dreamlog900 · 2 years
area manager visits my house as part of a general work investigation. he has feelings for me ( in this particular dream ) so while looking at every poster i have in my room, he quickly draws a sketch of each one and, while i’m not present, he sticks each doodle to my walls — as some sort of gift, i suppose. i look at my vandalised walls, flabbergasted, before bidding the area manager and the rest of the visiting party goodbye. later on, he returns and lays in my bed next to me; he proceeds to tickle me to get my attention and it feels like a demon is trying to enter my body through my ribcage.
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dreamlog900 · 3 years
was playing basketball with a bunch of guys and i accidentally kicked one of them in the nuts. he got mad at me and locked me in the janitor’s room.
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dreamlog900 · 3 years
a little pig mutant kidnapped me and a couple members of my family. we were trapped in its horror house, which was built like an escape room; clown themed. the piggy had major mental issues, so the reason we were brought there was to go through his art exhibition and understand his pain — as a form of vengeance, i suppose. the exhibition included various art pieces (cringe emo art) made with different media.
i wish i could analyse this dream and find the hidden meaning behind it, but i seriously cannot understand what could’ve possibly caused this, so i’m just gonna assume i need to stop eating meat before bed.
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dreamlog900 · 3 years
i’m gonna try and learn russian in my sleep tonight
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dreamlog900 · 3 years
life would be easier if i could just make threads on here . hm
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dreamlog900 · 3 years
i would tell you guys ( est. audience size: 0 ) about other dreams i had in the past, but then i’d also have to analyse them in depth for you all to understand whatever triggered those horrific dreams and that requires too much effort and too much trauma dumping
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dreamlog900 · 3 years
also, i know it’s gonna look like i’m talking to myself, but i need a public space to shitpost and share all my deranged thoughts and my private twitter isn’t built for that
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dreamlog900 · 3 years
need to start writing down my dreams so i can remember them better . hope this works .
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