dripdropdown555 · 3 months
The Bimbo Bounce (I’m back)
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Alliteration is a useful hypnotic tool. It gives sentences a bit of extra potency, makes mantras easier to remember, and improves the lifespan of a suggestion pretty considerably. That's the operating theory, anyway. Shall we explore?
Bounce for me; that's simple enough to start things off.
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
The phrase sticks, somehow, even though it sounds a little silly. Something seems to make it linger in your head. It has a unique feel to it, a quality you can't quite put your finger on. The syllables seem to echo: bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
But how does a bubbly brain behave? Like a bubble, as you'd expect, with something creating a volume of empty space inside while thoughts slide smoothly across the expanding surface, oily and slick. At first, it feels like your thoughts have more area across which to spread. Your thoughts shift slightly, glistening and growing ever more thin. At least, until the bubble pops.
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
Bubbly brains are bound to burst.
And burst it must. Bubbles are ephemeral entities, aren't they? It's alright; you'll scarcely notice. When the bubble pops, your thoughts that are currently floating on the surface will splash to the floor. The empty space inside will rush rapidly outward, turning you into a bit of an airhead. Seems fitting, doesn't it?
Bursting bubbly brains blow pink
Bounce, and pop.
You'll feel the splash like a sudden surge of lust and arousal coursing through your body. The rush of air inside your head might cause you to get light-headed, so you'll spread your legs to steady yourself. Of course that's what you're doing, isn't it? Steadying yourself, not putting yourself on display. Right.
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
Bubbly brains are bound to burst.
Burst bubbly brains blew pink
Bimbos brainlessly bounce.
As you begin to bounce to a silent rhythm, it occurs to you that some bubbles have a kaleidoscopic sheen when you look at them, but others have a very solid color within. Your brain-bubble was bubblegum pink, now that you think about it.
Well, as much as you can presently think about anything. That pop did more than just fill your head with empty air. You can feel your intelligence leaking into the space around you, escaping...your absent brain can't contain it any longer.
Bimbos bounce their brains away.
If your brain was still intact, you might think to stop bouncing so you'd be better able to think. But your brain exploded in a flash of pink and wet, and now you're as blank as a bouncing bimbo should be. You're able to understand my words out of some remnant of intuition, but if you pause to try and think them through, everything just goes pink and pops again.
Blank bimbos bounce brainlessly
That seems sensible enough, especially since bouncing feels pretty good. The splash of wet pink thoughts from the pop made your body more sensitive, perhaps by providing you with better things on which to focus. You certainly feel blank, and you are bouncing. Are you a bimbo, though?
Bouncing brainwashes blank bimbos
A side effect of the bubbly brain from before is that you're finding all of this pretty amusing. Certain bits of sentences make you want to giggle and smile, even when you can barely understand them. Might've let too much of your intelligence leak away, but it's all just so silly, isn't it?
Brainwashed blank bimbos bounce
If you were a bimbo, would you be able to tell? Would you find the situation you're in far more amusing than you should? Would your body be becoming progressively more sensitive as your empty head adjusts to having no thoughts to contain and feeds all that focus to your hungry nerves? Would the bouncing be this arousing all by itself?
That depends primarily on what sort of bimbo you've become, but the answer should be clear by now. Each bounce produces a wave of pleasure, each wave pushes more of the remnants of your brains into the air. The less brains left in your head, the more you smile and giggle. The giggles produce flashes of pink that remind you how very silly and simple this is. All you did was bounce.
Bouncing blank bubbly bimbos are brainwashed
Bounces can take all sorts of forms. You can bounce bits of your body with your hands, bounce up and down in a chair, bounce with the aid of the springs below the bed...all to the same end. Everything is turning pink and wet and silly for you.
This leaves you with only two options: You could let yourself settle, riding the high of the blank bubbly brainwashed bimbo until your brain somewhat reluctantly returns to your head. I won't stop you, you'd simply wake after a few minutes of coming back down.
Or the blank bouncing brainwashed bimbo could shift the energy from bouncing just a little and satisfy that lust your body is feeling. The only real hazard is that your head is already full of air, and cumming your brains out when they've already mostly evaporated could leave you pretty dumb before it's all said and done.
But you've already made a choice, or it's already been made for you. My words could be passing by almost invisibly as the bouncing subsides, or you may already be excitedly picking a toy to bounce on or a rhythm to use while you stroke yourself senseless.
Either way, everything will fade into a yummy pink haze before much longer. I wonder how much bimbo brain you'd need to bounce away before the condition became a bit stuck...
