drleonardmccoys · 8 years
If McCoy hadn’t known her for a long time, he would’ve believed her. For the most part, he would take people’s word, but the people he knew well, he could usually tell when they weren’t being totally honest. The weird thing about being friends with a doctor is that suddenly not everything is as bad as they they thought. Nobody likes to be examined.
“I’ll gave you a bit more, just in case,” He said with a small smirk. He pushed the hypospray into her neck and gave her a decent dose.  “If it’s too much, it’ll just make you sleepy, is all.”
Wren was a fan of the doctor. She liked talking with the Terran and learning more about Terrans from him than the years she had worked in the Starfleet Academy with McCoy. They were classmates and good friends. “Uh….5?”  Wren squinted behind her sunglasses, hoping the pounding in her head would stop. She moved her jaw slightly, trying to get her jaw to stop grinding on her teeth from the pain. Wren was always the one to downplay her pain.
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
McCoy relaxed a litte when she grabbed his hand. He leaned into her kiss and felt his heart flutter. He pulled back and let out a small, contented sigh. “You really are amazing, y’know that?”
Nyota followed, sitting next to him and entwining her fingers with his where his hand rested on his thigh.  “I do too,” she agreed.  She tilted her head so that it rested against his for a while, and then she reached up with her free hand and tilted his chin towards her so she could press a sweet kiss to his lips.
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
“Excellent, thanks,” He said, in regards to the patient.
McCoy looked up to Lilly. There were other doctors around that could discharge patients - not everyone had to come to him directly. It wasn’t until she asked to go have lunch that he realised she had some ulterior motives.
“Thanks for the offer, but I think I should keep working,” He said, looking back to his work. It was at that same moment his body realised he hadn’t eaten since before his shift, and his stomach grumbled angrily. “...on second thought, maybe a little food would be good.”
Days Run Together | Open
Lilly stepped into his office. She hadn’t bothered knocking since the door had been left open, but she realized that she should have as he seemed quite busy. “Doctor,” she greeted softly, “I was just coming to inform you that the patient has left MedBay. I gave him an antibacterial hypo and excused him from his duties for this shift.” She stated everything matter-of-factly so as to not seem to be wasting his time. She hesitated for a moment before speaking again.
“I was going to request to take a short break to eat lunch… and, er, see if you wanted to sit and eat with me. Not to sound presumptuous but you have been only focused on work and I feel like a break might ease your tension… maybe.” She offered, twisting her fingers together behind her back.
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
i was watching star trek and spock found a dead guy and just put his hands on his hips like “well this is a pickle”
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
// oh goodness, I didn’t anticipate not being online pretty much at all yesterday [i popped in to respond to IMs and thats it >> ]
i will be catching up on my replies tonight - and I should be around the rest of the weekend <3
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
// i’m gonna be on sparingly the next couple days - I will try to respond to the RPs I have now, but I don’t wanna take on too many more threads until maybe this weekend? If we have talked about plotting, that stuff is still on, I just don’t wanna overwhelm myself. I have a lot going on in my other RPs right now that I gotta pay attention to D:
also, if we are mutuals, feel free to ask for my skype/google hangouts. (: unless i’m asleep, I’m usually online. even if I’m asleep sometimes I’ll still respond
anyway - i’ll be back before i go to bed to do replies <3
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
McCoy heard someone stumbled into medical, and he rushed over when he saw Wren. He put his arm out for her to grab onto.
“Yeah, I got plenty of meds for that. C’mon, lets get you to a darker area.”
Unfortunately, most of the medbay needed adequate [meaning bright] lighting. He led her into one of the exam rooms, where he dimmed the lights about halfway and he grabbed a spray with pain medication.
“How bad is it, scale of 1-10?”
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The harsh light of the hallways of the USS Enterprise was enough to make the Daled’s head spin. Wren needed an antidote for this migraine. As they stumbled along like a newborn baby deer down to the medbay, they leaned against hte doorway, before stumbling in. “Doc, do you have anything for a migraine?” Wren winced, her green eyes hopefully looking over at the surly doctor behind her sunglasses.
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
“Out in space, everything’s important.” That should’ve been the first thing they taught at the Academy. No job was small, everyone was necessary. “If you wanna move up one day, you always have to remember the small stuff.”
"I shouldn't have lied."
“You really shouldn’t’ve,” McCoy replied angrily. “People could’ve gotten hurt.”
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
“You’re welcome, darlin’,” He said, smiling as she kissed his cheek. Now that he was thinking about it, he was really nervous about what Joanna would say. He definitely cared about her opinion, even if she might be too young to really understand. Would he get an unexpected angry call from Jocelyn? That was a rabbit hole he didn’t want to go down.
He moved backwards towards his bed and took a seat on the edge, rubbing his neck. “I really hope she’s okay with...us.”
She breathed out a sigh of relief she didn’t realize she had been holding and nodded to his suggestion. Nyota stepped forward this time, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and shoulders, pulling him slightly down to her level while she stood on her toes. “Thank you,” she murmured, kissing his cheek softly and lingering for a long moment there before pulling her lips away.
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
"I shouldn't have lied."
“You really shouldn’t've,” McCoy replied angrily. “People could’ve gotten hurt.”
