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Been thinking a lot about these two scenes in GoF and how heartbreaking it must have been for Sirius. His Godson has just been attacked, not only by the return of the wizard who killed his best friend, but yet again by Peter, somewhat doubling down the betrayal he made against Lily and James.
But then, he hears that Lily and James were there. Actually sprung from the wand that murdered them to help their son. He had spent 12 years in Azkaban just wishing to see their faces one last time, to hear their voices and remember that they were real people that used to laugh with him. They saved their son again, even after death. He could not see them, but they were not lost.
So, in the aftermath Sirius stays with a horrified and grieving Harry. He insists, despite the danger that puts him in. He shifts into dog form and lays his head on Harry's stomach, feeling the slowing of his breath as he drifts to sleep, and is reminded of the last time he had done the exact same. A pregnant Lily, just starting to show, trying to stay awake while James follows through on his last Order mission before he officially resigns to stay with her and the baby.
After hours of worry, she had finally drifted to sleep, cradling her stomach with one hand and petting the tip of his ear with the other. He laid his head on her stomach, hoping, praying, to hear the door open and James to appear like he promised. The alternative is not an option. He closes his eyes and focuses on the sound of Lily's breath, straining to hear not one but two heartbeats coming from her center.
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We, as a society, need to start the work on Marauder Era formalwear world-building.
And really, all we need is to hunt down looks from designer and couture shows.
The fantasy. The drama. The execution.
It’s all there, already. Waiting.
I mean, come on.
Is that a ram? Is that an exotic bird? Nope. It’s Walburga Black serving absolute cunt during the 1974 Celestial Conclave at the Greengrass Estate.
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Phillip Treacy - Fall 1997
Feel free to add to the context
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dreamsofbrightstars · 27 days
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A microfic written for Day 7 of Jily Week 2024, run by the very lovely @sunshinemarauder and @kay-elle-cee, and inspired by the theme Continuation Station - in my case, a missing moment from canon!
200 words
Rated G
Lily learns a secret
Lily catches her breath. The stag that stands at the edge of the treeline is the most extraordinary thing she’s ever seen; magnificent, beautiful and - most of all - completely unexpected. 
He walks silently into the centre of the clearing, pausing in a shaft of light that shines through the leafy canopy, and Lily gasps as his antlers catch in the natural spotlight.
She isn’t really conscious of her feet moving, carrying her towards him until she’s standing right there in front of him. She searches his face in fascination and it’s only his eyes that give him away, just the barest flicker of green/gold in the inky depths. Tentatively, tenderly, she leans towards him, pressing her forehead to his, letting her eyes fall closed. 
When she opens them, he’s gone - so fast that she could have believed he was never there. Instead, James stands in his place, his forehead still against hers. 
“Alright, Evans?” he whispers. 
She stands back, reeling from what he’s just shown her - his skill, his audacity, his trust. There’s so much she wants to say, so many feelings she wants to express, but in the end, there’s only one word that she can find. 
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dreamsofbrightstars · 27 days
“Remus is the responsible one so clearly he’s the problem solver.”
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dreamsofbrightstars · 27 days
No plan (fic outline) ever survives contact with the enemy (the word doc page).
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dreamsofbrightstars · 28 days
A Matter of Fairness
James' Quidditch match is derailed by a very distracting Head Girl. (NSFW, oneshot) AO3 Link Here
The fall air swept through the open doors of the castle and ruffled at James’ hair. He shifted his stance anxiously. Squinting to look out the doors of the main hall, he could see huddled classmates in bursts of gold and red intermingling with the color of autumn leaves. He did a quick scan of each face, but was unsuccessful at finding a particular redhead within the crowd. 
A finger reached out and poked his cheek, making a twisting indentation into his skin. 
“You always make the same dopey face when you are thinking about Lily, you know that right?” Marlene pulled back her finger before poking him harder. James swatted at her hand which she dodged.
“Come off it. I was just—focusing.” Marlene snorted and shifted her broom to her other shoulder. 
“Focusing on the thought of Lily’s fanny, is more like it.”  Before James could retort, Marlene swung her broom to give his backside a soft pat. 
She wasn’t wrong. But still, he didn’t like being called out for it. 
“Get your head in the game, captain,” Marlene called, now walking towards the double doors towards the quidditch pitch. 
He knew Marlene was right, but he couldn’t help himself. He thought of how they woke up this morning: Lily wrapped in his arms with her hair fanned out on the pillow. The feel of her breasts pushing into him as her chest rose and fell in sleep. She fit perfectly into him: into his life, his body—he felt like an utter lunatic even wanting more of her still. Just the thought of her brought a fire into his chest.
“Hey Captain.”
And there she was. It seemed like ever since they had officially begun dating, Lily had the capability to stop time. The world fell away around her and she pulled him in like a force of gravity. It felt completely supernatural— he hoped the sensation would never go away. 
She stood in front of him now, face beaming. Her fringe slightly windswept from the crisp breeze. She stood on her tiptoes and placed a gentle kiss on his bottom lip, making him hum in approval.
“I thought you wouldn’t make it.” He placed his hands on either side of the crest of her neck and gently stroked her pressure point with his thumb. 
“You have so little faith in me?” She made a small pout and James was filled with the urge to kiss it away. He succumbed to the desire.
Mid-snog James opened his eyes to see Marlene and the rest of the marauders just a little ways off. Sirius shook his head in defeat while both him and Marlene made dramatic hand gestures. James could hear Marlene yell a sarcastic good luck before Sirius bounded in their direction. James groaned into Lily’s mouth.