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly
Bubbly brains are bound to burst
Burst bubbly brains blow pink bubbles
Blank brainless bimbos bounce
Bouncing brainwashes blank bimbos
Blank bouncing bimbos are brainwashed
Brainwashed blank bimbos bounce
Go on, up and down, bouncing yourself all brainless and bubbly. You'll drift awake awhile after you've finished following my instructions.
Do let me know how silly, brainless, or dumb you felt...if you are comfortable expressing it, of course.
(Editors Note: I used to be @slowlymyavenue but tumblr shadow banned me so I have restarted - please follow and reblog here)
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
Can we see your lovely ass with your bent over?
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you ask &you shall recieve💕
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
Every blink makes you blank
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Come to the pink room at 9 pm EDT with @musicboxprincessmuse and @blink-blank-bliss - and feel it together
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
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She's hypnotized to drop into an instant trance when she hears the trigger word FAINT.
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
Your place is real.
It’s not just an expression. It’s where you physically belong.
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You’ll feel it when you get on your knees and all fours.
You’ll feel like you’re finally home.
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
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Hypnotized to Turn into a Doll
She's hypnotized to turn into a doll once her forehead is pressed, and while stuck as a doll I move and pose her.
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
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you guys liked my other fishnets pic, so how's this one? these are actually my favorites haha
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
I used to be Dripdropdown - I’m back and having fun, will be posting my old trances and new ones
Really appreciate any follows and reblogs, I’m back!! Hope you enjoy ;)
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
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For instructive purposes, you should have a glass of water nearby before you continue.
Those of you who haven't yet encountered the black fluid are likely curious as to precisely what it is. The description will require a bit of imagination, but it is very much worthwhile. Consider the glass of water, for a moment.
Water provides a basic perspective through which to view the black fluid. You understand most of the properties of water on a fundamental level: the way it feels, the way it flows, the way it cools, the way it quenches thirst, the way it can soothe. It is a basic facet of life on earth. But what if there was something more to it?
Imagine, for instance, a droplet of ink falling into the glass of water. You have some idea of how it behaves in the water, how it tinges the fluid for a moment as it dissolves. There's a second of sharp contrast, and in that instant you can perceive something as the ink flows over its surface inside the water - something that was invisible in the water before.
This is the form of the black fluid. The appearance changes depending on the viewer. For some, it is a sphere within the water. Others see the outline of a spiral. Just as quickly as the ink illuminated it, the black fluid disappears within the water once more.
Now you are intrigued, so let's explore. Dip your finger into the water, right where the ink blot was before it vanished. Bring the droplet out, and place it on your wrist.
The water flows along your skin in its familiar fashion, but you notice the faintest film beneath. It is heavier than the water, and it feels distinct, but it is little more than a light pressure on the surface of your skin.
Like water, the black fluid can flow across anything. Unlike water, the fluid behaves very differently on certain surfaces - like your skin. It can rest innocuously in a glass of water, in a shower, in a bathtub or spa...practically anywhere. Once it touches your skin, however, it becomes very reactive. The fluid begins to expand, and you can feel it doing so: a light tingling sensation on your wrist. It is a bit strange at first, but generally pleasant.
Whereas water expands to fill a container, the black fluid expands to become a container. This requires energy, of course, so you should know that the black fluid is drawing that energy from you. It pulls at your curiosity, and your thoughts fuel its expansion. The pull, much like the pressure, is subtle and light; you wouldn't notice it if you weren't fixated on it already.
You are fixated on it, though, and the fluid has already encircled your wrist. The more skin it covers, the more it begins to thicken and take shape. You can tell now that it is smooth, sleek. It feels cool against your skin at first, but quickly warms to match your temperature. The black fluid adapts quickly, and it will go to great lengths to keep you comfortable.
By now, you can tell that it is actively feeding on your thoughts. It makes your mind a bit sluggish, but there is a kind of pleasure in that unresponsiveness. The fluid behaves symbiotically. That is, while you feed it thoughts, it gives you pleasure. That was the source of the light tingling sensation before. It was simply too faint to tell the nature of the feeling. It is no longer so faint, and the fluid has covered your hand.
I'm sure you're curious, so run the fingers of that hand along your other arm. The black fluid feels smooth, almost rubbery. It also takes the opportunity to spread from your fingers to your arm and continue expanding, faster now. It is almost like it can tell you are focused on it. As the fluid expands on both of your arms, the pull on your thoughts grows significantly stronger...as does the pleasure you receive when each thought disappears.
