drniteshkhonde · 4 years
Why Ayurvedic Treatment For Gynaecology is Trustworthy?
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Gynecology is the process or part of physiology and medication which manages the functions and ailments exclusively for ladies and girls, particularly those who experience reproduction issues, as it helps to repair menstrual issues from its main causes and again.
 What Ayurveda is?
 Ayurveda is an ages-old antique Vedic medication framework that has its foundations settled in the Indian subcontinent. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term that means 'study of life and life span'. 'Ayur' signifies life, as well as 'Veda', signifies information. It is the main practice on the planet that follows preventive and curative strategies. The base of Ayurvedic science is to adjust the body, psyche, and soul.
 How does it work?
 As indicated by Ayurveda, every individual is brought into the world with daily existing powers that contain the five components or building squares of nature which are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Space accordingly.
 Ayurveda has an interesting equalization of these five components in different degrees. This equalization of components is known as a Dosha. There are three essential doshas: Kapha, Pitta, Vata
 Great health is viewed as an ideal condition of harmony between these three doshas.
 Bad eating routine, stress, curbed feelings, and lacking activity are the components that harm one's doshic balance. Henceforth, to keep up the health and great well-being, an individual needs to shuffle with the three doshas and grow or shrink them as conditions request. In basic words, well-being implies balance and order, though sickness implies imbalance and disorder.
 Ayurveda for Women:
 For a large number of years, Ayurveda has given aware and steady answers for ladies in each phase of life for reestablishing and keeping up the stability of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is said that we reestablish harmony just when we are cheerful in our brains, fit in our bodies, and fulfilled in our lives!
 Subsequently, by seeing how Ayurveda sees ladies and their Kapha, Vatta, pitta needs during their significant life stages, to be specific: pregnancy, periods, menopause and post-delivery period, we, in Ayurveda conceived answers for menstrual medical problems like period torment, postponed periods, PCOD and white release.
 Understanding the Core of Ayurveda for Treating Problems Related To Women:
 Gynecology is a medication area that centers around ladies' well-being issues and the endless physical difficulties they face in their daily routine. Probably the most well-known gynecology issues incorporate pimples, white release, unusual menstrual cycle, vaginal tingling, pelvic torment, infectivity, and inefficiency, fibroids as well as the painful menstrual cycle. Each of these issues is an aftereffect of ill-advised food, way of life, and routine.
 Ayurveda is the Best treatment for unusual Menstrual Cycle, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Treatment and Irregular Menstruation
 As per Ayurveda, gynecology issues are separated into two areas, 'Prasuti Tantra' and 'Stree Rogam'. 'Prasuti Tantra' is an ages-old science obliging pregnancy-related issues and 'Stree Rogam' is a study of Ayurveda taking into account different ladies well-being issues
 In both cases, the main reason for these medical problems in ladies is because of the unevenness of pitta, Kapha, and Vata doshas. Regardless of whether it is the irregular period treatment or some other type of treatment, no alternative is superior to Ayurveda and for ayurvedic treatments, Nagpur is an all-time favorite option due to the best gynecologist in Nagpur with their best strategies, knowledge, and treatments.
 Some Common Gynecological Disorders :
 Probably the most widely recognized sorts of gynecology medical problems are:
 •  Early menopause
•  Uterine Bleeding
•  Impotency
•  Amenorrhoea
•  Endometritis
•  Pelvic Varicosities
•  Vaginal Infection
•  Oligomenorrhoea
•  Uterine Fibroids
•  Hormonal Imbalances
•  Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
•  Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
Causes of Gynecological Disorders :
 The absolute most basic reasons for gynecology issues include:
 •  Injury
•  Sexual misuse
•  Vaginal aggravation
•  Early pubescence
•  Hormonal irregularity
•  Blood cluster
•  Birth control pills
•  Tubal pregnancy
•  Cancer
•  Use of Intrauterine device
•  Weak pelvic area
•  Improper food and lifestyle
•  Excessive sweating
 Symptoms of Gynecology Disorders:
 The most widely recognized signs for gynecologic issues include:
 •  Itching in the vaginal territory
•  Pelvic torment
•  White or earthy colored vaginal release
•  Discomfort in the vaginal territory
•  Pain and bumps in the bosom
•  Excessive vaginal dying
•  Depression
•  Lower back agony
•  Flatulence
•  Insomnia
•  Nausea
•  Menstrual squeezing
•  Edema
•  Fatigue
•  Irritability
•  Red eyes
•  Burning sensation
Ayurvedic Treatment for Gynecology issues:
 There are numerous cures and solutions for ladies related medical issues however since immemorial time, Ayurveda has demonstrated the most gainful. The absolute most ideal choices for Ayurvedic gynecological treatments are:
 •  Virechana: The treatment attempts to remove the aggregation of Pita dosha.
•  Vamana: The treatment attempts to evacuate poisons shaped in the body through puking.
•  Uttaravasti: This works best for bladder issues.
•  Nasya: Treatment is performed through the nasal course to evacuate poisons.
•  Panchakarma: This treatment works for detoxification and refinement.