 “We are about to be interrupted,” he breathed into her ear before nibbling at her earlobe. She leaned into his mouth. 
“Well, you’re going to keep kissing me.” He couldn’t argue with that. 
“Oi, you two! Just because you have some bloody daily shagging quota to fill doesn’t mean you have to do it in public.”
Lily pulled back from James and dramatically gasped. 
“Oh no! I forgot about the quota. James we are so behind, maybe you need to miss the Quidditch match…”
He knew she was just taking the piss out of Sirius, but it was a very enticing idea. Sirius used his shoulder to push his way in between Lily and James, despite Lily’s attempts to keep her arms firmly wrapped around his neck.
“Now you two be good Head Boy and Girl and stop dry humping in front of the student body.”
Lily took a step back with her hands up. “Alright alright, Chill out. I’ll let him go, just let me say one last thing to him. I promise I won’t get carried away.”
Sirius narrowed his eyes but stepped back. James couldn’t see Lily’s face, but whatever her expression, Sirius raised his eyebrows in response and gave a small smirk before walking away.
“You haven’t even said anything about my outfit.” James whipped his head back to Lily who had stepped back enough for him to fully see her. His extra quidditch jersey had been charmed to fit her better and her corduroy skirt hit higher than any Hogwarts uniform policy would allow. 
“Thief,” he accused, while the gravitational pull started again. Before he was even aware his arms were back around her and reaching for her bum. Lily laughed and smacked at his arms, which pulled her closer. 
“I nicked it off the ground in your dorm this morning.”
“I would have just given it to you.” His face was hovering dangerously close to hers again. The memory of the impending quidditch match started to fog and the vision of just hours before, laying tangled together in his bed flashed through his mind. 
“That would’ve ruined the surprise.” Lily chuckled. “And that’s not all,” she leaned in to breathe into his ear, making him shudder. I have a little lucky charm for you too.”
She pushed James off her to gain room to reach into her bag. Close-fisted, she pulled James’ hand between them and placed the soft ball of lace inside his open palm. 
His whole world zoomed into the knickers that now slowly unraveled themselves in his hand. 
“You’re joking.” He croaked. 
“I’m not.”
“You mean there’s nothing–”
“There’s nothing on underneath this no.” 
“Christ Evans.”
James could feel his head nodding, though his heartbeat felt like an oncoming earthquake.
“Merlin, how am I supposed to play with this knowledge—with you—-” he couldn’t even finish his sentence. From beyond, he could hear a roar of cheers coming from the stadium. They were running out of time. 
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Lily smirked, starting to back up towards the door. “Just keep your eyes on the prize.” She turned and sauntered off. James breathed a string of expletives into the air, still hovering his hand with her knickers dangling from them. 
The game went as expected—meaning completely derailed. James tried to position himself on the Ravenclaw side of the stadium as much as possible, but it wasn’t a sure bet. Every time he followed the quaffle’s movements into Gryffindor territory, the vision of Lily appeared: front row sandwiched between Remus and Sirius, leaning forward over the front railing in anxious anticipation of the game. She might have not even meant to tease him in such a way, but just the sight alone of her body bent forward; back arched just so slightly, pulled his focus completely off the field and into every dark corridor he could find for them once the game ended. In the pocket of his quidditch kit, he could feel the knicker’s presence burning into his thigh.
It was the most undeserving win he had ever experienced, and if he was being honest, he didn’t care. 
After the game, the Gryffindor house rushed the pitch in a celebratory mass. James seemed to part through it in a daze on his mission to find her. Thankfully, he didn’t have to look far. 
Rushing toward him, she wrapped her arms around him into an embrace and he picked her up off the ground.
“You played like rubbish,” she teased into his ear. 
“And whose fault is that,” he growled back, putting her back on the ground and smashing their lips together. 
“We need to leave. Now.” He gasped out and Lily pulled back to laugh. 
“What? And take Mr. Quidditch Captain away from his afterparty—what kind of monster do you think I am?” Her eyes sparked and she wiggled her eyebrows. Surely she’s not being serious. 
“Evans—” James warned.
“Potter,” she taunted back. He pulled her back against him, forcing one of her legs to wedge between his own so that she could feel his arousal against her lower half.
“I’m going mad Lily. I’ve been like this since before the game—knowing that you—it's not fair…”
Lily laughed again and ran a hand through the hair on the nape of his neck while the other snaked its way between them to run a finger over the pants of his ever growing erection. He let out a ragged expletive and darted his eyes around the crowd, praying to Merlin that no one was watching them close enough. 
“You still haven’t convinced me you deserve it.”
“I’ll do whatever you want.” He blurted it out with no hesitation. At this current moment, with her knickers in his pocket and her hand on him in public, hell, he would even beg. 
Lily pulled her hand back up and rubbed a thumb over his lips. He caught it with a nip of his teeth and her eyes darkened. 
“Enjoy the after party…have a few drinks…mingle with your team…then if you are good I might let you shag me.”
James closed his eyes and hummed, his erection nowhere near dissipating.
“What constitutes as good?”
Lily pursed her lips for a moment. “Hmmm. I guess I’ll figure that out as I go.”
James’ hand tried its luck at toying with the edges of her skirt, but Lily swiftly knocked it away and turned to follow the crowd back to the castle. 
“Oh and James–” she had turned to call back to him. “Don’t change out of your quidditch kit.”