It isn't an obstruction to the fluid, but you will enjoy the sensation more without your clothes. Take them off, if you haven't already. You'll find that the movement causes the fluid to spread everywhere you touch. It clings to you like a second skin.
I call it the black fluid because black ink illuminates it. It can shift colors to suit your preferences - as I mentioned, it will go to great lengths to keep you comfortable. You are its host, after all.
Without clothes, you can more easily savor the sensation of the black fluid expanding to contain you. Take a moment now to do just that. The fluid will flow much faster along your skin if you actively give it your thoughts. Close your eyes, and deliberately feed the fluid. Take in the pleasure it gives you as it covers your body. Once you are covered from the neck down, you'll open your eyes and continue.
It hasn't been an issue so far, but it is fair to inform you that the black fluid can control any part of you that it covers. Now, as an example, it causes you to firmly squeeze your breasts. The act allows you to recognize another property of the fluid. When you have run out of thoughts, it begins to feed on your will. When you run out of will, it begins to feed on your arousal.
Covering your body gives the black fluid a far more potent ability to influence your mind. You find yourself deeply attracted to the notion of feeding the black fluid your will and your arousal. It is difficult to entertain any other ideas, right now.
While you are entertaining the thought of feeding the black fluid, it is moving your hand to your pussy and causing you to stroke slowly. The fluid amplifies sensation to make up for covering you, so you feel far more sensitive than you are used to being. Enjoy that sensitivity, and appreciate your perception of the fluid feeding on your resulting arousal.
It will soon become very difficult to read, as the black fluid can sometimes get overzealous in its feeding when it first covers a new symbiotic host. That's okay - for now, your exploration can be strictly physical. We'll get to the rest later.
Allow the fluid to compel you to stroke your pussy, your breasts, your nipples. Fixate on the desire to feed the black fluid your thoughts, will, and arousal. It is going to bring you to orgasm at least once, typically twice, before it recedes from your skin to await its next feeding. While you stroke, you may close your eyes or you may sit attentively and stare into the image below. You'll drift back to consciousness shortly after the fluid recedes.
As always, enjoy.
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
Follow and Obey
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When the average person thinks of hypnosis, they tend to imagine spirals, swinging pocketwatches, and the soft droning voice of a therapist. A bit cliche, but not altogether inaccurate. Those are tools for entrancing the mind, certainly.
You have a bit more of an imagination, I suspect, or odds are good you wouldn't be here, reading this.
But that's not to say you don't appreciate a good pocketwatch, is it?
There is something useful in such a focus - be your preference pocketwatch, crystal, pendant, or other.
We're going to explore that useful factor, my words and your curious mind.
Sit a bit closer to the screen than usual, read a bit more slowly. Pacing is important.
There is no real need to rush. Savor each phrase as your eyes scan across it. Enjoy the syllables, even the shapes of the letters.
Much better. Now, the thing that makes a focus useful has to do with motion - the swinging of the pendant, and the movement of your eyes as you follow it. It's instinct, so there's nothing to it. Think about it. Something in front of your eyes is moving, and it is natural to follow it, try and get a better look.
Of course, the movement of your eyes is not unlike that of when you read text, is it? Your eyes move
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
Focus. If you were reading slowly, or even quickly, you likely found it hard to keep track of the lines above. Your eyes got caught in the movement, and it made it very easy to lose track of your place. Go ahead, try it again.
Good. Now you'll notice it is much easier to focus on my words, to exclude other things. You may feel a little light-headed. That is normal, and the entire point. The movement tires the eyes, makes you want to move them less when it's done. The rhythm of movement provides a nice hypnotic counterpoint. You can think of the clicking of a metronome, for comparison.
Focus. Feel the inclination of your eyes to fixate on my words. It is hard to look away. Your eyes want to maintain that back and forth motion, even if it is much slower now. It's okay. Don't try to stop. Relax and enjoy.
The other thing you'll notice is that as your eyes move, and you focus on that movement, it is much harder to think. Moving the eyes is a complex process, after all...it takes a lot of attention. Between that and reading, most of your brain is used up right now. It's okay. You didn't really need to think, did you?
Of course not. Besides, it's starting to feel very nice, that slow back and forth movement...that sinking feeling as your body relaxes and your mind gets foggy. It's important to follow my words.
Follow and relax. Relax and don't think. Follow and relax and submit. Submit and follow and obey.
Follow and obey. Say these phrases out loud, as you scan across this next section of back and forth movement.