 Besides, numerous spices of herb pull wondrous outcomes when utilized for treating gynecology issues which include:
 •  Herbs for Cervix Relaxation: Natural herb like mourn leaf, parsley leaf, and tansy leaves.
•  Syrups for cervix Infections: Herbs as dandelion, ginger, and raspberry.
•  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: turmeric, Cinnamon, zinc, chromium, berberine, and cod liver oil.
•  Hormone Balancing Herbs: Herb as a lemon ointment, wild sweet potato, milk, and thorn.
 For the best ayurvedic treatment gynaecology, one must focus on the best gynecologist in Nagpur to give you the best administrations with affirmation and positive thinking.
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
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Aparajitha Dhooma choornam is an Ayurvedic disinfect which helps to sterilize surrounding areas from various viruses Parijatak Ayurveda developed its, help to fight against Coronavirus. Nowadays, in this period of Covid-19, it is in high demand as it is a time-tested Ayurvedic powder, which is result-oriented in preventing the Coronavirus from spreading through the air. It also helps to prevent the spread of infectious fever and disinfects air which can cause respiratory problems in human beings.
Aparajitha Dhooma choornam is mainly made collaboratively with various ayurvedic herbs such as Mayurasikah, Vacha, Ralah, Nimba, Twak, Arka Guggullu, Useera, Sallaki Karpoora. These Ayurvedic herbs are beneficial to fight against microbial contamination and also reduces fungal growth.
Recently, Aparajita Dhooma choornam is also recommended by Ayurvedic health ministry, which is in charge of health care of the migrant workers in India. The department has tried this fumigation powder for sanitizing the camps. And it resulted out to be very active in fighting the Coronavirus. 
The using of choornam in the many isolation wards and quarantine centres (Corona crises). There is a need to do a regular disinfection exercise in the containment zones which help to avoid the spread of Coronavirus. Thus, this Ayurvedic fumigation practised with the help of Aparajitha Dhooma Choornam.
This choornam is useful during the time of dengue and communicable diseases after floods. It also has antimicrobial, anti-fungal, microbial inhibition and antiviral properties.
Ingredients :
·         Mayurasikah (Aactiniopetris Dichotoma),
·         Vacha (Acorus Calamus),
·         Ralah (Shorea Robusta),
·         Nimba Twak (Azadirachtaindica),
·         Arka (Calotropis Gigantea),
·         Guggullu (Commiphora Mukul),
·         Useera (Vetiveria Zizaniodes),
·         Sallaki Karpoora (Cinnamomum Camphora), (Boswe Llia Serrata)
·         Indication :
·         It is used for fumigation.
Benefits of Aparajita Dhooma choornam to fight against Infections:
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Works as Disinfecting fumigant:
It works as an antimicrobial disinfectant to sterilize contaminated zones. It kills and eliminates all forms of microbial life. 
Works as Antifungal Agent:
The studies that Aparajita Dhooma choornam is very effective against microorganisms, especially bacteria and fungi. During the test of this powder against various viruses. There is a decrease of 95% & 96% in the bacterial and fungal count. And within the next three days, 99.62% of bacteria and 98.92 % of fungi were destroyed.
 Long-lasting disinfectant effect:
The effect of the Aparajitha Dhooma Choornam disinfectant effects lasted for 24 hours. The next 72 hours, the bacterial and fungal count was also low compared to the count before disinfestation.
Help to get results to fight COVID-19 :
Aparajitha Dhooma Choornam, which contains eight Ayurvedic herbs, can be used as a potent agent in the area neutralizing in this time of COVID.
Effectively helps to destroy gram-positive and gram-negative bacterias:
It helps to destroy gram-positive and gram-negative bacterias which are very hazardous to human health.
No side effects:
“The Choornam has no side effects, and it is an effective solution for disinfection at homes, schools, offices, hospitals, gyms, food godowns and a cattle sheds.
Safe and secured: 
Safe and secured effects after doing various tests on its working. 
Being called “Dhoomapanam” many generations have practised the way of disinfecting the surrounding area using the Ayurvedic herbs for centuries. In the famous “Ashtanga hrudhya” the ancient manuscripts of Ayurveda, it is featured as “Aparajitha Yogam”, and it is instrumental in preventing epidemics and in the process of Microbial Inhibition. Hence the Aparajitha Dhooma Choornam should be used to avoid Coronavirus spread.
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
Quick ayurvedic skin treatment remedies which will help to nourish you skin to glow brighter
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As they say first impression is the last impression. We cannot ignore this fact that your skin speaks a lot about your personality. The skin is one of the essential parts of the body. It is the most exposed part, which is available to various infections, diseases, injuries. With an increase in global warming, many people are getting more prone to skin problems like acne, wrinkles, sunburn, dryness, etc. Thus here we should be careful about our skin requirement and Pamper yourself with the best ayurvedic skin treatment.
 Skin treatment is different for every skin type. And the reason behind different skin types is aging, adolescence, hormonal changes, etc. As per the skin and hair type of a person, the Ayurvedic doctor suggests a different ayurvedic hair treatment and ayurvedic skin treatment. These treatment suits the body of the person and results in the success of treatment. Let us now discuss various skin types in the human body:  
We can classify the skin types into 5 categories:
 ·        Dry Skin: 
Dry skin is because of under-active oil glands that do not produce enough sebum to keep the skin naturally lubricated. Dry skin gives a dull look, feels dry and itchy, and turns sensitive.
