drinkprime ¡ 10 months
10 Must-Have Hydrating Foods for Winter
There is that undeniable nip in the air these days that signals the arrival of the winter season. Despite being aware of the importance of staying hydrated, water consumption dips in the winter months, as you tend to sweat less. But less water in your system may translate into a host of niggling issues, from that persistent headache and sluggishness to dry itchy skin and a compromised immune system. 
Ample hydration is vital to ensure that your biological systems are functioning well. But the good news is that downing glass after glass of water is not the only way to stay hydrated. In this blog, we introduce you to 10 hydrating foods for winter that you can consume, to hit your hydration goals.
Ways to stay hydrated during winter
Even if you do spend most of your time indoors, the dry climate and lack of ample hydration can wreak havoc on your skin and body. Although the warmth inside may make you feel warm and cozy, it sucks hydration from your skin leaving it dry and itchy. 
Winter is a time when your thirst levels go down considerably. This is also the time when you must check for dehydration symptoms, which are easy to overlook. Your body uses water to maintain its core temperature and when hydration levels are low you begin to feel cold. So here are some solutions to the question of how to keep yourself hydrated during winter
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1. Carry a water bottle
Always carry a refillable water bottle with you and sip from it at consistent intervals. Download a fancy app or use a good old pen and paper to help you keep track.
2. Add a flavor
If plain water is not palatable, add some refreshing ingredients like cucumber, herbs, or your favorite fruits to jazz it up.
3. Limit sugar
Avoid or limit sugary beverages such as soda, energy drinks or too much coffee, as the caffeine content and sugar in them tend to be dehydrating.  
4. Go for warm drinks
Opt for warm drinks like green tea or warm lemon water, which are both comforting and nourishing.
5. Eat a lot of veggies
Fill your plate with fruits and vegetables high in water content and snack mindfully between meals, trying to include water-rich fruits instead.
10 foods that will increase your hydration levels this winter.
Water is not the only medium of hydration you can resort to. Here are some foods that you can stock up on to solve the problem of how to stay hydrated during winter.  
1. Bananas
This often underrated fruit which is available year-round in our country, is a powerhouse of nutrients. It contains essential minerals and vitamins like potassium and magnesium. These act as electrolytes and help keep your body hydrated and nourished. So next time snack on a banana to up your hydration levels and keep cravings at bay.
2. Spinach
This unassuming superfood is a winter hero, loaded with lutein, potassium, fiber folate, and vitamin E. Spinach is also a water rich leafy vegetable with more than ninety percent water. So, consuming spinach, while being excellent for your skin and hair, also helps your body to remain hydrated during winters. Include it as part of your main meals, toss up a refreshing salad, or whip up a healthy smoothie or soup. The options are endless.
Related Reading: Benefits of Drinking Water in Maintaining Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails.
3. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a staple in all Indian kitchens and are used extensively in our cooking. But did you know that this versatile fruit is made up of almost ninety percent water. Consuming this helps your body stay hydrated from within. The best part is that you can even consume tomatoes in its raw form as a salad or as a juice.
4. Bell peppers
These bright and colorful vegetables add a pop of color to any dish you make with them. They are also extremely water-dense and help you stay hydrated. They also come loaded with Vitamin C, vitamin B6, beta carotene, thiamine, and folic acid. 
5. Cauliflower
This versatile vegetable which has been made popular with keto diets, is a winter favorite in many households across the country. It can be converted into soups, salads, curries and is loaded with water. It is estimated that a cup of chopped cauliflower will provide you with up to 50 ml of water. 
6. Olive oil
You must be aware of the benefits of cooking your food using olive oil by now. It is rich in Vitamin E, good fats, etc., and helps moisturize your body from within. The application of oil on your skin also does wonders to soothe dry, itchy skin and keep it healthy and glowing.
They are one of the healthiest foods you can consume anytime and winter is no exception. They provide protein and healthy fats which help in collagen regeneration as well as Sulphur and lutein, which help with skin elasticity and hydration. So, start your day with a healthy breakfast of eggs and your body will thank you for it. 
8. Fruits
Fruits that are low in sugar, but high in water content are your best bets for snacking this winter. So, load up on blueberries, strawberries, kiwis, etc. as they provide you with vitamins and nutrients to keep your body healthy, while also ensuring you stay hydrated.  Snack on some cut fruits or toss a handful of frozen berries into your oatmeal or smoothie to ramp up your hydration game.
9. Healthy drinks
Instead of reaching out for sugar-laden cans of cola or pumping more caffeine into your system, try sipping on warm lemon water infused with honey or brewing yourself a warm cup of green tea. These not only hydrate your body, but will also provide that warming comfort we crave in winter.
10. Oatmeal
This nourishing grain is a breakfast staple for a reason. Besides providing a warm and comforting meal it is also a great way to increase your water content. Oatmeal contains soluble and insoluble fibers which helps you remain satiated for a longer time and encourage bowel movements.
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Hydration is essential for your body to function optimally, irrespective of the season. While you may automatically reach out for that glass of water in summer, winters may bring down your water consumption drastically. Winter is the best time to experiment with various wholesome foods that are not only tasty and healthy but will also increase your hydration levels. So go ahead and stock your pantry with this winter’s goodness to remain healthy and glowing this winter. 
Source: 10 Must-Have Hydrating Foods for Winter
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drinkprime ¡ 10 months
Benefits of an Alkaline Water Purifier in Your Home
In the current times we live in, with the drastic rise in environmental pollution coupled with lifestyle changes, you must be aware of the dangers of directly consuming water from civic sources.  Getting access to safe drinking water, while is a fundamental right of humans, is denied to a large section of the population, highlighting the scarcity of this precious resource.
An advanced water purifier is your best bet in your quest for pure water, as it removes most of the contaminants. If you are on the lookout for a purifier that offers the twin benefits of advanced technology coupled with health benefits, then an alkaline water purifier may be an ideal choice for you. In this blog, we examine what exactly an alkaline water filter is, and the benefits it offers you.
What do you mean by alkaline water?
The alkalinity of water is determined by its PH level. The PH level is a number that measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is, on a scale of 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. So, a substance with a PH of 1 to 6 would be acidic and a PH of 8 to 14 indicates alkalinity. The water we drink should ideally have a PH of 7, making it neutral.
When chemicals, pathogens, or gases are added to this water, it makes the water acidic or alkaline. In alkaline water, alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium, etc. are present, which determines its PH levels. Water, that is too acidic or alkaline, besides having an unpalatable taste, may also be detrimental to your health.
Can alkaline water boost your health?
Water that is slightly alkaline i.e., having a PH of more than 7, may offer you a variety of health benefits, which can mainly be attributed to its acid neutralizing properties. Let’s look at how you can benefit from drinking alkaline water.
1. Increase in the health of bones
Bone resorption is the process in which new bone cells replace the old bone cells which are broken down. Your bone strength depends on a lesser rate of bone resorption and a higher mineral density. Studies have found lesser bone resorption in people who consumed alkaline water which is rich in bicarbonates. 
2. Possible Reduction in lifestyle markers like blood, sugar cholesterol
Research has found that drinking a higher PH electrolyte along with vigorous exercise, decreases blood viscosity, which is the thickness and stickiness in your blood.  In adults, elevated levels of blood viscosity are associated with multiple life-threatening diseases. 
3. Increase in bone density
Recent studies have shown that consuming alkaline water may improve bone density in postmenopausal women, especially those with osteoporosis.
4. May improve longevity
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A study that monitored the effects of alkaline water on mice, suggested that the mice that drank alkaline water showed improved DNA markers related to aging.
Though more research and larger studies on humans are needed on this topic, many claim that alkaline water has colon cleansing and pro-aging properties while supporting your body with its hydration and detoxifying abilities. Alkaline water may also help in weight management and is touted to have cancer-resistant properties.
What is an alkaline water purifier?
If you go by the notion that a water purifier is a one-size-fits-all-water- all water source, then it may be time to rethink this notion. The quality of water you get from different sources is widely different and so the purifiers needed to tackle this vast array of source water differ in their abilities and functions. 
An alkaline water filter for home makes use of electrolysis to break water molecules (H2O) into +H and -OH ions. This translates to your source water being separated into ionized alkaline water and oxidized ionized acidic water. Most of the best alkaline water filters have two dedicated outlets for alkaline and acidic water.
The alkaline water with higher PH levels, provides you with antioxidant and electron-rich water for consumption, while the acidic water which is an oxidizing agent, is rejected and can be put to external use. You can choose the water that you want with the touch of a button. 
An alkaline water filter also remineralizes the water it purifies, thereby restoring it with essential minerals.
Benefits of using an alkaline water purifier
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Most of the best alkaline water filters, adjust the PH levels of your water to a healthy 8.5, which is alkaline, and the consumption of which has a plethora of health benefits. Some of the benefits are listed below:
1. Increase in the PH levels of water
An advanced technology alkaline water purifier helps you create water with the PH level of your choice. This is possible because ionizers function by breaking water (H2O) into H+ and -OH ions, which gives you the flexibility to choose the PH levels of your water. This incredible feature is available with most of the best alkaline water purifiers.
2. Hydrating properties
It is widely claimed that alkaline water is highly energizing and more hydrating than normal water. So, drinking a glass of alkaline water charged with essential minerals and supplements may provide your body with the additional energy and stamina that it needs to perform its daily functions.
3. Antioxidant properties
An alkaline water purifier, in addition to delivering pure water with a higher PH level, also provides you with antioxidant-rich water which is charged with hydrogen gas and deals with free radicals, thereby reducing your body’s oxidative stress.
4. Helps with acid reflux
The protein from the food you consume is digested with the help of an enzyme called pepsin. During an acid reflux, this enzyme leaves the stomach and refluxes into the esophagus. The acid buffering capacity of alkaline water helps neutralize pepsin, thereby providing respite from acid reflux. 
An advanced technology alkaline purifier may be a good investment for your home, as it combines the top-notch purification features of an RO purifier, with the benefits of an alkaline filter. Thus, you get an uninterrupted supply of pure water that meets all the safety standards, combined with the benefits of alkaline water, making this purifier a one-stop solution for your drinking water needs.
Source: Benefits of an Alkaline Water Purifier in Your Home
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drinkprime ¡ 11 months
What Is an Ion Exchange Water Filter?
Whether you use water for your home or commercial purposes, getting access to safe water, which is free from contaminants, has become crucial. In most parts of the country, the water which is available through civic sources, is unfit for consumption and basic needs.
Due to the indiscriminate use of chemicals and pesticides, the water has become heavily contaminated and contains a plethora of pathogens like bacteria and viruses, along with traces of heavy metals like arsenic, lead, etc. This, if consumed, can cause a host of illnesses in the long term. 
