drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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Tilda Swinton, photographed by Willy Vanderperre for AnOther, A/W 2018.
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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                                Marya was no fool, she could add two and two and two and come up with six, which is to say: add old grandmother and chicken legs and terrified wait staff, and come up with   B A B A   Y A G A
                                                       written by sylrien                                                               est. 2018
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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        . * ・✧⤛⧽ STARTER CALL. come to baba.
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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THE NAMELESS DARKNESS. ’ They call you The Grand Hag      ‘ there’s no distaste, no insult, not an iota of bitterness or malice. every infant likes to gawk and laugh at something superior.     ‘ Why won’t you just give up this needless desire to preserve, Ba’ ? Balance is so… dull. ‘
// @drevniyaga liked.
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                "I don’t think you can throw stones mal’chick,” the crone answers, a roughly filed nail tapping on the banister of her hut -- not in the form of a house on two chicken legs, but a canopied chariot supporting a carved wooden throne standing on four fowls’ legs. "How long have you and Belobog served the same purpose? The White and Black Gods, brothers blessed and cursed but two sides of the same coin. When you are no longer just half, and are the whole, then you may question the necessity of equality in the world.”
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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The Hall of Stars in the Palace of The Queen of the Night; scenic designs for Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) by Karl Friedrich Schinkel
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
bold of you to assume i die
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
                . * ・✧⤛⧽ velichie liked for a starter
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                It was no way for anyone to die. To be gathered together like farm animals and slaughtered in the night. It was her domain, and she had heard the shots even as far as the Thrice-Tenth Kingdom, echoing through the dark outside her house. She had watched them all put the bodies in the truck, drive them to the first sight to desecrate their bodies, to bury them and dig them up and bury them again, only to take them back to the road as a final insult. When morning broke, they had left, and so had she until the following night, standing at the mess of mud and dirt in her black fur coat, a lantern-skull on a stick stuck into the ground next to her for light, and her mortar and pestle idly drifting on her other side.                 ”I warned you, Kolya, you should’ve fled when you had the chance,” she said, taking a drag from a cigarette. There was work to be done before she went to Buyan to meet the new bride. Under the cover of darkness she could do her work without spies, dead or otherewise, or so she thought.                 “Don’t dither about in the dark like a coward, Ivan, I know you’re there,” she spoke, turning back cast a glare over her shoulder. “Are you leave me to do the heavy lifting, comrade?"
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
bold all that applies fully, italicise all that applies partly.
bold = 1 point, italics = 0.5 points
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1. Loves vodka 2. Is superstitious 3. Is often overdressed / likes to dress well in any situation 4. Is extreme 5. Is blunt and serious 6. Usually doesn’t smile 7. Has the USSR nostalgia 8. Great cold tolerance 9. Is grumpy 10. Is evil / cruel 11. Smokes a lot 12. Is good at math / programming 13. Uses a dash cam 14. Has trouble with the law, and close ties to the mafia 15. Is a communist 16. Wears ushanka hat 17. Calls the others “comrade” 18. Is a bad driver 19. Loves tea 20. Isn’t good at saving
SCORE: 9/20
tagged by: @velichie
tagging: whoever wants to do it!
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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SYLRIEN’S DEATHLESS DREAMCAST:     ↳  Judi Dench as Baba Yaga
                The cafe fell abruptly silent. A complete, profound silence, with no tinkle of plate or dropped cup to blemish it. The skin of the walls prickled in goose flesh, as a broad-breasted women with a nose like an ax-blade strode into the place, her throat swallowed up in a black fur coat, her white hair strangled back into a savagely tight chignon… Marya was no fool, she could add two and two and two and come up with six, which is to say: add old grandmother and chicken legs and terrified wait staff, and come up with Baba Yaga.                                 —- DEATHLESS, Catherynne M. Valente
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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                                      . * ・✧⤛⧽ DREVNIYAGA                                                  there underneath the skies, the demon baba yaga flies
IZBUSHKA, IZBUSHKA,, turn your back to the forest and your front to me, for it is BABA YAGA i’ve come to see. all hail the tsaritsa of the night, our dear mother russia, ruler of all shadows and thresholds, keeper of secrets and chief among magicians. teach me BABA YAGA to be a good and loyal russian. teach me courage and sorrow and perseverance and hardship. your iron teeth and bony legs are this country’s bones, and you can never die so long as russia endures.
ind. CHAIRMAN YAGA from Catherynne M. Valente’s DEATHLESS
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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Murder on the Orient Express [2017] + Characters
↳ The Princess
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
A Baba Yaga is the ultimate tester and judge, the desacralized omnipotent goddess, who defends deep-rooted Russian pagan values and wisdom and demands that young women and men demonstrate that they deserve her help. But what Baba-Yaga also defends in the nineteeth-century tales collected in this volume are qualities that the protagonists need to adapt and survive in difficult situations such as perseverence, kindness, obedience, integrity, and courage[…] In all the tales Baba Yaga is compelling and dreaded, because she forces the protagonists to test themselves and not to delude themselves that there is an easy way to reconcile conflicts.
Baba Yaga: The Wild Witch of the East in Russian Fairy Tales (via daevaen)
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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Murder on the Orient Express [2017] + Characters
↳ The Widow
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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Deathless fancast: Tilda Swinton as Baba Yaga
“That’s how you get deathless, volchitsa. Walk the same tale over and over, until you wear a groove in the world, until even if you vanished, the tale would keep turning, keep playing like a phonograph, and you’d have to get up again, even with a bullet through your eye, to play your part and say your lines.”
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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Motherland Chronicles #18 - bunny yaga by *tobiee
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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drevniyaga-blog · 6 years
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