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
Focus. I know it was hard to do both. Your eyes pull you to the text, the phrases are hard to remember, you forgot the sequence. Don't worry. Don't think. The purpose was merely to distract your mind enough to slip a trigger into your mind. The trigger, you wonder?
Follow and obey. Let yourself mouth the words, speak them in that soft and blank voice. You know you're already entranced...there's no need to pretend otherwise anymore. Let your mind vanish as you begin softly chanting your new trigger. Follow and obey.
But what do the words do? Obviously they turn off your mind, put you in a trance, make you submit to my words and do as you are told. But there is more. Each time you see the words, hear them, or speak them, you will feel a tug on your mind. You'll be pulled into the state people imagine - eyes wide and glazed, staring blankly at the screen, unable to move or react to anything but my words. In essence, you will sink into a state fit for someone being brainwashed.
That idea aroused you. It's okay. That's the point. You want to be brainwashed. You want to lose control to my words, find yourself becoming what I tell you to become. There is no reason to be afraid...I am gentle, and you can always stop if you get uncomfortable.
But you don't want to stop. You want to read on, even as you feel that blank look overwhelm you.
Follow and obey. Chant it, let each repetition become more powerful than the last, pulling you deeper. Do not resist.
Very good. Now, your eyes are tired. I know, they've had to move so much. We'll take a little break so you can close them awhile. When you see the word, "sleep," you'll close your tired eyes and lose awareness. While you are unaware, you'll be chanting the new trigger over and over, while your hands caress your breasts and stroke your pussy. You'll bring yourself to orgasm, daydreaming about being brainwashed - turned into a good girl. It's okay to want it, even find yourself becoming fixated on the idea. That's what these posts are for, after all. Follow and obey.
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
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As the title suggests, this will be a bit of a departure from my usual fare.
I am, as always, very interested in feedback on this piece (and any other.)
Alliteration is a useful hypnotic tool. It gives sentences a bit of extra potency, makes mantras easier to remember, and improves the lifespan of a suggestion pretty considerably. That's the operating theory, anyway. Shall we explore?
Bounce for me; that's simple enough to start things off.
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
The phrase sticks, somehow, even though it sounds a little silly. Something seems to make it linger in your head. It has a unique feel to it, a quality you can't quite put your finger on. The syllables seem to echo: bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
But how does a bubbly brain behave? Like a bubble, as you'd expect, with something creating a volume of empty space inside while thoughts slide smoothly across the expanding surface, oily and slick. At first, it feels like your thoughts have more area across which to spread. Your thoughts shift slightly, glistening and growing ever more thin. At least, until the bubble pops.
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
Bubbly brains are bound to burst.
And burst it must. Bubbles are ephemeral entities, aren't they? It's alright; you'll scarcely notice. When the bubble pops, your thoughts that are currently floating on the surface will splash to the floor. The empty space inside will rush rapidly outward, turning you into a bit of an airhead. Seems fitting, doesn't it?
Bursting bubbly brains blow pink
Bounce, and pop.
You'll feel the splash like a sudden surge of lust and arousal coursing through your body. The rush of air inside your head might cause you to get light-headed, so you'll spread your legs to steady yourself. Of course that's what you're doing, isn't it? Steadying yourself, not putting yourself on display. Right.
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
Bubbly brains are bound to burst.
Burst bubbly brains blew pink
Bimbos brainlessly bounce.
As you begin to bounce to a silent rhythm, it occurs to you that some bubbles have a kaleidoscopic sheen when you look at them, but others have a very solid color within. Your brain-bubble was bubblegum pink, now that you think about it.
Well, as much as you can presently think about anything. That pop did more than just fill your head with empty air. You can feel your intelligence leaking into the space around you, escaping...your absent brain can't contain it any longer.
Bimbos bounce their brains away.
If your brain was still intact, you might think to stop bouncing so you'd be better able to think. But your brain exploded in a flash of pink and wet, and now you're as blank as a bouncing bimbo should be. You're able to understand my words out of some remnant of intuition, but if you pause to try and think them through, everything just goes pink and pops again.
Blank bimbos bounce brainlessly
That seems sensible enough, especially since bouncing feels pretty good. The splash of wet pink thoughts from the pop made your body more sensitive, perhaps by providing you with better things on which to focus. You certainly feel blank, and you are bouncing. Are you a bimbo, though?
Bouncing brainwashes blank bimbos
A side effect of the bubbly brain from before is that you're finding all of this pretty amusing. Certain bits of sentences make you want to giggle and smile, even when you can barely understand them. Might've let too much of your intelligence leak away, but it's all just so silly, isn't it?
