dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
Yoko Kanno feat. Aoi Teshima - Because
someday, look back  on a, young day  we shared, we learned  we had, we lost  because you know  tomorrow had another plan  because you lose  the future is all we have left  one pain, one hope  too far, so close  we laugh, we cry  we live, we grow  because  because we know the future is all we have left  one day, somewhere  hold on, somewhere  we stand, we leap  we fall, we go  because you know  tomorrow plays another hand  because we lose  the future is all we have left  because someday  surely someday  surely someday
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
Dear Tres,
I'm glad to see you helped Erebus and made peace... please don't be scared when I tell you this. I can see many things now.
You have a brave heart to face facts and to admit your prejudice was flawed, it's something I haven't manage in doing... you inspire me, Tres. I'm very happy to tell you this.
I miss you, my friend, even though you're actually Anemone's friend and we haven't really met. I hope someday we can sit together and watch the stars. It's what I'm doing right now at this moment.
PS: Please protect Boo, I've told Erebus to work with you to protect her, please be nice to him, he really needs people to trust him and he needs a family. I feel guilty to have left him, but I can't bring him with me.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
⊙ ((V.V ))
Dear Isis,
I may be too blunt in saying your name. To be fair, you may call me Raine. It's quite awkward, but our fate will cross again soon enough. I'm sure of it.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
⊙ ((Wait... what?))
((Dear Chief-Mun,
I love you.
I still have your starter in my draft.
And I read it everyday waiting for my muse to respond.
But it never did.
I hope one day it will. With a different setting, a different time, perhaps becoming a kitty again.
I want to fight at your side I really do I can't anymore I have to hug you and cry on your helmet.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
Dear Boo,
I wish you a good life and a prosper future with your human body. I'm afraid we will never be seeing each other again. I know Anemone's fight with Reave had gotten you hospitalized again. And... I'm on the run because you've mentioned yourself as a witness. I'm having several namely figures chasing after me because they think I've hurt you on purpose. I'm sorry. I can't be with you anymore.
I don't hate you, please don't be sad. I told Tres and Erebus to protect you. Please demand them for their care and protection. Please... just lean on them. They are quite reliant.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
Dear Admiral,
Nice to meet you, I'm Raine, Anemone's sister.... And... I'm sorry, Anemone isn't around... she will be gone for a long time. I'm terribly sorry.
I'm taking over her belongings and her Omni-tool from now on, I hope you won't mind. She said you've been a great acquaintance to her, and you were one of the few who she namely wanted me to send you her best regards.
She said she actually buys your 'bullshit', and she would join the war and fight for you if there's a chance if you two'd meet again.
I thank you for all of your effort in battling against the Reapers.
Reon Amami
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
⊙ ((I know it's for plot purposes, but a part of me is still sad to see this account go ;-; /facetouch alsoIknowweonlydidthatoneRPsoIunderstandifthisdoesn'tworkaswellassomeofyourotherpartners :'D))
Dear, Lovely Ms. Muir,
We haven't been talking or meeting since a long time ago. But from my terminal I could see you doing quite well. And based on my understanding... we're seeing the same doctor. I guess that's something called coincidence, or fate, I don't know, but I felt fortunate to have met you and actually talked with you and have shared some time of my life with you around.
I am trying hard in fighting against my nightmares. I hope you the best of luck in dealing the same things...
Please give Challa and Ren my best regards.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
Dear Erebus,
I think... my right arm hurts a lot now, I don't know what had happened.... But I hope you're alright. I'm sorry to have left you without saying a proper goodbye.... Well... there's a list of things... oh, and I forgot to tell you that you may ask Altair to bunk up with his son before you move to other places.
I wish you good life, and some luck in dealing with Tres. I'm sure you'll be good brothers.
We will meet again some times, I might be at the place "where stars never sleeps". Hmm.
Don't feel bitter, smile, life will be better if you smile.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
Dear Dr. Nagi,
I hope Anemone didn't cause much trouble to you. She was only protecting you from threats. She knew your affiliation with the Shadow Broker. Bat was a man who was in rival with her information trading business, Bat wasn't his real name, just like Garnet wasn't Anemone's, either. I'll find it out soon enough.
I will see you soon. Keep an eye to the skies, raise your hand if you see Minerva. I will be wherever she will be.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
⊙ for easier copying.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
[A list of distributed goods sorted out based on the recipients and have sent to their Omni-tools]
The gryphon plume locket, it's a gift from me to you. The plume was from a very good friend of mine who had lived her life in protecting her children to her very last breath. This locket is yours to keep, forever.
The ownership of this apartment in Kithoi Wards.
The muniment for this apartment; I've transferred the name from mine to yours.
