this the proctor told us there were two in the room who had the special ability to fight in multiple styles because of their heritages. One was the one everyone knew a girl named Kendall who was top of the class and already miss popularity. The other was another girl who apparently wasn't pulled from my real life and who seemed shocked and scared about this news.
Because they were special they had a unique joint test. They, together had to fight 3 bosses at once. This was significant because we had been training all along to work alone.
They went down to fight. BTW Kendall wore red so I guess she was kind of like Hornet? Idk the hollow knight stuff was mostly aesthetics. The bosses were three black silhouette creatures and one had dragonfly wings but I was spectating the fight which was in a square in the middle of the room a ways away like a boxing ring this time, and I woke up during it.
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dreamingdistasters · 4 years
So this whole dream was like watching an episode of criminal minds but it started out with me trying to drive abd seeing weird road signs and ineffective road closures about like evacuation and unknown hazards and to call 911 if you experience these weird effects and I was just trying to go to my parents house. And I like I wonder what's going on. And the episode started...
So it took place in this dress shop. Apparently this girl ordered this really nice prom dress for $999 and didn't know any better and it came in really huge and wonky and was expensive because they used so much fabric but it was so expensive it came in this really protective case but when they opened the case there was blood inside and on the dress and they called 911.
So my character was like a girl Spencer Reid. She was studying the case and the other people were like yeah, right? It smells like period blood... And my character went to the bathroom to make sure she hasn't started her period and this like wasp sized bug is flying around her and won't go away so she finishes and smacks this bug against the wall then notices she doesn't recognize it and picks it up and is stung, dropping it. She asked the witnesses about and they all say they don't remember a bug with the case but then all bring up that they have new stings. The bug appears again as the agent is feeling a little swollen and takes an allergy pill and she captures it in the pill bottle. Meanwhile other agents are tracking down where the dress was shipped from in Asia somewhere and find everyone dead and melty. And one of the body puddles has a name badge and they check out his house and find a bio lab and notes about this bug who's venom is intended to transform people into monsters but right now is only melting them because it's unfinished and they're intended to be used in biological warfare but only the drones have venom and only a queen can reproduce so once the drone is dead it's done so that it can't bite you in the ass type thing.
As my character learns this the other 3 witnesses now locked in the dress shop with her have started losing their hair and you can see like the veins on the head and arms as they slowly get melty.
Everytime my character looks at the bottle ominous music plays. But the song is actually an instrumental of Grisabella: The Glamour Cat from Cats.
And that's about where I woke up...
0 notes
dreamingdistasters · 4 years
This morning I woke up from a dream that one of my friends from highschool had sent me a message out of the blue after not talking for years that said something like "I really thought I had become a better person than before but turns out I was wrong. I'm such a horrid human being. I'm so sorry..." And I immediately responded 'woah what? You're not a terrible person, okay. What's going on?" And then he sent me a video and it came in fast enough that it has been sending before he saw my reply. At this time I was at home in the living room of my parent's house and was on my phone or laptop.
The video was of him speaking on a stage with a podium, like a speech but the audience was like a college class maybe so maybe he was in a public speaking class but it also had a live stream chat. And he was talking about a person he'd known in highschool and called me out by name and told a story of me in highschool and it kind of painted a negative picture. He talked about like how I was a little sex obsessed. How I was kind of into the trivial. He talked about a group project that had gone off the rails and I'd taken over and said no we're doing the simple thing this is taking too long we won't finish in time but we still had to cramp the simple thing and how that was a super stressful thing for him because he pulled all nighters and shit and I seemed to be able to put in minimal effort and have it still be good. He painted me in this light of like how he was envious of my ignorant bliss and carefree life that was facilitated by my ease in schoolwork. I was one of those students who got 90s without studying. He talked about times he felt peer-pressured by me and times he felt quietly offended because of situations or things I said before he came out as trans. Etc. It was all negative and I started to get random hate mail on Facebook and Instagram. I became a target for hackers too this was all in the time it took to watch this like 30 minute speech. I responded with "I don't know what to say. I need to think about this. Don't do anything." And I found in a news article that that video had actually been cut at placed cutting out prefaces where he says I wasn't a bad person he never asked for my help we never hung out alone and he's sure I had my own hidden troubles and anxieties. And things like for the age we were at alot of stuff was normal. Etc.
