dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
This dream actually made me late for school.
The earliest in the dream that I can remember is walking down a wide, dirt path.  All around were low trees and overgrowth.
I came up to an intersecting path to my right.  At its beginning were two stone pillars at opposite ends with overgrowth on them..  There was a dragon curled around the pillar on the right.
As I walked between the pillars and onto this new path, the dragon woke up.  It was one of those talking dragons.  I didn't look back at it  as it taunted me, trying to get me to quit whatever I was doing.
I continued walking along the path as it got increasingly overgrown and unweathered by the footprints of humans.  Cliffs rose up on both sides the further I went.
There was a turn coming up, but as I did I woke up.
This dream is partly a continuation of a dream I didn't remember from another day because I recognized the setting.  In my other dream, I was running down the path I just described, except I was running in the opposite direction and the path didn't look as deserted and overgrown.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
Had a very short dream last night.
In between my two alarms, I had a dream that I was was trying to find mathematical patterns in the Declaration of Independence with Barack Obama inside of his oval office.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
Had a more fun dream to remember this time.
I was walking through some woods along this hilly path.  It was really foggy in the area, and I could barely see past 10 yards in any direction.  Behind me, I knew something was following me.  I looked around to try and see what it was, and I only caught a glimpse of a dark figure darting away.  As I turned back around to look where I was going, I saw a tall figure wearing a black suit and tie walking through the woods on another path.  This.. thing was entirely white and didn't seem to have a face.  It seemed to completely resemble a certain, rather tall figure that recently gained a substantial amount of popularity over the past couple of years.
As the figure strode along its respective path, it inched closer to me along its parallel trajectory.  The closer it got, the more its appearance seemed to change.  Almost like the fog put an illusion over the figure to hide its true form.  Its true form was this hideous creature of black.  Where its hair would be was a tangled mass of tentacles that sprouted from its scalp.  It wasn't actually wearing clothes, it simply stood in its naked instillment of fear.  The body was too tall and elongated for a human.  All of the limbs were symmetrically out of proportion.  Arms were too long.  Legs were too long.
I decided to follow it, forgetting about whatever was following me before.  I switched paths for whatever insane reason I had and pursued it.  I walked in the same direction that the figure was along the same path.  Somehow, the figure had sped ahead into the fog and out of my vision.  I then decided to run after it because that's a good idea.
I needed to prepare myself for when and if I was going to catch up to it, so I pulled out some kind of weapon.  It seemed to have an options menu for changing the weapon into a different kind of weapon.  I decided on something that looked like a large cup.  As I continued running, the path took a slightly steep drop into a miniature valley of sorts.  In the valley was the creature.  My legs tensed up and I lunged for it, brandishing the cup-like object in my hand.  My jump positioned me on its head and I jammed the cup-thing into it, as if I was trying to suck up the figure.  It seemed to be immune to whatever I was trying to do and grabbed me with its tentacles.
Then I woke up.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
I would like to start this entry with an apology.  I have recently been not updating this journal everyday for a number of excuses.  I'm not going to go into detail about them so I'll just continue with today's entry.
My alarm went off this morning and I immediately forgot the dreams I had during the night.  Fortunately, I hd fallen back to sleep and had two very short dreams in the span of a couple of minutes.
The first dream started with the image of a beach.  A couple of women pass into my vision as they walked to the beach.  The first was a brunette in a polka dot bikini.  Her companion was a blonde in a more simplistic white bikini.
As they walked, they passed by a sign that said nude beach on it.  They continued walking to a spot they had picked out.  They started to set up some towels and a beach umbrella, then relaxed under the shade.  Even though they were at a nude beach, they had decided to keep their clothes on.  After a little while, the blonde started to converse with the brunette.  I don't recall what they said, but something was said by the blonde that caused the brunette to go  over to her partner and kiss her.  The brunette then whispered something along the lines of "It's okay.  We're at a nude beach." and started to pull the blonde's outfit off.
Then the dream changed.
The setting was now a press conference that was being held in a surprisingly small room for a press conference.  There was a single man at the table that I recognized to be James Franco with significantly longer hair and scraggly beard than I have ever seen him have.  Whatever he had experienced before that convinced him that grooming was no longer worth it was obviously still haunting him as he put his face into his hands under some kind of stress.
Then I woke up.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
My dreams started in a much more normal place than usual.
In my first dream, I had decided that I was going to enroll into a military academy.
Time then jumped to my first day of class at some place called MTI (the military academy).  Desks were set up in some kind of tent with netting for the sides so the tent was almost transparent.  It was a small class, and the mood was oddly casual for a military academy.  The class was being asked why we joined the school.  Everyone had their various reasons.  Family tradition, rebellion, seeking a military career.  Everything under the sun.  When the question finally came around to me, I hesitated in my effort to think of my reason.  Before, I had been noticing that I was surprised at how much I liked going to this fictional school of my dreams.  