To combat this, the market today is filled with a wide variety of purifiers, filters, softeners, etc. which make the source water pure and free of contaminants. One such method of water treatment is an ion exchange water filter, which softens water.
 In this blog, we discuss how ion exchange filters work, the types of ion exchange filters, and their advantages and disadvantages. Let’s dive in!
Related Reading: Common Water Contaminants and How Purifiers Remove them
What do you mean by an ion exchange water filter?
The impurities found in water affect its taste and smell while making it unsafe for consumption. Currently, there are many ways in which water quality can be improved and one such method is an ion exchange water filter. It involves a chemical process that removes certain impurities and minerals from the water, thereby softening it.
A quick chemistry refresher will throw more light on the concept of ion water filters. Atoms are made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons which have positive, negative, and neutral charges respectively. Many atoms link together to form molecules or compounds through electronic bonding. An atom or molecule that has an unequal number of protons or electrons, resulting in a positive or negative charge is known as an ion. 
Minerals such as calcium, magnesium potassium, etc. become ions when they get dissolved in water. Their presence affects the taste, odor, and hardness of water. 
How does an ion exchange water filter work?
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Softens water
An ion exchange water filter softens your source water, it does not filter or purify it. Electrically charged solids are used to remove contaminant ions from the water. This works even if the contaminants are in liquid form.
Removes calcium and magnesium
Hard water which is caused by the presence of calcium and magnesium, causes a host of skin and hair problems as well as limescale build up on appliances and inability to lather soap.
Ion exchange water treatment gets rid of this calcium and magnesium, by using resins, a small porous bead-like material made of synthetic or natural polymers. This is fortified with specific chemical groups which exchange or draw certain ions, based on their charge. 
Use of resins
Ion exchange systems use three types of resins. Cationic resins can be of weak acid cation or strong acid cation. They can remove contaminants like iron, calcium, chromium, magnesium, sodium, etc. They are mostly useful in water softening, demineralization, and alkalization.
The systems that use anionic resins can contain either a strong base anion, which can be useful for demineralization, or a weak base anion which can help with acid absorption applications. Anionic resins can remove arsenic, uranium, carbonates, cyanide chlorides, etc. The third type, which is specialty resins, is mostly used in industrial applications. They are generally more expensive. 
Recharging of resins
Resins need to be recharged periodically. When the ion exchange process is not functioning properly, resins need to be recharged with sulphuric acid, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, or hydrochloric acid. 
What are the different types of ion exchange filters?
 There are different types of ion exchange water filters, each designed for a specific need or application and to suit different environments.
Countertop filters
As the name suggests, they sit snugly on your countertop. They are best suited for small apartments or families and especially rental houses as they do not require any drilling or plumbing.
Under sink filters
These filters are installed under your sink area and connected to your taps. They filter larger quantities of water and free up your countertop space. 
Stand-alone filters
They are designed for larger households or for commercial purposes. They are most often used in tandem with other water treatments. 
Inline filters
These filters are connected directly to your plumbing system and can be used for whole-house filtration and even for special uses like connecting to your fridge or ice maker.
Like with most systems, ion exchange water treatments also come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of  Ion exchange water treatment
1. Easy to set up
Ion exchange water filters are relatively easy to install and fits in your budget too. 
2. Improves taste
It improves the taste and odor of water, which is a bonus. 
3. Reduces hardness of water
Ion exchange water filters remove the hardness of water and dissolve heavy metals from water. 
4. Easy installation
The installation process is simple for these ion exchange water filters, and it is relatively easy to maintain them as well.
Disadvantages of Ion exchange water treatment
1. Does not remove microorganisms
Ion exchange water filters cannot remove pathogens like viruses or bacteria particles etc.
2. Expensive
Ion exchange water filters mostly have long-term operating costs which can prove to be detrimental.
3. Use of chemicals
These filters need to use chemicals like salt for water softening. 
4. Wastewater generation
Ion exchange water filters may generate a lot of waste water which requires disposal. 
5. Additional add-ons required
These filters require a lot of extra add-ons, for proper functioning. A discharge line, to rinse off the calcium and magnesium from the resin beads, an electrical source to provide power for the regeneration process, and periodic refilling of the brine solution, to ensure that the water softener functions well.
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So, is water from an ion exchange water filter completely safe for you to drink? Ion exchange water filters are used to produce bottled water and home-based water treatment solutions. It is important for you to understand that ion exchange water filters work primarily as a water softener and may not completely remove pathogens such as bacteria viruses etc.
It is for this reason that ion exchange water filters are coupled with other water filtration systems, to ensure that the water that you get is pure and safe for your consumption. It is essential that you get your source water tested, to get an idea of the contaminants that you are dealing with, before zeroing in on a water filtration and purification system. 
Source: What Is an Ion Exchange Water Filter?
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drinkprime ¡ 11 months
Thoughtful Diwali Gift under 500 for Family- Free Delivery
As the festive fervor of Diwali approaches in just two weeks, the excitement of returning home, exchanging gifts, indulging in sweets, and creating lasting memories intensifies. 
However, amid the usual array of dry fruits and clothing, why not opt for gifts that carry a more profound meaning and longevity? 
That too a Diwali Gift under 500!
While traditional gifts bring about short-term joy, a water purifier promises a lasting impact on the person’s health and well-being. 
In this blog, we delve into a thoughtful alternative – the gift of clean, safe, and healthy drinking water. Many families still rely on water cans for their drinking needs, and a water purifier emerges as a practical and impactful choice to gift someone.
Let us understand the significance of gifting not just for the moment, but for a sustained improvement in the lives of your loved ones. Read on to find out how to get a Diwali Gift under 500!
The best Diwali Gift under 500 that is for all seasons
Searching for the perfect Diwali gift under 500 Rs that combines both practicality and thoughtfulness? 
Look no further! This festive season, why not break away from the usual lineup of dry fruits and clothes and opt for a gift that not only brings joy but also promotes health and happiness in the long run? Enter the game-changer – a water purifier subscription.
Make your gift stand out from the crowd
Diwali, a time of celebration and togetherness, is often marked by the exchange of gifts. While traditional gifts have their charm, consider stepping up your gifting game with a present that stands out among the other gifts. A water purifier subscription not only aligns with the festive spirit but also addresses a crucial aspect of daily life – access to clean and safe drinking water.
Why is a water purifier subscription the best Diwali gift under 500 Rs? Firstly, it offers unparalleled convenience. In a world where time is of the essence, a subscription ensures a regular supply of clean water without the hassle of constantly purchasing bottled water or relying on unhygienic water cans. It’s a gift that keeps on giving, enhancing the recipient’s daily life with minimal effort.
Let’s talk about the cost-effectiveness of this gift. With a budget-friendly price tag, a water purifier subscription proves that a meaningful and practical gift doesn’t have to break the bank. Your gesture of providing a continuous source of purified water speaks volumes about your consideration for the well-being of your loved ones.
Surprise your loved ones with a gift of health and wellness
Beyond the immediate joy of receiving a thoughtful gift, a water purifier subscription is a gift for all seasons. In a world where accessing safe drinking water is a challenge due to microplastics and water contamination, this present demonstrates foresight and care for the environment and, most importantly, for the health of your dear ones. It’s not just a Diwali gift; it’s a year-round assurance of safe hydration.
Why you need to gift a DrinkPrime subscription
Here’s why a DrinkPrime subscription is the perfect Diwali gift under 500 Rs:
1. Super light on your pocket
With a budget-friendly price tag, a DrinkPrime subscription proves that meaningful and practical gifts need not break the bank, making it an affordable choice for your festive gifting. Our subscription plans start from Rs 333* only!
2. Convenience at your fingertips
Your loved ones can say goodbye to the hassle of lugging heavy water cans or relying on expensive traditional water purifiers. A DrinkPrime subscription offers the gift of convenience – a regular supply of 100% purified water at the touch of a button, making hydration effortless.
3. Health benefits beyond Diwali
What makes a DrinkPrime subscription the best Diwali gift under 500 Rs? Well, beyond the festivities, a DrinkPrime subscription contributes to the well-being of your loved ones throughout the year. It ensures access to clean and safe drinking water, making it a health-conscious gesture with long-term impact.
4. Unique and memorable gift
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Stand out from the crowd of traditional gifts! A water purifier subscription is a thoughtful and innovative choice that leaves a lasting impression. It showcases your consideration for both immediate and long-term needs. And with DrinkPrime, you get a customized water purifier on rent at just Rs 333* – a win-win for all!
5. Comprehensive gifting experience
Your loved ones get to enjoy additional perks that enhance their gifting experience. Benefit from FREE delivery services, installation, lifetime maintenance, and relocation, adding an extra layer of cost savings for your friends and family.. It’s not just a subscription; it’s a complete package ensuring uninterrupted access to clean drinking water.
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As the Diwali lights illuminate homes, let your gift shine even brighter. Make a lasting impression by choosing a present that transcends the festivities – a water purifier subscription. Show your loved ones that you care about their well-being and the environment. 
This is why when considering the best Diwali gift under 500 Rs, a DrinkPrime subscription ticks all the boxes. It’s cost-effective, convenient, health-conscious, unique, and comes with additional perks, making it the ideal choice for a gift that goes beyond the ordinary. This Diwali, choose DrinkPrime – because the best gifts are the ones that keep giving.
Source: Thoughtful Diwali Gift under 500 for Family- Free Delivery
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drinkprime ¡ 11 months
Impact of Poor Water Quality on Health
Did you know that drinking water is the most important thing you can do for your health?
But what if you’re drinking the wrong kind of water?
Poor water quality can have a devastating impact on your health, causing a wide range of illnesses, including diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid.
Even today only 2% of Indians get safe drinking water in their taps, according to a survey conducted. Not to mention, 37.7 million Indians are affected by severe waterborne illnesses every year.
Shocking isn’t it?
If you are wondering how I can drink 100% clean water, you have come to the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss the impact of poor water quality on health in more detail. We will also discuss why it is important to be careful about the water you drink and how you can protect yourself from waterborne diseases.
Let’s dive in!
Understanding the different causes of poor water quality
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Here are some of the reasons for poor water quality in your households:
Microbial contamination
This is the most common type of waterborne contamination, and it can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Microbial contamination can come from a variety of sources, including sewage, agricultural runoff, and animal waste.
Chemical contamination
This can be caused by a variety of chemicals, including industrial pollutants, pesticides, and fertilizers. Chemical contamination can also come from natural sources, such as arsenic and uranium.