The version of the video 5hat had gone viral was the one that cut out all the positive things and stories and was in like a BuzzFeed article which was posted by another past highschool classmate of mine named Michael who I guess had a grudge against me.
So I responded to Michael and linked the news article about how the video was cut and became slander and that it's okay he's not a horrible person and made a mistake on a school project to not use a pseudonym and he couldn't have known this would go viral. Yes they were live streamed but no one really expected anyone to be interested...
So we ended up going to court with me and Michael against Michael for slander and other things. And I woke up during that and was relieved it wasn't real.
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dreamingdistasters · 5 years
So it's Easter Sunday and I woke up at 1:30 pm from a terrible like end of the world dream. Everyone is sending these cute messages like Happy Easter and on snapchat I'm like; I just dreamed the world was destroyed by aliens Happy Easter! But anyway so this dream transitioned from another dream that I don't remember as well with a school bus dropping me off at my house and I went inside and learned that aliens were invading and these flying saucers were positioned over every major city like in Independence Day and I was like 'shit. I know how this movie ends...' So I had a plan and got in my car and was going to head up to the summer cottage we have in Canada because It's kind of in the middle of nowhere and has fresh water and stuff and it would be great post-apocalypse and as I'm getting ready I'm calling people. My parents don't pick up and Ken, my fiancee doesn't pick up and stuff and then I hear like all the major cities were obliterated and I'm like shit I'm gone! I take next to nothing, and get in may car to go. As I'm pulling out of my neighbor hood like everyone is on the road but there's no congestion it's just so that there aren't any gaps to pull out into. I get more and more patient and am finally like fuck it here we go. I gas it and pull out and my car like gets caught and doesn't go as fast as I want and I panic realizing my emergency brake is on and I turn it off and speed off on the road. I kind of check behind me like I always do to see how close it was and the car I pulled out in front of isn't there and I'm like what? Did they turn into my neighborhood and I didn't notice? Where did they go? So I'm looking around in my rear-view mirror and I see them like upside down skidding sideways along the road and I'm like oh crap that was all me. Should I stop? Help them? Exchange insurance stuff? Shit. Then I look up in the rear-view mirror and see like a big pink beam and expanding pink light orb behind me and was like 'oh it doesn't matter because we're all about to die...' Next thing I know I'm waking up to this super thin diseased cow nudging me. Everything around is just rubble and splintered wood and fires and this cow starts talking to me like "oh wow you're alive" and I'm like yeah... and the cow is like "you must be super lucky" and I tell the cow my original plan and it's like ok and I start riding this thin ass cow because I'm all banged up and injured and we head toward Canada and them my Aunt from Boston calls my cell phone and is all like "I just heard Rochester was destroyed!? Are you all okay?" And I'm like I'm there somehow I'm alive and I'm heading to the cottage and that was her plan too apparently and stuff and the cow gets over this hill and suddenly we're there at the lake and I'm still mid-conversation with my Aunt like "oh we just got here..." And then she arrives a little later and I'm off the cow and feeling better and I notice there are lions roaming around in the trees so I get in the water hoping they won't attack but then they get in the water too and appear next to me and they're just people and I'm like them too we're all kind of lion-people, the adult one hits on me and then my Aunt and cousins are there. We swim to this picnic bench out a ways on the lake and then this alien walker thing from like war of the worlds strolls up and starts dumping shit in the lake and it turns into like pepto-bismal looking goop and where we're standing starts erupting with eyes that go away when we lift our feet and come back after like ten second of touching anything that touches the water. So my Aunt is like I'm gonna swim for it and she dives into the pink goop and swims for shore and she seems to be doing okay so I do too going for a different direction and it's going good i'm swimming pretty fast and as I get closer I get to the point it's too shallow to swim and I slow down a bit and am desperately crawling for shore and I look up and Ken is there just walking up and he steps in the water with one foot and I scream at him "DON'T TOUCH THE WATER!" and he's like oh! and backs up and as I roll out of the goo I look up at him and I'm like wait a minute... Ken is way too cautious and observant there's no way he would have came upon this situation and cluelessly stepped into the water wtf. And that's what made me realize it was all a dream. Not aliens invading, not the surreal experience of realizing all my fears every time I pull out of my neighborhood, not randomly surviving a nuke, not the talking cow, not getting to Canada in like 10 minutes on the back of a cow, not the sudden anthropomorphization, not the alien walker making the lake into pepto-bismal, not the eyes... The fact that my fiance was a little bit off and wasn't paying attention to shit. I think that's so fucking funny but also sweet that I know him so well that I can tell when it's not him and it wakes me from a dream.
