droidsplode · 3 months
// hi guys !! im finally back home from greece and will try to be here when ive recovered :3 //
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droidsplode · 3 months
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#DOOMEDWARLOCK: " You're the laughing magician - the one that keeps appearing in my dreams - ! " " You don't tend to wake up screaming, do ya ? "
Lev's non selective JOHN CONSTANTINE from Virtigo Comics, DC Comics and the Sandman Universe. Exclusively comic influenced. Mostly focused on 1988's Hellblazer, Hellblazer: Dead in America and DC's Spirit World.
promo template - character playlist
Basic etiquette is expected: no godmodding, ic is not ooc, etc.
A giant quest onto itself- I haven't consumed every media John has appeared in. Pre established connections and plotting is encouraged. Especially if your muse is from DC or the Sandman universe.
Hellblazer is a british political satire horror comic from the 80s, this means trigger warnings for canon typical gore, a general pessimism about the world, politics and Britishness. Smoking and alcohol abuse will also be present. I will tag these triggers and any other common ones that may arise.
if you decide to unfollow me please (soft)block me
rp memes are the best way to start interacting with me, they are always accepted no matter how long ago I reblogged it.
A foul-mouthed, disillusioned, chain smoking British cinic, John Constantine has had an affinity for magic since his youth. After running away from home as a teenager after a botched curse caused his father to become withered and frail, John eventually made his home in London. Quickly becoming involved in the city's occult circles. From there he made a name for himself for being a powerful sorcerer, one who can solve most problems with only his wit, but also a weirdness magnet. Becoming inevitably linked with forces truly out of his depth.
Though John's age varies across media, for simplicity's sake I will keep it at 43. His usual stomping ground is London, but he travels around very often for various reasons so he can easily be put wherever he needs to be. He's a very easy character to add to other universes.
He is also a relentless flirt, please don't mistake this as me trying to force a ship. If you / your character don't like his advances, feel free to let me / him know ic / ooc. Characters under 25 are too young for him.
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droidsplode · 3 months
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droidsplode · 3 months
send a symbol and i’ll give you a corresponding song for the prompt!
🎼 A song that reminds me of my muse’s vibes
🎶 A song that reminds me of my muse’s backstory
🎧 A song used for writing my muse
🥁 A battle song for my muse
🎭 A sad song for my muse
🎉 A happy song for my muse
📣 A song for when my muse is upset or angry
⚡ A song that my muse would listen to
🎆 A song my muse would sing or dance to
🎺 An instrumental song for my muse
✨ A theme song for my muse
🔊 A leitmotif for my muse
🌠 A song for our muses
🖤 A song for our muses’ ship
🔮 A random song from my muse’s playlist
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droidsplode · 3 months
@nvincbl said: ❛ you look like you've got something to say. ❜
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Robot's attention turns from the unconscious villain to Mark. If there was any irony in his words- considering much of his demeanor is obscured by the drone he's piloting- it flies over his head.
" Invincible ... " He trails off. Struggling to find a delicate way to put his thoughts into words. " Such force was unnecessary . He was ready to surrender ." He finally says. The metallic expression reveals nothing. Though the unrelenting green glare seems to be constantly judging.
" No one would blame you , you know , if you needed more time . "
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droidsplode · 3 months
@vitrumbra said: “ It was too much. ” ( taro !! )
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" I'm sorry you had to go through that . It's over now . " Robot says. Should he be the one comforting them after the attack? This really isn't his area of expertise. He deliberately stays in his drone because he's afraid his actual demeanor and tone of voice would somehow be inappropriate in this moment.
He isn't even really sure what happened. The villain has been reprimanded and dealt with- the reason why they came after Taro entirely unknown to him. " ...Are you hurt ? Do you need medical attention ? "
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droidsplode · 3 months
@feralweapon said: "Were you born heartless or did the job make you like this?"
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Rudy blinks behind the Robot's mask. Taken aback by Logan's sudden bluntness. The unmoving metal expression turns its attention to him (looking down at him- for once). A silent moment passes as he gathers his thoughts. Before he had cured himself he would have agreed - he is just a machine after all. Now, the question does hit. How strange.