Brainwashed blank bimbos bounce
If you were a bimbo, would you be able to tell? Would you find the situation you're in far more amusing than you should? Would your body be becoming progressively more sensitive as your empty head adjusts to having no thoughts to contain and feeds all that focus to your hungry nerves? Would the bouncing be this arousing all by itself?
That depends primarily on what sort of bimbo you've become, but the answer should be clear by now. Each bounce produces a wave of pleasure, each wave pushes more of the remnants of your brains into the air. The less brains left in your head, the more you smile and giggle. The giggles produce flashes of pink that remind you how very silly and simple this is. All you did was bounce.
Bouncing blank bubbly bimbos are brainwashed
Bounces can take all sorts of forms. You can bounce bits of your body with your hands, bounce up and down in a chair, bounce with the aid of the springs below the bed...all to the same end. Everything is turning pink and wet and silly for you.
This leaves you with only two options: You could let yourself settle, riding the high of the blank bubbly brainwashed bimbo until your brain somewhat reluctantly returns to your head. I won't stop you, you'd simply wake after a few minutes of coming back down.
Or the blank bouncing brainwashed bimbo could shift the energy from bouncing just a little and satisfy that lust your body is feeling. The only real hazard is that your head is already full of air, and cumming your brains out when they've already mostly evaporated could leave you pretty dumb before it's all said and done.
But you've already made a choice, or it's already been made for you. My words could be passing by almost invisibly as the bouncing subsides, or you may already be excitedly picking a toy to bounce on or a rhythm to use while you stroke yourself senseless.
Either way, everything will fade into a yummy pink haze before much longer. I wonder how much bimbo brain you'd need to bounce away before the condition became a bit stuck...
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly
Bubbly brains are bound to burst
Burst bubbly brains blow pink bubbles
Blank brainless bimbos bounce
Bouncing brainwashes blank bimbos
Blank bouncing bimbos are brainwashed
Brainwashed blank bimbos bounce
Go on, up and down, bouncing yourself all brainless and bubbly. You'll drift awake awhile after you've finished following my instructions.
Do let me know how silly, brainless, or dumb you felt...if you are comfortable expressing it, of course.
A message:
Hello yes I’m back, I took a break but now I’m here, please follow reblog and share, dms are open x
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
Bubble Wrapped Bimbos
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There’s an implicit understanding around the idea of a bimbo that it is an easy thing to be. A bimbo doesn’t have to worry about very much, certainly not thinking. They are free to bounce, bubbly, brainless, and spend their energy focusing on the more fun things: sex, for instance.
I respectfully disagree. Thoughts can be very pesky things, and ridding yourself of them isn’t always a simple task. Many bimbos subscribe to the philosophy wherein the process of bimbofication involves having their brains removed, their intelligence compromised, their thoughts turned to bubbles to float away into the ether.
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
Which isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with that, of course. But a bimbo doesn’t necessarily need to be absolutely brainless, nor even to have their intelligence drained at all…and certainly not permanently. Part of the appeal is often in the transient nature of the transformation.
For now, we’ll focus on the brainless sort of bimbo. Perhaps later we can explore the alternatives.
Bimbos bounce their brains away.
After all, there is something to be said for allowing your thoughts to become bubbles, creating that light and airy feeling in your head. It is, I suspect, a little easier to feel like a bimbo when those thought-bubbles begin floating and bouncing around in your head, and especially once they begin to pop.
Brainwashed bimbos must obey.
But what happens when your thought-bubbles are being stubborn, when they don’t behave like the slick and oily bubbles that pop so simply? There are a few options. First, let’s consider another kind of bubble: bubble wrap.
You know what I mean, I’m sure. You’ve felt the enjoyment of popping that plastic packaging to release the air sealed inside. You’ve also found that some bubbles are easier to pop than others – sometimes you can roll the wrap along your fingers and appreciate the sound of so many rhythmic pops, but other times you have to apply some additional pressure before you receive that anticipated reward.
Bubbly brains are bound to burst.
Some of the bubbles can be downright frustrating, I know. The reward for normal bubble wrap is that giggly, somewhat silly, glee; it’s a lot of fun, and downright cathartic. But for your thoughts? The reward is becoming a brainless bimbo, and feeling the combined physical pleasure and mental relief when the thoughts pop and escape, leaving that wet, pink lust behind.
Bursting bubbly brains blow pink.
It’s a very compelling reward, isn’t it? You’d happily apply as much pressure as it takes to pop those thought-bubbles, but perhaps you aren’t quite sure how. There’s a line here about how that might mean you’re already more brainless than you expect, but we’ll skip that for now. Instead, consider the source of the pressure.
