dreamracer · 3 years
5 Benefits of Scuba Diving for Body Health
Scuba diving or ocean diving appears to be increasingly popular in recent years. However, why bother diving under the sea until you have to use oxygen cylinders? Well, apart from the amazing natural wealth under the sea, here are the various health benefits of scuba diving for your body.
Health benefits of scuba diving
Diving or scuba diving is generally used as a means of recreation as well as sports that nourish the body. Scuba stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, which uses diving equipment, such as oxygen cylinders, regulators, tanks, and weight gainers to explore the underwater world.
In ancient times, it was only the American navy that generally practiced this sport. But now, many ordinary people are starting to enjoy scuba diving activities. What are the benefits and benefits that you will get from this diving sport? Come on, see the various healthy benefits that you can get from the following scuba diving.
1. Train all the muscles of the body
When you start diving, all your body muscles will fight against the strong currents of water. Kelly Rockwood, PADI America's dive instructor and fitness expert, quoted from Women's Health as saying that divers are usually not aware that the activities they are doing underwater are actually quite strenuous physical activity.
When in the water, the body's movements and weight feel lighter. What actually happens is that divers use the body's main muscle groups to propel themselves against water resistance while exploring the oceans.
So it's no wonder that after scuba diving, the body can feel very tired. Especially when diving, you will carry oxygen cylinders weighing about 30 to 40 kilograms and various other equipment that reaches 10 kilograms. That's why your muscles will be better trained and formed, without the need to sweat excessively like when exercising in the gym.
2. Burn calories massively
Scuba diving for 30 minutes can burn 40 calories, you know. Thanks to the resistance and movement in the water, you can actually burn more calories than any other exercise. However, the benefits of scuba diving depend on your body weight, water currents, and the intensity of the dive you are doing.
Brad Johnson, Ph.D., fitness expert and author of health books advises against skipping meals and drinking as much water as possible if you dive several times a day. If it is not balanced with adequate food and drink intake, it is feared that it will cause serious health problems due to diving. This is because basically your calories have been drained quite a lot during this exercise.
3. Practicing breathing
You are prohibited from simply holding your breath while diving. When diving you should instead use deep breathing (usually abdominal breathing). This aims to avoid the risk of injury to the lungs.
According to Harvard Medical School, breathing using abdominal breath can improve lung function as well as strengthen the respiratory system. In addition, using deep breathing when scuba diving is also beneficial to let the body absorb more oxygen and release more carbon dioxide.
Another bonus, this deep breathing technique can also help lower blood pressure, treat depression, anxiety disorders, and other stress-related disorders.
4. Relieve stress
Combining the release of endorphins while diving, doing deep breathing, and seeing beautiful underwater scenery, can help you relieve stress. You may feel some peace and quiet when you float in the water.
According to the journal Frontiers In Psychology, the components in scuba diving have the same benefits when you do meditation techniques, one of which is deep and slow breathing.
The sport of diving is expected to have the same effectiveness in reducing stress. As a result, the sport of scuba diving as a means of recreation is able to improve the mood of someone who has mood problems. The perceived benefits also appear to outweigh any other exercise in reducing stress.
5. Increase self-confidence
You may lack confidence when you have to step outside your comfort zone. As one of the extreme and challenging sports, scuba diving will pump your adrenaline and push your physical abilities to a higher level. Alfred Bove, M.D., Ph.D., professor of Temple University School of Medicine and a certified diver stated, the more you are able to overcome fear when diving, the more confidence you will face other challenges while living your daily life.
So how about you, interested in trying this unique and challenging sport? Make sure you have mastered swimming techniques, take courses to learn diving and understand the scuba diving techniques provided by your instructor. Also do a consultation with a doctor to make sure the body is in a healthy and fit condition. If you have certain health problems, this can hinder your activities and carry risks that can even be life threatening.
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dreamracer · 3 years
Dram Racer
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Straight track racing is a type of auto racing or motorbike racing competing, usually all at once, to be the first to cross a predetermined finish line. The race takes place on a short, straight line from the start starting at a measured distance, most commonly a ¹⁄₄ mile distance.
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