Physical contamination
This can be caused by sediment, debris, and other physical contaminants. Physical contamination can come from a variety of sources, including erosion, flooding, and construction.
Infrastructure failure
This can happen when water treatment facilities or distribution systems fail. Infrastructure failure can be caused by a variety of factors, including aging infrastructure, natural disasters, and budget cuts.
Other reasons for poor water quality include sewage leaks, agricultural waste, industrial pollution, and natural disasters.
It is important to note that poor water quality can be caused by a combination of factors. For example, a sewage leak could contaminate a water source, and then a failure in the water treatment system could allow the contaminated water to be distributed to consumers.
What is the impact of poor water quality on our health?
Drinking poor-quality water poses significant health risks, with consequences ranging from acute to chronic ailments. 
Gastric disorders
Contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites in untreated water can lead to severe gastrointestinal issues, causing symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps. Waterborne diseases, including cholera and dysentery, thrive in unsanitary conditions, jeopardizing the well-being of individuals exposed to contaminated water sources.
Related Reading: Common Water Contaminants and How Purifiers Remove them
Developmental problems
Moreover, long-term water consumption containing heavy metals like lead and arsenic has been linked to chronic health problems. Prolonged exposure to elevated levels of these metals may result in developmental issues in children, damage to the nervous system, and an increased risk of various cancers. Poor-quality water is also a breeding ground for harmful toxins and pollutants, further compromising public health.
Waterborne illnesses
Communities lacking access to clean water face a higher incidence of waterborne illnesses, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and ill health. Inadequate sanitation and water treatment infrastructure exacerbate these issues, particularly in developing regions where resources are limited.
Addressing the health issues caused by poor-quality drinking water requires a multi-faceted approach, involving improved water treatment, enhanced sanitation practices, and public awareness campaigns. Ensuring access to safe and clean water is essential for safeguarding the health and well-being of communities worldwide.
How to improve the poor water quality
1. Stop using plastic water bottles
Transform your home into a plastic-free haven for drinking water. Bid adieu to plastic bottles, notorious for contamination risks and microplastic leaching. Choose reusable, eco-friendly alternatives that contribute to a greener planet and ensure every sip is free from harmful residues.
2. Skip the Water Cans
Stop depending on water cans for your daily drinking water needs. Often they are stored out in the sun for long periods and exposed to harmful UV rays, dirt, and rain. These UV rays can break down the plastic water cans into microplastics which end up leaching into your drinking water. Opting for water cans means you are putting yourself at risk of suffering from water and microplastic contamination.
3. Invest in RO-Based Water Purification
Revolutionize your hydration routine by investing in a reputed RO water purifier. This powerhouse technology ensures your drinking water is free of impurities, ensuring clean, safe, and healthy drinking water for your daily hydration needs.
4. Regular maintenance of water purifiers
This is an important step many people overlook. Regularly clean and maintain your RO water purifier, addressing not just the water filtration component but also the overall system. Conduct a thorough check at least once a year to guarantee optimal performance.
5.  Constant Water Quality Monitoring
It is important to monitor water quality due to its fluctuating nature. When you choose DrinkPrime, we make sure we always monitor your water quality 24×7 to analyze any changes in TDS or pH levels and other water quality parameters. We prioritize your health by keeping a vigilant eye on your water quality, delivering perfectly purified drinking water every time.
Embracing these practices at your home will ensure each drop is 100% clean and safe to drink! By doing these you no longer have to worry about poor water quality ever.
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When it comes to safe drinking water, investing in an RO water purifier emerges as the hassle-free and optimal solution. The advanced technology of Reverse Osmosis ensures that impurities are stripped away, leaving you with water that is free from contaminants. 
What adds an extra layer of convenience to this solution is the option to consider renting a water purifier. Opting to get a water purifier on rent not only reduces the heavy upfront cost of buying a water purifier but also ensures that you have access to the latest purification technology without the worry of maintenance and other expenses. It’s a seamless and cost-effective approach that lets you enjoy the benefits of a top-notch RO water purifier without the headaches of ownership.
Source: Impact of Poor Water Quality on Health
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drinkprime ¡ 11 months
How to Remove Fluoride from Drinking Water?
Fluoride and drinking water- sounds a bit strange, doesn’t it?
But what if we tell you your drinking water has fluoride as well? No, we are not kidding!
It is often added to your tap water in order to improve your overall oral health without doing anything additional.
If you’ve seen any of those toothpaste ads, you’ve likely heard a thing or two about fluoride. It is a mineral found in nature – in water, soil, and some foods. It is also added to some toothpaste, mouthwash, and other dental products. Fluoride is important for dental health because it helps to strengthen teeth and make them more resistant to decay.
However, it is important to note that drinking water filled with excess amounts of fluoride is not good for you in the long run. It not only has the potential to cause dental fluorosis but also other health problems like nausea and diarrhea as well.
In this blog post, we will discuss why fluoride is added to your drinking water, why too much fluoride is not good for you, and how to remove fluoride from drinking water.
So sit back, relax, and let’s dive in!
Why is fluoride added to your drinking water?
Before we understand how to remove fluoride from drinking water, let’s understand what fluoride is. Just like what we talked about above, Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that has been shown to be effective in preventing tooth decay. It is added to drinking water in many communities around the world to help people maintain good oral health.
There are two main reasons why fluoride is added to water:
1. To prevent tooth decay
Fluoride works by making teeth more resistant to the acids produced by bacteria in the mouth. These acids can break down tooth enamel and lead to cavities. Fluoride also helps to repair early signs of tooth decay.
2. To strengthen your pearly whites
Fluoride helps to strengthen tooth enamel, making teeth less likely to chip or crack. The safe level of fluoride in drinking water varies depending on the age of the person and the climate. The World Health Organization recommends a fluoride concentration of 0.5 to 1.0 milligrams per liter (mg/L) for adults and children over the age of 8. 
Let’s have a look at some of the problems caused by large amounts of fluoride and why it is important for everyone to know how to remove fluoride from drinking water.
What are the health problems caused by fluoride in drinking water?
Excessive fluoride in drinking water has the potential to cause various health issues, giving rise to a range of side effects:
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1. Dental Fluorosis
One of the most common consequences of high fluoride levels is dental fluorosis. This condition manifests as discoloration and pitting of tooth enamel, impacting dental aesthetics and, in severe cases, functionality.
2. Skeletal Fluorosis
Prolonged exposure to high fluoride concentrations in drinking water can affect bone health, leading to skeletal fluorosis. Symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, and impaired mobility, reflecting the adverse impact on the skeletal system.
3. Neurological Concerns
Studies have explored a potential link between increased fluoride intake and adverse effects on cognitive function. While not conclusively proven, these findings raise concerns about neurological health in areas with high amounts of fluoride in drinking water.
This is why one needs to learn how to remove fluoride from drinking water. It is better to be careful of the fluoride levels in drinking water to prevent these adverse health effects. A delicate balance is required to get fluoride’s positive benefits on dental health while eliminating potential risks to our health.
How to remove fluoride from drinking water?
If you’re concerned about how to remove fluoride from drinking water and seek methods for removal, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to achieve pure and fluoride-free drinking water.
1. Reverse Osmosis (RO)
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Among various methods, Reverse Osmosis (RO) stands out as one of the most effective ways to remove fluoride from your water. RO systems use a semi-permeable membrane to filter out impurities, including fluoride ions. The process ensures a high removal rate, making it a reliable choice for households concerned about fluoride in their water supply. If you are researching on how to remove fluoride from drinking water, this option is the most reliable and cost-effective one
2. Bone Char Carbon Filters
Bone char carbon filters utilize a natural adsorption process to remove fluoride. Made from animal bones, these filters have a porous structure that captures fluoride ions. It’s essential to note that this method may have limitations, and filter quality can vary.
3. Distillation
Here is one method on how to remove fluoride from drinking water. Distillation involves heating water to create steam, which is then condensed back into liquid form. This method effectively eliminates fluoride, along with other contaminants, leaving you with purified water. While distillation can be energy-intensive, its thorough purification process makes it a viable option for those seeking fluoride-free water.
Related Reading: Distilled Water vs Purified Water: Pro ,Cons and Comparison
4. Activated Alumina Filters
Activated alumina is a filter media known for its ability to adsorb fluoride ions from water. These filters work by attracting and holding fluoride, reducing its concentration in the treated water. While effective, it’s crucial to replace activated alumina filters regularly to maintain their efficiency.
5. Ion Exchange Filters
Ion exchange filters replace fluoride ions with less harmful ions, effectively reducing fluoride levels. However, regular maintenance and the need for regeneration make this method more complex compared to others.
While multiple methods exist to remove fluoride from drinking water, Reverse Osmosis stands out as a reliable and efficient solution. Its high removal rate, ease of use, and minimal maintenance make RO water purifiers the best method for anyone reading up on how to remove fluoride from drinking water. Consider the specific needs of your household and the efficiency of each method when deciding on the best approach to safeguard your water quality. 
With the right water purifier in place, you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing your drinking water is free from excess fluoride and other contaminants.
Source: How to Remove Fluoride from Drinking Water?
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drinkprime ¡ 11 months
5 Benefits of Tracking Water Intake for Wellness
The importance of water is one topic that needs no selling point. This cliched elixir of life makes up almost sixty percent of the human body and it is vital for its well being. Even with this knowledge, keeping yourself amply hydrated is more complex than it sounds.  How many times have you found yourself not hitting your hydration goals, despite your best intentions?
In our present lifestyle, which thrives on hustle culture, it is not surprising that reaching out for that glass of water may be the last thing on your mind, as you juggle multiple responsibilities. This is where tracking water intake may be of help. Read on, to find out how it can help you stay on top of your hydration game, without the extra effort.
Related Reading: Benefits of Drinking Water in Maintaining Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails.
Benefits of drinking water
From the now outdated ‘eight glasses a day’ to ‘drink when you are thirsty’ there is no universal agreement on the ideal quantity of water you must consume in a day. The National Academy of Medicine suggests drinking around 13 glasses a day for men and 9 glasses for women. What is indisputable though, is that water is crucial for the effective functioning of your body. To perform optimally, you need to consistently hydrate your body throughout the day. Here are some benefits of ensuring you hydrate yourself consistently.
Ensures steady oxygen supply
Your blood is made of almost ninety percent water and staying hydrated ensures that it carries oxygen to different parts of your body effectively, ensuring optimum functioning of your body parts.
Ensures joints are lubricated
Your joints and the disks of your spine contain cartilage, which is made up of eighty percent water. When you are dehydrated consistently, it may affect the ability of the cartilage to absorb shock, which translates to joint pain. 
