dreamsofthejackal · 11 days
I just remembered a dream I had the other night.
I was going to a swimming pool to meet a friend. Now in the UK it’s common for swimming pools to be joined onto schools and this one in my dream was too.
So I arrive at the building but not at the main entrance, I go inside and everything is white tiles. I ask a tall, old man who looks like a teacher how to get to reception and he says that it’s just down these stairs. I take my backpack off and leave it by the door because I’m unsure about the directions and don’t want to be carrying it around with me. I make my way down this tiled staircase, imagine the pool sections of the backrooms games but with natural light coming in. But the stairs are very long and go down for ages. I can feel my knees aching a little as I step down each step.
When I reach the bottom the corridors, which as still tiled floor to ceiling, are starting to fill with students. At first I’m scared because I hate children but then I realise that they’re all girls. Their uniforms all have light blue and pink triangles on them. For some reason I relax and feel comfortable. I realise that I need to go back for my backpack or it’s going to get stolen or I’m going to forget my way back.
So I make my way back through the girls feeling relaxed but I get lost, I take a wrong turn and and up in a section of the school I hadn’t been to before. Now I realise the school segregate their male and female students and I’ve walked into the boys section. Now all the boys are a head taller than me, I get scared and as then when they notice me they start chasing me. I run away until I wake up.
There was a lot of feelings of being back in high school with this dream, except for the feeling of being comfortable. I think it might be because of the whole man vs bear thing lately or the pondering I’ve been doing during pride month but I think the dream os the anxiety of feel from toxic masculinity. I don’t like hanging out with guys when they’re being really guyish, I only like it when we’re talking about cars. But I don’t know why a swimming pool, I never even reached the water in the dream. But the backpack also feels significant, like it might represent my insecurity.
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dreamsofthejackal · 12 days
I had a dream last night where I was back in my old job and in the workshop with all the other engineers. We were standing round the lathe and decided to restore it like they do in those YouTube restoration videos that I love watching. There was 6 of us and we were going to take it apart and each restore one part before moving onto the next part.
But before we could start the quality manager came in. In real life he was a horrible manager and a worse person who was obviously bullied as a child and now, being in a position of power likes to throw his weight around. The difference was that he was half the quality manager and half Benjamin Netanyahu 😖
As everyone dispersed trying to look busy he started interfering with everything and micromanaging. I remember all I wanted to do was to tell him how wrong he was and how much I objected to him but I knew I couldn’t. I knew I couldn’t argue with him because he was “in charge” and “always right” and any attempt to argue with him would mean that I’d be fired from the job I loved despite having to deal with him every day.
So yeah, that happened 😐
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dreamsofthejackal · 18 days
I found myself in the bottom of a wide rocky valley. The ground was a pale green grass broken up by pale grey rocks. A light fog hung in the air obscuring the distance.
I knew I was far from home and lost but there was a young woman there with me. She was Asian and wearing a red outfit that looked really vivid against the desaturated landscape. I was following her, about 30 meters behind as she navigated a path through the rocks. It was a gentle incline until we came to a cliff face.
Hanging from the cliff and disappearing up into the mist were several orange ropes, tending to them were some men dressed in orange. They looked like Tibetan monks but with short hair. The woman grabbed one of the ropes and started climbing it, I grabbed another rope and followed her up. Once we were near the top I could see a network of ropes wrapped around a rocky overhang. From those ropes, hanging maybe 4 meters down were more ropes looped along as well as the rope I was hanging from.
I watched the woman move from the assent rope to the hanging ropes and from the hanging ropes through a hole in the cliff face. Supervising her, hanging from one of the looped ropes was another monk. He gestured for me to climb up but my arms were starting to get tired and I was scared to look down. At this point we must have been about 200ft in the air and I was trying to remain calm. I needed to lift my legs up, but as I did I felt my phone start to slip in my pocket and stopped.
I had to lift myself up without turning upside down, I tried again and again, the monk beside me showing me where to put my hands and feet but I couldn’t do it no matter how hard I tried. My arms were getting weak so I slid back down the rope. At the bottom I was alone, the other monks had climbed to the top and I sat beside the rope on a patch of grass.