 ·        Oily Skin: 
Oily skin is due to over-active oil glands that produce surplus sebum, which results in greasy skin and slippery texture. This type of skin is usually prone to acne.
 ·        Normal Skin: 
This type of skin is not much oily or not too dry. It is a perfect skin which is always moist and vibrant.
 ·        Sensitive Skin: 
Sensitive skin, as the name says, is susceptible. It can be oily or dry. This type of skin is delicate and is affected by environmental conditions. Sensitive skin has an uncertain reaction to cosmetics, fragrance, etc.
 ·        Combination skin: 
It is a type of skin usually into types in a single body, For example, the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) will be oily whereas the skin around eyes, cheeks, and mouth will be healthy.
 Skin types as per Ayurveda:
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According to Ayurveda, skin types depend on personal formation. Usually, the skin is of the following types: Vata/ Pitta/ Kapha or a grouping of all the three.
This type of skin is dry. It is thin, with fine pores visible upon it. It is delicate and cold when touched. This type of skin is likely to get early wrinkles and aging. 
This type of skin is glowing and fair. It is soft when touched and is also photosensitive.
This type of skin type is thick, as well as oily. Though it is soft when touched, it is prone to build up toxins, resulting in acne and other skin rashes. The wrinkles' development in this skin is slower when compared to the other two.
 Good skincare under the guidance of the best skin specialist is preferred if a person is looking forward to healthy skin. But the fact cannot be denied that maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help us more to delay the aging process and keep us away from various skin problems.
 Skincare treatment practiced by the various skin specialist in Ayurveda: 
 Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda:
In other words, (Navarkizhi in Kerala, India) is one of the most extraordinary forms of treatment used in Panchakarma. It is a type of massage done with the help of milk and Navara rice, which helps in obtaining anti-aging and glowing skin. It helps rejuvenate skin and bring back the lost luster and glow of the skin by removing the tanning & dark patches.
Udvartana/Utsadana : 
It is a medicated powder/paste rubbed on the body for boosting blood circulation. It is most successful in enhancing the skin tone. 
De-tan Therapy: 
This therapy is included in many skin treatment packages and is favored by all patients as it helps in exfoliation. It also improves in nourishing your skin, which in turn helps in improving the skin tone & blood circulation.  
Ayurvedic facial: 
All skin specialist in Ayurveda commonly practices this. The facial with fruit vitamins & minerals helps the skin to enhance natural and become healthy. An ayurvedic facial helps to get a cleaner, brighter & radiant face. 
Ayurvedic skin treatment packages: 
Mostly preferred to obtain healthy skin by patients. These exclusive skin treatment packages are useful for all the skin conditions (dry/oily/rough/normal, etc.). 
It is a leading ayurvedic skin treatment in Panchakarma. The detox process mainly helps to remove the toxins from the skin and body. It is also helpful in healing different types of skin disorders like pigmentation, psoriasis, etc.
 Skincare tips by skin specialist:
 Regularly hydrating and moisturizing the skin will help     to avoid the development of dry skin.
Oily skin can be cured by using herbal steam of     medicinal plants, gentle scrub, cleansing, etc.
 Vitamin E rich foods can help to obtain glowing     skin.
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
Best Gynaecology Treatment with Ayurveda Remedies
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Here we are going to discuss thebest gynaecology treatment with Ayurveda remedies. Ayurveda is capable to recover the problems of gynaecology like the abnormal menstrual cycle, irregular menstruation, ovary syndrome and many more.
A visit to the gynaecologist is recommended that focuses on women have concerns about symptoms such as pelvic, vulvar, white discharge and vaginal itching or abdominal bleeding from the uterus. Conditions mainly treated by gynaecologists include- issues related to pregnancy, fertility, menstruation, and menopause (change of life).
Ayurveda Treatment to gynaecology problems
Ayurveda provides you with the best gynaecology treatment always. Andget rid of your problems with Ayurveda.
According to Ayurveda, gynaecology disorders are divided into two major areas, ‘Prasuti Tantra’ and ‘stree Rogam’‘Prasuti Tantra’ is a pregnancy-related issue and Stree Rogam is another women health disorder.
The major cause of these health issues in women is due to an imbalance of vata, pita, and kapha doshas. Whether it is the menstruation treatment, pregnancy-related treatment or any other form of treatment, no option is better than Ayurveda and it has best gynaecologist doctor in Nagpur.
8 most common types of gynaecology disorders
Common gynaecology disorders, all these problems are a result of improper food, lifestyle, and regimen.
1.      Endometritis
2.      Pelvic Varicosities
3.      Impotency
4.      Early menopause
5.      Uterine Bleeding
6.      Amenorrhoea
7.      Uterine fibroids
8.      Hormonal disbalance
 8 common causes of gynaecology disorders
some common causes of gynaecology disorders because of these you can suffer from lots of gynaecology problems.