Ensures formation of saliva and mucus
Other than helping your body digest food, saliva also helps to keep your mouth, nose, and eyes moist, thus preventing damage from friction. Drinking enough water instead of sugary drinks also helps keep your mouth clean and prevents cavities.
Ensures temperature regulation
The heat-transferring capacity of water makes it ideal for your body to use it to regulate temperature. Water, which absorbs a lot of heat before its temperature rises, is your best bet to act as a protection against sudden temperature changes. When your body heats up, water stored in the middle layers of the skin comes up to the surface as sweat and as it evaporates from the surface of the skin, your body cools down.
Ensures proper digestion
Your bowels depend on water to ensure proper digestion. From constipation and heartburn to an overly acidic stomach and ulcers, dehydration can wreak havoc with your digestive system.
Ensures kidney health
The fluid in your body is regulated by your kidneys. They ensure cleansing and getting rid of toxins if there is enough fluid intake. If your water intake is chronically low, it can even lead to the risk of kidney stones.
Ensures proper bowel movements
When water levels are low in your body, the colon pulls out water from the stools resulting in constipation. Adequate hydration along with proper dietary fiber are crucial for proper bowel movements.
Related Reading: 10 Benefits of Drinking Purified Water
Five advantages of tracking water intake for your wellness
Getting enough water into your system may be a challenge when you are juggling multiple responsibilities throughout the day. By the time thirst hits you and you reach out for that glass of water, the damage will have been done; you may be already mildly dehydrated. This may show up as a headache, irritability, or even the infamous afternoon slump. 
So how do you make space in your already burgeoning to-do list, to drink water? Don’t sweat it. We have got you covered. A water consumption tracker may be the solution to all your hydration woes. Here are some of the benefits of tracking water intake.
Increases your energy levels
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Your brain needs an ample supply of fluids to function efficiently. The key difference between drinking water whenever you remember and tracking water consumption, lies in the consistency. When you ensure a consistent supply of water at regular intervals, your body will respond accordingly and you will be surprised to see renewed energy levels, the ability to focus more, and fewer afternoon slumps. All in all, the perfect recipe for a productive day.
Aids in weight loss
One of the best benefits of tracking water intake is that it supports your weight loss goals. Consistent hydration suppresses your hunger pangs, and you are less likely to reach out for the sugary pastry or salty chips. A regulated water drinking schedule also helps to put your metabolism in place, which will aid in your weight loss. 
Reduced headaches
If you suffer from migraines or even a common post-afternoon headache, you know how badly it can hamper your schedule. The most common reason for a headache is surprisingly, dehydration and unregulated water intake. Ensuring a steady supply of water for your body may reduce your headache episodes considerably, thus upping your productivity levels. The icing on the cake is that you may also notice that your mood has improved.
Ensures better skin health
Your skin is literally made up of water and water helps it look plumped up. Inadequate water levels will make your skin look tired, and parched, and accentuate wrinkles. Collagen, the holy grail of protein, that is responsible for your skin’s elasticity and firmness, needs water to function effectively. Water also helps you tackle acne better, as it helps balance out oil and water on the surface of your skin.
Helps maintain healthy hair
Tracking your water intake is a secret weapon for luscious locks. Hydration is the key to vibrant, healthy hair. Water nourishes hair follicles, promoting growth and strength. When you monitor your water consumption, you ensure your body has the essential moisture needed for glossy strands. Dehydration can lead to brittle, dull hair, and tracking your water intake helps you hit that daily goal. 
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Tracking water intake is your best bet to ensure that you give your body all the resources it needs to put its best foot forward. From ensuring your body’s health to improving your mood, productivity, and appearance, this simple habit is a very powerful tool to help you in your daily life. The best ways to track water intake would be to invest in a water bottle tracker, which has visual markers by the hour, or to download a tracker app and let your phone or watch remind you to drink up. Whatever your method, this will go a long way in helping you live your best life.
Source: 5 Benefits of Tracking Water Intake for Wellness
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drinkprime ¡ 11 months
Safe Drinking Water for Kids: Why Every Parent Needs a Water Purifier
In a world dominated by urbanization, dust, and pollution, the very air we breathe, the food we consume, and crucially, the water we drink, have become vulnerable to contamination, paving the way for a variety of diseases. 
This issue magnifies when it comes to children as their developing immunity makes them even more vulnerable. For kids, whose immune systems are still in the crucial stages of development, contaminated water poses an even graver threat. The significance of safe drinking water for kids cannot be overstated; it is a necessity for their growth and well-being.
Failure to provide safe drinking water for kids may lead to growth problems and an increased susceptibility to diseases, making it important for parents to prioritize water quality in their households.
This is why in this blog, we discuss the critical importance of safe drinking water for kids, focusing on why every parent must be careful and consider investing in a water purifier. 
Let’s dive in!
Why is safe drinking water for kids so important?
Amidst concerns surrounding the air we breathe and the food we consume, the safety of the water our children drink emerges as a paramount consideration. In this dynamic environment, contaminated water not only jeopardizes our health but poses a heightened risk to children, whose developing immune systems are more prone to deadly diseases.
Strengthens the immune system
The importance of safe drinking water for kids extends far beyond mere hydration; it is a cornerstone for their growth, development, and overall health. As young bodies undergo the complex process of maturation, the purity of the water they drink plays a huge role in supporting their developing immune systems. Safe drinking water for kids helps in the absorption of nutrients, ensuring that the building blocks for healthy growth are readily available.
No more waterborne diseases
One of the primary benefits of kids drinking safe water lies in the prevention of waterborne diseases. Young children, with their developing immune systems, are more prone to illnesses caused by contaminants. Providing safe drinking for kids acts as a shield against many infections, safeguarding their well-being and allowing them to explore the world with the strength they need.
Helps in Physical and mental development
The cognitive and physical development of children depends on adequate hydration and the quality of water they drink along with food. Safe drinking water for kids aids in maintaining optimal bodily functions, supporting mental alertness, and enhancing overall performance. It ensures that their energy levels remain steady, promoting a more active and vibrant lifestyle.
Promotes Overall Well-Being
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Beyond all these above functions, safe drinking water for kids also encourages holistic well-being, contributing to the emotional, physical, and mental vitality of children.
Keeps their energy levels up all day
The stability of energy levels is another benefit, ensuring that children maintain steady and sustained energy throughout their day-to-day activities. Safe drinking water for kids ensures that they have more energy to play around, go to school, and socialize with other children of their age without getting tired easily.
Why every parent should invest in a water purifier
Hey awesome parents! We know keeping your little ones healthy and happy is your utmost priority which is why it is important to invest in a good water purifier. Here’s why you need it for safe drinking water for kids:
1. Keeps Away Impurities
Imagine a water purifier as a superhero shield, standing guard against invisible germs in water – those hidden bacteria and viruses and stuff that can make our kids sick. No more worries about our little ones sipping on anything less than parent-approved water!
2. Makes Water Super Clean
Growing up needs clean, safe, and healthy drinking water, right? That’s where the magic of a water purifier comes in. It ensures that the water our kiddos gulp down is as clean as it gets, letting their bodies absorb all the good stuff for growing big and strong.
3. Super Strong Immune System
Drinking clean water isn’t just a sip; it’s like giving our kids a superpower – a strong immune system! Safe drinking for kids helps them battle the bad guys and stay healthy, ready for all the adventures.
4. Flushes Out toxins
A water purifier becomes a partner in detoxification, aiding in flushing out toxins from the water. This ensures that the water our kids drink not only hydrates but contributes to their overall well-being by promoting a toxin-free system.
5. Easy Peasy Hydration
Getting kids to drink water can sometimes feel like a mission, right? But with a water purifier, it’s super easy! They can grab a drink whenever they want, and it’s always safe, and always clean – making hydration a very simple task.
6. No More Worries for Parents
Parents, say goodbye to water worries! A water purifier takes away all those “Is it safe?” concerns. The DrinkPrime water purifier not only uses RO but also customization which ensures every sip is nothing but perfectly-purified safe drinking water for kids.
7. Drink Anytime, All the Time
With a water purifier, there’s water ready 24/7. No more waiting for water cans to arrive. Whenever your kiddos want a sip, it’s there, ensuring they stay refreshed and healthy all day, every day.
8. Saves Money
Here’s a cool bonus – a water purifier isn’t just good for health; it’s friendly on the wallet too! No more constantly buying expensive bottled water or worse unhygienic water cans. It’s a budget-friendly option that helps everyone in the family access clean, safe, and healthy drinking water 24X7!
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Ensuring safe drinking water for kids is more than just a parenting responsibility; it’s a fundamental necessity for their health and well-being. Kids are especially vulnerable to waterborne contaminants, and the quality of the water they consume plays a big role in their growth and development. 
The good news? You no longer have to buy a water purifier, you can simply rent it and enjoy safe drinking water all day, every day! So why wait? Switch to DrinkPrime for as low as Rs 333* every month!
Source: Safe Drinking Water for Kids: Why Every Parent Needs a Water Purifier
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drinkprime ¡ 1 year
Emerging Trends in Water Purifier Technology: 2023
Water is the main source of life, an important component that supports all living creatures on our planet. Clean and safe drinking water isn’t a need; it’s an essential human right. In a world where contamination and defilement are on the rise, guaranteeing that the water we consume is free from impurities has ended up a growing concern. Usually, this is where water purifiers come into play, as they have advanced into irreplaceable machines for families around the globe. Water purifier technology has become a lifesaver over the decades by providing clean water to a lot of people.
Latest in Water Purifier technology
These days several advanced technologies and innovations are being used in water purifiers to ensure the delivery of safe and clean drinking water. Here are some of the latest water purifier technology that are in use:
1. Reverse Osmosis (RO) Technology
RO technology is widely used in water purifiers. It involves forcing water through a semipermeable membrane to remove contaminants, impurities, and minerals. Some advanced RO systems also incorporate additional stages like UV purification.
2. Ultraviolet (UV) Purification
UV technology uses ultraviolet light to disinfect water and kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. UV water purifier technology is effective at ensuring microbiologically safe water.
3. Ultrafiltration (UF) Technology
UF membranes have smaller pores than RO membranes, making them effective at removing bacteria, viruses, and larger particles. UF is often used along with other filtration technologies.
4. Activated Carbon Filtration
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Activated carbon filters are effective at removing chlorine, organic compounds, and odors from water. Advanced water purifiers may use multiple stages of activated carbon for improved performance.
5. Smart Purifiers
Some modern water purifiers are equipped with sensors and IoT (Internet of Things) capabilities. They can monitor water quality in real time and provide alerts or data to users via smartphone apps. DrinkPrime provides a user-friendly app that allows users to monitor their water levels and even place orders.