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dreamsofthejackal · 2 months
I had a dream last night where I was in a school, I was late for a class and the classroom I had to get to had the door out of order so to get in the classroom I had to go through the classroom next door.
Inside was a class of young kids and a teacher with the tables everywhere. I went in, quietly apologised but had to move some of the tables to get through. Just as I moved the last table to get to the door linking the two rooms the teacher got up and started yelling at me.
I responded by yelling back saying he knew that the door to the other room was broken and I had to use this one. Hearing the noise the head teacher came in and watched the two of us yell at each other. In the end I said that the teacher was so ignorant that he was probably a pedophile. I went over to his desk at the front of the class and tipped it over. Underneath was cum splatter from him jerking himself off.
As soon as he realised he’s been caught he tried to run away but the head teacher was blocking the door in and out so he ran through the door joining the two classrooms. Knowing the door out of that room wouldn’t work I locked the door behind him, trapping him in there.
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dreamsofthejackal · 3 months
I had a restless knight of weird dreams. 4 about my dad, 4 about flying and a few others.
I forgot the first two ones about my dad but we had been taken flying in a c130 cargo plane but when we got back we realised that dad had probably broken the law because a week before we’d been taken up in a smaller light aircraft and dad had punched the pilot putting him on a no fly list.
I woke up in bed and had my dad kneeling by the top of my bed, tangled in my phone charger cables. I started telling him about all the dreams he was in and he started kissing my forehead, I was excited to tell him about him punching the pilot because I wanted to make him laugh but I woke up for real this time.
After falling back to sleep I found myself in another light aircraft rolling down the road along side my house trying to take off. I was steering it so I didn’t hit the wings on telephone poles. I had commentary in my ears from the tower, they were very negative but eventually I got into the air. At that point the plane turned into three sheets of cardboard, hinged together and taped to my arms as wings. I was climbing desperately to get height but then I was too high because I wanted to land asap. Below me I could see the streets and I was looking for somewhere to land but because I was distracted I lost altitude fast. Only at the last minute did I realise I was about to hit the ground and tilted my cardboard wings, lifted my feet and gently splashed down in a very long rice field. By stomach skimmed the water and the rice shoots grazed my body but I landed safely. I got up and apologised to the farmers for damaging any crops.
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dreamsofthejackal · 3 months
I was dreaming that in the morning when I woke up, I looked out my bedroom window shortly after someone had cut the grass and saw two baby foxes running through the grass cuttings. They looked through the holes in the walls. I took photos of them both and then they jumped through the holes and walked away. Then, as o was waiting for their mother to go past a lion cub came past from the other direction, stopping I. Front of one of the holes so I could grab a photo of them too. I then went outside to see if I could get a picture of the lion cub and foxes together but when I got there I found the cub in the middle of the road with cars driving round them.
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dreamsofthejackal · 3 months
I can’t believe how I never realise I’m in a dream
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dreamsofthejackal · 4 months
I was a prince in an anime series that was based on an old indie computer game. I was about to be crowned king but the universe was falling apart because the game had never named the character, he was just the prince.
As the world dissolved the landscape I was one started sliding away, just before I fell into the abyss I took hold of the terrain and flipped it as I fell. The world and its assets like trees and hedges became separate but myself and my people survived. We went on a walk around the castle contemplating what my name should be testing different names, eventually we settled on dollmond especially when one of the girls in the castle called me doll. It felt good.
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dreamsofthejackal · 4 months
I had a dream where I was working for a company where our boss would fuck off for extended periods of time leaving us completely unsupervised. This meant we got up to really crazy stuff.
One girl brought in a bunch of animals to give to the no kill, kill shelter next door. Another was designing plastic toys, a bit like transformers. One guy was working on his car, I think an oil change but I didn’t ask. We used voodoo to turn bad CEOs and sales reps from other companies into snakes. Someone mentioned that they had built a rocket that sent an obiwankenobi action figure to space. It was a great time and somehow the company was thriving. Might have been the voodoo, we were using it to do something else but I forget what.
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dreamsofthejackal · 4 months
So not only did I just dream up an entire episode of South Park (I do t like South Park) but I dreamt up an entirely new monster.