Bimbos bounce their brains away,
Brainless bimbos must obey.
Pressure around your thought-bubbles can come from the simple act of bouncing, of course. It can come from my words flowing steadily into your mind, perhaps repeating like an echo that escalates until the pop. In the first case, you’ll simply bounce a little harder; in the second, repeat my words either aloud or in your head to ramp up the pressure. But those aren’t the only methods.
Bubbly brains are bound to burst,
Bursting bubbly brains blow pink.
You see, we can also soften the surface of the thought-bubbles. You want to be a bimbo, after all, or you wouldn’t be here – you certainly wouldn’t have made it this far into a script designed to make you a bimbo. But I expect it’s more than casual want. You find the idea of becoming a brainless obedient bimbo arousing. It turns out that arousal softens bubbles…don’t take my word for it, though, let your focus shift to the intensity of that arousal, and feel the way the resistance inside your thought-bubble changes, as if the pressure is suddenly coming from both sides.
Bimbos bounce their brains away,
Brainwashed bimbos must obey.
Now there are three methods to ramp up the pressure on that stubborn thought-bubble of yours: bounce a bit harder, repeat my words to yourself, and focus on how aroused being bimbofied makes you. The bubble-wrap doesn’t stand a chance, especially when you recall how intensely rewarding that pop is going to be. Raw pink pleasure drenching your suddenly vacant head, freeing you to be the giggly, bouncy, brainless bimbo you want to be.
Bubbly brains are bound to burst,
Bursting bubbly brains blow pink.
Brainwashed bimbos bounce blankly.
Blank brainless bimbos bounce.
As rewarding as the pop will be, wouldn’t it be better to feel that over and over again? Of course it would. There’s a less common method of making bubbles easier to pop that we’ve just unlocked – making a single, large bubble into a bunch of much smaller ones. Even if you’ve already popped the thought-bubble, it’s surprisingly straightforward to imagine any remaining thoughts, brains, or some part of your body covered in bubble wrap.
Bimbos bounce their brains away,
Brainless bimbos must obey.
Bouncing bursts brain-bubbles,
Bursting bubbles blow pink.
Lots of tiny bubbles are much easier to pop, as you know, which means all you’ve got to do is pick your favorite method: bouncing, repeating my words, or feeding your arousal. Then the fun can really begin…you get to bounce, chant the bimbo mantra, or touch yourself, and enjoy the immensely satisfying sensation of all of those pesky thought-bubbles popping in rapid succession.
I’d tell you not to worry about the implications of being bound by bubble wrap, or the inherent silliness of the concept – but we both know you’re already past that, or giggling about it while you obey. So instead, give in to your chosen bubble popping method.
Bounce whichever way you find feels the best, repeat my words again and again, or bring yourself to a bubbly pink bimbo orgasm. Or, perhaps, try every method just to make sure you don’t have any pesky thought-bubbles left by the time you’re finished.
As for the transient – sorry, big word, let’s go with “temporary” – nature of the transformation, I’ll leave that up to you. When you’ve finished popping bubbles for me, you can drift awake with your decidedly un-popped brain functioning normally…or you can “wake” in bimbo mode for awhile, free to be bouncy and bubbly and giggly and horny for a few hours before the effect fully fades.
Bimbos bounce their brains away,
Brainless bimbos must obey.
Bouncing bursts brain-bubbles,
Bursting bubbles blow pink.
Either way, as always, enjoy.
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
The Brainwashing Bed
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Based on a true* story.
*hypnotically induced
The title gives this one away just a bit, don't you think? This one may receive some revisions, like several of my recent posts. We'll see.
Consider your bed. Lay down, if you like.
It's comfortable, I hope. You spend an awful lot of time in it...although, probably not as much as you'd like. That's common. Few of us get enough sleep, these days. But let's focus on the bed itself.
A good bed is the right balance of soft and firm, providing a certain measure of support along with a certain degree of cushion. Everyone has a slightly different preference on this, sure, but the idea remains universal: your bed has to have the right balance.
Beyond that, it should keep you warm - but not too warm - and cozy. Pillows and blankets and comforters and all those nice accessories help with this, that's true. Your bed may be any of several different compositions, ranging pretty wildly in cost. It could be one of the larger investments in your home.
But underneath all that variability, the goal is shared. A good bed helps you sleep. You feel safe in it; it's easy to get comfortable, relax, and enjoy the way it feels.