" I know it isn't ideal , but I told you ; we couldn't have saved them all . " He reiterates. He had made the calculations in his head. " There was no other way . Sacrificing few for the many . " The robot's monotone voice hides any emotions he may or may not be expressing in the safety of his suit.
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droidsplode · 3 months
// Cory Wxlkers' Robot my beloved //
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droidsplode · 3 months
" I can't imagine it's much different than driving the hover bike . Well , except for the other cars to watch out for , of course ... " He trails off. The hoverbike had been an early invention for the Teen Team. Eve can fly, no problem. But the rest of the team not being able to keep up with her had been a limitation they'd needed to solve. Thus their team's vehicle.
Driving it is not much different than flying on his own.
" Time is pretty much the only thing I had growing up . Video games seemed like a straightforward form of escapism . I played more of them back then too . But I've never been to an arcade physically . " As he explains, he lets his fingers run over the buttons and touchpads. He still isn't quite used to being able to physically feel things. " I know they were very popular when I was young . Well - really young , I mean . You know . "
"I think you'll like driving, when you're tall enough to see past the steering wheel, of course. And that's good, saves me a lot of explaining." She speaks in a light, playful tone of voice. Truth be told, Amanda has grown to enjoy sharing new activities with Rudy. There was a lot of fun to be had in sharing first time experiences with another, and it gave her a new appreciation for the skills she already had. "I figured you'd probably benefit from some low risk hand eye coordination practice. Plus Mario Kart is better when you've got someone else to play with."
Looking back to him, Amanda smiles. "I played more video games back when I actually had free time, but they make for a good outlet for my... frustrations. Arcades are fun though, and no one questions apparent teenagers for hanging out in one."
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droidsplode · 3 months
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Questioning Sentences, Vol. 28
(Questioning sentences from various sources to ask all kinds of muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Have you any idea how ridiculous you sound?"
"Wow! Is this yours?"
"Why did I have to come alone? Are you in love with me?"
"Why do I get a feeling that no isn't an option here?"
"Were you born heartless or did the job make you like this?"
"I'm competing for your attention again, aren't I?"
"Surely it's worth sacrificing a little privacy to feel safe?"
"Why did you marry me?"
"Is that what you think? That I'm in control of this thing?"
"Don't you like parties?"
"How do I know you're not bluffing?"
"I don't believe we've been formally introduced?"
"When's your birthday?"
"Maybe you should tell me what's bothering you?"
"Hey! What say after dinner we go into town? "
"Are you reading my mind again?"
"Is there not going to be a wedding?"
"How can your whole world change, but the neighbourhood you grew up in stays just as you left it?"
"If I help you, then you help me, right?"
"Since when did you have the right to spy on me?"
"Do you find it hard to do your duty?"
"Did you confuse compulsion for freedom?"
"Do you want to sit on the sideline and watch, or do you want to play ball?"
"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"
"Did you know that the government uses psychics?"
"Who are you? I've seen you someplace before."
"I'm a little swamped right now. Can we do lunch another time?"
"Please, just give me a chance?"
"Is this where you warn me that this town isn't big enough for the both of us?"
"What's wrong with you? Have you got a death wish?"
"Can we just enjoy each other's company for a little while?"
"Did you think you could just go on and never once have to look back?"
"Are you like this with all your women?"
"Is it true you were in love with him for years?"
"Did you just colour code the teabags?"
"What's the point in birdwatching if all the birds I want to watch are missing in action?"
"Do you want to say it first or should I?"
"Have you never wondered? Have you never tried to find out?"
"If you don't want to talk about it, why don't you write about it instead?"
"Your daughter, I suppose she talks and eats and everything?"
"I thought you were sleeping?"
"You must be a stone-cold killer, huh?"
"You have barely looked me in the eye. What are you concealing?"
"Have the police been to see you?"
"Promise you'll take me with you?"
"You ever been in some place you couldn't leave but you couldn't stay, both at the same time?"
"What is your opinion of me anyhow?"
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droidsplode · 4 months
what universe have you never even considered writing in, and why?
how did you come across the roleplay community?
have you written original characters?
what other platforms have you used to roleplay?
mun asks
what universe have you never even considered writing in, and why?
Besides obvious ones for Problematic Reasons (big example would be Harry Pctter) I should say is Stxr Wars legends. I know there's some good stuff in there, but I've invested so much time into SW's canon expanded universe that I'd never be able to just erase that knowledge for the sake of an alternative verse I'm not nearly as well versed in.