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dreamingdistasters · 6 years
Last night I dreamt
That I went to Jurassic Park or just a park with dinosaurs idk and I was watching a teenage boy and a younger girl that were brother and sister until it was time to start my new job at a salon as a beautician. I don't wear makeup but whatever. My first customer was a deaf, ginger teenage girl. So she was deaf... And gingers have really weird and delicate skin. And it took me way too long to remove what was already on her face which seemed like marker so the make-up remover wasn't that effective on it a d it took awhile. Then I asked her to wash her face. She didn't bring her own face wash like you're supposed to so I gave her some as recommend by my supervisor and it was too rough for her and her whole face was red and irritated and dome skin started peeling around her jaw and she left angry. Again this was my first fucking customer. I hadn't even explored my station yet... Once I did I noticed they had dvds that I didn't offer to play and in a different drawer than my superior got the face wash from was a cleanser for sensitive skin. I was mad that they were mad at me when they didn't even fucking train me at all. Later i was doing someone's nails and the clear top coat was like colored and I kept pulling chunks of dried nail polish of different colors out from it that were contaminating it. Then there was this green spiky pachyocephalosaurous type dino that could go invisible attacking abd chasing this little boy fir some reason that I was trying to save.
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dreamingdistasters · 6 years
Last night i had a weird string if dreams
They all took place in my grandparents house and all involved genji and hanzo. The first was these shadow beings that descended from the sky like deatheaters and just between person to person possessing them and making them want to commit suicide like birdbox. And they looked like ninjas and when they got to my grandparents house which I was house sitting genji killed it.
Then i was with my aunt and cousin and they had this really old vhs tape called The Original Fist of hanzo and it was a 2d animated cartoon of them in like a little cell-shaded, no lined style. I can't think of a cartoon to match the style the mood was like samurai jack. The heads were circles and the eyes were that almond eye shape. They were ninjas/samurai and had the power to control paper. Their ults with the dragons were actually summoning hundreds of scrolls from their bodies and stringing them together in the proper order into one then mentally folding it into 1 or 2 giant dragons. Hanzo had practiced this tiredly and could do it in under a minute. Genji would have needed like a half hour he was too lazy to practice it. Also while watching the room kept rearranging. At first it was normal how my grandparents have it. Then it switched and the tv went under the shadowbox where the couch used to be and it was the small TV in my dorm and I had trouble seeing it. Then it switched and it was a really big flat screen on an entertainment center. Then everything switched to a weirdly gritty KH style game that was all like hyper-realistic and kinda like Rodger Rabbit where the toons are oppressed. Hanzo and Genji were toon characters here.
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dreamingdistasters · 6 years
Just woke up from a 4-hour nap so you know this dream about to be WHACK
So my dream started ina grocery store. We were playing a card game like in an anime where the cards come alive and pop out. We continued as we left with our groceries and I won with this cute snow goddess. Because she was the last card she stated out with us for the walk back and I had a huge lesbian boner for her. We parted ways when we got back. We were at our summer cabin in Canada even though it looked nothing like that but whatever. It was a cabin on the lake that was nothing like the cabin on the lake in the realm world that I go to. 
I realized after dinner that she left and I didn't get the card back so the next morning I had to go find her. Her temple was on the side of this property that had been renovated into a huge mansion. They were having a party. On the side I was coming from was a gorge with a little hanging bridge to get over it but a chunk of panels were missing so I had to jump it. They were in a spot that made it eady to go toward the mansion but hard to get back. And by now everything was covered in snow and frost as an eternal winter because it's her temple. The mansion people thought it was artificially induced abd they just didn't know how to turn it off. I call out to her quietly as I get near because I'm trespassing and she appears and feels bad, knowing immediately why I was there, she does this often. She hands me the card back and walks me out of the temple and helps me over the hard part of the bridge and I tell her she's beautiful and kiss her.