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
“...before things get too serious.”
That made sense. He hadn’t really seriously dated much after his divorce. Joanna also wasn’t in the picture much, until recently. He knew none of the other people he saw would last very long, but Uhura...
“If it’ll make you feel better, we can both sit down with her and talk about it.”
Nyota raised her hand to rub her other arm in a classic gesture of nervousness. “Well, it’s just that… if things do get more serious, I don’t want to cause problems for you and your daughter. I love Jo, but it’s different when I’m Auntie Uhura and not the girl your dad is seeing,” she explained. “And if she isn’t ok with me dating you…. I want to know before-” She cut herself off, nibbling at her bottom lip again.
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
McCoy really loved spending time with Uhura. She was such a wonderfully intelligent woman, and she was also great at other things. So when she stopped by, he expected the usual - but was cut short almost immediately. When her face was serious he was worried...and when she brought up Jo, his whole body tensed.
“I...” He started, taking a step backwards. “I never really thought to ask. I don’t see why she wouldn’t be. You’re a great gal, and I think she really likes you.”
He frowned, “Why do you ask?”
Nyota entered Leonard’s quarters and he moved to kiss her, but she took a step back, looking down as she did so.  “Len, before things between us get too… serious,” she began, her tone worried, “…is Joanna ok with you dating?  Me?” she asked, finally looking up as she bit her bottom lip nervously.  She had met his daughter many times and really loved spending time with the bright girl, but she was afraid that Jo might not approve of her dating her father.
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
“You mean like, you hopped dimensions?” Was the even possible? McCoy knew about transportation, and vaguely how that worked. Teleportation, on the other hand, was still a bit of a farfetched idea. Dimensional transportation...that was just unheard of.
That may have explained the particles. Bits of other dimensions could have placed particles on her as she passed by...what on Earth was he thinking? He still had no idea if she was telling the truth.
“If you’re human, how’d you come by this technology?”
A single manicured brow arched high at the chirping device he was currently waving over her body. It was a bit silly to think, but it sounded like a sonic screwdriver. Rose wondered if, perhaps, she’d dropped in a universe where Time Lord technology like sonic devices were commonplace among humans or–even more fascinating–if this was a universe where the Time Lords were still alive. 
“’S human as anyone’s gonna get,” she said, an air of tease in her voice. “Sorry for th’ mess. Dimensional teleportation– it’s dodgy at best. Never know where or when you’re gonna end up.”
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
'I want the K' (can I send more of these? XD You can toss this if a third one is too many, but Uhura just really likes Len's kisses. >:) )
21. Then There’s Tongue
McCoy grabbed Uhura’s hand, and pulled her into a quiet corner of the ship. They were supposed to be heading to Engineering, but God. He couldn’t stop thinking about her all day. It drove him a bit crazy, honestly. She was so beautiful, he couldn’t keep his hands off her.
His back was pressed up against the wall, trying to stay hidden. He had his arms wrapped around her waist and her arms were wrapped around his neck. He slowly nibbled at her neck, listening to her struggle to keep quiet. He couldn’t help from smiling as he kissed up to her jawline.
Then their mouths met once more. He let his tongue poke forward, hitting her teeth - but it was then accepted when she opened her lips more. Their tongues danced around together, exploring each other’s mouths. He let his hands run up and down her back, trying to get her as close as possible.
It was when she started grinding her hips forward that he pulled back slightly - their lips still locked together. “We - should finish - this - later,” He said, in between kisses.
He gave her one more kiss for good measure before the two went running off towards Engineering.
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
"I want the k" //can't remember if I sent it, so here it is just in case~
15. Kiss in the Rain
Rain was a rare sight. Or, rain that wasn’t going to kill them from high acidic content or other chemicals laced inside. Other planets were ridiculous, but they were restocking some supplies on a Federation planet. This was one of the nice ones.
They had the whole afternoon to themselves, and instead of doing some sight seeing [Izz’s idea], they ended up watching the rain from inside a cafe. McCoy was hesitant to try any of the weird sounding beverages, so he got the closest thing he could get to coffee. Still some kind of bean-based hot beverage. And then whatever Isiah wanted.
The two made small talk - it was nice not feeling like at any moment, the entire crew would be walking in on them. However, it wasn’t too much later that they got the buzz that they were needed back on the Enterprise.
McCoy was hesitant to go out into the rain - he didn’t want to ruin his civil clothes, but Isiah pulled his hand and he the two made a mad dash back to the transporter.
“Hey, hold on,” McCoy said, as they stopped about fifty feet from the building. “There’s something we’ve never done before.”
He placed his hand on Isiah’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Still just as wet as he remembered - the rain, not Izz. He could taste a bit of the fruity beverage he got on his lips. Not bad.
Okay, now the rain was really starting to pour down, but at least he got that check out of the way.
“Alright, let’s get back to the Enterprise.”
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drleonardmccoys · 8 years
If you ever sent me a message and I didn't respond, there is a 99.99% chance this happened
Me: Hmmm, that's an interesting question. I'll try to find the kind of thoughtful response this deserves while I browse my dashboard.
Me: Haha, you're too big to fit in that cup, kitty.
*A month passes and I become too embarrassed to respond late.*
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