As she turned and continued away, James buried his face in his hands and let out a groan. 
“Ayo, looking alive Prongs.”
Before he could look up from his hands, Sirius landed a slap right on his groin, forcing his knees to almost buckle in pain. 
“Bloody Fuck, Pads—that hurt.” James was doubled over at the waist and heaving air into his lungs.
“You've been like that this whole time? No wonder you played like shit.” 
“Thanks mate.” James finally mustered up the energy to right himself. 
“So what? Is this some weird new kink you lot are trying out?”
James gave him a pointed look. “If it is, I did not consent to it.”
“Oh, so she’s torturing you then—Merlin, love how that girl thinks.”
It hadn’t occurred to James that she could have a motive. He racked his brain and his eyes grew wide. 
“Oh, god I think I know why.”
“Do I want to know—actually yeah, tell me.”
It was flashing past James' memory now. The History of Magic class. His hand sliding up her skirt. The noise she made when his hand reached the very center of her; still wet from the quick shag that they had only hours earlier….
“You really want me to tell you?” James cautioned. 
“Well…tell me like you would tell it to your Grandpa Henry.” 
James sighed. “Well during History of Magic the other day I might have—I might have let my hand wander in her…private area.”
Sirius let out a barking laugh. “Jesus you would say that to your Grandpa? That’s pretty fucked up, mate.” James just closed his eyes and pressed his fingers to his temples. 
“Sirius—I’m really not—”
“Oh, I’m messing with you. C’mon, you might as well get it over with—whatever she’s up to….please don’t tell me though because I’d rather not be an accessory to this.”
When they reached the Gryffindor tower, there was already music pounding and drinks being doled out into the crowd. James scanned the room to find Lily sitting on the hearth of the fireplace amongst her girlfriends. She spied him in the doorway and uncrossed her legs, giving her knees a teasing sway before turning to continue listening to the conversation. 
Fuck fuck fuck. 
He had to reconsider his tactic. He wasn’t going to get far just letting her torture him for the duration of the night. He needed to get on the offensive. 
James grabbed a drink from the table of refreshments and sauntered up to Lily, who had been abandoned by her friends. She blinked her eyes at him, and smiled; pretending like his presence was a surprise. 
“Welcome to the party Mr. Quidditch Captain,” she grinned at him while patting the empty space next to her. He sat down and instinctively wrapped his arm around her waist, letting his hand tuck slightly into the waistband of her skirt. It was quiet, but he could hear her breath hitch. 
James leaned in and let his teeth graze her earlobe. Under his hand, he could feel her shift a bit. 
“What do you want? I’m dying here.” So much for being on the offensive. Just the proximity of her body alone made all of his morals crumble. 
Lily laughed and placed a hand on his cheek, turning his head and placing a kiss on the pressure point just above his jaw. 
“What are you going to do, Potter? Shag me right here?” She pulled away far enough to look at his lips with a dark expression. She was not very far from breaking either. 
“I would—oh Merlin I would—if that wouldn’t be so frowned upon seeing as we are Head Boy and Girl ...and that shagging in public settings is generally frowned upon.”
James placed his hand on her side and grasped at the bottom edge of her skirt. Lily hummed in approval.
“Do I need to beg? I’ll get on my knees even-–make a whole show of it.”  Lily’s laugh tinkled in his ear. She turned her body to face him directly. Her eyes were deep and fogged.
“What I want is for us to leave this party, find a nice quiet place all to ourselves, and for you to fuck me harder than you ever have.”
James saw stars. If he wasn’t hard before, he definitely was now. He didn’t even wait to respond, rather grabbing her by the waist and pulling her up onto her feet. 
“James–” Lily cautioned. There was no finesse to his movements. He didn’t even care that the whole crowd would know exactly where they were stealing off to. He kept his arm around her waist and maneuvered her towards the portrait hole. 
The second the party disappeared behind the portrait again, he dropped to his knees. Using one hand to push her up against the stone wall of the corridor, he gave no preamble to reach underneath her skirt and discover that she had been telling the truth all along. 
He swore under his breath and not wasting a single second longer, slipped a finger inside her. She made a squeal and bucked her hips up into the air. She clawed her hands at the wall behind her.
“James–ah—someone could—” But he didn’t care. He slipped another finger inside her and curled them together in a learned pattern that he knew would make her writhe underneath him. He gave her one last glance, before dipping his head underneath her skirt, finally finding the reward he had been wanting since before his match. 
He lapped at her folds, causing her to grasp at his hair, pushing his tongue farther into her. She began making small breathy noises and they urged him on. He loved that when she was writhing under him, the cadence of her voice changed, it felt more real—like he was pulling out the very core of her spirit in those moments. 
If Lily cared that they were still in a very public corridor, she was no longer showing it. She kept her hands tightly wound in his hair and bucked her hips up to aid in the rhythm of his work. He started to feel her quiver under his tongue—a sure sign that her release was near, and withdrew himself from her. 
An exasperated cry leaked from her mouth, but James stood and pressed his mouth on hers to silence it. His tongue and lips still tasted of her, and she flicked her tongue over his bottom lip to bring attention to that knowledge. 
“No fair.” She mouthed out—her voice sounded ragged and thin. 
“Evans, don’t talk to me about fair.” He took her hand and pulled her down the corridor. He felt like an insatiable animal—he had already felt like one even before this torturous day, but now the feeling was threefold. 