I was about to answer the question before time jumped forward again.  I was waking up in a "barracks" of some sort.  (This time was farthest ahead in the timeline,  so I will refer to this part of the dream as the present.)  The walls were concrete and the beds were built into the wall.  The scene was very similar to the Forward Unto Dawn series.  I was late to putting my gear on and readying my weapon.  Because I was so late, I had decided to just go out in what I slept in, along with a jacket.
Time seemed to jump back to a time during my academy days.  I was wearing the outfit from the present day part of the dream, as if reminiscing my wearing this outfit from the earlier date.  The dream continued with me walking through a door and going outside for a footrace that the class was having that morning.  The rest of the class was already warming up as I walked out on to the grass.  I didn't waste any time warming up because the race was about to start.  
We had been told beforehand that the race was to start at a certain time, not by someone starting the race.  About half of the people racing were looking at their watches and waiting for the start.  I had taken position at the front of the group, to see if I could control the pace of the race.  The race started, but everyone was going at this extremely sluggish pace (including me) that required an enormous amount of effort for even slight movements.  It was like that feeling when you'e trying to flee from a nightmare, but you just can't run fast enough.  Except, that was happening to everyone there.  I somehow managed to stay ahead.  Probably because of my advanced placing at the beginning.
The track twisted and turned every which way for a long while and didn't seem to end.
I never got to see the end because in the process of writing this post, I forgot the rest of my dreams.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
I remember having about 4 dreams that night, but I only remember what happened in one. I think I was outside. I couldn’t tell because I had my eyes closed. I was loading the clip to a small handgun reminiscent of the James Bond film franchise. Despite my eyes being closed, I could still see what I was doing with the bullets I was loading. I only loaded about three rounds before I slid the clip into the gun, pulled the slide back, then started firing. I didn't seem to be firing at anything in particular. The last bullet got jammed, so I tinkered around with the gun's slide and pulled the unfired bullet out. The head of the bullet seemed dented, but I figured that it could still be fired. Holding the slide back, I simply placed the bullet in the mechanism and let the slide do the work. Aiming at whatever I was aiming at, I pulled the trigger and woke up.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
I don't remember anything from the dream that night so just go to the next post.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
I was in the middle of escaping from some kind of mental institution.  I was running down a dark, grey hallway.  It wasn't long before I reached my destination at the end of the hallway.  There was a dark hole in the ceiling that I squeezed through pretty quickly.
Suddenly, I was in a car with some of my friends.  We were on the run from the police because of the escape and were looking for a place to lay low.  We came upon an abandoned house in a wooded area.  We got out of the car and walked through a side door in the garage that happened to be unlocked.  The garage had an assortment of items and objects strewn about on the floor.  The house had obviously been lived in before.
We looked around the house to make a quick check of any rooms inside the house.  I was about to go back outside and check the surrounding area for anything noteworthy when somebody yelled "Somebody sent the cops here" to which I ran out the back door to run into the woods and hide.  My friends had a different plan and instead headed for the car.  As we parted ways, there was a blond man in the front yard of the house firing a flare gun into the air against the pleas of my friends.
Understanding the hopelessness of their plan of escape, I continued running into the woods.  As I ran, I came across a few obstacles.  The first time, I almost ran off the edge of a cliff.  I looked down in my adrenaline surge of fear for a split second decided not to use that route.  I instead turned left and away from the cliff in search of a route that didn't involve tumbling down a cliff.  As I ran in this new direction, I soon saw a man running in the opposite direction.  This man was dressed in red and black attire, but I somehow recognized him as a police officer that was after my friends and I.  In my deduction of his occupation, I decided to act like a distraught, innocent civilian so that he wouldn't suspect me of being who I really was.  Fortunately, he believed my persona and continued running for the house that was surely now empty and once again abandoned.  I dropped my act as he passed and quickly rand in the direction in which the man came from.  I soon came across a couple more police officers standing next to their cruiser and talking.  One man, one woman.  They were parked outside of a peculiar building that sat atop two hills and had a space underneath the middle that was large enough to run through.
I had to sneak past them to continue, or at least until I was far enough to dart away from them and lose them under the building.  I managed to sneak behind their car to the edge.  In preparation, I took a silent and deep breath.
My legs sprung me toward the gap at full sprint in my effort to outrun my pursuers.  I fully expected some kind of projectile to rocket towards me to stop my escape.  Oddly, that didn't happen.  I instead found myself back in the hallway of the mental institution during my original escape.  I found the hole in the ceiling that I escaped from before and crawled through it.  