Apart from these technologies, there is one other technology in water purification that is trending these days.
6. Nanofiltration (NF)
Nanofiltration (NF) is a filtration process is a water purifier technology that uses semi-permeable membranes to separate and purify water by removing particles and solutes with a molecular weight between 200 and 1,000 daltons. NF is often used for tasks like water softening, color removal, and selectively reducing specific contaminants in water due to its ability to let certain ions and molecules pass while blocking others. This technology finds applications in water treatment, food and beverage processing, and various industrial processes requiring precise control over water composition.
Future of water purification
The future of water purifiers is promising and will likely bring about several key advancements.
1. Affordability
First, we can expect increased efficiency and affordability. As technology improves, water purifiers will become more energy-efficient and cost-effective, making clean drinking water more accessible to people worldwide.
2. Smarter water purifiers
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Next, innovation will lead to smart water purifiers. These devices will be equipped with sensors and advanced monitoring capabilities, allowing users to receive real-time information about water quality. This will help people make informed decisions about their water consumption.
3. Sustainability
Furthermore, the materials used in water purifiers will continue to evolve. Manufacturers will develop more sustainable and eco-friendly options, reducing their environmental impact.
4. Nanotechnology
Advancements in nanotechnology and membrane technology will play a significant role in the future of water purification. Nanofiltration and other cutting-edge techniques will enhance the efficiency of water treatment, removing even smaller particles and contaminants.
Overall, the future of water purifiers holds the promise of cleaner, safer, and more accessible drinking water for people around the world. As technology continues to advance, we can expect innovative solutions that address water quality challenges and contribute to a healthier planet with a healthier generation of people.
Emerging water treatment technologies
Emerging water treatment technologies are like the superheroes of clean water. They’re new, exciting ways to make sure the water we drink is safe and healthy. Here are ten of these cool technologies:
1. Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)
Think of AOPs as water cleaners with special powers. They use things like ozone and UV light to break down and remove bad stuff, like chemicals and medicines, from water.
2. Electrocoagulation
Imagine using electricity to make tiny particles in the water stick together and then easily remove them. That’s what electrocoagulation does, and it helps get rid of dirt and heavy metals.
3. Graphene-based Filters
Graphene is like a super-strong and super-thin material. It’s used to create filters that can catch all sorts of bad things in water, from metals to oils.
4. Forward Osmosis (FO)
FO is like a water magnet. It uses special membranes to attract water and leave behind the bad stuff. It’s great for turning salty water into fresh water.
5. Membrane Distillation
Picture water turning into steam, leaving behind all the dirty stuff. Membrane distillation does just that, making water clean by using heat.
6. Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR)
BNR uses helpful bacteria to remove things like nitrogen and phosphorus, making wastewater cleaner.
7. Carbon Nanotube Filters
Carbon nanotubes are like tiny straws that can suck up pollutants in water, like metals and chemicals. They’re like powerful filters.
8. Solar Desalination
Imagine using the sun to turn salty water into fresh water. That’s what solar desalination does, providing clean water in sunny places.
9. Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs)
MFCs are like machines that eat dirt in water and turn it into electricity. They help clean water and produce power at the same time.
10. Emerging Nanomaterials
Nanomaterials are like super-small particles that can grab onto bad stuff in water. They can help make water cleaner and safer.
With the change and improvement in water purifier technology, every day there is one or the other new thing that arises in every field. Making use of this technology, the water purifiers are also changing accordingly to provide clean and safe drinking water to all while simultaneously preserving nature.
Source: Emerging Trends in Water Purifier Technology: 2023
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drinkprime ¡ 1 year
Budget-Friendly Water Purification Solutions for Young Couples
In the dynamic landscape of today’s job market, an increasing number of couples find themselves moving from city to city in pursuit of better opportunities. This nomadic lifestyle has given rise to a trending choice – renting instead of buying homes, offering flexibility to match the constant shuffle. 
Similarly, a parallel trend is emerging in the world of water purifiers. In a world where adaptability is key, the notion of renting a budget-friendly water purifier is gaining popularity. Many opt for this cost-effective solution, paying a fixed amount each month rather than committing to a significant upfront investment. It’s a game-changer, especially for those who value financial flexibility amidst the uncertainties of relocation.
This blog delves into the rising trend of renting a budget-friendly water purifier, exploring how this alternative aligns with the needs of the modern, mobile lifestyle. Join us as we reveal the reasons behind this shifting trend and why more individuals are choosing to opt for rented water purifiers. 
How to choose a water purifier on a budget?
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Are you a young couple who is confused about what to do? Here’s why you should get yourself a budget-friendly water purifier as soon as possible!
1. Easy on your pocket
Instead of increasing your expenses with an expensive water purifier purchase, consider renting a budget-friendly water purifier. This allows you to enjoy all the benefits without the heavy upfront investment. Think of it as a smart, cost-effective way to get clean water.
2. No worrying about maintenance and filter changes
With a rental water purifier, you can say goodbye to the hassle of filter changes and maintenance troubles. Opting for a rental means the brand takes care of maintenance and filter changes. With DrinkPrime you even get FREE maintenance and filter changes!
3. Super easy to relocate
Life moves fast, especially for young couples seeking opportunities in new cities. Renting a budget-friendly water purifier ensures that it’s as mobile as you are. No need to abandon your trusted purifier with each move – just take it along and set it up in your new space.
4. Financial Flexibility
Budgeting becomes a breeze with a fixed monthly cost. Renting provides financial predictability, allowing you to manage your expenses effectively without unexpected financial hits.
What to keep in mind when getting a water purifier on rent?
1. Be careful of the brand
Choose a water purifier from reputable brands. Reputation matters when it comes to something as essential as clean water. Dive into reviews and testimonials to understand the user experience and the effectiveness of the purifier.
2. Research the tech
Understand the technology behind the purifier. Different technologies like RO, UV, or UF cater to specific water conditions. Ensure the purifier’s features align with the water quality in your area.
3. Water Quality Check
Conduct a water quality check to understand the impurities present. This helps in selecting a water purifier tailored to your specific water needs, ensuring efficient filtration.
4. Space-Friendly Models
For couples in compact living spaces, consider water purifiers with a sleek design. Countertop and wall-mounted options save space without compromising on purification capabilities.
5. Energy Efficiency
Opt for energy-efficient models. Not only does this contribute to a greener lifestyle, but it also keeps your electricity bills in check, aligning with sustainable living.
6. Customer Support
Assess the customer support provided by the brand. Quick and reliable customer service can be a game-changer when you need assistance with your water purifier.
By considering these points, you’re not just choosing a water purifier; you’re selecting a tailored solution that aligns with your lifestyle, providing clean and budget-friendly hydration. 
Why is DrinkPrime the perfect water purifier for couples?
Choosing the right budget friendly water purifier is a crucial decision, especially for young couples seeking reliability, affordability, and advanced technology. Here’s why DrinkPrime stands out best rental water purifier  for couples embarking on this journey:
1. Easy on the Budget
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Managing finances is a priority for young couples, and DrinkPrime understands that. With rental plans starting as low as Rs 333, it’s a budget-friendly solution. There’s even a specially crafted plan for couples, ensuring you get precisely what you need without breaking the bank.
2. Free services
Saving money is always a win, and DrinkPrime brings it home by offering free maintenance, delivery, installation, and even relocation. No hidden costs or surprise charges, just transparent and hassle-free service – perfect for couples looking to optimize their spending.
3. Trusted Brand with an amazing community
Trust is earned, and we are a proud 1 lakh+ family. Dive into testimonials and reviews, and you’ll discover a community of amazing individuals who rely on us for their drinking water needs. Come join us too!
4. Advanced Technology at Low Cost
Accessing advanced water purification technology shouldn’t be a luxury. DrinkPrime breaks this norm by providing customized water purifiers at an incredibly low cost. It’s not just a purifier; ts a complete drinking water solution!
5. Customization Based on Water Quality
One size doesn’t fit all, especially when it comes to water purification. This is why we track the water quality in your area. This data helps customize each water purifier to ensure you receive perfectly purified water every time – a tailored solution for your unique needs.
6. Exceptional Customer Support
Raising a ticket in our app is as easy as a couple of taps, and our team is always ready to reach out and address your concerns promptly.
In essence, DrinkPrime isn’t just a water purifier; it’s a comprehensive solution designed with young couples in mind. From cost-effectiveness to cutting-edge technology and unwavering customer support, we’ve got you covered!
Source: Budget-Friendly Water Purification Solutions for Young Couples
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drinkprime ¡ 1 year
5 Reasons to Invest In a RO Water Purifier
In today’s day and age, with environmental concerns and health-conscious living at the forefront, have you ever considered the importance of investing in a water purifier? Clean and safe drinking water is not just a necessity; it’s a fundamental right and a crucial aspect of our well-being.
First and foremost, the deteriorating quality of tap water is a matter of concern. Contaminants like heavy metals, bacteria, and chemicals often find their way into our water supply. These impurities can lead to various health issues, from digestive problems to long-term illnesses. When you invest in RO water purifier, you take control of your family’s health, ensuring that every sip they take is free from harmful substances.
Moreover, plastic pollution is a pressing global issue. Bottled water contributes significantly to this problem. When you invest in RO water purifier, it eliminates the need for single-use plastic bottles, reducing your environmental footprint and contributing to a sustainable future.
Beyond health and environmental benefits, a water purifier is a cost-effective solution in the long run. It saves you money spent on bottled water and medical bills, making it a wise investment.
In this blog, we will talk about the benefits of bringing home a water purifier, especially an RO water purifier, and the key benefits of drinking RO water in detail. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive in!
Benefits of Drinking RO Water
Drinking reverse osmosis (RO) water offers numerous benefits for your health and well-being. Here are some key advantages of consuming RO water:
1. Free from contaminants 
RO water purifiers effectively remove contaminants like bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and chemicals from tap water, ensuring a higher quality of drinking water.
2. Improved Taste and Odor
RO filtration eliminates impurities that can affect the taste and odor of water, resulting in clean and great-tasting water.
3. Healthier Minerals
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RO water contains essential minerals like calcium and magnesium, promoting a balanced mineral intake in your diet.
4. Reduced Risk of Waterborne Diseases
RO water is virtually free from harmful microorganisms, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases and making it safer for consumption.
5. Better Digestive Health
Clean and pure RO water aids digestion by ensuring your body doesn’t ingest harmful pathogens or pollutants that may disrupt your digestive system.
6. Enhanced Hydration
RO water is free from impurities that can hinder cellular hydration, making it easier for your body to absorb and use the water effectively.