They clamored down the tower until they reached a small study room. James slammed the door shut behind them and immediately turned on Lily. She clawed off his jersey and began kissing down his chest toward his pant line. 
“No.” He growled, pulling her back up from her descent and pushed her back on one of the wooden tables. She lifted her legs and he could see right up her skirt to where he had tasted her just minutes before. 
Ripping at the snaps on her skirt, the fabric fell off easily in one swift movement. Lily perched herself up on her elbows and pouted, watching James remove his glasses and start unweaving the drawstrings of his quidditch trousers. 
“Let me go down on you—I want to taste you.” James abandoned his work on his pants for a moment and pressed his thumb to her clit, circling it with mild pressure. 
“I played by your rules today—it's my turn.” He ripped off his pants and stepped away from them. His cock sprung up in the moment of its release and he used one hand to stroke it softly as he continued moving his thumb on her clit. Lily’s eyes darkened further at the sight of his body; her lips began to quiver and she reached a hand out to him. 
He lurched forward. Standing over her from her lounged position on the table. Lifting one of her thighs up to his shoulder blade, he leaned forward and entered her. Lily let out a loud oh, and tried to move one hand to rub her clit. James grabbed both her hands and pinned them over her head, using the momentum of his thrusts to keep her below him. Looking down, her eyes glittered; blown-out and staring as he continued to pump.
Despite the quick, deep successions of his movement, the dominant demeanor James had been trying to carry was slipping away with every thrust. Instead, the pleasure from being inside her was overriding and making him slip into a trance that only her body could conjure. Lily continued to make whimpering noises unconsciously, sometimes peppering in his name or a muggle expletive.
He sucked in a breath and obliged, lifting her hips even higher off the table and making his thrusts more sharp. The table rocked and a noise of splintering wood came from some unknown source. The table could break, someone could hear them— or worse walk in—but neither of them cared. They were both completely lost in the void of each other. 
Lily's breath turned ragged and James pushed his tongue into her mouth, letting her moan straight into him rather than letting her sounds disappear into the air. He felt her body start to contract, but he didn’t let up. 
“James—I’m going to.” He didn’t let her finish the thought. He pulled himself out of her and before she could object, flipped her over so her cheek was pressing into the tabletop and her arse was arched into the air. He grabbed hold of her hips and made one quick thrust deep into her and she let out a gasp. He watched her hands grab at the sides of the table. 
“Come for me Lily. I want to feel it. You feel so good—god so fucking perfect—that’s it baby.” 
She opened her eyes and looked up at him from the tabletop. Her mouth opened to say something, but he watched as her pupils dilated and then softened. Around his cock, he could feel the rush of her release and she screamed out his name all while not breaking his gaze.
After she was done, her body sagged for a moment on the tabletop, before regaining the strength to sit up. Her lips were swollen and her breasts were erect and heaving with the aftershock of her orgasm. 
James pulled himself out of her, and she pulled at his neck to kiss him, taking his lower lip in between hers to suckle on it. 
“Ok, my turn to be in charge.” She sank to her knees in front of him and grabbed the base of his cock in one hand. James let out a hiss—he was already dangerously close. She had gone down on him many times before, but not after having been inside her. He watched as she regarded her own release that covered his cock. Hovering her mouth over his tip, she paused her lips to look up at him.
“Thank you.” She took a long lick over his tip, then down his length. James let out a strangled cry; it was now his turn to weave his hands into her hair. 
She bobbed her head up and down his length, using her tongue to flick over his tip. She licked off all of her own moisture before removing her mouth from him to sit back on her heels. 
James’ eyes were unfocused and far gone. He watched as she licked her lips and continued to use her hand to pump him. 
“Thank you,” she repeated. ”I’ve never really tasted my come before–not like that. It’s good.” 
James' body felt electrified—her words seeping into him as she put him back in her mouth and steadily continued to suck. He dared not to close his eyes as he watched his cock disappear and reappear from her mouth—her tits bouncing as she leaned forward and backward. He never wanted it to end, but the pressure was mounting, and beyond his vision sparks of light were appearing. 
“Lily, I’m gonna come. If you don’t want to —” but she latched onto his hips and held him in place as she continued letting him gently thrust in and out of her mouth. She unlatched her mouth just long enough to call out to him.
“I want to taste you. Please.”
 Sparks flew behind his eyes. He released within her mouth and she held his hips to keep pumping while he could feel her mouth fill. She swallowed with each thrust, until he slouched back on a table and removed himself from her. Lily sat back and wiped her mouth before standing to lean her body against his. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” James huffed at her, still out of breath and reeling from his orgasm. 
“I wanted to. I liked it.” James leaned back his head and groaned. 
“You're perfect, Lils. You know that? Maddening, but perfect.”
James gave her a lazy grin and kissed her softly. 
“I’m so stupidly in love with you. You could muck up all of my matches if this is what I get in return.”
Lily giggled and kissed the side of his mouth. 
“I love you too—If you only knew how wet I’ve gotten from all of your matches since the 5th year. “
James let out a groan and tossed his head back. 
“Lily–please. You can’t just say that and—” 
But Lily was already on it. She grabbed his head and kissed him deeper. Then deeper still and the whole world disappeared again.