She is shocked, asks what I've done and I'm confused until I notice I have changed into a jacked dude. Same long hair abd everything else. I'm like sweet and she's like that is just the beginning... You have started something. She tells me I now have telepathy as well and that she is granting me her powers too but activating them makes irreversible changes so try to hold off, she doesn't know the extent.
I'm like cool and go back and everyone acts like I've always been a jacked dude.
That night I sneak out to the city to try out my powers. I'm in a closed building and figuring it out a bit when I get attacked by these people with needle teeth acting like zombies. I find it difficult to use my telepathy on them especially when scared. I am able to run out and there are people floating through the air with baskets dropping little black pellets on people then they start foaming at the mouth with black tar and their eyes change and they act like zombies but with still some coherent thought that is purely either makevolent or self-indulgent. The guy gets frustrated that the pellet is doing nothing to me and he's pelting me with em. I jump up and grab him abd drag him into an apartment building. I find out he's an alien and they're taking over the world. Somehow with my telepathy I break his connection to the hive mind and he is free. He tells me that no only am I the savior of the human race but his as well.
We gather up more uninfected and there is a lot of tense scenes of killing infected and getting paranoid over group members getying infected. As we fight our way out I run into a kid who is one of the people in the cabin next to us. He's a twin(boy and a girl) like 15 and an edgelord. He looks like a young iori from king of fighters. He reveals he had powers of illusion but only on his own appearance. And he's able to change his eyes to look infected. He reveals that this is the trick to getting out and to distract them before they notice the facade because even his isn't perfect. He declines to stay withour group saying it's too conspicuous. We then go abd get chased through a building and are cornered on a roof.
I say 'fuck it' and use yhe snow goddess powes. I change back into a woman and have a winx-style transformation into a fairy of snow and ice. I yell cosmix but the wings are definitely enchantix. I use my ice to create a disk under all my people I was trying to save and float it up telepathically carrying it over the city but it's heavy and I can't make it all the way out. I descend in an empty alley and change back into a ripped dude but now my hair and eyes are white. We use the illusion kids tactic to make it the rest of the way, going through the supermarket I draw most of the attention and distract people with pineapple and giant cookies. I see the boy's mom there she had been zombified. We get out and then just have to hike to the cabin. When I get there the boy is already there. He saw his mom, she recognized and acted like his mom and it's messed him up. He had to hit her and run out. We started making a plan to go to an island on the lake and make refuge, i woke up before we did.
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dreamingdistasters · 6 years
Last night I had a crazy dream
It was very detailed and I cant remember all of it but...
In this reality everyone was actually an animal or mythical creature and transformed into a human when they went into the world so that furniture and everything was standardized. I was something called a thistle. When I wasn't human I was a foot tall mouse made of like plant matter that was all prickly and spiky and the end of my tail was a big bud that was like a thistle plant. My school was very beautiful like a fancy hotel and I was late. It had also recently been taken over by the student body of another school that had shut down and they were mostly snobs, the girls at least. The one I talked to ate my friend out in the bathroom and she started instantly crushing on her. She basically told me her plan was to make everyone like her so much that they'd do whatever she asked. I warned one of my other friends then went to my class where everyone was discussing sex in non-human form. My friend Garrett was Stitch when he was non-human. Then I remember going home where my mom was another thistle and my dad was a snowman and these were not the same people my parents are in real life. My dad also had a boyfriend because I guess my parents were coexisting but not together anymore. We stored our memories for each day on disks except for the boyfriend who could do every other day. When I went to my room wondering if it was possible to masturbate in my thistle form across the hall I heard my sister having a sleep over with a ton of girls. I made sure the three passages for her to get to my rooms were locked and lent her some dress up stuff she always asked for when she gas people over. Then I was at the back part of my room which was literally a library. And Les Mis was playing on this big mechanical antique looking thing, just the instruments in kind of an ethereal 8-bit. And then like this Queen lady showed up. She had originally been scheduled to come today then moved it back a few days then came today anyway because she has to go back earlier and then proceeded to be rude about like what I was wearing when we weren't even expecting her to come then we talked about Les Mis abd she had me sing On My Own to her.