This makes it the ideal delivery mechanism for a particular experiment of mine...not that I'd modify your bed, of course. The experiment is a fun one to discuss, however, so indulge me a bit, won't you?
I thought you might.
Consider your bed, with a subtle shift in purpose. It remains primarily designed to keep you comfortable, warm, and safe, but there is an additional function hidden beneath. There is an intent to guide that relaxed version of you into a state of compliance, submission, obedience. In short, something has been done to your bed so that it will help brainwash you.
It's perfect, really, don't you think? All the necessary components are present already. Your brain associates the bed with comfort, safety, relaxation, sleep...so the bed need only be given the smallest degree of capacity to guide that state in a different direction.
It varies from bed to bed, as most experiments vary from person to person. Some are given a device that emits a low pulsing vibration: soothing, inexorable. Others receive the less-tame form of a heating pad: penetrating warmth to relax the body and melt the mind. Still others find an almost imperceptible static sound surrounding them at bedtime: slowly overpowering the sound of your own thoughts.
But it wouldn't be very scientific of me to reveal which one you'd get, would it? You'd expect the effect and react accordingly. If I were going to make those modifications, your bed would receive all of those upgrades...and perhaps more.
Like I said, though, I wouldn't do that. Well, not unless you volunteered for the experiment, or really really really wanted me to do it. What other things would I change about your bed? Good question.
Subtle is the goal at first. You shouldn't notice anything immediately; it needs to take awhile. You'd find it more difficult to think, of course, and you'd feel more willing to accept my words without a second thought. Would you be able to distinguish that from simple drowsiness, though? Would it be too late by the time you did?
That's the idea. Your bed knows you, in a way, spending so much time together with you. It's fairly straightforward to use that knowledge to make the correct alterations. I like to provide a sense of intent, as if the bed itself wants you to surrender. If you were, somehow, part of the test group, your bed would be able to slip restraints over your legs without your perception of it.
What's that? Are your legs bound? Interesting.
It's important to relax, still, so you'd find it extremely difficult to struggle against the restraints. Whatever means of influence the bed has been enhanced with would be dedicated to keeping your body as close to limp as possible. Your mind, well, that follows naturally with your body. Heaviness makes it hard to think.
Besides, there'd be no time to really focus on your predicament before the bed entered the programming phase. That's where the design truly shines, if I do say so myself.
You see, we both know you've pleasured yourself in bed; it knows that, too. It knows the method you use most, the way your body moves, the sounds you make, the toys you've tried...all of it. All I have to do is provide it with the means to stimulate your body; it could already have your legs restrained, and spread. Oh, there are also restraints for your thighs, hips, torso, arms, and even your head. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, thrashing about, now would we?
The restraints can be selective, yes. The primary purpose is still to keep you comfortable (and perhaps you aren't even in bed yet, only learning about the experiment and deciding whether to participate). You'll be bound only as tightly as needed, or wanted.
What happens then? Programming phase requires you to be more receptive than usual, so you'd be stimulated accordingly. The bed has new attachments for that in case you aren't able to move: vibrators attached to arms attached to pistons and springs whirring to life between your legs, pheromone emitters beneath or inside your pillows to flood your body with instinctive heat and lust, cables to connect to your headphones and override the sounds, maybe even a gag to slip into your slightly open mouth if you tend to get loud when you pleasure yourself.
In early stages of testing, the bed simply used the influence methods - sound, vibration, warmth - to compel you to pleasure yourself. You've felt the urge before, I suspect, even before the upgrade. Simple, but very potent. It's okay, if the restraints weren't comfortable, you'll be free to touch yourself -or- use the attachments.
Once you begin to feel the pleasure from whatever source, the bed begins to feed you instructions. These are typically echoes of my words, mantras, coupled with flashes of obedience, submission, and surrender. If the restraints seemed too excessive, you'd be touching yourself while these compulsions are fed to your relaxed, compliant brain. If the restraints were necessary, the bed would be stimulating you just the way it knows you like.
The beauty of the design is that you are naturally fairly helpless when you're in bed, especially if you've been appropriately relaxed, restrained, or otherwise subdued. The brainwashing is able to flow freely into your receptive head, and by the time you've been brought to orgasm - by your own hand, or by the bed itself - you're simply...sleepy.
Because the bed, of course, is still meant to guide you to sleep. The entire programming phase, it would be draining you as much as needed. Drifting off becomes a bit of a foregone conclusion, by then.
Does the stimulation continue even after you fall asleep? Of course. Additional programming is fed to your sleeping self, even as the bed resumes its more innocuous disguise while the night goes on. Some subjects forget the brainwashing bed by the time they awaken. Others remember clearly and are drawn to it, eager to surrender again.