7. Skin and Hair Benefits
The benefits of RO  water purifiers are many! water results in healthier skin and hair, reducing exposure to contaminants that lead to skin issues and hair problems.
This is why it is a great idea to invest in RO water purifier for those seeking cleaner, safer, and better-tasting drinking water.
Drinking RO water offers a multitude of benefits, from improved water quality and taste to enhanced health. This is why it is a great idea to invest in RO water purifiers for those seeking cleaner, safer, and better-tasting drinking water.
5 Reasons to Invest in a RO Water Purifier
Let’s take a look at why we need to invest in RO water purifier: Here are some of the advantages of RO water purifier:
1. Pure and Safe Drinking Water
An RO water purifier is highly effective in removing impurities, including heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, and dissolved salts from tap water. This ensures that the water you consume is of the highest purity, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases and promoting better health for you and your family.
2. Improved Taste and Odor
RO purification enhances the taste and odor of your drinking water. By eliminating contaminants that can contribute to unpleasant tastes or smells, an RO system delivers crisp, clean, and refreshing water that is more enjoyable to drink.
3. Economical in the Long Run
Compared to other filtration methods, investing in RO water purifier proves to be cost-effective in the long run. You’ll save money by reducing the need for bottled water or costly water can services. Plus, the maintenance costs for RO water purifier are generally lower than those of other water purification methods.
4. Environmental Friendliness
Investing in RO water purifier contributes to environmental sustainability. By choosing to purify your tap water at home, you reduce the consumption of single-use plastic bottles, which can take hundreds of years to decompose in landfills. This eco-conscious choice helps reduce plastic waste and your carbon footprint.
5. Convenience and Accessibility
With an RO water purifier installed in your home, you have a continuous supply of clean, safe, and healthy drinking water right at your fingertips. There’s no need to rely on external sources or worry about running out of bottled water. This convenience is especially valuable during emergencies or situations where access to safe drinking water may be limited.
Investing in an RO water purifier is like having a superhero for your water needs. It’s good for your health, your taste buds, your wallet, the planet, and your peace of mind. So, go ahead and make the switch – your glass of water will thank you!
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In summary, when you invest in RO water purifier, it is a wise decision for those seeking a healthier, more sustainable, and convenient lifestyle. It not only ensures access to clean, safe drinking water but also contributes to environmental conservation by reducing plastic waste. The long-term cost savings and added property value further highlight the benefits of this investment. Ultimately, a water purifier is a valuable addition to any household, offering a multitude of advantages that make it a great choice for a better quality of life.
Source: 5 Reasons to Invest In a RO Water Purifier
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drinkprime ¡ 1 year
DrinkPrime Advanced Water Purification Process
Water is one of the critical elements that sustain human life. However, this precious commodity is not evenly distributed across the planet, which leads to an imbalance in the way that it is available to people across the world. This, in addition to the rise in environmental pollution, leads to the depletion of water resources. Thus, it becomes more difficult for you to get access to safe drinking water as each year passes. 
This is where advanced water purification can make a difference. Here, we delve into the importance and different processes involved in advanced water purification, particularly those employed by DrinkPrime. 
What is the importance of advanced water purification?
Water is one of the key natural resources essential for human survival on the planet. But water disparity is a major problem the world over, manifesting as droughts and lack of rainfall. Access to safe water is a privilege not given to everyone, which leads to a host of deadly diseases.
Advanced water purification is the process of water purification, using state-of-the-art treatments available, which produces the best quality drinking water. Although a plethora of technologies are used, most systems around the world use a combination of technology which involves three processes, Reverse osmosis, microfiltration UV light, or advanced oxidation.
It is one of the key focus areas of Environmental engineering, which is a discipline that aims to provide engineering-based solutions to the environmental issues faced by humankind. They aim to enhance the quality of life by attempting to renew and restore the balance of the ecosystem. Environmental engineering can help streamline this disparity in water distribution and offer valuable insights on how best to utilize this precious resource.
Environmental engineers play a key role in regulating the best water purification systems, which produce safe drinking water. They also establish processes for handling wastewater, analyze current processes, discover flaws, and rectify them.
What are the processes used in advanced water purification?
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Reverse osmosis 
In this method, contaminants are removed from dirty water when pressure forces it through a semipermeable membrane. Applied pressure overcomes the osmotic pressure to push the water from the heavily concentrated side with more contaminants to the less concentrated side. The semipermeable membrane prevents the contaminants from passing through, leaving you with pure water.
It is used to take groundwater and make it safe for your consumption. Without this method, you would not be able to drink ground water safely. Reverse osmosis is also used to desalinate the ocean water where the salt from the seawater is removed, leaving behind fresh water. It is also useful in recycling water and wastewater treatment.
Membrane filtration
In this method particles are separated from water, to create other beverages like beer, juices, etc. This method is often employed to improve food quality.
There are different types of membrane filtration like nanofiltration, ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis, and microfiltration. Different filtration methods are used to tackle different-sized particles. For example, Saltwater has one of the smallest particles, so reverse osmosis is employed whereas the particles in river water are usually bigger, hence microfiltration is preferred.
It helps purify and concentrate a lot of food products, from juices and beer to dairy products. So, this process is employed in different stages in the food and beverage development, to help produce safe products for your consumption. 
Water oxidation
In water oxidation, water is stripped down to its original elements, namely hydrogen and oxygen.
The elements thus separated can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, oxygen thus formed is used wherever there is a need for oxygen. Like filling up oxygen cylinders for hospitals. 
Hydrogen is being considered as an alternate fuel source in an age where air pollution and climate change are stark realities that we must deal with. 
What are the processes employed by DrinkPrime for its advanced water purification?
We started DrinkPrime with the intention of helping you get access to safe drinking water, without depending on unhygienic and unreliable water cans. The water quality in every area differs, even within the same city, and this has a huge bearing on the quality of water after purification. DrinkPrime water purification is a personalized water purification system, based on the quality of input water in your area. 
DrinkPrime water purifier employs a variety of advanced filtration systems which work in tandem, to provide you with safe drinking water.
Sediment filter
An advanced sediment filter is employed, which is different from the normally found cheap, melt-blown cartridges. It boasts of a food-grade polypropylene yarn wound multi-layer sediment, which also has a high dust-holding capacity. These custom-made filters are designed to remove even the smallest suspended matter thus producing clean output water.
Pre-carbon filter
These filters use the adsorption method to eliminate bad odor, taste, and organic impurities like pesticides, chlorine, potentially cancer-causing products, etc. from water. They are composed of food-grade natural coconut shell-activated carbon, which has a high iodine value. The bacteriostatic activated carbon used is custom-made and undergoes a plethora of rigorous quality tests.
RO membrane
This membrane helps to remove pathogens, salt, lead, etc. from water. DrinkPrime uses a high-quality polyamide membrane that is chlorine-resistant. This also reduces the chemical and microbiological contaminants to acceptable limits. 
Post carbon silver activated filter
These cartridges are made of bacteriostatic silver, filled with activated carbon. This helps to improve the taste of water along with preventing the growth of microorganisms in the filter. It helps to provide a more natural-tasting output water. 
DrinkPrime uses different combinations of these state-of-the-art filters depending on the quality of your input water.
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Getting access to safe drinking water for you and your family is a factor that should not be taken lightly. Waterborne infections can lead to a host of dangerous ailments which can be fatal. It is imperative that you do your research and identify a water purification solution that is practical for you. And if you’re looking for a cost-effective solution, DrinkPrime offers a variety of plans, based on your water consumption needs, while saving you from heavy investments. We also offer customisation- making sure each DrinkPrime is custom-built with filters according to your area’s water quality.
So why wait? Get DrinkPrime for your home – https://bit.ly/Drinkprimehomepage
Source: DrinkPrime Advanced Water Purification Process
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drinkprime ¡ 1 year
10 Reasons to Choose DrinkPrime Water Purifiers for Your Home
The awareness surrounding safe drinking water has never been higher, and for good reason. As people become more conscious of the importance of clean and safe hydration, the demand for water purifiers has increased drastically. However, with multiple brands and options available, choosing the right one can indeed be a bit overwhelming.
Here’s the fantastic part though: In response to this growing demand, many brands have introduced renting options for water purifiers- like the DrinkPrime water purifier. This trend has been a game-changer, especially for those living in rented accommodations, bachelors, and individuals who frequently relocate for work.
But why exactly is it necessary to have a water purifier at home?
Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of having a water purifier!
What are the advantages of a water purifier?
In today’s world, ensuring the safety of the water we consume has become a significant concern. This is where having a water purifier for home steps in as not just a choice but a necessity. Let’s look at some of the reasons:
1. Health and Safety
The primary reason for having a water purifier at home is to safeguard your health and that of your loved ones. Contaminated water can carry harmful microorganisms, chemicals, and pollutants that pose severe health risks. A good water purifier like the DrinkPrime water purifier effectively removes these impurities, ensuring that what you drink and use for cooking is safe and clean.
2. Protection Against Waterborne Diseases
Waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery are still prevalent in many parts of the world. A water purifier acts as a barrier against these diseases by eliminating the pathogens responsible for them. It’s a preventive measure that can save you from potential illnesses.
3. Improved Taste and Odor
Water purifiers not only remove contaminants but also enhance the taste and odor of your drinking water. This is especially important in places where the tap water may have a chlorine-like taste or unpleasant odor, making your water more tasty.
4. Cost-Effective
Buying bottled water regularly can add up to a substantial expense over time. A water purifier allows you to have clean water at a fraction of the cost. When you get a water purifier on rent, it is even better- so many savings!
5. Convenience
Having a water purifier at home offers unparalleled convenience. You don’t have to worry about purchasing, storing, or disposing of bottled water. Clean water is readily available at the click of a button, making daily life simpler.
6. Protection from Contaminants
Modern water sources can be contaminated with various pollutants, including heavy metals, pesticides, and industrial runoff. A water purifier equipped with the right filtration technology can effectively remove these contaminants, ensuring your water is pure and safe.
10 Reasons to Choose DrinkPrime Water Purifier for Your Home
When it comes to ensuring clean and safe drinking water, choosing the right water purifier is a decision that can profoundly impact your life and well-being. DrinkPrime water purifier stand out as a top choice for a multitude of reasons. Let’s dive into the ten amazing reasons why you should switch to a DrinkPrime water purifier:
1. Customization
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One size does not fit all when it comes to water purification as the water quality of each area is different.  At DrinkPrime we take this seriously and offer IoT-enabled, customized water purifiers. This means each DrinkPrime water purifier is custom-built with filters tailored to your tap water quality, ensuring that you receive just the right level of purification. Now you can say goodbye to over-purification or under-purification!