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dreamsofbrightstars · 28 days
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For the last day of Jilyweek we arrive at the continuation station and a little post-canon moment from Echoes of Tuning Heart (Which is my band!AU fic, if you didn't know.) No prior knowledge needed! Thank you to @kay-elle-cee and @sunshinemarauder for making this happen! Oh yeah and it is 1.2k
Usually, Lily would be asleep by now. They left the venue two hours ago, and she had fairly quickly curled up in her bunk. But tonight she was on a mission, having set an alarm for the right time and silencing it the moment that it went off. Carefully sliding open the little curtain. She left her socks for what they were as she crossed over to James’s bunk. Finding him asleep. His light was still on and his glasses pressed into his face at an awkward angle.
Carefully, the redhead slid the glasses off his face. Cringing as he turned to his back, the leg almost poking him in the eye.
Her voice was no more than a loud whisper as she carefully shook his shoulder. He smiled while he grumbled and groaned, but turned to his side while opening his eyes. Watched his hand wipe over his face, rubbing at the pressure marks along his nose and temple.
“Is it time to get up already, kitten?”
The little pet name slipped from his lips, much to her annoyance. Her eyes narrowed at him for just a moment.
“No, no you can go to sleep right after this again.”
She promised, her hand caressing his cheek as she stretched up onto her toes to kiss him. She hoped very much the bus would not be taking any stranger turns or bumps while she tried to balance.
“Happy birthday, darling.”
His face seemed to light up, and he leaned closer to kiss her. Their noses smashed together awkwardly as the bus pulled into a truck stop. Both of them laughed quietly in the darkness.
“I can’t wait for that layover tomorrow. I don’t mind a bed for a change.”
“You are impossible. Go back to sleep before you get any ideas.”
Unable to keep herself from flustering at the thought, her eyes looked into the darkness for a moment. Kissing him one more time before heading back to bed.
The whole bus woke up from a phone ringing, a chorus of groans and grumbling rising from all the bunks. The generic sound cutting off suddenly. Immediately followed by Sirius’s voice complaining:
“Whoever that is, I hate you!”
A brief silence where people tried to hear who was on the other side of the line. Lily had already poked her head out from the curtain to hear better. Listening to James greet his mother.
With the US tour, came a lot more helping hands. What also helped was that they were playing at the same venue two nights in a row. Allowing Lily to dip out a little early to prepare her birthday surprise for James. Leaving the end of the show and the meet-and-greet in their hands. It wasn’t anything they needed her for.
Instead, she used the hour or so making sure that their hotel room was candle-lit, having a little indoor picnic ready for when he finally made it up there. She took her time to make it look just right, down to the cheesy flower petals strew across the bed as a finishing touch.
The redhead was still in the bathroom, braiding her hair and leaning close to the mirror to check her make-up. She was dressed up in a set of purple satin lingerie. Something she had sneaked ti tge register when James had been distracted with other things. It pinched a little under her arm, but she doubted that she would be wearing it long enough to be bothered by it.
The door opened when she was fiddling with one of the straps. Feeling a warm, pleasant nervous feeling pooling in her stomach. Looking at herself in the mirror Lily decided that she would need a moment longer to gather courage.
“I’ll be right out! Why don’t you get comfortable?”
She called through the door, the footsteps carrying on into the room. Giving her a moment longer to take a deep breath. Lily wasn’t shy, not normally. But there was something different about putting herself purposefully on display.
So, she hyped herself up flicked off the unflattering light of the bathroom and stepped out. Taking two steps and practically shrieked.
“Sirius! What the hell are you doing here?”
Desperately searching for something to cover herself up with, glaring daggers at the man lounging on her bed. Wrapping her arms around herself, she leaned against the wall. Hoping that it would swallow her up. Her face now matched her hair in shade.
“Come off it, Red! You’re making this more awkward than it needs to be.”
Lily was about ready to strangle him. Seeing him lying there, lounging on the bed between the flower petals. He really was aggravatingly pretty. If only he did not have that shit-eating grin plastered over his smug face.
“I just came to check on you since you weren’t there when we got off-stage. Thought maybe you were sick.”
The fact that he had a wholesome excuse for being there only made it worse. She could absolutely not strangle him for this. Instead, she fought a smile onto her face, stepping away from the wall with her arms still clinging around her for a semblance of modesty.
“How did you even get in?”
Lily hissed, pretty sure that he should not have a key and dreading the idea that he took James’. She could not imagine having to open the door for him, dressed like this.
“Asked at reception, they let me in.”
Of course they did. Just as she opened her mouth to send him out, the door swung open.
Turning around, looking like a deer in the headlights Lily watched James step inside. His hair was still damp from the shower after the show, the room key between his lips while he strode in. Taking several seconds to notice anyone. Looking up his eyes landed on Sirius getting off the bed first, eyeing him confused.
“Pads, what are you doing h…”
The sentence sputtered and cut short when his eyes landed on Lily. She felt even more awkward now. The entire thing not going as planned. There was no sexy entrance, no surprise. No. He spotted her looking shocked, crumbling together to cover herself up. All Lily could think was that she must look incredibly silly and very unattractive right then and there.
James swallowed, eyes flicking back to his friend who stood there beaming at him. His confused expression made her turn around only to see Sirius making motions as if he was showing off a prize on a TV show. Back to James who was rolling his lip between his teeth, his hand in his hair.
“I think it is time for you to go, mate.”
He muttered, lip tugging up into a slight smile. Eyes roaming her stature hungrily. Giving her quite the confidence boost. She felt good enough to unfold herself and lean against the wall in a pose she hoped looked good. Yelping as Sirius’s hand smacked her exposed behind in passing. Pausing to kiss her on the cheek with the words:
“You look amazing. Have fun!”