So in the show they were spoofing someone else’s monster, someone had this snake monster the grew legs and South Park had the same monster but short so they called it Short[monster] but I can’t remember what the monsters name was.
Anyway, after watching the show I faced it in “real life” within my dream and damn was it crazy. Where most snakes are noodles this was able to fold into a flat sheet before tearing up onto its hind leg about 1-2feet tall with a wide, flat cobras head about 9-18 inches wide.
I came across one in my garage and it chased me down the street. Damn it was fast, I was hauling ass and it was just about keeping up. Eventually it went to hide under a car because it was just a wild animal. But then I’m running again hearing an internal monologue talking about encountering wild animals at night when running, raccoons, foxes even mountain lions are all scared of you, the only thing you have to worry about is a bear. Then I bear starts chasing me and bites my arm. I shake the bear off as we’re running and I hide.
Then I kinda woke up and had to google if the South Park episode was real or not.
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dreamsofthejackal · 4 months
I have a really creepy dream about ladybugs.
In my dream it was like watching a nature documentary where they showered two ladybugs mating then once the male ladybug was done they transformed. Their insides turned into a not living but not dead mineral structure, sort of like coral which was all white. This spiky structure then emerged from the body of the big and then migrated to either the north or south poles.
Once there they would make their way to the ocean and the sea bed. From there they grew into thick, clawed tentacles that liked shipwrecks, especially steel ones and would slowly grow and engulf them. These white tentacles were like those of an octopus but shorter and wider with thorny teeth instead of suction cups.
It was really creepy, like watching a tool video or a David Kronenberg movie but with the flesh body horror replaced with undulating and pulsating bone. But even though these things moved and grew it was made clear that they were dead. 
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dreamsofthejackal · 4 months
I had a dream I was walking home from the supermarket with my mum talking about her getting on benefits. I told her that the government would give her a bank account and put money into it each month and if she didn’t spend it, once it got to 5 grand it would stop. She started arguing with me about interest and what would happen to that and got me doing some math to work it out.
As we walked behind the supermarket we ended up where we both “ worked” and she told me she had money from some patents. I thought these were old ones from when she was young but she said they were recent and that a kid she worked with named miles morales had shown her how to do them.
As I asked her if she could show me how to do them too we were going through a freshly made cage. The cage was two metal fences connecting two brick walls and no roof. The cage walls were made of 8mm round steel bars welded into a square grid each 2 inches square. Both cage walks also had two doors in them, one opening out and one opening in and secured with a padlock. The first cage wall was half painted on one side dark green while the other was unpainted. Mum said they had only just been made and were unfinished.
The cage area was a strange amalgamation of real life places including my high school, were I used to work and my local supermarket, all three places were aligned to point west. Although not mentioned I knew my dad had welded the cage walls and there was also a door in one of the brick walls to get into and out of the cage.
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dreamsofthejackal · 5 months
I was dreaming that I was playing a Zelda type game, specifically a gameboy colour or gameboy advanced 2D pixel version.
I’d explored the starting area and had just unlocked three new ones, it was a sort of open world experience. The game told me that the area to the south would be different during the day but it was night so I had to go waist some time exploring.
Treating it like a maze I kept going left, hugging the wall looking for doors. Eventually I came to a patch that looked different indicating a hidden door so I blew it up with a bomb. It revealed a purple dragon’s but blocking the door, I decided to blow it up. That angered the dragon and it came after me. I ran away trying to follow my path, just ignoring it but it was too fast and started gaining on me. So I then had to teleport back to the starting area to get away from it.
I then woke up needing the toilet.
It was really random.
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dreamsofthejackal · 5 months
I was dreaming that I was back in my old job arguing with the production manager about the security alarm in that is wasn’t critical for the business and didn’t need someone on site to repair it if it went wrong.
I said to her that it never failed anyway and she said last year it failed three times. But what she meant was that just a single sensor had failed not the whole thing.
So I go to the guys locker room, i’s been redone, it’s still dark but it’s been extended and now all the lockers are around the outside wall and all grouped together based on the production line that the person was working on. I’m walking round looking for my old locker and some of the guys are singing. I look in my pocket for the locker key but all I find are folding knives and adjustable wrenches. The tools are all small, about 5 inches long, one inch wide and a quarter inch thick. They’re dark brown as of they’ve been seasoned like a cast iron skillet. They have spikes on them, machined around the edges.