I think verses like BNHA, while open to writing with individual characters, rping in universes primarily dominated by teens would be weird to me as well tbh.
how did you come across the roleplay community?
I started writing on some random anime forum way back in, i wanna say, 2011? The site also hosted pirated anime and that's how I found it.
have you written original characters?
I have! I used to have a multimuse blog for my dnd pcs back when I rped in the Criticxl Role community, I then rebranded my changeling pc Korruz into an inquisitor Star Wxrs oc later. I stopped rping both them and Luke Skywalker bc of how depressing it was being confronted with just how much people favoured Luke... Trading them both in for Lucky was the obvious choice both because I care a lot more about him now than either, and in terms of popularity he is the same as an original character so I didn't feel that same cynicism towards people willing to rp with him over my actual oc.
what other platforms have you used to roleplay?
I used to be big on facebook back when that was relevant. I switched in my Vampyr days because it had a way more active community here. I've had moments on twitter too. I've considered going back to twitter mostly bc I've seen an Aphra on there but I doubt I'd ever commit to it.
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droidsplode · 4 months
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𝒂 𝒎𝒖𝒏 𝒂𝒔𝒌. 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐩𝐜.
what does your URL mean, and why did you choose it?
what is your blog or graphic aesthetic or motif? why?
what fandom do you primarily favour?
what genre do you primarily favour?
what are your top five fandoms to RP within?
what are you top five universes to RP within?
what universe have you never even considered writing in, and why?
if you are an independent blog, have you every roleplayed in a closed group?
if you are in a closed group, have you ever roleplayed on an independent blog?
what year did you join the tumblr roleplaying community?
what other platforms have you used to roleplay?
what was the first fandom that you roleplayed witin?
have you written original characters?
have you been a roleplay admin? if you have, did you enjoy it? if you no longer do, why did you stop?
what is your favourite part about using this platform to roleplay on?
how have your faceclaim choices changed over time?
who was the first faceclaim that was 'ruined' for you in the rpc? why was that?
how did you come across the roleplay community?
who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who for (canon or original)?
what age range do you most enjoy playing?
what gender identity do you most enjoy playing?
what have you learned by proxy of roleplaying and rp researching?
what skills have you gained by roleplaying?
what faceclaim did you start off disliking, that you ended up enjoying or even playing? how did that come about? (non problematic, a personal preference)
what faceclaim did you start of loving, and now loathe? (non problematic, a personal preference)
what faceclaim do you wish you could play, and why haven't you used them/yet?
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droidsplode · 4 months
" Huh , I see . Ironically you're not the first one I've met with similar abilities ... " He trails off. Compared to his life experience, it's unfathomable. But he also knows it's nothing compared to The Immortal's.
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" Actually - I haven't gotten entirely used to having this body yet at all ... The body I had before ... Things like eating and drinking, even breathing air, it - it's all new to me ." He explains, somewhat embarassed. " I wanted to experience it all , but it gets overwhelming sometimes . "
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“I’mma mutant, pal. It’s one of my… gifts.” Logan's voice is laced with a vast bitterness. He's had plenty of time to live with his mutation. And plenty of time to learn to hate it. “My body heals fast. I’m almost 200 at this point. Stopped countin’ after I hit the 100 mark." A shrug to take the weight from his words. And a low grumble to punctuate the absurdity of it all.
"If yer anything like me, yer gonna need a few beers. Being young gets borin' fast."
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droidsplode · 4 months
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" Oh . Hi , sorry . " He brings his attention to the present. An apologetic smile is offered. " I'm controlling a few of my drones right now . Multitasking comes easy to me but I've been pushing the limits a bit recently . " He zones off again momentarily, then looks to her once more.
" Did you need something ? "
❝ ... ARE YOU OKAY ? ❞
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❝ caught you staring into space again ... ❞ // @droidsplode
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droidsplode · 4 months
Rudy watches him with barely disguised interest. The effects are more effective than he thought they would be. A good thing, of course, though he doesn't know what he would have done if he had accidentally killed Omni-man. " I still have studies to run on your dna ... And while this is already a significant discovery , it'll be more important to find uses for it . " He answers. Realising the situation, he quickly adds. " But for now , yes . Thank you . "
He considers holding a hand out to help him up, but quickly decides not to. Even he can tell Nolan is embarassed. Besides, it would be ridiculous even out of politeness to pretend he could lift him up. So instead he takes a step back to offer him space.