1.      Vaginal irritation
2.      Early puberty
3.      Tubal pregnancy
4.      Excessive sweating
5.      Birth control pills
6.      Weak pelvic area
7.      Improper food and lifestyle
8.      Use of an intrauterine device
Ayurveda remedies for gynaecology problems
Best gynaecology treatment with Ayurveda remedies, there are lots of remedies and cures for women related health problems. Ayurveda has proved the most useful. Some of the best therapies for Ayurveda treatment gynaecology are-
·         Vamana- The therapy works to remove excess toxins formed in the body through vomiting.
·         Naysa- The therapy is performed through the nasal route to remove toxins from your body.
·         Panchakarma-  This therapy works as detoxification and purification.
·         Virechana- This therapy works to clean the accumulation of pita dosha.
·         Uttara basti- This works the best for proper care of colon, and get rid of toxins.
Ayurveda herbs for gynaecology disorders
Many herbs deliver wonderful results when used for gynaecology disorders. Ayurveda treatment for gynaecology is beneficial and very effective.
·         Herbs for painful periods- herbs like ginger, saffron and licorice root could help relieve the pain.
·         Herbs for infertility- natural herbs like ashwagandha, shatavari, guduchi, triphala etc.
·         Herbs for frigidity- herbs include banyan tree root and powdered ashwagandha.
·         Herbs for uterine fibroids- herbs like guggul, varuna, ginger and raspberry.
 If you want the best hospital for treatment of gynaecology than your first choice will be best gynaecologist hospitals in Nagpur. They will give you full satisfaction and these hospitals are very effective also.
Gynaecology treatment with Ayurveda is like ancient and traditional treatment. Because Ayurveda never fails to satisfy you.
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
Paralysis treatment with the help of Ayurveda and Herbs
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What is paralysis?
 Paralysis is a loss of strength and control over a muscle or group of muscles of the body. Paralysis can affect the entire body or specific body parts. Nerve cells that run to your brain, these nerve cells deliver the signals to your muscles to move properly.
Paralysis mainly is of two types- complete and partial paralyzes. When the whole body is affected by paralysis it is known as complete paralysis and when it affects specific body parts then it is known as partial paralysis. Facial paralysis is also one of the most common disabilities and mainly affects one side of the face.
Ayurveda has proved to be one of the most effective treatments for the best possible recovery in paralysis or stroke conditions. In paralysis Ayurveda treatment maximizes the recovery chances of paralysis conditions. After lots of medical care centers and hospitals, it is always highly recommendable to take paralysis treatment in Ayurveda.
 Ayurveda Therapy for Paralysis-
 The therapies which you can use for paralysis treatment in Ayurveda are very essential. It can be helpful for any type of paralysis.
 Abhyangam- Abhyangam therapy is used mainly in paralysis. Abhyangam therapy increases blood circulation to remove metabolic wastes from the body. It includes full body massage with medicated herbal oils. It raises the level of physiological or nervous activity, which leads to a reduction in stress, anxiety, and paralysis.
 In this therapy, the therapist applies herbal oils over the whole body. This therapy boosts Immunity and leads to preventing Insomnia, Paralysis, Arthritis.
 Nasyam- Nasyam is a part of Panchakarma therapy and it includes the administration of medicated oils or drugs through nostrils. This treatment raises the essential center of the brain to overcome problems such as paralysis and stress. The therapy starts with a facial massage or steam to the face, forehead, ears, and neck.
A therapist applies herbal oils and powders through the nasal route, which then spread through the blood circulation and nervous system into the areas present around the nostrils. It unblocks the energy levels and gets rid of paralysis. This therapy is mainly used for facial paralysis.
 Padabhyangam- This Ayurveda massage involves the stimulation of vital pressure points. This massage is mainly used in partial paralysis. With the help of herbal oils, this leads to an improvement in blood circulation in the lower leg. It also prevents muscle cramps and swelling.
If your body is suffering from partial paralysis, then this is the perfect massage for you. As it helps you to recover fastly and this massage gives you strength also.
 Pizhichil-Pizhichil treatment includes the squeezing of warm medicated oils to help muscles recover. Paralysis builds up in the system due to various factors, which can be effectively reduced by this Ayurveda treatment. Pizhichil rejuvenates the body and boosts the functioning of the muscles and nervous system. This therapy is used for a complete body and helps to recover muscles.
 Ayurveda Herbs for Paralysis-
 These are important herbs for paralysis. These herbs are used as the best Ayurveda treatment for paralysis.
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   1.      Ashwagandha Herb-
Ashwagandha is a small plant native to India. Ashwagandha roots and berries are used to produce a popular Ayurveda remedy. It is used to reduce the problem of paralysis due to the presence of active compounds. These properties also help in reducing stress caused by emotional and physical fatigue.
It also balances out the strength and control over the muscles constant. It helps to restore normal physiological functioning. It is also used to lower your blood sugar level and improve sleep disorder. Ashwagandha can be consumed in powdered form or as a liquid.
 2.      Brahmi Herb-
Brahmi is a small and everlasting herb that has an age-old reputation of various diseases. Brahmi acts as a nontoxic, which simply means that it helps the body adapt to new or powerful situations. Brahmi appears to have strong anti-inflammatory properties that are very effective. It may help improve your body’s ability to deal with paralysis.