Fenrir is yours to keep, please take good care of him.
Your son's education fund, I've been saving his university tuition from my income, it had been wired to your account.
Please, live a good life, a decent one,  you deserve one.
Be a good dad to your son, spend time with him, watch him grow up, he deserves a good life.
Your new clothes.
A map of all the Keeper's Catwalks on the Citadel.
I'm sorry, the car's gone, Anemone said Altair blew it up. Otherwise I would've give you its keys.
The ownership of the kitchen.
Anemone said Tres might want to talk to you, he knew you've given me your lifespan, and he sort of sees you differently after he heard this.
Please be nice to Tres and try to protect Boo when I can't be with her.
If life is tough, go to Kithoi Point or Zakera Point, I've marked some places in the Keeper's Catwalks where you can see all the stars.
Your education fund.
Your full authority in supervising your dad to life a good life out of his, I'm counting on you for it.
A box for you to open when you turned 18, it's locked based on a code generated by quantum calculators, so Altair, if you're reading this, please don't try to open it, it will destroy itself.
Galaxy map.
I'm sorry, Anemone said she would've kill you like killing a witness of her crimes. But you're Boo, and she loves you too, so our way in solving this is to leave you. It's to keep you safe as well. We won't be the Raine/Anemone you've know of anymore. Your life would be better without us. I'm sorry, it's the only way.
Please take care of yourself.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
Epilogue - Dreamless Solace
Anemone almost collapsed right after she had stepped through the door to the apartment in Kithoi Wards.
It was a long walk from the Presidium, she knew should've take the shuttle, but she didn't want to. The coldness of the catwalks would bring her solace.
Dreamless Solace.
She remembered how she never had to sleep at night; she was always the one who volunteered to stay on vigil when her Suns squad took their rest. She remembered there was a Turian who never had to sleep as well, and that was how they get to started to talk with each other.
And that Turian was just trying to seek retaliation in destroying her a while ago.
Anemone cleared her dry throat and walked towards the refrigerator to get her cocktail. Erebus wasn't home, and her right arm felt painful as if it was going to fall off. It was an unusual sensation; she never felt pain, neither physical nor emotional. But now she felt something was shattered, forever lost in the void.
"Is this what you've been feeling, Raine?" she uttered and took a seat at the window sill. She knew the view well. The lilac, starry wind of the Serpent Nebula was one of the favorite things she was fond of. It must've been a coincidence that Raine had chosen an apartment with such view, Anemone was sure of it, because she had never told anyone what she really liked.
Then again, it could've been their memories were mending into each other....
She took another deep sigh before closing her eyes and leaned her head on the star-lit window glass.
Raine opened her eyes, it felt like a long sleep; dreamy, and tiresome.
She silently looked at her right hand; there was blue spatter on her knuckles and torn bandages. A half-empty glass filled with blood orange cocktail rested beside her.
She took a small sigh.
Raine didn't know what had happened to Anemone, but whatever it was, she must've been feeling anguished. Raine's own intuition had told her so.
She summoned her Omni-tool to check if Anemone had replied to her notes. To her relief, her unseen sister had replied to some. More importantly, she had spotted a name on the journal.
"Vera," Raine uttered as she ran her finger onto the screen. She needed to feel the touch to reassure herself that it was real. "Veronica... Veronica........."
She did have a name, perhaps it's her real name even. She felt content, and rejoiced, but there was also a sense of hollowness, something was shattered and would never be able to find again.
She looked into her own reflection on the glass. Her red eyes gleamed softly onto the reflection’s darker eyes.
  "Anemone," she reached out a hand to run down the reflection's cheek. "How am I going to live without you?"
Her own reflection looked sadly to her in silence.
Raine lowered her glance in a mournfully. She should have faced many things on her own, not relying on Anemone as her umbrella. If she could live more independently; to speak up her own minds more boldly; or even to pursue the shadows so they could shine like Anemone's plumes....
She looked at the tattered and burned tips of her hair.
She walked into her room and returned to the window sill with a scissor in her hand.
If Anemone was going to disappear, then the worst thing that could ever happen would be having nobody there to remember her existence. Anemone was also an individual, and someone should remember her. She wouldn't count on Altair in doing it. He has lost his memories... perhaps would even be confused of why Anemone punched him so hard... that he had bled......
I'm sorry. But this is the only way.
She needed more strength to protect those she loves, she need the shadows to become her plume, even if it means staining her hands with more blood. She shall become Anemone, and accept her fate as what she was made to be. There might be squalls and merciless storms, but at least from now on, whenever she sees her reflection, Anemone will be seeing her.
