dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
dude, don't be a dick, just tell me what your favorite flowers are so I can have them delivered to ya
Hey, cult guy, how are ya doing? What kind of flowers do you like, Alistair wants me to order you some and have them delivered to your hospital room. I think he feels bad for you or smth lol
Feels bad for ME. HAH.
Fuck off why don’t you-
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
Tumblr media
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
shirt with large text that just says "GOT SCARED"
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
(Not wanting to be impolite or make Kaguya feel embarrassed, Alistair attempts to fight the urge to laugh. But he fails.)
It's– *snicker* It's okay, don't worry it. I'm not offended, I promise.
Quite a few aspects of vampirism can be a real.. *snickers again* pain in the neck, to be sure.
Oh. I've had a similar problem ever since I was turned... I can hear so much more now, the world seems much louder than it was before... It's very... overwhelming and... frightening. I get really bad sensory overload and headaches because of it. But, I recently got some really good noise canceling headphones and they've been helping quite a bit!
Oh. That sucks.
wait shit is that offensive.. uh.
That’s sometimes the cross you have t-
wait no
When the stakes are high it’s easy to get ov-
fuck wait- give me a second-
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
Oh, okay! Same!
I feel like fainting that much suggests the potential for a heart-related condition, are you okay?
Thank you for your concern. I only have severe mental issues.
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
they hate me because im an effeminate man and a masculine woman
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
Awesome!!! 😎🤙I'm totally gonna get you some pretty orchids sometime then!
Do I get to give you flowers since we're already friends? 😎🤙
*Kaguya seems to be calculating very hard in his head.*
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
Really?!! Oh, rad!!!!! 😎❤️ What kinds of flowers do you like, moon bunny? I wanna know what you'd prefer I get ya
Do I get to give you flowers since we're already friends? 😎🤙
*Kaguya seems to be calculating very hard in his head.*
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
Monster fucker this, monster fucker that. What if I want a monster RELATIONSHIP huh?! Monster HAND HOLDING, monster INTIMATE CONVERSATIONS, monster COMFORTABLE SILENCE??
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
Well, I think you're sexy <3 I love you, babe
Some people like silver foxes ;3
Iiimmm not sexxxxyyyy mattureeee immm just ollllddd.
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
Unfortunately, I think that would kill me, and Alis would cry if I died
You can eat me out in other ways tho, if you want ;3
I'm a little jealous, not having a brain sounds nice. Maybe I should give mine to a zombie, they'd get more use out of it than I ever do tbh lmao
Iiii cannn eattt yyyooou outtt ifff You wannnt..
Eatttt youuu outtt of your skullll obviouslyyyy.
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
you have to listen to loud music . it scares the evil creatures from your head
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
Really?! I'm so glad you like it! I tried my best to get it right! (Damian looks absolutely thrilled. Behind him, the ball levitates again, seemingly getting thrown a short distance by an invisible force, and Princess chases after it once more.)
(Damian remains blissfully unaware of the fact that his dog has magic, merely smiling when Kaguya accepts the food.)
I hope you like it! I made it myself, using one of my birth mom's old recipes!
*He Takes a Deep breath and takes a bite*
..Oh.. This.. is actually pretty good.. I’m impressed.
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
Shhhhhhh. Don't tell Damian, but I accidentally enchanted his dog years ago while messing around with some of these little enchanting candies.. the way it's supposed to work is you carve a rune onto the candy, and the eat it, and then for a short period of time you have magic relating to that rune. But.. uh.. I wasn't paying attention while dogsitting Princess and she ate a bunch and now she's... immortal??? And a wizard??? And Damian doesn't know
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
Shhhhhhh. Don't tell Damian, but I accidentally enchanted his dog years ago while messing around with some of these little enchanting candies.. the way it's supposed to work is you carve a rune onto the candy, and the eat it, and then for a short period of time you have magic relating to that rune. But.. uh.. I wasn't paying attention while dogsitting Princess and she ate a bunch and now she's... immortal??? And a wizard??? And Damian doesn't know
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
(Damian tilts his head to the side, confused, as he holds a plate out to Kaguya. Princess, meanwhile, is merely wagging her tail as she lays down on the ground as though tired.)
Huh? Are you okay, bro? I'm serious, there's no poison! Swear on my life!
(A door seems to grow out of nearby wall, and out walks Damian with a black dog carrier covered in flame decals in one hand and a basket with the smell of food wafting out of it in the other. He sets the dog carrier down and unlocks it, and a small yorkie wearing a big pink bow and a frilly pink dress excitedly runs out.)
Heyyyyyy, moon bunny! I brought rice and nori because I figured you might be hungry! I I also made some sakura tea, since I heard you like fancy teas and stuff!
You- did that? For me..?
*He shifts nervously* Uh. thank. You. Dude..
*Rolo, a very fat asthmatic pug waddles over and immediately shows his belly to his new guests*
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dreams-of-verbena · 1 year
(Damian frowns at that, seemingly concerned.) I wouldn't poison you, I promise. Look, I'll even take the first bite of the food so you can see it isn't poisoned!
(He reaches into the basket, pulling out a container and some plates. As he is focused on preparing two plates of food, something very peculiar is happening behind him... Princess returns, but her eyes are glowing pink as her ball levitates above her. She seems to notice that Kaguya can see her, and the glow immediately dissipates as the ball falls to the ground with a squeak.)
(Damian, however, notices none of this as he makes a show of taking a bite from the food on his own plate.) See! No poison!
(A door seems to grow out of nearby wall, and out walks Damian with a black dog carrier covered in flame decals in one hand and a basket with the smell of food wafting out of it in the other. He sets the dog carrier down and unlocks it, and a small yorkie wearing a big pink bow and a frilly pink dress excitedly runs out.)
Heyyyyyy, moon bunny! I brought rice and nori because I figured you might be hungry! I I also made some sakura tea, since I heard you like fancy teas and stuff!
You- did that? For me..?
*He shifts nervously* Uh. thank. You. Dude..
*Rolo, a very fat asthmatic pug waddles over and immediately shows his belly to his new guests*
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