drejsantos-8 · 4 years
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drejsantos-8 · 4 years
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How fast time flies, Masha Allah. As the last weekend of December comes to a close, let us be thankful for having survived another year and for all the blessings we have received, big or small🙏 Nurture our relationships and strengthen our faith in God as we herald the New Year 2020 which I pray will open a lot of opportunities for all of us Insha Allah🙏. 2019 might soon be over but let us not forget the lessons we have learned which helped us become stronger, wiser and a much better person, Alhamdullillah🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6o_U_4HMek/?igshid=1dta8wue5cd0c
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drejsantos-8 · 4 years
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It is truly remarkable that what I have been feeling since I woke up this morning has been incredibly elucidated by the immortal words of W. E. B. Dubois. I just relocated to a new place, refurbished and rearranged my apartment and about to start a new job as Head of the newly opened Ophthalmology Department at Union Medical and Dental Center. You can imagine the challenges I will face but Dr. Dubois' words strengthened me and reassured me that I am ready and in alignment with my true purpose... that there are no limits to what one can achieve if you put your heart and mind to it. ♥️🌹 (at Ras Al Khaima, UAE) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6nJprynKwi/?igshid=1n0r0ejv8ouhb
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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Selfies to remember this special day as I start a new chapter of my life filled with love, abundance and prosperity Insha Allah🙏🌹 Thank you to all my soul tribe who have been with me every step of the way. It has not been a bed of roses but you helped me pluck the thorns and now my way is clear, full of petals and pungent aroma of heavenly flowers. I am grateful to Almighty God for giving me the strength to face all adversities and let me rise up like a Phoenix and be of service to people who matter the most. I send you love and blessings from the bottom of my heart❤️🙏🤗😘🌹 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6PxuCEn6eZ/?igshid=18dysnw17l6sb
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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THE POWER IN YOU https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/power-you-dr-edna-joyce-fatima-santos-md-dpbo-sbo 🌹😊🤗❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Ix2LFn4P8/?igshid=1uz8rrfpqafh
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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I was the Co-chairperson and Keynote Speaker during the Worldwide Congress ON Infectious Diseases held last November 26, 2019 in Dubai, UAE. 🌹 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5_ufJjhqyP/?igshid=pzwslshdabk
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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I was the keynote speaker during the recent World Eye and Vision Congress held at the Park Inn Radisson Blu in Dubai last December 9, 2019 🌹 I am glad to have met some truly amazing people. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5_tgeUhJTz/?igshid=1lzzkh2jjg973
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
Please find below the link to the ICT FUND LETTER: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A3ce221ee-382d-4228-ada5-4be2e5f87714@ As most of you know, I am the project fund coordinator for the ICT and Coding Initiatives for the African Youth as well as for their Adult Literacy Program. I am, therefore, enclosing a link video to help establish 20-50 pilot schools in 11 countries so that the youth of Africa can augment their family income by learning how to use the laptop and coding procedures. The link can be found in the letter I will enclose as well the video for the same. I thank you in advance for your generosity. God bless you all. Please find the bank details on the first page of the ICT Fund letter. Thank you very much once again for your generous donation. 🌹🙏❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B5fgoyGH_Wr/?igshid=1ija1cshw9z5y
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
ICT and Coding Initiatives for Africa and Adult Literacy Program
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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BE CONFIDENT ❤️ Too many days are wasted completely by comparing yourselves to others and wishing something you aren't. Everyone has his/her strengths and weaknesses. It is only when you accept everything you are... and aren't... that you will truly succeed. 🌹 Remember that "you will never get anywhere you're meant to be by traveling yesterday's road. It's a new day, find a new way." - Kushandwizdom WELCOME JULY 🎉❤️💐 It is a new month once again and time to trudge on with renewed vigor and energy. The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are😊 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzXZHqBAvYD/?igshid=bxuk6buk659u
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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I claim it🌹💪❤️👏🤗🎉 Ameen. Insha Allah 🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByclKJLA0Gg/?igshid=ikkmez3w5762
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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The Universe wants you to MOVE FORWARD... regardless of mistakes. Take action...learn from your mistakes, that's how your soul will grow. American civil rights activist, Martin Luther King, Jr. once said "if you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. No matter what, keep moving." Remember, as long as you are taking action, you are moving forward. Whatever you give your energy to will grow. Your actions create your reality. THE UNIVERSE FULLY SUPPORTS YOU, SO MAKE YOUR LIFE AWESOME! https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLCKQAgYkJ/?igshid=1unomx1mna0nr
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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A new month has set in for us... what joys await us this month... what opportunities will open up for us... Only God knows... but we can make things happen and manifest for us because we are going to be the ones to take action to make our dreams come true❤️😊🌹 HAPPY NEW MONTH EVERYBODY💐🎉🌹💕 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByKUA-BApY7/?igshid=fq5ub19oo3b0
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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In this month of Ramadan, let love, peace, unity and harmony reign throughout the world. Everything is possible if you have complete faith and trust in God. 🌹 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxL4xbHdNE/?igshid=1e9lyg782sgga
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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Always be strong in the face of adversities. People may gossip about you, demean you, under estimate you or put you down but they cannot take away your dignity because your worth is far more valuable than theirs could ever be. The people who love you know you best and will always stand by you no matter what. God knows what is in your heart and He will reward you for your patience and forgiving heart. God bless you always🙏🌹♥️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxsek_hHwqh/?igshid=1rss8d2ol09qc
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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TIME IS PRECIOUS⌚🌹❤️ Not a day passes that I don't look back and examine what I have accomplished for the day. I weed out the tiniest flaws and learn from my mistakes. Then I wake up to a brand new day, very early in the morning, and say my prayers and look forward to being more creative than the day before. Not a second wasted on "what ifs" but rather more motivated by "why not?". If you dedicate yourself on spending quality time on every aspect of your life... career, family, relationships... then happiness and success are not far behind. God bless everyone🙏🌹 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxbucGlHllG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g541jk5y123b
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drejsantos-8 · 5 years
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"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities." ~ James Allen Dreams stir our passions to pursue higher goals and overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. When eggs crack open we see tiny creatures with miniature wings... yet with patience they grow into magnificent birds and soar. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxbqN1Un7yo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lfaaz1axmsda
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