She didn't bother to sweep up the fallen locks. It was her last remnant to this house. She has nothing important to take with her, aside from Minerva, it was her Spirit Bird, her solace; Minerva was one of the many reasons for her to hang on.
She stopped by the doorstep to give her home one final look.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
"At least I finally met someone friendly enough," she let out a faint smile to the gray-faced humanoid. "It's good to know you're here, for Boo, I'm going to count on you to keep her safe. Because I couldn't."
Anemone shrugged and tilted her head in an angle. It was the usual body language she'd always use when she wanted to show her indifference. But Anemone knew by heart that she cared about Boo, she was simply reluctant in showing that. Raine would've done it naturally, but she wasn't Raine.
“I hope more than anything that I’m not hurting Boo. She truly doesn’t deserve it.” Tres scratches its cheek with one hand. “Now I’m remembering. Strange, I never thought I’d be the one to not remember something. It’s nice to meet you, Anemone.”
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
"I don't care about taboos, but I know some do, and I'd rather not seeing any more person screw up with Boo's life," Anemone gave Tres a hollowed smirk. "I remember reading Raine's journal that she has had a conversation with you long ago. As for me, I forget to introduce myself quite often, for many reasons. But I call myself 'Anemone', it's just for you to know."
“I don’t know what the taboos between genders are in regards to social interaction, but I will keep that in mind.” Tres was still lean and hungry-looking, but several characteristics had changed about it. Its eyes were glowing white now, and its fingers were now rounded yet again. Its teeth were still sharp, as evidenced by its grimace when Anemone mentioned the “physical havoc”… she? Some other person named Raine? Whomever was involved, at any rate, had incurred. “Me and the oth— I won’t hesitate to help. I don’t even know your name… or do I just not remember? The latter is much less likely, but still possible. And I should definitely apologize to Erebus when I find him.”
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
Her heart was calm when Reave broke out of her car with a terrifying roar, the shuddering impacted onto her, and she knew it was coming. She saw his rage, his anguish, his desire in seeking retribution.
Anemone deliberately let the container hit her vehicle. It was about time to let the world shatter, so a new world could be born. It would be the only way to their salvation.
She fell out of the skycar and landed onto a taller stack of containers, leaving her beloved vehicle fallen gracefully forward into the stack of shipments and exploded into a burst of purplish flames.
"Raine," she called out to her unseen sister, her eyes did not blink when the explosion engulfed her entirely.
"This is the man you've stained your hands to protect for. Now there is vengeance in his eyes. His vengeance is on me, who seeks justice for you. Do you still desire to protect this man who'd never paid no fucking appreciations for the both of us?"
Her bitter inquiry echoed in the hollow confines. Anemone was sure Reave had heard her words, but his face showed neither regret nor confusion, he had been affected by his own emotions and his memories.
The subtle waves of her bluish flame had been fending the violent flames off from her body, but she knew it could not block the immense heat. The tip of her soft, long hair was caught on fire, but she didn’t care. It’s just another piece of this world that needed to be shattered.
Anemone lowered her head and gave a slow, remorseful blink to the Turian man below her before she shrouded herself with Tactical Cloak and left the shipyard through the Keeper’s catwalk.
He had regained his memories, she could tell from the fanatic blue flames that was bursting out from his eyes. And that makes him her brother; she shall never fight against her brother, regardless of what he sees her as.
Fast and Furious (open RP / Reave + Boo)
Reave felt like his mind was shattered as the memories of his past continue to flash before him - blinding reality around him and taunting him of the pain and fury in which he had blissfully forgotten.
He felt out of place.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
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anonymousuplifted replied to your post: “I’m not very familiar with you, but I’ve decided to reach out, try and communicate with more people. Hello.”
“Truth be told, I’ve never really had thoughts on whether or not I was male, but I don’t mind being called a boy, if only for simplicity’s sake. I would help with your arm, but I’m not sure if I’ll cause harm or not with my magic.”
I don't think Boo's old man would approve to have his girl dating another girl, so I'll still call you a boy.
And I'm done with magic users. Erebus gave this body part of his lifespan to cure it when my... other half, Raine, was suffering through physical havoc. This body is just too fuckin' unstable, might've been dead at any moment if it wasn't for his magic.
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dreamlesssolace-blog · 12 years
"I'm not very familiar with you, but I've decided to reach out, try and communicate with more people. Hello."
((Ah, I was having feelings that I should say hello to you, too. But since you did it first... /krogan hug snuggle))
Anemone: I know you, you're Tres, Boo's... *air quote* boyfriend. You got any idea where Boo and Erebus went? My right shoulder hurts like it's gonna disappear and I'm not supposed to be feeling pain.
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