drmmorbius · 5 years
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drmmorbius · 5 years
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Morbius x Venom: some kind of symbiosis.
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drmmorbius · 5 years
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it’s a crime that there aren’t more morbius & venom team ups
(click for better quality)
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drmmorbius · 5 years
instead of "Ask me", I want you to tell me your story
Tell me about:
Why you’re single
How’s your relationship going?
What do you dream about at night?
What are you afraid of?
What’s your favorite song?
Tell me about the book you’re reading
A poem or song lyric that won’t leave your head
Tell me about your secret crush
Where would you go if money wasn’t an issue
What’s your deepest wish
Do you believe in magic?
Tell me a ghost story
What’s the weirdest thing that has happened to you?
What do you need to get off your chest?
What are you mad about?
What are you excited about?
Are you afraid for the future?
Fill my Ask Box
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drmmorbius · 5 years
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People, please be careful. There are also people tracking children and people and putting bids on them based on their profile pictures on whatsapp, tracking and kidnapping them. Especially young children, so please be cautious, especially parents who have their children as their profile pictures.
Please pass this on to everyone so that they are aware of the danger. I don’t how it is all around the world but I know it can’t just be here so please please spread the word. Thank you.
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drmmorbius · 5 years
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Venom gives Morbius a lesson in hero work.
From Venom: The Enemy Within #3 (1994)
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drmmorbius · 5 years
🌹 ~YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL ROSE AMONGST A GARDEN OF TULIPS~ 🌹 Send this to people who deserve it, let's spread some love around the world 💕✨💖🌟
Awww thank you so much!
Guys, @theamethystvampiress is the best!
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drmmorbius · 5 years
i don’t get how ppl can hate the rain ? like…..the ocean came all this way to give the world tiny kisses & u treat her like this ???
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drmmorbius · 5 years
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drmmorbius · 5 years
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In 1897, Indiana almost passed a bill to change the value of pi. An amateur mathematician decided he had proof that pi was not 3.14, but actually 3.2, so he convinced the state to take on the bill. It passed the House unanimously, made it through a Senate committee, and likely would’ve been approved if a professor from Purdue hadn’t been in town. After hearing the news, he went to the state- house, watched the debate, decided to intervene, and eventually convinced the Senate that the theory was nonsense. Source Source 2
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drmmorbius · 5 years
A deer politely walking down the sidewalk.
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drmmorbius · 5 years
If y’all gonna be jumping in the Morbius tag because you’re thirsty for a certain cast actor at least read about the character first. Those of us in the Michael Morbius fandom (all six of us and a shoelace) would love to have some more people to talk to. 
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So, without further ado under the cut, my Recommendations for people who’ve never read Morb before:
Keep reading
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drmmorbius · 5 years
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U.S. college textbook prices have risen more than 1,000% since 1977. Because college students are forced to purchase every book their professors choose, they are considered ‘captive customers’. Due to a student’s obligation to buy these books no matter what they cost, prices have increased at 3x the rate of inflation. Source Source 2 Source 3
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drmmorbius · 5 years
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drmmorbius · 5 years
Today, I fucked up by being scared of saying good morning.
I woke up to the sound of contractor drilling holes and hitting things in the bathroom across from my bedroom. I knew he’d be here but I thought he’d come later. Mild social phobia kicked in and I couldn’t see myself leaving my room and crossing paths with the guy. I decided to roll over and fall back asleep and wait it out.
Wake up some hours later, assumed it was around 1 pm. At this point I’m extremely hungry and really need to pee. I was going through all the possibilities of what I could say to the guy, and for some odd reason “Good morning” didn’t cut it because it was the afternoon, and I couldn’t stand the idea of him knowing I was in the room the whole time without coming out a single time. I really had to find a way to get downstairs other than exiting my room.
I fall asleep one more time and this time I dream a little bit. In the dream, I opened the window and jumped down, grabbed the backup key and got inside the house.
So I wake up and execute my brilliant idea. In my pjs, I open up the window, crawl out into the snow storm, balance myself on the slippery glass roof of the sun room below, and prepare to jump down. It’s about an 8 foot drop, really not too bad. I land on top of a wooden table which I thought would hold. It breaks instantly, and I’m quite literally in the table. I turn around and look inside, and I see my dad staring right at me, thinking what an idiot son he raised.
Follow TIFU: Internet`s best fucked up stories are here. | credit
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drmmorbius · 5 years
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There’s a team of women in India who bring justice to the oppressed women of their country. ‘The Gulabi Gang’ wear pink saris, carry bamboo sticks as weapons, and are trained in counter- aggression techniques, like smearing abusive men with chili powder. If police fail to help an abused woman, the gang steps in and asks the husband to change his ways- but if he won’t, they ask his wife to join them in beating him. Source Source 2 Source 3
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drmmorbius · 5 years
Invertebrate medicine is wild
Guys, omg. Something happened at this conference that I never ever thought would happen–I found invertebrates super interesting. And I kind of want to work with them. I didn’t even know that was an option! Also I’ve always been terrified of insects and arachnids but THEY’RE SO COOL I’VE BEEN SO WRONG ABOUT THEM. Look at this:
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Look at that anatomy!!! How cool is that?? Their heart is just…dorsal. Like why?? And you can hear it with a doppler! You can anesthetize a tarantula with isoflurane and monitor their heart rate with a doppler. That blew my mind. You can perform surgery on them and suture them with 6-0 ophthalmic suture! You can give them IV and sub q fluids. That’s crazy!! And look how they drink:
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Apparently they just drink like that?? I dunno why but that’s kind of cute?? They use hydrostatic pressure to move (which is crazy cool) so dehydration is actually a serious issue with them.
He also talked about scorpions, snails, shrimp, roaches, centipedes, crabs and a bunch of other animals I never would have even imagined you could treat. And honestly, I never imagined I would care enough to want to treat them but they were actually so interesting I ended up grabbing his email! Am I gonna be a spider vet?? Like that’s the last thing I EVER thought I would want do but hey, if I’m gonna treat exotics might as well include invertebrates, right?
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