This time, I found myself running down the suburban street that I live on. It was a clear night with many stars that were visible, even though there is a lot of light pollution in my area.   I was being chased by... something.  Something that only existed in nightmares.  I was tired and slow and tried desperately to outrun whatever was behind me, but I knew that it was always getting closer.
Something hit me in the back as I ran.  I made the conclusion that I had been infected by the thing chasing me.  I tried to keep running, but I felt my mind progressively slipping away.  I couldn't keep up the chase anymore.  I had been caught.  As I fell to the ground, I closed my eyes.
Then I woke up.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
An Apology.
I was informed by a friend that my frequent nights of not having dreams was beginning to bore her.  While I do feel the same way, I can't control how often I remember my dreams.  It's a hit-or-miss at best for me.
To all of my readers, I am sorry, but you'll have to hope for the best and have faith in me.  When my brain delivers, I too shall deliver.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
Dream Journal : 10/3/13
I had another night of not remembering dreams.  I think it's because I haven't gotten enough sleep because I started to wake up earlier than usual to write these just as I wake up.  
In an effort to try and give my audience a more entertaining experience in reading this, during this weekend, I'm going to catch up on sleep.  Then, after the weekend, I'm going to start going to bed earlier.  I finally have a reason to pursue going to bed earlier, since it doesn't really affect my grades.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
Dream Journal : 10/2/13
Another night of forgetting my dreams.  It confuses me how the brain is so ready to forget that kind of experience.  Creating this incredibly detailed world and scenario of beautiful scenery, fantastical events, and passionate emotion just to throw it all away as soon as consciousness is regained. 
I don't think this post is yet a good length for me to post onto the internet so I'm going to fill it up a bit with my plans for this dream journal.
I'm not exactly adept at HTML.  I spent about a week learning some basics and how website code is structured.  My plan though is to get better at HTML for a specific purpose.  I want to combine this blog with my original one.  I think that it'll give it some more substance so I can feel more proud about it.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
Dream Journal : 10/1/13
I remember that right before I woke up, I remembered every detail about the dream I was having that morning.  Right after I woke up, the only thing that I could remember about the dream was that I had it.  That's the second time that this has happened since this journal has started as well as the many times before that.  I now treat these times like fights with an old friend.  You get aggravated for a bit, you laugh about it later, then you have a drink together.  Unfortunately, I'm still underage, so my glass is still filling up with Shirley Temple on the rocks.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
Dream Journal : 9/30/13
Last night was another short dream, but it was more detailed than my last.
It was a cloudy afternoon.  Waves crashed against the rocky sands of the beach.  The grassy cliffs faced the sea as if they awaited their arrival.  The cliff had a road leading down from it so that travelers that came to the cliff may go to the beach if they so desired.  Along the road, heading inland, were houses of various designs.  At the end of the road, at the bottom of the cliff, stood a single house that faced the beach.  It didn't appear to be of any importance in this dream despite its unique location in comparison to the rest of the houses.  In this dream, I was standing on the beach and looking out to the ocean as the waves churned the water against the sand.  Feeling satisfied, I turned around and walked back down the road from whence I came.  
Then I woke up.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
Dream Journal : 9/29/13
Since the start of this dream journal, I haven't remembered any of my dreams until now.
Near the time that I woke up this morning, I had a short dream.  In my dream, I was laying in my bed and writing in the notebook where I rough draft all of my blog posts (including my dream journal posts).  As I laid there on my back, trying to jot down the dream, my eyelids grew increasingly heavier as fatigue and sleepiness once again overcame me.  My eyes shut and I opened them again to wake up on the couch that I had fallen asleep on the night before watching old, British comedies.  In a moment of curiosity, I checked inside the notebook to see if I had written anything, but I hadn't.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
Dream Journal : 9/28/13
Similar to last night, I didn't have any dreams that I can remember.  It's nights like this where I seriously doubt whether people actually have 3-7 dreams every night.  With my doubt about nightly dreaming, I would love to look at brain scans of people during REM sleep so I can better understand dreaming ,and I can finally unlock the hidden power that dwells within the sub-conscious.
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dreams-not-ambitions · 11 years
Dream Journal : 9/27/13
I remember that I had two dreams before I fell completely asleep.  However, I don’t remember what transpired during them.  The fact that I remember having them is an uncommon event with me.  I usually don’t remember anything about my dreams down to the point of not remembering even having them.
I do remember that I realized I was dreaming at the start of the second dream.  Unfortunately, I am very bad at staying asleep when I realize that I’m dreaming.  That aggravates me a bit.  
After I fell into REM sleep, I didn’t have any dreams that I can remember.  Maybe, with some luck, I’ll start to remember my dreams better with this online dream journal.
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