2. Cutting-Edge Technology
DrinkPrime embraces the latest in water purification technology. With IoT connectivity, you can monitor your filter’s health in real time through a mobile app. The water purifiers use a combination of technologies such as UV, RO, and activated carbon, to ensure that the water you drink is free from impurities and has a balanced pH level.
3. Cost Savings
We all want to make the most of our hard-earned money. With DrinkPrime, you pay only for the water you consume. This cost-effective pay-per-consumption model ensures that you’re not spending needlessly on maintenance or unused purification capacity.
4. Flexible Subscription Plans
Whether you’re living solo, with a partner, a family of four, or a larger group, DrinkPrime has subscription plans to match your needs. Choose from Solo, Couple, Family (up to 4 members), or Unlimited plans based on your household size and requirements.
5. No Minimum Tenure
At DrinkPrime, we believe in providing you with freedom and flexibility. There’s no minimum tenure requirement, which means you can cancel your subscription anytime with just a 30-day notice period. Your convenience is our priority.
6. Mobile App Convenience
When you rent a DrinkPrime water purifier, manage your water consumption, request service, and monitor your purifier’s health with ease through our user-friendly mobile app. It puts control in the palm of your hand.
7. Installation and Relocation Services
We’ve got you covered when it comes to installation and relocation. DrinkPrime offers FREE delivery, installation, maintenance, and relocation services, ensuring that you can enjoy purified water wherever you go.
8. Health and Wellness
Clean drinking water is a fundamental pillar of good health. With a DrinkPrime subscription, you’re not just investing in a purifier; you’re investing in the health and well-being of your loved ones.
9. Great taste and smell
By removing impurities from your water, DrinkPrime water purifier ensures superior taste and great smell. This is because impurities such as chlorine and sulfur can affect the taste and odor of your water. 
10. Say goodbye to Water-borne diseases
By using a DrinkPrime water purifier, you are significantly lowering your chances of getting water-borne bacterial infections. This is because these eliminate harmful bacteria, such as salmonella, dysentery, and hepatitis, from the water you drink.
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There’s no doubt ten that a water purifier at home is more than just a convenience; it’s a fundamental investment in your health, safety, and overall quality of life.DrinkPrime water purifiers combine innovation, customization, and affordability to provide you with the perfect solution for your clean drinking water needs. So, go ahead, and make the SMART choice for your home and your family!
Source: 10 Reasons to Choose DrinkPrime Water Purifiers for Your Home
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drinkprime ¡ 1 year
How Rental Water Purifiers Improve Daily Life
Water is the most basic necessity of life. To not drink water or to drink less water is a threat that one brings upon themselves. Although some people get the idea and the importance of hydration, the more important question to be asked here is whether the water that is consumed is clean and safe or not. Unaware of the benefits that can be obtained from the rental water purifier, a lot of people are still using tap water or water from other sources for consumption purposes.  
Drinking clean, safe, and healthy drinking water must be a priority because there is nothing more important than prioritizing health over other things. It is not very hard to obtain safe drinking water when rental RO purifiers are so easily available. There is a high chance that you don’t even know if the water that you are drinking is contaminated or not, the safest way to your better health is by using Water Purifiers.
What causes water contamination?
In various places, people believe that the water that they consume from the taps directly is clean and there is no need to test it. They will be shocked to see the contaminants that are present in water before it is purified.
There are many causes that can contaminate the drinking water. It can be Physical (dust, sand, clay), Biological (algae, bacteria, viruses), Chemical (calcium, magnesium, fluorides), or Radiological (radium, uranium).
These impurities, when consumed, lead to simple to serious health issues. Using a rental water purifier can help in consuming clean drinking water, any time of the day.
Side effects of drinking contaminated water
Drinking contaminated water affects the health more than it hydrates. The quality of the water you drink can either make or break the quality of your life. Prioritizing obtaining clean drinking water can help in avoiding various diseases. 
There are a lot of waterborne diseases that affect human health such as Typhoid, Cholera, Dysentery, Hepatitis A, and more. Apart from this, consumption of unfiltered water can either cause you small problems such as headache, fever to serious chronic diseases like cancer.
Importance of water filtration
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Kill contaminants
The most important reason to use a rental water purifier is that, once installed, you don’t have to worry about drinking unclean water anymore. Its main feature is to filter the water from contaminants and provide water that is safe for consumption. The RO water purifier is the one-stop solution to all your water problems.
Reduce the risk of falling sick
Tap water contains a lot of impurities which increases the chances for a person to fall sick and risk ruining their health. This can be avoided by using a water purifier. Since water purifiers provide water with no impurities, the risk of water affecting the health of a person will be reduced.
Helps in building the immune system
A strong immune system is necessary for a person to stay healthy, not just now but even as he ages. Drinking clean water helps remove the bacteria and toxins from your body and helps you be safe and healthy which in turn automatically improves your immunity. Drinking plenty of water can be beneficial to a person throughout his life.
Filtered water vs. tap water
Tap water, when consumed directly can cause various health issues as it contains a lot of impurities. It can contain physical and chemical impurities as well, whereas, the water purifier provides us with water that clears out all the impurities that might cause harm to human health.
Filtered water vs. boiled water
Boiling water helps kill off bacteria in the water, but it does not remove other harmful substances such as chlorine, lead, etc. On the other hand, RO water purifiers remove every other harmful substance apart from bacteria as well.
Filtered water vs. bottled water
There is a wide belief among people where they think that bottled water (plastic) is healthy and safe for consumption. But, the truth is that plastic bottles emit chemicals that can be harmful to human health and also cause chronic diseases like liver cancer. Whereas, filtered water does not release any chemicals into the drinking water but rather removes all the chemicals from it.
Reasons to choose a rental water purifier
Better taste
The water from the RO water purifier is much tastier than tap water or boiling water. Hydration is a must. Drinking water just when you are thirsty is not enough; water must be consumed at regular intervals. Using a rental water purifier might just be the inspiration that you need to stay hydrated as it gives you water that tastes good.
Buying a water purifier might be expensive, so, what is the alternative? “DrinkPrime” can just be what you are looking for. In DrinkPrime, you don’t have to worry about spending a huge amount to purchase a water filter; you can easily use our RO water purifier rental service which starts from just Rs.333 per month.
Time-saving and convenient
Although there are alternatives to drinking safe water, none of them is as time-saving and convenient as using a water purifier. Clean and safe drinking water is obtained in seconds without the hassle of boiling the water or putting in any extra effort for that matter.
Low maintenance
Rental water purifiers prove to be an investment with low maintenance with high benefits. At DrinkPrime, we provide free services for the machine to all our subscribers. Using a water purifier on rent also can help a person who moves into a new city or plans to stay there only for a while as there is no worry about maintenance or even the huge expense.
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Drinking water regularly can keep a person healthy and fit, not just any water but clean, purified water. In this contemporary world, where there is pollution everywhere, from urban to rural areas, having a rental water purifier at every place has become a necessity. All you have to do to get access to safe drinking water is subscribe to DrinkPrime!
Source: How Rental Water Purifiers Improve Daily Life
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drinkprime ¡ 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Water Purifier
Are you tired of wondering if your tap water is safe to drink? Do you get confused by all the different water purifiers out there? 
Good news: You have come to the right place! This is your ultimate guide to picking the right water purifier for your drinking water needs.
We’re not just going to talk about this a little; we’ll dive deep into the topic, exploring the factors you need to consider before you bring home a water purifier. From checking whether the filters are catered to your area’s water quality to considering the water purifier’s storage tank capacity, we’ve got it all covered. 
So, get ready to learn everything you need to make the perfect choice for you and your family’s health.
What are the factors you should consider when choosing a water purifier?
Choosing the right water purifier for your home is crucial for ensuring safe and clean drinking water. With numerous options available in the market, it’s important to consider several factors to make an informed decision. Let’s delve into the key factors you should take into account when selecting a water purifier for your family.
1. Checking your tap water quality
 Before you start looking for a water purifier, it’s essential to understand the quality of your tap water. You might need to conduct a water quality test to identify the specific contaminants present, such as bacteria, chemicals, or heavy metals. This will help determine the type of purification technology you need.
2. Choosing the type of water purifier
Different water purification technologies are designed to address specific contaminants. Common methods include reverse osmosis (RO), ultraviolet (UV) purification, activated carbon filters, and more. It is important to choose a water purifier that effectively targets the impurities found in your water.
3. Maintenance Requirements
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Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your water purifier. Understand the maintenance needs of the chosen water purifier including filter replacement, cleaning, and servicing, and factor these costs and efforts into your decision.
4. Consider Your Household’s Water Consumption
Analyze your household’s daily water usage patterns. A larger family or a home with higher water demands may require a water purifier with a larger storage tank and a higher flow rate to ensure an uninterrupted supply of purified water. Conversely, smaller households can opt for more compact water purifiers that match their consumption needs without overcomplicating the system. Tailoring the water purifier to your household’s water consumption is essential to meet your family’s daily requirements effectively.
5. Certifications and Standards
Look for certifications and adherence to water quality standards. A reliable water purifier should have the BIS/ ISO certification, to ensure it meets safety standards and performance criteria.
6. Installation and Space
Consider the installation requirements and available space in your kitchen or designated area. Some water purifiers may need a dedicated water connection or ample installation space, while others are more compact and versatile.
7. Budget
Determine your budget and explore water purifiers that fall within that range. For traditional water purifiers remember that the initial cost is not the only expense; factor in ongoing maintenance and filter replacement costs over time. One way to save money without compromising water quality is by renting a DrinkPrime water purifier. And the best part? We have flexible plans – from solo plans and family plans to unlimited plans. All you have to do is choose a plan that works for you and your budget. That’s not all! DrinkPrime also offers FREE delivery and installation, lifetime maintenance and filter changes, and relocation services!
8. Brand Reputation and Reviews
Research the reputation of the brand and read customer reviews. Reliable brands often provide better customer support and warranty services.
9. Environmental Impact
Evaluate the environmental impact of the water purifier, especially if it involves disposable filters or excessive energy consumption. Opt for eco-friendly options when possible.
10. Warranty and After-Sales Support
Check the warranty period and after-sales support provided by the manufacturer. A longer warranty period can offer peace of mind in case of unexpected issues.
Why RO water purifier is the best choice
Now that you know the factors that you need to look out for when bringing home a water purifier, which water purifier should you go for?
A Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purifier is definitely one of the best water purifiers you can find on the market. Why? Because it is super-helpful when it comes to eliminating contaminants and delivering the purest drinking water.