He blinks in confusion at the other's expressed gratefulness. The thought had crossed his mind, of course. But actually enacting it hadn't even been up for consideration in that moment. " I don't execute people , Omni-man . " He says, his arms crossed. " No matter what you did . Killing you wouldn't be in our best interest anyway . If what you say is true about the viltrumites you are probably our best shot at standing any chance against them . You - and Invincible . "
" You have shown your willingness to help us . If you were still planning to take over the earth , you'd have no reason to try and trick us again . I mean , we were defenseless before . Now we've had time to prepare . I'm not stupid , and neither are you . " He pauses then, a moment of silence passes.
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" ... You should rest . You're big and strong and invulnerable , I know - But that looked like it hurt . "
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when rudy had posed the question of running tests on him, with the goal to better prepare themselves for an imminent viltrumite invasion, he'd been surprised. something about his eagerness gives him an inking that whatever he could glean from observing him up close overrides what sense of danger any other person may feel in the presence of one with the reputation he's gained.
with his back resting against a wall and arms crossed, his mind wanders as eyes fall shut and the sounds become white noise— mulling over the circumstances, and what led him to this point. to offer to potentially become a key part of his previous allegiance's downfall. it feels right to do this, as uncomfortable as it might be to act as a test subject for this in particular. waiting, for the moment his associate happens to pinpoint the frequency that's bound to give him a quite literal headache. in the back of his head he knows that it's a small price to pay.
after a long period of nothing, a sudden pulse of agony that explodes through his head becomes a tremor that runs along his entire body, a shout of distress tearing itself from him before he can process what's happening. he drops like a stone, barely bracing himself on trembling hands and knees. face scrunches in anguish while the noise reverberates through him, all but paralyzed in his spot.
when it subsides, nolan draws in a gasp that sounds like his first breath in weeks. grimacing painfully and groaning, he lifts his head while he tries to shake off the vulnerability etched across his features. his voice is unsteady, as though the wind has been knocked out of him. "it's… going to take a moment to gather myself… i'll be fine." after a beat, he adds, "i think the chemically-enraged kaiju was a much more pleasant experience," though it isn't clear whether he means it in jest.
it's almost humiliating for him to be seen in this state, unused to being so vulnerable— nevermind with his weakness in somebody else's hands— but he reminds himself it's only temporary. the results would be worth it. "i hope that's enough," he admits, a little more composed as he supports himself on one knee. hand raises to hold the side of his head, cradling where the ache has yet to fully subside.
"and… thank you, for stopping it. i know if i were in your position it may have been… tempting not to." though he has a feeling he would not wish to lose an asset for vital research, he wouldn't begrudge anyone for deciding that it'd be safer to take him out of the equation entirely.
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droidsplode · 4 months
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// comic Robot and show Robot ... //
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droidsplode · 4 months
Rudy looks up from where he was hunched over half mended metal when he hears Amanda's voice. The welding goggles covering his eyes sit akwardly on his face, even the smallest ones in the grade he needs are too large for him. He lifts them, pushing ginger hair back. " Ah , Amanda . Well - " He pushes his chair away from the table he had been working on, bringing the battle damaged drone into view. " It isn't too urgent I suppose . I have others . " He glances at one of his Robots, currently typing away at a console on the other side of the room. " Having it laying around unfixed was starting to bother me while I was working on something else , so ... " He trails off.
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After a moment's pause he raises from his chair and takes the goggles off entirely. He hits a button on the welding tool he had been using. " It can wait . What did you need ? "
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She never has a particularly difficult time locating Rudy. Usually, if Amanda just wandered around Guardians headquarters, their paths would inevitably cross. More often than not, he was perched in front of some sort of project. And while she found his dedication to be admirable, it could easily be just as much worrisome.
"Hey, smart stuff," She greets upon entering the room. Approaching his workspace, Amanda leans against the side of his chair to steal a look at his ongoing assignment. "Can I ask you how urgent this project is? I wanna steal you for something."
@droidsplode liked for a micro mini starter !!
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