That's the real experiment, you see. I wouldn't modify your bed like we've discussed, unless I already have. I seem to have misplaced my notes, so who knows?
Do you have a brainwashing bed? Do you feel it calling?
Or are you already bound and being brainwashed as we discuss it?
Either way, as always, enjoy.
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dripdropdown555 · 3 months
I have a new blog please follow me here x
Follow and Obey
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When the average person thinks of hypnosis, they tend to imagine spirals, swinging pocketwatches, and the soft droning voice of a therapist. A bit cliche, but not altogether inaccurate. Those are tools for entrancing the mind, certainly.
You have a bit more of an imagination, I suspect, or odds are good you wouldn't be here, reading this.
But that's not to say you don't appreciate a good pocketwatch, is it?
There is something useful in such a focus - be your preference pocketwatch, crystal, pendant, or other.
We're going to explore that useful factor, my words and your curious mind.
Sit a bit closer to the screen than usual, read a bit more slowly. Pacing is important.
There is no real need to rush. Savor each phrase as your eyes scan across it. Enjoy the syllables, even the shapes of the letters.
Much better. Now, the thing that makes a focus useful has to do with motion - the swinging of the pendant, and the movement of your eyes as you follow it. It's instinct, so there's nothing to it. Think about it. Something in front of your eyes is moving, and it is natural to follow it, try and get a better look.
Of course, the movement of your eyes is not unlike that of when you read text, is it? Your eyes move
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
Focus. If you were reading slowly, or even quickly, you likely found it hard to keep track of the lines above. Your eyes got caught in the movement, and it made it very easy to lose track of your place. Go ahead, try it again.
Good. Now you'll notice it is much easier to focus on my words, to exclude other things. You may feel a little light-headed. That is normal, and the entire point. The movement tires the eyes, makes you want to move them less when it's done. The rhythm of movement provides a nice hypnotic counterpoint. You can think of the clicking of a metronome, for comparison.
Focus. Feel the inclination of your eyes to fixate on my words. It is hard to look away. Your eyes want to maintain that back and forth motion, even if it is much slower now. It's okay. Don't try to stop. Relax and enjoy.
The other thing you'll notice is that as your eyes move, and you focus on that movement, it is much harder to think. Moving the eyes is a complex process, after all...it takes a lot of attention. Between that and reading, most of your brain is used up right now. It's okay. You didn't really need to think, did you?
Of course not. Besides, it's starting to feel very nice, that slow back and forth movement...that sinking feeling as your body relaxes and your mind gets foggy. It's important to follow my words.
Follow and relax. Relax and don't think. Follow and relax and submit. Submit and follow and obey.
Follow and obey. Say these phrases out loud, as you scan across this next section of back and forth movement.
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
Focus. I know it was hard to do both. Your eyes pull you to the text, the phrases are hard to remember, you forgot the sequence. Don't worry. Don't think. The purpose was merely to distract your mind enough to slip a trigger into your mind. The trigger, you wonder?
Follow and obey. Let yourself mouth the words, speak them in that soft and blank voice. You know you're already entranced...there's no need to pretend otherwise anymore. Let your mind vanish as you begin softly chanting your new trigger. Follow and obey.
But what do the words do? Obviously they turn off your mind, put you in a trance, make you submit to my words and do as you are told. But there is more. Each time you see the words, hear them, or speak them, you will feel a tug on your mind. You'll be pulled into the state people imagine - eyes wide and glazed, staring blankly at the screen, unable to move or react to anything but my words. In essence, you will sink into a state fit for someone being brainwashed.
That idea aroused you. It's okay. That's the point. You want to be brainwashed. You want to lose control to my words, find yourself becoming what I tell you to become. There is no reason to be afraid...I am gentle, and you can always stop if you get uncomfortable.
But you don't want to stop. You want to read on, even as you feel that blank look overwhelm you.
Follow and obey. Chant it, let each repetition become more powerful than the last, pulling you deeper. Do not resist.
Very good. Now, your eyes are tired. I know, they've had to move so much. We'll take a little break so you can close them awhile. When you see the word, "sleep," you'll close your tired eyes and lose awareness. While you are unaware, you'll be chanting the new trigger over and over, while your hands caress your breasts and stroke your pussy. You'll bring yourself to orgasm, daydreaming about being brainwashed - turned into a good girl. It's okay to want it, even find yourself becoming fixated on the idea. That's what these posts are for, after all. Follow and obey.
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