The guys singing notice my collection and one of them gets close behind me, putting his head on my shoulder. The music is somehow connected to the tools so I assume that he’s singing so close to me because of it. He has a deep baritone that resonates through my body and I say “yeah, they are a bit aren’t they” implying the connection to the music.
After 4 years of my mental and physical health deteriorating after covid and getting nowhere with the health service I have finally found someone to help me and it’s a back to work organisation. My first proper meeting with them and the memories of why I left work to become self employed have been at the forefront of my mind. I think the tools represent my engineering skills somehow. They were really stylised, I might have to try and sketch their designs down.
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dreamsofthejackal · 6 months
I had a dream where I was back in my recent job, with my manipulative business partner. He’d somehow tricked me into going back there because I needed money but once I was there even though he’d tricked everyone else into going back I was still the only person who knew how to do anything and instead of helping myself I was just there to do all the work for him again.
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dreamsofthejackal · 6 months
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Wow this is almost exactly what the place in my dream looked like. Just imagine a few walkways on lower levels as well.
I can’t remember who we were figuring but I remember it being desperate.
There was more of them than there was of in but they were spread out around the structure. It was a large spherical building, a steel lattice of white beams in a triangular pattern clad with glass. The inside filled with plants and gardens crisscrossed in all three dimensions with walkways. Getting into the elevator which ran along the inside of the purser wall we descended, surveying the battleground before us. Our bodies, clad head to toe in black nylon and plastic armour. I apply a few more strips of armour to my hand, held together with velcro, I use it to cover my skin as if the act of hiding the white skin will somehow protect me from the bullets. There is a hollow thunk as my helmet jostles against the wall of the elevator and I clench my fist around the final strips. ‘What am I?’ I wonder, ‘I’m just a man with a potted plant waiting for him at home.’ But that’s all I need to be, if that’s all I’ve got to fight for then it’ll have to do. Is it any less than what any of us have to go home to or anything less than what we have to fight for? Life, we all had it and in order to keep it, all of us were about to risk it and all of us were about to take it. The elevator stopped like a helicopter landing in a war zone, the door opened and we pushed through it. I clutched my rifle and felt the grenades on my belt bounce on my hips. A handful of people in each of a dozen elevators, we all moved silently along the walkways, pushed through the plants, trying to get as close to the enemy as we could before the silence would be broken by the first gunshot. Once that first shot rings out others will follow, my gun will burn in my hands until each magazine on my chest is empty or the bullets rip my body apart.
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dreamsofthejackal · 6 months
I can’t remember who we were figuring but I remember it being desperate.
There was more of them than there was of in but they were spread out around the structure. It was a large spherical building, a steel lattice of white beams in a triangular pattern clad with glass. The inside filled with plants and gardens crisscrossed in all three dimensions with walkways. Getting into the elevator which ran along the inside of the purser wall we descended, surveying the battleground before us. Our bodies, clad head to toe in black nylon and plastic armour. I apply a few more strips of armour to my hand, held together with velcro, I use it to cover my skin as if the act of hiding the white skin will somehow protect me from the bullets. There is a hollow thunk as my helmet jostles against the wall of the elevator and I clench my fist around the final strips. ‘What am I?’ I wonder, ‘I’m just a man with a potted plant waiting for him at home.’ But that’s all I need to be, if that’s all I’ve got to fight for then it’ll have to do. Is it any less than what any of us have to go home to or anything less than what we have to fight for? Life, we all had it and in order to keep it, all of us were about to risk it and all of us were about to take it. The elevator stopped like a helicopter landing in a war zone, the door opened and we pushed through it. I clutched my rifle and felt the grenades on my belt bounce on my hips. A handful of people in each of a dozen elevators, we all moved silently along the walkways, pushed through the plants, trying to get as close to the enemy as we could before the silence would be broken by the first gunshot. Once that first shot rings out others will follow, my gun will burn in my hands until each magazine on my chest is empty or the bullets rip my body apart.
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