dreamingtruths · 4 years
Lore & References
Some links to places I go for FFXIV-related information.
Maps & the World
A Labeled Map of Hydaelyn (Including Dalmasca!) – A huge, high-rez map of Hydaelyn with all of the writing/names translated into English.
A Realm Remapped – Per their site: “A Realm Remapped is a collection of all maps and locations in FINAL FANTASY XIV including FATEs, Treasure maps, Vistas, Aether Currents and more!“
Lore & Other Stuff
Mirke’s Menagerie – Extensive FFXIV lore and reference blog, including lots of in-game dialogue and passages from Encyclopedia Eorzea I & II
Botanica Eorzea – Extensive and in-depth GoogleDoc of all of Eorzea’s plants. I made a post about it Here, for reblogging/saving purposes.
Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol. I – A post with a link to Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol. 1 in PDF form!
Garland Tools – The base site for Garland-related pages, including Garland Data (FFXIV database that includes quest dialogue, item info and crafting lists) and Garland Bell (timers for DoL nodes) 
FFXIV Crafting – For crafting information & planning. Full recipe book, equipment profiler, crafting calculator, and levequests. Also allows users to create a list of recipes to craft and turn it into a shareable grocery list of all the materials needed via the Crafting List button that shows materials and how to acquire them (this feature only seems to work on the full site.) Protip: When collecting mats, start from the bottom up. When items in the Prerequisite Crafting section are marked as completed, their components will automatically be removed from the materials list. Save yourself some time!!
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
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Suck it.
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
Some lore compliant ways to get between Source and First:
For all the RPers who just want the best of both worlds and an explanation for all the haters who say the lore forbids it! These are all fairly plausible ways to get between the Source and the First that are actually in the lore already. Spoilers abound!
Doin’ it like only the Warrior of Light Can: The obvious one, just because it was in the MSQ. The Exarch summoned us using the technology from within the Crystal Tower and knowledge gleaned from Omega and Alexander. We all know this, just including it as a way that makes it possible. Perhaps your character was working with the Exarch (or knew him on the Source) and you came over the same way. This method requires you to have the Echo to be brought over body and soul. Without it, only your soul traverses across the rift.
Good old magic hole punching: As the caster role quests demonstrate, getting a mage of some sort with a sufficient amount of aether gives you enough power to punch a hole through the rift and across worlds. Aether is abundant. I don’t know why everyone says going to the First is ripping apart the lore when there’s a perfectly valid way to do it right here. Two-bit thaumaturges open up holes in the rift to summon Voidsent all the time. Your character can do this with enough preparation.
The Fae Way: Another method in canon to traverse the realms is with fae magic! Feo Ul can do it effortlessly, even bringing your shopping with them. One pixie even popped across the rift just to send messages back and forth to the skywatchers so we could see the weather a world away. Honestly, my theory as to how the Scions will get back to the Source is that they’ll hitch a ride on Bismarck. The fae just make it that easy, so perhaps your character made a pact of some sort with one?
Just Wandering Around: We’ve known since ARR that Voidsent literally just stumble into the Source because there are naturally weak barriers between the worlds all over the place. Weak Voidsent do this easily. Your character could do it, too - imagine the fun of accidentally falling through a portal to another world.
And whatever else you can think of! There’s got to be a few other ways I’m missing that we can do this. And I’m sure as 5.x goes on more ways will be revealed to us, since I’m sure the Scions will find a way home eventually. Maybe your character gets sent over without their body like they did. What if their soul started inhabiting their reflection in another shard for some body switching fun?! The possibilities are endless! Don’t shit on other RPers for trying to find a valid way to roleplay in a world we all fell in love with.
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
Just as a gentle reminder since Viera are now out; Please do not refer to black and brown skinned characters in association with food! Food descriptors for POC is incredibly dehumanizing and usually super uncomfortable and while I understand how it might be hard to come up with a specific word to explain the shade of brown you are looking for... Please don’t refer to food to explain.
IE: Chocolate skinned, vanilla skinned, caramel skinned, coffee toned are all examples of what NOT to do.
If you need a helpful list to use otherwise that will help you avoid food descriptors, feel free to use this!
[ Link ]
Am I gonna hover over you and make sure you do this? No. Am I gonna bash anyone? No. Am I gonna send anon hate or trolls after anyone? No. All this is is a nice reminder not to do a thing bc it sucks to see. Should you choose to do it regardless? Go on about your day, just know you’ll be doing it the hell away from me.
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
Rashid looking wonderfully up to something.
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Commission for @fredrickdavis :3!
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
the path is long and the forest is deep. you have a long way to go before you come out the other side– are you sure you want to leave? You could make a home here, you know.
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
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↳   A city across the Ruby Sea from Othard, Kugane stands as the only port in Hingashi whose docks remain open to foreign vessels in the era of occupation. Here, ships from all corners of the world can be found, and it is not uncommon to even see Eorzean galleys and Garlean warships docked side-by-side. The bustling center of trade boasts a beautiful cityscape and also serves as a den of espionage and political intrigue. 
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
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T r e m o r
@stars-of-eorzea discovered how perfect this weapon would be for Lyosha, and I’ve been ecstatic ever since.
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
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A series of headcanon asks to delve more in-depth with what makes the muses tick! Questions range from the obscure to the obvious so as to dig further into a muse’s life and habits.
Be sure to specify muses for multi-muse blogs!
Coral Fragments: How well does your muse deal with stress? Do they do anything in particular to help them deal with it, and if so what do they do? 
Rosy Fog: What are their immediate views on romantic love?
Rosy Haze: Do they react well when they develop feelings for someone and if not why?