When consumed, it is used to increase the serotonin levels in the brain that help the mind keeps calm and gives relief from paralysis and nervousness. Brahmi herbs help to get rid of hyperactivity disorder, impulsivity and restlessness also.
 3.      Turmeric Herb-
 Turmeric the herb is another popular Ayurveda remedy; it is an ancient Indian medicine that is used in several things. Curcumin’s main compound has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Results show that it may be equally or even more effective than some anti-inflammatory medicines, without all of their side effects.
Turmeric is a great need for new treatments that can protect brain cells after a stroke and improve recovery. Turmeric could be beneficial to patients by encouraging new cells to grow. Compounds in turmeric help to preserve brain function by increasing brain cells.
 Home Remedies for Paralysis-
 These home remedies are easily available in our kitchen. These remedies are helpful to give you the best Ayurveda treatment for paralysis.
·        Asparagus leaves apply to the area of pain caused by paralysis.
·        Few drumsticks leave the mix well in castor oil and apply on pain area, for relief from inflammation.
·        20-40ml radish oil twice a day daily can help in curing the condition.
·       Mix equal portions of black pepper powder and dry ginger powder with honey and consume it twice or thrice a day for a distorted face by paralysis.
·      Grind the akarkara root into a fine paste and mix it with mahua oil. Massage the affected area on a daily basis.
·      A whole-body massage with oil can help in regaining muscle strength faster. This helps in reducing muscle tension also.
·       Take sugarcane root and grind it gently. Boil it in water and reduce it to half the quantity. Mix it with piple bamsalochan, black pepper, cardamom, mulethi and mishri. Simmer it and bring it to a syrup consistency for paralysis.
·       Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple juice and stem that helps in reducing pain for paralysis.
·       Take flaxseed oil 1 teaspoon on a daily basis also helps in paralysis.
.can help in regaining muscle strength faster. This helps in reducing muscle tension also.
·         Take sugarcane root and grind it gently. Boil it in water and reduce it to half the quantity. Mix it with piple bamsalochan, black pepper, cardamom, mulethi and mishri. Simmer it and bring it to a syrup consistency for paralysis.
·         Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple juice and stem that helps in reducing pain for paralysis.
·         Take flaxseed oil 1 teaspoon on a daily basis also helps in paralysis. 
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
Spine Care with Ayurveda- The Best Way Towards Healthcare
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The Problem of Spine Pain
Spine problem is the impairment of the backbone which results in severe back pain and neck pain. This is a serious problem quite prevalent in today’s world from people in today’s lifestyle. Our lack of physical activities and more of a sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of spine pain. However, there are other causes too, viz., any mechanical injury, or over activity due to sports, etc. Nevertheless, our gadget-friendly daily routine is more of a cause, since it forces us to be more active on electronic platform. We spend more time in front of laptops and mobiles, and follow least instructions of including some physical exercise in our daily routine. This badly affects us and causes cervical spondylitis. While some of us do follow a regular fitness regime, but most of us don't. How can we deal with this problem of spine pain? Nowadays, ayurvedic treatment for spine problems can be availed much easily.
 Dealing with a Sedentary Lifestyle
Talking about ayurvedic treatment for spine problems, there are certain asana which help us avoid neck pain and give some relief from it. Even some Ayurvedic therapies help us in reducing the severity of spine problems. We must try to effort to keep our joints active at the foremost. The kind of asana are different for each age group. For the age-related pain, the tissue degeneration needs to be taken care of.  Sometimes, there is muscular stiffness of the joints, while sometimes it can be pain gradually giving tingling sensation from neck to arms. Ayurveda is a boon to us who cannot really follow an active fitness program or visit the gym, yet avoid having pain and get very positive spine care results.
 Dealing with Spine Pain
Neck pain treatment in Nagpur with specific Ayurvedic therapies and regularity in their schedules can take care of the spine problems. Njavara kizhi, pizhichil, Kati vasti can help overcome the pain. Ayurveda along with some forms of mild asanas can be effective. For back pain treatment in Nagpur, Ayurvedic healthcare centers like Parijatak Ayurveda have their complete program of therapies along with a healthy diet. Most of the spinal disorders need surgeries, for better movement, but Ayurveda says spinal diseases are treated without any surgical intervention. In a study, it was found that acute traumatic spinal cord injury, may result primarily from injury and may take longer to heal due to secondary reasons like subsequent edema, inflammation, cytokine production, free radical damage, glial scar formation, tissue damage etc. Even surgical procedures, or cell implantation therapy are employed in modern medicine but to no much avail. Ayurvedic intervention may impart complete but gradual recovery by treating secondary injuries. Oral medication administered to the patient includes a combination of extracts of Brihadvatacintamaṇi, Ashwagandhāpowder, Tinospora cordifolia, Muktaśukti andguggulu along with Daśamūla kvātha. Piṇḍasvedana, Mātrā vasti (oil enema) and enema with medicated milk have worked magically for curing spine injury.
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Various studies have been done on bone stem cells implantation with curcumin (the active constituent of turmeric),Withania somnifera (Aśhwagandha) oil, Ghŗita, majjā and honey and several other extracts, which have showed signs of speedy recovery. Panchakarma sessions may offer a good approach to cure many spinal problems.