James got visually impatient looking at his friend. To the point where, as he paused to say something at his side, he grabbed the back of Sirius’s neck and pushed him towards the door.
“Yes, yes, have fun, be safe and don’t do anything you would do drunk. Now, piss off!”
The interaction made both Lily and him laugh as he waved frantically at them until the door slammed in his face. Her boyfriend turned around to face her with a deep breath in and a sigh out.
“So, how about we try this again?”
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dreamsofbrightstars · 28 days
For my work ( I am a book conservationist) my boss and I got called to this guy's house who wanted to sell his collection before moving out of country. Turns out the he was seriously into the occult and now my work is drowning in expensive 1st edition books about sex magick, Aleister Crowley, ancient runes, black mass initiations, etc. etc.
Being the person who has to clean each book up and restore them, I pass the time imagining wtf the hp wizards would have thought about muggles trying to do magic/ claim they were wizards when they weren't.
Like I just imagine Lily owning a copy of Aleister Crowley's sex magick texts because it's a hilarious read and James finding it being like "Lily...explain."
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dreamsofbrightstars · 28 days
we worship at the altar of minerva mcgonagall, [alleged] champion of student romance.
@kay-elle-cee & @sunshinemarauder
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dreamsofbrightstars · 28 days
We talk about it all the time, but Sirius going out of his way to catch a glimpse of Harry once he’d broken out of Azkaban is the epitome of who he is and what he cares about most.
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dreamsofbrightstars · 28 days
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Four Names
A microfic written for Day 5 of Jily Week 2024, run by the very lovely @sunshinemarauder and @kay-elle-cee, and inspired by the theme Matchmaker, Matchmaker - a little push for our stubborn duo!
680 words
Rated G
Albus Dumbledore has an important choice to make...
Albus Dumbledore sat at his desk, staring at the list in front of him. Four names, from which to make his choice. One by one, he considered them carefully.
Remus Lupin had the character, certainly, but Albus couldn’t help thinking that Remus had enough on his plate, what with managing the effects of the lunar cycle on his health on top of his N.E.W.T. workload. At times, Albus wondered whether his choice of Remus as a prefect had been too much; this would certainly be a step too far. 
Next, William Foster, of Hufflepuff. Albus made his decision quickly, though with more than a little regret. William would make an excellent Head Boy, but choosing a second muggleborn Head Student was more of a statement than he wanted to make, given the current political climate. 
Jonathan Corner wasn’t really a contender either. He was competent, efficient and (clearly, as the Ravenclaw prefect) extremely intelligent, but he was unfortunately somewhat abrasive, and lacking in the leadership qualities that Albus felt were so important in the role.
That only left Josiah Carrow. None of Albus’s other objections applied to the Slytherin prefect  - he didn’t have any health issues to consider, his pureblood status would satisfy the need for balance, and he was certainly the most natural leader of the group. Josiah was the obvious choice - and yet Albus hesitated. 
The problem was that Albus wasn’t supposed to know about the Carrow family’s close links to Tom Riddle. He wasn’t supposed to know that young Josiah had already been introduced to his inner circle. And he certainly wasn't supposed to know that Josiah would be taking the Dark Mark at a ceremony scheduled for some time in August, and would be a Death Eater himself by the time he returned to school in September. No, he wasn’t supposed to know any of it - but thanks to the latest intelligence received by the Order of the Phoenix, he did. And he couldn’t in all conscience pair his stand-out pick of a Head Girl, Lily Evans, with an actual Death Eater of a Head Boy.
So - what to do? Albus tapped his quill on the parchment thoughtfully, considering his options. He’d never chosen a head student from outside of his prefect group before, but perhaps, for once, it might be his best option. Was there someone else that would fit the bill? Someone who thrived on more responsibility, not less. A pureblood who wasn’t a blood fanatic. A charismatic and popular leader. When Albus thought about it like that, one name in particular suggested itself immediately; James Potter. 
Lily, of course, might have an entirely different set of objections to James as her Head Boy than she would if Albus were to appoint Josiah Carrow. Albus probably wasn’t supposed to know about that either, but wasn’t blind, and nor was he as unaware of the… less academic aspects of his student’s lives as many would have suspected. 
He’d seen their relationship change over the years, from indifference to antagonism and finally blossoming into friendship. Over the spring term, he’d noted the lingering gazes and sudden blushes and he’d wondered if he would soon hear murmurs that spring’s blossom had become summer’s blooms - but it hadn’t happened, not yet.
Albus would never, of course, appoint a pair of Head Students if he wasn’t totally confident that they were up to the job, but neither was he averse to finessing his selection if offered… other possible advantages. He generally kept it very well hidden, but the fact was that Albus Dumbledore was a hopeless romantic, and in this case, he couldn’t help but wonder if throwing the pair of them together in this way might not provide just the little push they needed. The more he thought about it, the more he warmed to the idea. 
Slowly, a smile spread across his face.  Decision made, he selected a fresh sheet or parchment, and began to write.
Dear James, Congratulations on your appointment to the position of Hogwarts Head Boy! Please find enclosed your badge…
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dreamsofbrightstars · 28 days
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jily in every other universe <33
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dreamsofbrightstars · 28 days
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Another dubbel dip for Jilyweek? Don't mind if I do! The continuation station will depart to a little piece of The Everything Else from TB(itb)US. This little gem does require having read the first 7 chapters for full context. If you want to the full thing is 19.6k and can be found here
Though can be enjoyed as a standalone with a little TL;DR
Lily left Hogwarts in year 3 because her parents emigrated. Years later, she is given a potions apprenticeship with one Fleamont Potter. She moves into the bedroom across the hall from James. With a little meddling of his mother, they realize their feelings for each other. But now comes the hard part. They cannot be together until she is no longer his father's apprentice.