Rosy Touch: How do they show affection nonverbally? Are they likely to show affection with their words as well?
Apatite Chatter: Are they the friendly sort or do they prefer to let others start off interactions with them?
Apatite Tic: Does your muse have any sort of verbal tics or impediments?
Garnet Shadows: Is your muse apt to stab someone in the back in any way? If so, would they admit to doing so or would they lie to cover it up?
Garnet Shine: How devoted are they to their loved ones? Would this devotion delve into the obsessive side?
Garnet Core: What sorts of things would they be willing to do for friends? For family? For their significant other(s)?
Amethyst Terrors: Are their nights plagued with past memories or nightmares in general? What do they usually entail if so?
Amethyst Calm: How do they usually sleep, in what position? Do they like plenty of pillows, blankets and/or plush toys?
Makeshift Stone: What does their internet search history usually include? Are there any parts of their searches that they’re embarrassed by?
Cracked Cement: Are they adept at using technology of any kind or do they typically need help with it?
Brickwork Shadows: Is your muse good with their hands, or do they tend to be fairly clumsy?
Sapphire Depths: Do they prefer to think ahead or to leap right in and wing things?
Sapphire Beacon: What kinds of things inspire your muse and does your muse tend to inspire others?
Selenite Pillars: Does your muse think they’re mentally or physically strong? Is this belief true or only something the muse believes to be true?
Aventurine Calling: Do they believe in luck? If so, would they consider themselves lucky or unlucky?
Fluorite Cloud: If they had the opportunity, would they prefer to know what’s going to happen in the future or not? Why?
Fluorite Bearings: How strongly do they listen to their intuition? Is their intuition usually correct or incorrect?
Peridot Ghosts: What kind of things get them frazzled or anxious? Do they tend to handle them well or get swept up in the moment?
Moonstone Luster: Are there are any items they own that have sentimental value to them?
Diamond Kiss: What kind of clothing and accessories do they prefer to wear? Are there are any particular reasons outside of general comfort that they like wearing these?
Coal Dust: Can they withstand manual labor? Do they avoid manual labor as much as possible, and if so, why?
Prehnite Memory: How good is their memory? Has it always been like this or did something happen to make it this way?
Bismuth Hue: Are they sickly or get sick often?
Bismuth Aid: What sort of medication, if any do they have to take, if any? Do they refuse to take it, forget to take it, or do they prefer to keep on it?
Quartz Cluster: What kind of textures (e.g. silky, rough, slick, etc) do they prefer?
Jade Ambition: How ambitious is your muse and what are their current goals? To what ends will they go to to make those wishes a reality?
Jade Gain: How well do they manage their money?
Amazonite Comfort: What sorts of things bring your muse comfort in trying times? Are there any habits they have when things get difficult to help cope?
Amazonite Shade: Are they pessimistic, optimistic or somewhere in the middle? Was there anything that happened to them in their life that caused them to think in this way?
Topaz Storm: Is your muse the creative type in any way? How do they usually express their creativity?
Topaz Tears: Do they have any sort of outlet they use as a means to cope (e.g. writing, drawing, playing music, etc.)? How’d they get into it if they do?
Topaz Calling: Do they have anything that they have natural talent in? If so do they enjoy doing it or is it something they tend to forget about?
Ruby Craze: Are they a passionate person or do they tend to be more down-to-earth?
Ruby Light: Are they the sort to wear their heart on the sleeve? If not, why?
Citrine Focus: Are they able to multi-task or do they prefer to keep at one thing at a time?
Opal Wonder: How big is their imagination? Do they tend to share these ideas or keep them to themselves?
Opal Sky: Do they tend to get lost in their own thoughts/daydreams?
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
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Patreon reward for @dreamingtruths of their Au Ra relaxing a bit before bed! :3c
Thank you so so much for your support! 
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
Lyosha and Vahkr’to being perfect.
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Patreon reward for @stars-of-eorzea of their’s and @fredrickdavis‘s boys! Thank you again so so much for your support! 
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
There is a short list of people who, if you reblog from or associate with them at all, I can and will block you without warning for either being TERFs or being for some reason OK with TERF beliefs and mindsets.
This is also the reason I refuse to use the RPC, so if I see the only bio for a character is an RPC wiki page I Immediately lose interest. (Please use a Tumblr post or Carrd instead.)
Sorry not sorry!
(And yea, I have more proof of this person and their circle being down with TERF shit than you probably even wanna see. As in they literally told me, an nb person, that they were a TERF to my face and then refused to use they/them for me when I asked them to because it was “disingenuous” to correct them after they started showing that they weren’t just uneducated but legitimately believed all the shit they were spewing and were bent on taking it to the grave or something. Because I can’t start being uncomfortable with u using gendered pronouns for me after u demonstrate u have no interest in actually recognizing my gender but go off I guess. And now no one can use she/her for me because I hate gamers!)
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
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@gildedfetters doing the pretty-please emote is still the most sinister thing I’ve seen in this game.
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
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A shitty kitsune of a Magitek Engineer now has a profile bio!
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
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A snooty Xaela scientist got himself a profile bio.
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
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His own scales, like rocks breaching the waves, are a stark opposition to the soft pallor of her own, and it’s to them that she taps a single nail with no real contact between them. “It is best you return to Ser Sidhre, Ser Noykin. It is safer for you there, yes?”
Lyosha visits his mysterious sea witch acquaintance ( @gildedfetters ), and they struggle with their attempts to broker an understanding of each other despite their many differences.
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dreamingtruths · 5 years
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A nerd troublesome kitsune up to no good.
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