Therapiesfor Spinal Disorders
According to Ayurveda, spinal diseases arise due to imbalance of the Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas. Parijatak Ayurveda is most widely known to have the spine specialist in Nagpur. The experts saythat ayurvedic treatment for slip disc and other spine ailments can be cured by the Meru Vajreekaranam. Meru Chikitsa which is an ancient Ayurveda procedure, that helps in treating most of the disc problems. Panchakarma treatments like Svedana, Vasti, Kati Vasti, Meru Chikista, Lepan, Agnikarma are followed for spinal diseases. These therapies remove toxins accumulated in your body effectively. Pinda Sweda is a type of Swedana or sweating session with a dough-like material used in a massage; in this therapy, a herbal medicine is chosen according to your health condition. Kati Vasti procedure is very effective for back pain, and lower back pain. It also helps in treating fractures, dislocation, degeneration, and spine tumours. In Sthanika Abhyanga, the spine is massaged with warm herbal oil.
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
Ayurvedic Skin and Hair Treatment by its Type
Ayurveda defines skin and hair types in its own distinctive manner to ensure that the traditional science of skin and hair proves beneficial.
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 Skin Type by Ayurveda
 First let us understand the different skin types according to Ayurveda and how the holistic science of healing provides unique measures of Ayurvedic skin treatment.
 Vata Skin Type
 This type of skin is usually dry and delicate with low thickness staying vulnerable to extreme weather conditions especially dry weather. The best remedies for vata type skin care include:
 ·         Organic milk, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains work to provide internal nutrition and nourishment
·         Luke warm water is an added benefit to vata type skin to help support internal hydration
·         Sweets and juicy fruits also help in internal cleansing
·         A warm oil massage provides a youthful skin
 Pitta Type Skin
 This type of skin is fair, sensitive, soft, and warm with medium thickness. It is susceptible to freckles, moles, rashes, acne, and sunspots. The best remedies for pitta type skin care include:
 ·         Do not use any kind of harsh or synthetic cosmetics
·         Avoid eating hot, fried, and spicy food items
·         Sweets and juicy fruits delivers the required coolness to skin
·         Gentle massage with natural skin care cream leads to cleaning and nourishment
·         Cooking food with spices like fennel and licorice that are cool proves beneficial
·         Try maximum to keep yourself away from sunlight and harmful radiations
 Kapha Type Skin
 Kapha type of skin is oily, soft, and pale with high thickness. It takes longer to age and form wrinkles as compared to vata and pitta type of skin. The best remedies for kapha type skin include:
 ·         Avoid eating fried and sweet foods
·         Ensure to eat food and undergo a daily exercise regime to ensure improved blood circulation
·         Include vegetables and fruits to increase the cleansing effect
·         Warm spices like ginger and black pepper in your daily recipes works to prevent accumulation of  ama
·         Body massage with warm oil also keeps the skin refreshing and nourishing
 Hair Type by Ayurveda
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 Now, let us understand the hair types defined by Ayurveda and how Ayurvedic hair treatment comes into categorization.
 ·         Normal Hair: Natural hair is good with no excessive oil accumulation or dryness. For natural hair regular washing at an interval for four to five days works well. A tulsi shampoo and a hydrating conditioner make hair healthy and shining with ease to manage.
·         Dry Hair: Dry hair is because of deficiency of important hair proteins and vitamins. For dry hair, massage your hair with warm oil at regular intervals followed by shampoos made of herbs like lavender or rosemary. These shampoo along with olive based conditioner work to provide the lost moisture to scalp while making hairs look healthy and shining.
·         Oily Hair: Oily hair is a representation of excessive fat and starch within the body. For oily hair, regular shampoo at an interval of one or two days is essential and that too with herbal formulations like Amla, Shikakai, and Bramhi.
·         Combination Hair: Hair is not dry and needs shampooing and conditioning every few days with herbal extract formulations or protein based shampoo that work to strengthen and nourishes hair.
 Even if get in touch with the best skin specialist in Nagpur or any other city across the country, Ayurveda has the best answer. No doctor irrespective of his or medical field can deny the influence of food, exercise, lifestyle, skin type, and hair type on your skin and hair. If you belong to Nagpur and looking for best skin and hair care packages for long term then you can get through many options for skin treatment packages in Nagpur.
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
Nourish yourself with Ayurveda Skin Treatment
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In ancient India Ayurveda skin care as alternative medicine is an approach to better skin. Ayurveda skin treatment is a way to recover your skin. Ayurveda is about nourishing your body and soul, according to your body’s needs.
Ayurveda approach to care is finding your Ayurveda skin type. Want to nourish your skin with Ayurveda? Then knowing your skin type is essential.
Vata skin is generally dry, thin and delicate to touch. Easily gets dehydrated. Vata skin may age faster and tends to be dry easily.
Pitta skin tends to be fair, sensitive and soft. Pitta skin types tend to be more prone than other skin types. It can flare up in rashes and sunspots.
Kapha skin tends to have all the qualities of water and earth, it can be oily, thick and more tolerant of the sun. kapha skin tends to age slower and form fewer wrinkles than other types of skin.