It was so weirdly detailed and there wasn't really much jumping around I really feel like I piggybacked on me in a distant alternate universe. Like even going around parts of my room i had memories of playing in parts from years before my dream... I'm kind of creeped out
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dreamingdistasters · 6 years
Last night I dreamt
That a queen Alien from Aliens invaded and we encountered them for the first time and because she was obsessed with this baby human we were able to kill her and the regular Aliens. But one managed to get out of the building and we were like oh no but when we went out we saw the government using it like a puppet to say they made contact and peace with an alien race and then we looked over and saw a different alien race had already moved in and was taking over so without any thought we started a rebellion.
Here it gets more detailed. The humans were put in a town called Power Town because it was a huge power factory like Shinra. But it also worked as a psychological tool too to give the humans the idea that they had power and the Aliens that cared thought there was equality. So humans worked at gross power plants or mines or dumps and jobs like that. The lowest class of aliens, which looked human enough a human could pass as one, worked jobs like street cleaning in their nice towns and operating those bike carts people can ride in. Their town was really nice like a nice tourist town with lots of shops and taverns and cobbled roads. But their careers were picked for them as babies and they were very psychologically conditioned about their station in life. It wasn't hard to grab the workers off the street and convince them to rebel. The town's tavern district is the adult only section. The town was like a bulls eye. The town government and alien ship in the middle and then the adult district around that and then the normal town. Each section was guarded at the border and you had to show your alien adult ID but there was a way teenage aliens sneak into town. One child rearing center straddled the line though the entrance was on the normal town side. We army crawled through the vents and wall crawl spaces and that's when we learned about and saw the unhappy kids already being trained for their future jobs. Future bike tour operator children had ankle weights to start building legs strength etc. We also started to see the culture of the aliens. They did bodily harm in honor of the government/god. For the kids it was only eating something really bitter but adults would shock themselves or other things that wouldn't leave scars. I lost my shoes as we snuck through. We got to the adult district and there was a lot of uniqueness. Aliens in their 20's really went nuts soul searching for their inner selves here it was like the capital in hunger games. I bought some flat sandals. All the shoes around were impractical and us rebels stood out. We took refuge in the back of a dimly lit tavern where everyone was watching the screens for a sport and I noticed a guy watching me... I told the others I was stepping out and went out the back door like I was going to smoke and he came out too. He told me the police were chasing rebels into the adult district abd one had lost some shoes... He commented that my flowery teal sandals didn't match my grimy jeans, t-shirt, and sweatshirt and told me he knew what I was and when he said that he leaned close and wrapped his hand around my waist and kisses me and I went to hit him and he grabbed my wrist and then a police man tapped his shoulder and asked if he knew me and he acted all offended and slightly ditzy saying I was his girlfriend of several years and I'd lived here for 2 years and wasn't who he was looking for. The cop apologized and said he was sorry. They were scouring the area because they found all but one of the rebels inside and my heart dropped. The cop left and the guy apologized and got off me and said he'd help me get them back and explained he'd been planning against the government for years even though he was an alien. He took me back to the store him and his rebels ran and there were a lot of them in a speakeasy rebel headquarters under the store. I met the other leaders if their rebellion and they asked what I could do since I had no knives or guns. I explained I gad magic. Something only rare humans had and I used these special homemade tarot cards/seals and sigils and could do a few simpler less elegant things unassisted. They were impressed. The leader took me upstairs to pick an outfit I'd blend in better in. I went for a gothic style because it allowed me to wear more practical clothes and made me look witchy. Then I woke up but the next steps were to break out my friends, get them outfits too and make a plan then attack the main government.
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dreamingdistasters · 6 years
Last night I had a nightmare that...
I was leaving my college for the winter break which i was actually doing in the morning. For some reason my friend from back home who doesn't even go to my college was in the room next to mine. Also the Indominus Rex from Jurassic World was prowling out 1/2 mile long campus. Something about how it liked my friend but thought she had died so the smell of her was keeping it here while it was irritably grieving... They had also been keeping their window open which was drawing it especially close to our dorm. I was one of the last people on campus and the earlier people could leave because everyone else leaving was confusing it. But with just one person leaving at a time the car starting would probably have it pounce on you and it's so big it could cross campus in like 5 steps. So I was trying to figure out how I could get off campus without it eating me the second I turned on my car. I narrowly managed it in a Jurrasic Park 1-esque car chase but it had me severely on edge.
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