Once again, thank you to @kay-elle-cee and @sunshinemarauder for making all this possible and enabling me to dip back into this.
1.5k under the cut!
It was one of those quiet nights where Lily wanted to do nothing more than waste away her hours brewing. Staring down a cauldron, working towards her graduation, towards not having to sneak around any longer. Afraid to be caught sleeping with her teacher’s son.
But tonight she was barred from the lab and under strict instructions of her her potions master to enjoy herself.
The problem was, she really had no idea what or how.
Initially the redhead had planned go down into town, have a drink at the pub and maybe beat some of the old men at darts. Something that she’d been known to do from time to time. Her name now standing proudly near the top of the leaderboard. But she was about to shimmy into her one dressy skirt as the sky broke open.
Now, could she still slip and slide her way down the hill and have a good time? Sure. But she also could slip and slide her way right into the A&E, which was not something that she was all too keen on.
Which meant she was going to have to make new plans that did not require her to leave the Potter estate.
Lily’d wandered the hallways for a while, making idle chatter with some of the paintings before winding her way up to the small library. In the hopes of finding James there, reading or playing chess with himself. She even found him playing with Sirius over an enchanted mirror once or twice. She usually would slip out of the room before either of them would notice.
But she had no such luck. The room was empty, the fire dying in the hearth.
That was something to do, she supposed, finding the little rack of tools beside the fireplace, picking up the poker. Hoping to bring some life back to the flames, watching the embers glow and crackle at her insistence. Slowly but surely they were spurred into coming alive.
It was then, with her eyes trained on the embers that she remembered James talking about being out for a Quidditch match. She’d even sulked about the the fact that he was going to be out the whole night.
Lily reached up, letting her fingers linger on the spot on her jaw he’d kissed before leaving her with the promise of more when he returned.
When the flames danced brighter now as she placed a few more logs onto it. The warmth of the flames pleasant.
Lily took a deep breath, letting the quiet warmth wrapping around her like a blanket and the crackle of the fire persuading her to stay here. To curl up with a book. Research was almost as good as actually brewing.
It would not even really be ignoring instructions. She enjoyed research and just this room had enough rare books to keep her occupied for years to come. If the house had not offered another, more enticing, distraction she might have made more headway.
But alas, she would have to settle for reading whenever the distraction was too busy to distract her.
And so, gathered some pillows and one of the large throws that were in nearly every room and settled in with a modest selection of books.
Chewing on the end of her pen, Lily was studying a particularly chapter on transmutation when a folly of footfalls pulled her from her reading. Her eyes flicking to the door.
No one should be home until tomorrow. So who was in her house?
Heart hammering in her chest, she reached for her wand before remembering that she’d left it in her room. Never expecting to actually need it when she wasn’t going to be going anywhere.
Lily’s eyes darted around the room trying to find something, anything, to defend herself with. Landing on the fire and the little rack of tools that stood beside it.
She jumped to her feet just as the door began to rattle and scrambled over to grab the cast iron poker, brandishing it like a sword as she faced the door. She was determined to get at least one good wack in before she would let herself panic.
The door swung open, Lily’s eyes squeezed closed as she charged the fire poker raised up, over her shoulder going for a wide swing.
“Oh ho, ho! Careful there Little Red,” said a familiar voice, a hand wrapping around her wrist and easily stopping the momentum of her swing. “What in Gaia’s green earth are you trying to do?”
Her eyes flew open and instantly narrowed at a incredibly amused looking Sirius. “Defending myself,” she replied with a perturbed pout.
“Maybe next time keep your eyes open?”
“-Gee, thanks for that enlightened titbit,” Lily bit back, masking her embarrassment with snark and an eye roll, jerking the poker from his grip and waving it in his directions threateningly. “What are you two even doing here? I thought you were staying in Oxford.”
Her eyes shifted from Sirius to James, who clearly made an effort to not make the same mistake Sirius had and keeping his features schooled into a mask of nonchalance though he could not quite keep the glint from his eye.
James pulled up a single shoulder. Too casual to not be practised, she decided. “You sounded pretty disappointed that I wasn’t going to be around, so I thought we’d move our evening here.”
He said this with such nonchalance, like it wasn’t the most thoughtful thing a boy – man – had ever done for her. And without her even having to ask. It filled her with a warmth that spread from her chest, like a tight embrace.
So distracted by the little gesture by the casualness of it all that she almost forgot that Sirius was there when she threw her arms around James, their lips smashing together unceremoniously for a desperate kiss with too much tongue and teeth but neither of them seemed to care.
It wasn’t until Sirius cleared his throat that she let her eyes leave James’, keeping an arm around him. “Can I help you, Padfoot?” she snipped, turning her nose skyward when he chuckled.
“No, no by all means go on,” Sirius teased in return and gave them a superior look. “I was just under the impression you two were waiting for after graduation. New plan?”
Lily nodded doubtful, James eagerly.
Sirius snorted, giving his head a shake. “Good to see we are all agree here.” He wrapped his arm around the pair of them, the fire poker now laying discarded by the door and he steered them towards the couch. Wedging himself between them, much to the dismay of both of them.
“You two get to cuddle up when you decide what the plan is,” he informed them. Lily couldn’t help but groan, knowing full well this would end up in another argument.