Treatment with Ayurveda
Ayurveda is the best way to deal with it as it cures the root of skin problem. The ancient curative treatment procedure with yoga, meditation and therapies will be the best to nourish your skin. There are lots of therapies available in Ayurveda for skin care treatment as per your skin type.
·         Darvi lepam skin care treatment- Want radiant skin? A therapy exclusively developed with a combination of haridra khanda and exotic herbs. It is a natural purifying agent that makes your skin smooth.
·         Haritakalepam skin care treatment- This therapy rejuvenates the skin. A therapy which includes leaves from the miracle tree and freshly ground with pavitra sukhoshan jal into an aromatic paste. With a rich of vitamins, proteins and minerals. This lepam provide powerful antioxidants to the skin cells.
·         Kaya lepam skin care treatment- Want to get rid of the wrinkles? An exotic therapy procedure for skin tightening with a unique combination of herbal powders, coconut and almond milk. This wrap eliminates dead skin cells, improves the complexion and tightens the skin.
·         Honey and Sesame skin care treatment- It is a solution for glowing skin. A gentle and ayurvedic skin treatment with ingredients honey and sesame. It can also help to remove dull skin cells.
·         Neem skin care treatment- Remove tan in a chilled way. A puree of neem leaves is infused with soothing eucalyptus oil, to reduce damage caused by overexposure to the sun, leaving the skin smooth and radiant.
·         Fruit skin care treatment- A fruit fan? Experience the detoxifying and hydrating skin care treatment with fresh organic fruit pulps, cleansers and oil that tone and condition the skin. This skin care wrap will make your skin tight and healthy with a youthful glow and soft skin.
·         Vegetable skin care treatment- A detoxifying skin treatment using antioxidant-rich vegetable pulps with a blend of vegetable extracts to tone and tighten the skin. A combination of these ingredients gives you an amazing glow.
·         Sandalwood skin care treatment- Want soft skin? A treatment with freshly ground sandalwood paste, which is an antibiotic element. It cleans the skin and leaves the skin moisturized with a radiant glow.
Yoga for Skin-
Yoga helps to circulate the blood, tones the muscles and helps you to connect with your breath. Make time for pranayama, respiratory changes affect the skin as well as your moods. If the natural breathing pattern is continuously disrupted as a result of stress, and the skin loses its glow and shine.
Meditation for Skin Care-
Meditation is not only use to reduce stress and strengthens immunity, it can also produce a natural sebum oil on the skin, filled with happy hormones that balance the skin. Meditation will give you moments where you experience yourself as ageless and glowing.
Hair Nourishment with Ayurveda -
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Ayurveda tradition encourages keeping the scalp cool. Bone health also helps to improve hair growth. A hot oil massage helps a lot using coconut, maha bhringraj, amla, reetha, shikakai and aloevera. It helps to improve blood circulation, rejuvenates your hair, which leads to better blood circulation to the roots and helps to grow your hair. Ayurveda hair treatment is an ancient way to reproduce your hair.
1.      Amla
Amla is a natural immunity booster and also the most preferred ingredient for maintaining hair growth. Its high iron, high antioxidants, improve blood circulation around the scalp which stimulates hair growth and also provides relief to dry itchy scalp by reducing dandruff.
2.      Bhringraj
Bhringraj is a natural remedy that has become essential in hair care. Find beauty therapists advising you to massage your scalp with bhringraj oil regularly as it can grow your hair faster. Bhringraj is an herb that grows best in moist areas.
 3.      Shikakai
As we know shikakai is good for hair care. Because of its fantastic hair-cleansing properties, it’s considered a natural alternative to shampoo. Shikakai is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, C, D which can keep hair nourished.
 4.      Reetha
Reetha is another ingredient that has been used for hair care. Reetha is responsible for keeping your hair healthy. It is used as a shampoo also.
 5.      Coconut
Coconuts offer rich antimicrobial and antifungal properties that act as a barrier against hair growth. Coconut milk is also good for hair growth. Coconut gives the best nourishment to your hair.
 6.      Aloevera
Aloevera is an amazing tool for hair growth. Aloevera can also help in curing various scalps problems. Aloevera contain proteolytic enzymes which can repair damaged cells and improve health. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with scalp irritation. It has antifungal properties that can work against dandruff.
 Skin and HairSpecialist-
There are lots of skin specialists in Nagpur, skin specialist for antiaging, skin treatment and hair treatment. Advanced skin and hair laser treatment is also available. Treatment provides you with satisfaction, and it helps to rejuvenate your skin again and also helps to nourish your hair. Skin specialist in Nagpur a lot and they provide you with the best treatment.
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
Depression- A major depressive disorder
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Depression- “A small word but affected a lot”.
Now a day's depression is the most common problem in India or we can say all over the world.
According to a survey- one in five Indians is suffered from mental health issues.
Depression is a mental health disorder specified by an endless depressed mood or loss of interest in activities and suffering from many problems in daily life. Depression is when everything feels too hard, when you feel so low that things you previously enjoyed a lot now no longer hold the same joy. It slowly takes peace and calmness from the person’s life where they forget all the happiness.
So, how can we get rid out of this???