Here’s how: RO uses a semipermeable membrane that acts as an impenetrable barrier to impurities. Water is forced through this membrane, leaving behind a trail of contaminants. Heavy metals, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, and even the tiniest particles don’t stand a chance! This process ensures that the water emerging from an RO water purifier is  100% clean and free from harmful substances.
This makes it the ideal choice for areas with diverse water quality challenges, ensuring that your family is protected from a wide variety of potential health hazards.
Not only does RO purification enhance safety, but it also transforms the taste and quality of your drinking water. By stripping away dissolved solids and impurities, the water becomes incredibly tasty and refreshing, with no unpleasant aftertaste or odor.
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In essence, an RO water purifier is your best bet for clean, safe, and healthy drinking water. Its ability to eliminate an extensive array of contaminants is unparalleled, making it the best choice for safeguarding your family’s health and elevating your water-drinking experience!
In summary, picking the right water purifier for home is a big deal for your family’s health. We’ve talked about lots of things to think about, from checking your water quality to determining your budget.
But guess what? The Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purifier is the superhero you need! It’s the best because they work great no matter where your water comes from – a tap or a well. And your water will taste great!
So, if you want 100 % tasty, clean drinking in your home, go for an RO water purifier. You don’t even have to buy a water purifier! Renting a DrinkPrime RO water purifier is an excellent choice for ensuring that you and your family have access to clean and safe drinking water, 24×7! 
Source: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Water Purifier
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drinkprime ¡ 1 year
Common Water Contaminants and How Purifiers Remove them
Ever wondered why your tap water sometimes tastes a bit off? Or why does it smell bad or have some tiny particles in it? 
The answer is simple. Our tap water contains several water contaminants that are not visible to the naked eye.
This is why it is important to understand the different contaminants that are present in our drinking water and how the superheroes of our kitchens, water purifiers help in purifying them! 
We’re all pretty good at worrying about the air we breathe or the food we eat, but we often overlook the water that we drink daily. Not to forget we cannot live without water. Turns out, there’s a whole host of water contaminants that can sneak into our water supply and wreak havoc. 
But the good news is – water purifiers are here to save the day!
In this blog, we’re going to look at some of the common water contaminants swimming around in our drinking water and unveil the genius behind how water purifiers work to filter it to keep our hydration game strong. So, grab a glass of water (filtered, of course!), and let’s dive in!
What are common contaminants in drinking water?
When you turn on your tap for a refreshing glass of water, it’s easy to assume that what flows out is pure and safe. But here’s the eye-opener: tap water often harbors a whole range of contaminants that are far from friendly. 
Let us have a look at some of the common water contaminants present in our drinking water:
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Bacteria and viruses are perhaps the most notorious of the lot. These microscopic troublemakers make their way into tap water through various sources like sewage or agricultural runoff. While some bacteria can be harmless, others like E. coli or Salmonella definitely lead to severe illnesses. Viruses like Norovirus can also cause gastrointestinal nightmares.
Heavy metals
If bacteria and viruses weren’t enough, heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic are found in your tap water too. Often originating from industrial discharges or even natural deposits, these heavy metals cause serious health impacts over time. Lead, for instance, leaches into tap water from old plumbing systems, causing developmental issues, especially in children.
Sediment is another common tap water contaminant, making your water look cloudy and unappealing. It’s usually a mix of dirt, sand, rust, and other particles that manage to find their way into the water supply. While not always harmful, sediment affects the taste, and appearance, and even clogs pipes.
Though used to disinfect water, chlorine ironically creates unwanted byproducts that pose health risks. These byproducts, like trihalomethanes, form when chlorine reacts with organic matter in water. While regulations keep these byproducts at safe levels, the possibility of their presence is still a little unsettling.
Pesticides and herbicides
Pesticides and herbicides from agricultural runoff also find their way into tap water. These chemicals, designed to kill pests and weeds, end up in water sources and eventually your glass. Long-term exposure to such contaminants has the potential to lead to a range of health issues like cancer and endocrine-related issues.
Personal care products
Lastly, pharmaceuticals and personal care products might not be the first thing you associate with tap water, but traces of these substances have been detected in various water supplies. Flushed-down medications or products that get washed off often end up in water sources and pose potential risks.
How do water purifiers remove contaminants? 
Water purifiers are always working to ensure that the water you consume is safe and free from harmful contaminants. Wondering how they do it and why you should consider investing in one? Let’s understand it.
These water purifiers use a combination of advanced filtration techniques to tackle a range of water contaminants that could potentially be lurking in your tap water. Let’s break down the magic:
1. Physical Filtration
This method involves physically trapping larger particles like sediment, rust, and even tiny organisms using fine filters. These filters act like a sieve, letting the clean water pass through while blocking the unwanted particles.
2. Activated Carbon
Activated carbon is a superhero in the world of filtration. It’s fantastic at removing chlorine, bad odors, and even some chemicals. It absorbs impurities, leaving behind better-tasting and fresher water.
3. Reverse Osmosis (RO)
RO is like a super-fine filter that uses pressure to force water through a membrane, leaving behind contaminants and impurities. It’s incredibly effective at removing heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, and even dissolved salts.
4. UV Purification
UV technology kills microbes by emitting ultraviolet light, disrupting their DNA and making them harmless. It’s a powerful method to kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
This is why investing in a water purifier isn’t just about fancy technology; it’s about safeguarding your health and well-being. Here’s why you should seriously consider it:
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1. Safe and healthy water
By removing contaminants, you’re reducing the risk of consuming harmful substances that could impact your health in the long run.
2. Better Taste
Say goodbye to that strange aftertaste or odor that sometimes comes with tap water. Purified water tastes cleaner and fresher.
3. Cost-Effective
With so many water purifier brands available in the market to rent, bringing a water purifier home is no longer expensive.
4. Environmental Impact
Reducing the need for bottled water means less plastic waste, contributing to a healthier planet.
5. Peace of Mind
With a water purifier, you can sip worry-free, knowing you’re doing your best to ensure your and your family’s safety.
So, whether it’s removing harmful bacteria, and heavy metals, or simply enhancing the taste of your water, a water purifier is your go-to device for better hydration and overall well-being. It’s an investment that’s worth it!
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drinkprime ¡ 1 year
Environmental Benefits of Using Water Filters
Having a healthy body and mind is one of the key priorities of modern-day living. In an age where there is rampant pollution and indiscriminate use of chemicals, the necessities of life i.e. air, water, and food are also not spared from getting contaminated. Getting access to safe drinking water is crucial for the health of your family. But living in a clean, safe environment is also as important for your wellbeing. So how do you enjoy the benefits of clean water without posing a risk to the environment? The simplest solution is to invest in a water filter. Here we discuss the benefits of water filters for the environment.
Water filters- are they eco-friendly?
One of the easiest, cheapest, and most popular methods of getting access to safe drinking water in current times, is to get a bottle of mineral water. But did you know that these use and throw bottles are destroying our environment? Reduce -reuse- recycle, is the popular adage when it comes to environmental protection. While reusing and recycling are excellent methods to live sustainably, the most powerful element is reducing the usage of pollutants. This stops waste from being created, thus eliminating the need for the next steps. The advantage of a water filter is that it helps to reduce the demand for single-use plastic bottles while addressing your need for pure drinking water. Using a water filter for your daily water needs ensures that you are doing your bit to live more sustainably. 
How is using water filters useful to the environment?
To save the planet which is reeling under the onslaught of pollutants and environmental damage and to make it more sustainable for future generations, each of us must do our part.
While switching to an electric car or installing a solar panel to generate electricity may be beyond our means, we can still contribute meaningfully, by investing in a water filter and stopping using plastic water bottles. 
Mineral water bottles have become a safe and convenient option to ensure that you are drinking clean water. Single-use plastic is one of the major contributors to environmental pollution, as they take centuries to decompose. A water filter helps to cut the plastic waste at the source, thereby reducing the use of single-use plastics. 
While choosing a water filter, it is important to ensure that the brand you choose uses eco-friendly filter replacements. This will ensure that your filter does not end up being thrown away after a short time. Many environmentally friendly brands create filters that are manufactured in a way that they create minimal waste. Reusable filter casing and filter cartridges made of compostable and reusable parts are some examples. 
Some knowledge about the different types of eco-friendly filters available is key in your journey toward installing a sustainable model to satisfy your needs. Whole house water filters, under-sink water filters, and countertop filters are some of the types of filters you can consider, depending on your need. 
7 ways in which water filters help the environment.
Let’s explore further the benefits of water filtration and how it positively impacts the environment.
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1. Reduces the demand for single-use plastic
Plastic waste is one of the most damaging environmental pollutants. Plastic waste does not decompose quickly. They break down into microplastic plastics which are difficult to trace. They get incorporated into our food and water thus contaminating it. The use of water filters eliminates the need for plastic bottles, and you can refill your own bottle each time. This small step when done by a huge population, will have a significant impact on single-use plastic demand.
2. Improves efficiency of appliances
Water filters can help decrease sediment buildup in appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, etc. thereby increasing their life and overall efficiency. The bonus is that you get clean clothes and sparkling dishes after each wash.
3. Reduction in Fossil fuel consumption
The manufacturing, packing, and transportation of plastic bottles demand fossil fuels. The reduction in plastic bottle production will directly impact fossil fuel consumption. Thus, a small step like installing a water filter when done on a large scale, helps reduce the overall carbon footprint of the country.
4. Creates a robust food chain
Plastic pollution is a main cause of pollution and is dangerous, especially to animals in the lower food chain. Plastic bottles are the top pollutants in the ocean, destroying a plethora of marine life. By eliminating the use of plastic, you are helping the food chain thrive and helping to create a healthier food chain from top to bottom.
5. Eliminates pollutants from water
A water filter filters off a massive number of pollutants and contaminants and you can enjoy the health benefits of filtered water. This also means that the water which is recycled back into the water system is cleaner. 
6. Saves money
Installing a water filter is a cheaper alternative than getting bottled water, in the long run. Refilling your bottle and carrying it with you or using the office filter will save you a significant amount of money each month, which you can then invest in better things.
7. Reduces water wastage
When you buy a bottle of water, you are not just paying for the water, you are also being charged to produce the bottle. To produce a plastic bottle, you need to use 6 to 7 times the water that is inside it. So, by reducing the use of plastic bottles you are helping save a ton of water, thus helping the environment.
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We have a responsibility towards leaving the planet habitable for future generations. While sustainable practices involving a lot of effort and money may not be feasible for most of us, small steps when done consistently and collectively are bound to have a huge impact. So, do your part and consider investing in a water filter if you haven’t already and enjoy pure water while simultaneously helping reduce the carbon footprint of the country. 
Source: Environmental Benefits of Using Water Filters
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