Still, she took a deep breath and answered. “The new plan is the old plan, just because we fell off the wagon once, doesn’t mean we can’t give it another try.”
She could hear James scoff and she knew he was giving her a deadpan stare, not that she was going to look at him and give him the satisfaction of her flustering as he added. “Right, once. Every other day, sometimes twice a day.”
He wasn’t wrong, but hearing him say it like that sounded so much worse than she had compartmentalized it as. Maybe they did have a problem. “Right, maybe it is a bigger commitment than we anticipated, but I am sure we can rise to the occasion.”
“I think James is rising to several occasions by the sound of it,” Sirius quipped and coughed as Lily elbowed him in the side. Offering him her best glaring side eye.
James just laughed and she wanted to be annoyed at it, but is was just too damn funny.
She had to stifle a laugh as she leaned her head against Sirius’s shoulder. “Damn you, Black,” she made a poor attempt at not laughing at the innuendo.
“As long as nothing rises while I’m still in the room, I don’t really see the issue,” Sirius added with a shrug of his shoulders. “You’re both adults, legally speaking,” he paused to give James a look that made her wonder what inside joke she was missing before continuing “, you can make your own decisions.”
Lily was about to say something about her degree when she was cut off with a hand raised. “I understand the academia side of it all. I am not saying run and tell. I am saying, maybe just stop pretending to each other.”
Lily couldn’t help but be somewhat surprised at the thoughtfulness behind the words. Somehow she never quite expected the Sirius Black she knew in third year to actually speak wisely. But people change.
Just as she thought that, he had to go and remind her that they might change, but not that much.
“And me. Not that you could, I could tell by this one’s stupid smirk,” he joked, wrapping an arm around James to pin him to his chest and mess up the already messy hair. Like it would make any difference.
This set the tone for the rest of the night. They filled it with cosy banter and no actual potions. Which maybe was actually what she needed after all.
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dreamsofbrightstars · 2 months
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Today is Harry Potter’s 44th birthday 🥳
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dreamsofbrightstars · 2 months
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Although the glasses were only around a foot away, there was something immensely satisfying about seeing them zoom towards him, at least until they poked him in the eye.
HP 7, ch: The Will of Albus Dumbledore
Happy Birthday, m’boy!
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dreamsofbrightstars · 2 months
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happy birthday, harry <3 
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dreamsofbrightstars · 2 months
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The Jily Fandom Rec List 2024 is a compilation of Jily stories our readers want to keep an eye on for this year's awards.
Genius (completed, 4.3k) by @petalsthefish. Rated M.
After Lily breaks her iPhone, she finds herself at the Genius Bar on Valentines Day, and an old flame is there to help her in all things technology and romance.
That Summer (WIP, 13.3k as of 31 July 2024) by @thecasualauthor. Rated T.
In which James and Lily spend the summer in a house by the sea. (and fall in love in the process)
to dream the impossible dream (completed, <1k) by @emeralddoeadeer. Rated T.
From Tumblr prompt asks: “I called you at 2am because I need you.”
Only Nineteen (completed, 2.2k) by @petalsthefish. Rated M.
Lily and James discuss what to do about Lily’s unplanned pregnancy during a forced holiday up north after a mission went wrong. My prompt for the May jilychallenge was “Skinny Dipping” and I decided to make it skinny dipping but with angst because I needed a good cry
The Bath of a Lifetime (completed, <1k) by @chierafied. Rated M.
James wanted a stiff drink, a hot bath and to lounge on the couch by the fireplace. The drink seemed unlikely. The couch was a possibility. But he’d definitely be getting that bath.
star light, star bright (completed, 9k) by @gigglesandfreckles-hp. Rated G.
It's seventh year, somehow, that clinches the case, claiming the grand prize in the annals of Lily Evans's misfortunes. Because, as it turns out, harbouring feelings for James Potter while also navigating the precarious terrain of friendship with him is a fate crueller than death. [or: James keeps accidentally touching Lily and she's about to lose her mind]
December's Valentine (WIP, 16.2k as of 31 July 2024) by @stonecoldhedwig. Rated E.
Sometimes, a one-night-stand with a guy off Tinder is just that: a one-night-stand. No lasting feelings, no strings attached. It's the kind of thing that's easy to get your head around when you're trying to get your heart around the end of a relationship. Sometimes, it's not that simple. Sometimes, you're a journalist, and you get assigned to write a piece on an up-and-coming restaurateur, who just might be that one-night-stand from Tinder that you can't stop thinking about. And sometimes, to make matters worse, the two of you get snowed in... **** Or: Lily shags James, and thinks she'll never see him again. Right? Wrong.
The Smallest Men Who Ever Lived. (completed, 7.3k) by ninazenikcult. Not rated.
The time has come for Lily to leave Cokeworth, and with it, two of the smallest men who ever lived; her father and Severus Snape. But leaving the town where she has been trapped for years and exchanging it for an idyllic new life with James proves more difficult than first thought.
My Life's Blood (completed, 18.2k) by @ohmygodshesinsane. Rated E.
James Potter, Duke of Peverell, lingers on the outer edges of the Prince Regent Regulus's court, steadfastly plotting his overthrow. When the Prince Regent's new bride, the lovely Lily of Innsbruck, arrives, a formal introduction leads to James's realisation that the folk tales are true -- and that if he fails to contrive a way to stay at the princess-to-be's side, their lives will be forfeit.
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