There is a saying- The efforts to do the small things are huge, the pressure to do anything is even bigger.
Yes, here we are talking about Ayurveda. With the help of Ayurveda, you can get rid out of depression. So let see how?
How Ayurveda works in depression
As per the Ayurveda concept, Prana Vayu affects the functioning of the nervous system causes mental imbalance. Hence Ayurvedic treatment for Depression and Anxiety focus on regaining normal functions.
Anxiety- Ayurveda recommends a healthy diet, proper lifestyle, and use lots of herbs to treat Anxiety. When people suffer from anxiety, they may feel that even the simplest daily situation is too much for them.
• Understand that Depression and Anxiety are not your faults.
• Discover positivity towards life.
• Start caring for yourself.
• Understand your inner and outer strength.
There are many ways in Ayurveda to beat depression
1. Abhyangam: Abhyangam therapy increases blood circulation to remove metabolic wastes and harmful toxins from the body. It includes full body massage with medicated herbal oils. It raises the level of physiological or nervous activity, which leads to a reduction in Stress, Anxiety, and Depression. In this therapy, the therapist applies herbal oils over the whole body. This therapy boosts Immunity and leads to preventing Stress and Depression. It is also very effective against Insomnia, Paralysis, Arthritis.
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2. Nasyam: Nasyam is a part of Panchakarma therapy and it includes the administration of medicated oils or drugs through nostrils. This treatment raises the essential center of the brain to overcome problems such as Stress, Anxiety, and Depression. The therapy starts with a facial massage or steam to the face, forehead, ears, and neck. A therapist applies herbal oils and powders through the nasal route, which then spread through the blood circulation and nervous system into the areas present around the nostrils. It unblocks the energy levels and gets rid of Depression, Anxiety, and Headache. Moreover, it boosts your Immune system.
3. Padabhyangam: This Ayurvedic massage involves the stimulation of vital pressure points. This massage promotes mental calmness and relieves Stress and Anxiety. With the help of herbal oils, this leads to an improvement in blood circulation in the lower leg. It also prevents muscle cramps and swelling.
4. Pizhichil:pizhichil treatment includes the squeezing of warm medicated oils to help both physical and mental Stress. The Depression building up in the system due to various factors, which can be effectively reduced by this Ayurvedic depression treatment in Nagpur. Pizhichil rejuvenates the body and boosts the functioning of the nervous system and the immune system. It reduces Tension, Anxiety, Depression.
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
Option For a Miraculous Knee Pain Treatment from Experts
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Knee Pain and its Causes
Knee pain is the pain in knee joints which arises from various reasons. Knee pain can affect us, irrespective of our age. If left uncured, it may get aggravated overuse of muscles, due to exercise, daily walking or any foot injury. Knee pain may result from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, medial meniscus injury in the ligament, or any direct blow to the knee. Home remedies are help in minor knee pain; but if the pain persists, knee care in Ayurveda is an excellent option.
Knee Pain Treatment
Knee pain treatment in Ayurveda has been talked about by many experts. Ayurveda recognizes Vata dosha as the main cause of knee pain. Metabolism disorders increases this vata dosha in joints and contributes to increase in inflammation of knee joints. Ayurvedic therapies for knee pain heal the pain with special herbs and massage therapies. You may be cured of pain slowly yet effectively.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Knee Pain
There are safer and more effective treatment available for knee inflammation and knee ligament treatment in Ayurveda. Extracts from ashwagandha, boswellia, turmeric, guggulu, ginger, triphala, and shatavari are anti-inflammatory with potential healing capacity. While Ashwagandha suppresses pro-inflammatory molecules, boswellia blocks the enzymes, which are associated with inflammation of joints.Turmeric contains curcumin which checks the pro-inflammatory molecules. Guggulu contains guggulosteroids that help in reducing pain. Triphala, mixture of three herbs (amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki) contains anti-inflammatory properties. Shatavari reduces osteoarthritis of knees.
Methods like Abhayangam, Hot-cold compression are a few best known Ayurvedic healers.
·   Hot & Cold Compress: This is an excellent Ayurvedic joint pain treatment with alternate hot and cold compression. The heat compression works to reduce pain and the cold compression reduces the inflammation of the joint.
·   Abhyangam: The full body massage technique using medicated herbal oil is one way to increase blood circulation within the body and in turn pacify vata. This further works to lubricate the joints and empowers easy movement of the knee.
· Kizhi : The procedure using various herbs, sand, and rice tied all together in muslin cloth works to reduce pain and reduce inflammation of the joints.
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Knee Pain Cure
Using a range of these herbs, knee pain treatment in Nagpur has been recognized by many as one of the best knee care centers. The Parijatak Ayurveda in Nagpur has grown as an efficient healing center for knee pain. They are dedicated Ayurveda practitioners who see natural remedies as one of the safest therapeutic ways. For best knee pain cure, talk to the Ayurveda experts at Parijatak Ayurveda.
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
If you have any health issues related to gynecology then ayurvedic treatment for gynecology is the best option. Parijatak is the best place where you get holistic ayurvedic treatment for a number of health related problems. The doctors and support staff here are well qualified and know the intricacies of ayurvedic treatment for gynecological problems.
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
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